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Subject From Date Size
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73915 [NEW]: Erro de tradu癟瓊o php-bugs 12/01/2017 08:24 AM 1KB
   Doc #73915 [Opn]: Translation error en -> pt_BR php-bugs 12/01/2017 08:30 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73905 [NEW]: operand problem php-bugs 10/01/2017 07:58 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73895 [NEW]: Missing format variation php-bugs 09/01/2017 06:33 PM 1KB
   Doc #73895 [Opn->Nab]: Missing format variation requinix 09/01/2017 06:48 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73892 [NEW]: Error handler example is kind of misleading php-bugs 09/01/2017 10:05 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73890 [NEW]: 404 Links in Litespeed README php-bugs 09/01/2017 04:12 AM 1KB
   Doc #73890 [Opn->Csd]: 404 Links in Litespeed README krakjoe 09/01/2017 04:46 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73857 [NEW]: Y2038 issue with getTimestamp and setTimestamp, with alternative php-bugs 04/01/2017 03:42 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73839 [NEW]: suggestion to improve clarity of functions to use for queue / stack behavior php-bugs 30/12/2016 05:26 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73815 [NEW]: bug in compare with == php-bugs 26/12/2016 07:34 PM 1KB
   Doc #73815 [Opn->Nab]: bug in compare with == jhdxr 27/12/2016 12:37 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73814 [NEW]: Possible copypaste bug php-bugs 26/12/2016 05:40 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73802 [NEW]: Operator Precedence php-bugs 22/12/2016 02:59 AM 1KB
   Doc #73802 [Opn->Nab]: Operator Precedence bwoebi 22/12/2016 09:07 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73799 [NEW]: Spelling mistake in documentation php-bugs 21/12/2016 09:43 PM 1KB
   Doc #73799 [Opn->Csd]: [RU] Spelling mistake in documentation rjhdby 22/12/2016 02:55 AM 1KB
   Doc #73799 [Csd]: [RU] Spelling mistake in documentation php-bugs 22/12/2016 04:57 AM 1KB
   Doc #73799 [Csd]: [RU] Spelling mistake in documentation php-bugs 22/12/2016 05:00 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73798 [NEW]: Error in the documentation php-bugs 21/12/2016 06:41 PM 1KB
   Doc #73798 [Opn->Ver]: Error in the documentation cmb 21/12/2016 07:38 PM 1KB
   Doc #73798 [Ver->Csd]: Badly worded example output php-bugs 21/12/2016 07:54 PM 1KB
   Doc #73798 [Csd->ReO]: Badly worded example output cmb 21/12/2016 10:19 PM 1KB
   Doc #73798 [ReO->Ver]: Badly worded example output cmb 07/01/2017 10:56 PM 1KB
   Doc #73798 [Ver->Csd]: Badly worded example output cmb 07/01/2017 10:58 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #73787 [NEW]: strftime %k documentation self-contradicts php-bugs 19/12/2016 09:20 PM 1KB
   Bug->Doc #73787 [Opn->Ver]: strftime %k documentation self-contradicts cmb 19/12/2016 09:33 PM 1KB
   Doc #73787 [Ver->Csd]: strftime %k documentation self-contradicts cmb 19/12/2016 09:57 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73784 [NEW]: No documentation for pcntl_async_signals php-bugs 19/12/2016 06:42 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73779 [NEW]: typo with different semantics on visibility page php-bugs 18/12/2016 05:07 PM 1KB
   Doc #73779 [Opn->Ver]: typo with different semantics on visibility page cmb 19/12/2016 11:31 PM 1KB
   Doc #73779 [Ver->Csd]: typo with different semantics on visibility page cmb 20/12/2016 12:55 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73776 [NEW]: Possible error php-bugs 18/12/2016 12:12 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73775 [NEW]: Possible bug php-bugs 17/12/2016 11:41 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73774 [NEW]: typo php-bugs 17/12/2016 10:06 PM 1KB
   Doc #73774 [Opn->Ver]: typo cmb 17/12/2016 10:52 PM 1KB
   Doc #73774 [Ver->Csd]: typo cmb 17/12/2016 10:58 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73772 [NEW]: documentstion error php-bugs 17/12/2016 07:05 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73771 [NEW]: Wrong "return values" section php-bugs 17/12/2016 05:49 PM 1KB
   Doc #73771 [Opn]: Wrong "return values" section requinix 17/12/2016 07:43 PM 1KB
   Doc #73771 [Com]: Wrong "return values" section php-bugs 18/12/2016 02:20 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73770 [NEW]: Truth table errors php-bugs 17/12/2016 05:12 PM 1KB
   Doc #73770 [Opn]: Truth table errors requinix 17/12/2016 07:41 PM 1KB
   Doc #73770 [Com]: Truth table errors php-bugs 18/12/2016 02:19 AM 1KB
   Doc #73770 [Com]: Truth table errors php-bugs 18/12/2016 03:21 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73765 [NEW]: Europe/Budapest gives Error php-bugs 17/12/2016 05:23 AM 1KB
   Doc #73765 [Opn->Fbk]: Europe/Budapest gives Error cmb 17/12/2016 07:34 AM 1KB
   Doc #73765 [Fbk->Asn]: Europe/Budapest gives Error php-bugs 17/12/2016 06:32 PM 1KB
   Doc #73765 [Asn->Fbk]: Europe/Budapest gives Error cmb 17/12/2016 10:44 PM 1KB
   Doc #73765 [Fbk->Asn]: Europe/Budapest gives Error php-bugs 18/12/2016 04:31 PM 1KB
   Doc #73765 [Asn->Fbk]: Europe/Budapest gives Error cmb 18/12/2016 06:32 PM 1KB
   Doc #73765 [Fbk->Csd]: Europe/Budapest gives Error php-bugs 19/12/2016 04:58 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73760 [NEW]: openssl_open has 6 parameters and only 5 are mentioned php-bugs 16/12/2016 11:34 PM 1KB
   Doc #73760 [Opn->Ana]: openssl_open has 6 parameters and only 5 are mentioned cmb 17/12/2016 12:21 AM 1KB
   Doc #73760 [Com]: openssl_open has 6 parameters and only 5 are mentioned php-bugs 26/12/2016 02:53 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73752 [NEW]: MySQLi functions can not be searched php-bugs 16/12/2016 02:51 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73750 [NEW]: Additions to documentation on iconv() //TRANSLIT option php-bugs 16/12/2016 12:43 AM 1KB
   Doc #73750 [Asn->Ver]: Additions to documentation on iconv() //TRANSLIT option cmb 07/01/2017 10:48 PM 1KB
   Doc #73750 [Ver->Csd]: Additions to documentation on iconv() //TRANSLIT option cmb 07/01/2017 10:50 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73749 [NEW]: The page title should not be translated php-bugs 15/12/2016 10:50 PM 1KB
   Doc #73749 [Opn->Ver]: [RU] The page title for session_cache_limiter should not be translated requinix 15/12/2016 11:04 PM 1KB
   Doc #73749 [Ver->Csd]: [RU] The page title for session_cache_limiter should not be translated rjhdby 17/12/2016 07:54 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73736 [NEW]: Documentation should say "memcached sasl support is enabled by default" php-bugs 14/12/2016 06:33 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73734 [NEW]: mcrypt_get_iv_size is deprecated php-bugs 13/12/2016 09:18 PM 1KB
   Doc #73734 [Opn->Ver]: mcrypt is deprecated cmb 13/12/2016 10:32 PM 1KB
   Doc #73734 [Ver->Csd]: mcrypt is deprecated cmb 14/12/2016 06:57 PM 1KB
   Doc #73734 [Csd->ReO]: mcrypt is deprecated cmb 14/12/2016 10:07 PM 1KB
   Doc #73734 [ReO]: mcrypt is deprecated leigh 15/12/2016 07:55 AM 1KB
   Doc #73734 [ReO]: mcrypt is deprecated cmb 15/12/2016 09:33 AM 1KB
   Doc #73734 [ReO->Csd]: mcrypt is deprecated cmb 07/01/2017 11:29 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73721 [NEW]: possible error php-bugs 12/12/2016 04:30 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73720 [NEW]: Possible copypaste error php-bugs 12/12/2016 03:52 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73715 [NEW]: Undocumented change in 7.0 of call_user_func + get_object_vars php-bugs 11/12/2016 09:05 AM 1KB
   Doc #73715 [Opn]: Undocumented change in 7.0 of call_user_func + get_object_vars php-bugs 11/12/2016 09:09 AM 1KB
   Doc #73715 [Opn]: Undocumented change in 7.0 of call_user_func + get_object_vars cmb 12/12/2016 12:04 AM 1KB
   Doc #73715 [Opn]: Undocumented change in 7.0 of call_user_func + get_object_vars bwoebi 15/12/2016 11:22 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #73714 [NEW]: Excess english word in Russian Docs php-bugs 11/12/2016 03:06 AM 1KB
   Bug #73714 [Opn->Csd]: [RU] Excess english word in translation rjhdby 17/12/2016 07:56 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73709 [NEW]: preg_match_all PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE documentation incorrect php-bugs 10/12/2016 10:02 PM 1KB
   Doc #73709 [Opn->Ver]: preg_match_all PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE documentation incorrect cmb 11/12/2016 12:17 AM 1KB
   Doc #73709 [Ver->Csd]: preg_match_all PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE documentation incorrect cmb 11/12/2016 12:29 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73705 [NEW]: Skalar Type Hints missing in german doc php-bugs 09/12/2016 11:42 PM 1KB
   Doc #73705 [Opn->Ver]: [DE] Skalar Type Hints missing in translation cmb 10/12/2016 12:08 AM 1KB
   Doc #73705 [Ver->Csd]: [DE] Skalar Type Hints missing in translation cmb 10/12/2016 07:41 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #73702 [NEW]: get_resource_type returns NULL instead of false php-bugs 09/12/2016 10:21 PM 1KB
   Bug #73702 [Opn]: get_resource_type returns NULL instead of false cmb 10/12/2016 07:16 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73698 [NEW]: It's hard to find standard PHP library functions in Function Reference php-bugs 09/12/2016 03:56 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73697 [NEW]: SplHeap __construct method wrong modifier php-bugs 09/12/2016 03:19 PM 1KB
   Doc #73697 [Opn->Nab]: SplHeap __construct method wrong modifier requinix 09/12/2016 03:31 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Req #73685 [NEW]: wrong-note: define is slow php-bugs 08/12/2016 09:27 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73681 [NEW]: Incorrect description for PHP 7 and higher php-bugs 08/12/2016 11:03 AM 1KB
   Doc #73681 [Opn->Ver]: Incorrect description for PHP 7 and higher cmb 08/12/2016 07:43 PM 1KB
   Doc #73681 [Ver->Csd]: Incorrect description for PHP 7 and higher cmb 08/12/2016 09:10 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #73675 [NEW]: mysqli_warning constructor php-bugs 07/12/2016 10:53 PM 1KB
   Bug->Doc #73675 [Opn]: mysqli_warning constructor php-bugs 07/12/2016 10:54 PM 1KB
   Doc #73675 [Com]: mysqli_warning constructor php-bugs 07/12/2016 10:55 PM 1KB
   Doc #73675 [Opn]: mysqli_warning class is undocumented requinix 07/12/2016 11:00 PM 1KB
   Doc #73675 [Opn->Ver]: mysqli_warning class is undocumented cmb 07/12/2016 11:49 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73666 [NEW]: Inaccurate information on french documentation php-bugs 06/12/2016 06:21 PM 1KB
   Doc #73666 [Opn->Csd]: [FR] Inaccurate information in translation pierrick 15/12/2016 12:49 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73661 [NEW]: Closure support not mentioned php-bugs 06/12/2016 03:54 AM 1KB
   Doc #73661 [Opn->Ver]: Closure support not mentioned cmb 06/12/2016 08:03 PM 1KB
   Doc #73661 [Ver]: Closure support not mentioned cmb 07/12/2016 11:21 PM 1KB
   Doc #73661 [Ver->Csd]: Closure support not mentioned cmb 07/12/2016 11:37 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #73656 [NEW]: Spoofchecker::isSuspicious output in manual incorrect php-bugs 05/12/2016 11:33 PM 1KB
   Bug->Doc #73656 [Opn]: Spoofchecker::isSuspicious output in manual incorrect requinix 06/12/2016 12:30 AM 1KB
   Doc #73656 [Opn]: Spoofchecker::isSuspicious output in manual incorrect requinix 06/12/2016 12:33 AM 1KB
   Doc #73656 [Opn->Csd]: Spoofchecker::isSuspicious output in manual incorrect cmb 06/12/2016 01:12 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73642 [NEW]: ftp_mkdir make an error if fodler exist php-bugs 02/12/2016 06:34 PM 1KB
   Doc #73642 [Opn->Fbk]: ftp_mkdir make an error if fodler exist requinix 02/12/2016 07:16 PM 1KB
   Doc #73642 [Fbk->Opn]: ftp_mkdir make an error if fodler exist php-bugs 04/12/2016 10:02 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73627 [NEW]: pman is out of date php-bugs 30/11/2016 10:08 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73626 [NEW]: Possible example error for INTL extension php-bugs 30/11/2016 07:20 PM 1KB
   Doc #73626 [Opn->Ver]: Example error for INTL extension cmb 30/11/2016 07:25 PM 1KB
   Doc #73626 [Ver->Csd]: Example error for INTL extension cmb 30/11/2016 07:35 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73624 [NEW]: Wrong spanish translation in getrusage php-bugs 30/11/2016 06:37 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73623 [NEW]: Example mentions deprecated PHP 4 OO naming style for constructors php-bugs 30/11/2016 06:11 PM 1KB
   Doc #73623 [Opn->Ver]: Example mentions deprecated PHP 4 OO naming style for constructors cmb 30/11/2016 07:29 PM 1KB
   Doc #73623 [Ver->Csd]: Example mentions deprecated PHP 4 OO naming style for constructors cmb 30/11/2016 07:42 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73620 [NEW]: "Driver MongoDB (stable et support矇)" au mauvais endroit php-bugs 30/11/2016 03:29 PM 1KB
   Doc #73620 [Opn->Csd]: [FR] "Driver MongoDB (stable et support矇)" au mauvais endroit pierrick 15/12/2016 12:31 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73611 [NEW]: Incorrect result for example #3 php-bugs 26/11/2016 02:21 PM 1KB
   Doc #73611 [Opn->Ver]: [RU] Incorrect result for example #3 cmb 26/11/2016 08:56 PM 1KB
   Doc #73611 [Ver->Csd]: [RU] Incorrect result for example #3 rjhdby 27/11/2016 05:38 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #73593 [NEW]: constant visibility needs to be documented php-bugs 24/11/2016 12:27 AM 1KB
   Bug #73593 [Opn->Ver]: constant visibility needs to be documented cmb 24/11/2016 02:16 AM 1KB
   Doc #73593 [Ver->Csd]: constant visibility needs to be documented cmb 26/11/2016 07:10 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73591 [NEW]: No English page for Windows Extensions php-bugs 23/11/2016 11:00 PM 1KB
   Doc #73591 [Opn->Nab]: No English page for Windows Extensions cmb 24/11/2016 01:22 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73587 [NEW]: Sample on the russian version of imagemagic.getimagegeometry is irrelevant php-bugs 23/11/2016 04:36 PM 1KB
   Doc #73587 [Opn->Ver]: Sample of imagemagic::getimagegeometry is irrelevant cmb 23/11/2016 06:50 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73579 [NEW]: Wrong example #2 initialization php-bugs 22/11/2016 06:29 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73572 [NEW]: class_exists�賣㺭�����:class_name�箏�憭批��� php-bugs 21/11/2016 05:57 PM 1KB
   Doc #73572 [Opn->Csd]: [ZH] class_exists�賣㺭�����:class_name�箏�憭批��� jhdxr 23/11/2016 02:18 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73557 [NEW]: Typo error php-bugs 18/11/2016 04:12 AM 1KB
   Doc #73557 [Opn->Nab]: Typo error requinix 18/11/2016 04:17 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73551 [NEW]: new DateTime() with microsec is BC php-bugs 17/11/2016 03:30 PM 1KB
   Doc #73551 [Opn]: DateTime with improved microsec BC change not documented in 7.1 migration guide requinix 17/11/2016 03:49 PM 1KB
   Doc #73551 [Com]: DateTime with improved microsec BC change not documented in 7.1 migration guide php-bugs 17/11/2016 04:45 PM 1KB
   Doc #73551 [Opn->Ver]: DateTime with improved microsec BC change not documented in 7.1 migration guide cmb 18/11/2016 06:51 PM 1KB
   Doc #73551 [Ver->Csd]: DateTime with improved microsec BC change not documented in 7.1 migration guide cmb 18/11/2016 07:09 PM 1KB
   Doc #73551 [Csd->Ver]: DateTime with improved microsec BC change not documented in 7.1 migration guide krakjoe 18/11/2016 07:10 PM 1KB
   Doc #73551 [Ver->Csd]: DateTime with improved microsec BC change not documented in 7.1 migration guide cmb 18/11/2016 07:11 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73547 [NEW]: qwertyuiop php-bugs 17/11/2016 05:42 AM 1KB
   Doc #73547 [Opn->Spm]: qwertyuiop salathe 17/11/2016 06:43 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73544 [NEW]: 'persist' option causes Fatal Error in new PHP versions php-bugs 17/11/2016 01:00 AM 1KB
   Doc #73544 [Opn->Csd]: 'persist' option causes Fatal Error in new PHP versions php-bugs 17/11/2016 01:03 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73531 [NEW]: Google result for "Parent" on is not found php-bugs 16/11/2016 04:10 AM 1KB
   Doc #73531 [Opn]: Google result for "Parent" on is not found philip 16/11/2016 12:08 PM 1KB
   Doc #73531 [Opn]: Google result for "Parent" on is not found cmb 16/11/2016 06:17 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73525 [NEW]: Not all JSON_ERROR_* constants are documented php-bugs 15/11/2016 05:40 PM 1KB
   Doc #73525 [Opn->Ver]: Not all JSON_ERROR_* constants are documented cmb 15/11/2016 07:41 PM 1KB
   Doc #73525 [Ver->Csd]: Not all JSON_ERROR_* constants are documented cmb 15/11/2016 07:57 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73520 [NEW]: Domain registration expired on php-bugs 15/11/2016 09:04 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73519 [NEW]: Confusing|Contradicting version requirements in Online Documentation php-bugs 15/11/2016 08:12 AM 1KB
   Doc #73519 [Opn->Nab]: Confusing|Contradicting version requirements in Online Documentation requinix 15/11/2016 01:02 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #73503 [NEW]: Missing entry in the migration guide php-bugs 12/11/2016 04:52 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73502 [NEW]: bug in documentation php-bugs 12/11/2016 07:09 AM 1KB
   Doc #73502 [Opn->Nab]: [FR] bug in documentation pierrick 25/11/2016 04:50 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73499 [NEW]: Document needs updating php-bugs 11/11/2016 10:53 PM 1KB
   Doc #73499 [Opn->Nab]: Document needs updating requinix 11/11/2016 10:55 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73482 [NEW]: wrong translation php-bugs 09/11/2016 05:20 AM 1KB
   Doc #73482 [Opn->Ver]: [PL] array_search: failure return values for PHP <4.2 backwards requinix 09/11/2016 06:48 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73472 [NEW]: Missing (extended) documentation how to use filters on the query php-bugs 07/11/2016 04:50 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73458 [NEW]: German signature algos outdated php-bugs 04/11/2016 10:29 PM 1KB
   Doc #73458 [Opn->Ver]: [DE] signature algos outdated cmb 04/11/2016 11:00 PM 1KB
   Doc #73458 [Ver]: [DE] signature algos outdated cmb 04/11/2016 11:36 PM 1KB
   Doc #73458 [Ver->Csd]: [DE] signature algos outdated cmb 04/11/2016 11:36 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #73446 [NEW]: docgen fails with namespaced extensions php-bugs 03/11/2016 02:41 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73443 [NEW]: idn_to_ascii wrong returned value php-bugs 02/11/2016 10:09 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73441 [NEW]: PHP 7.0.8-0ubuntu0.16.04.3 php-bugs 02/11/2016 03:30 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73422 [NEW]: City names to change php-bugs 30/10/2016 11:25 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73420 [NEW]: unsemicoloned expressions vs statements php-bugs 30/10/2016 09:31 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73409 [NEW]: php-bugs 28/10/2016 04:26 PM 1KB
   Doc #73409 [Opn->Ver]: Bug in session_gc's example #2 requinix 28/10/2016 04:42 PM 1KB
   Doc #73409 [Ver->Csd]: Bug in session_gc's example #2 cmb 28/10/2016 05:40 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73404 [NEW]: [RU] Typo in translation php-bugs 27/10/2016 10:35 PM 1KB
   Doc #73404 [Opn->Csd]: [RU] Typo in translation rjhdby 07/11/2016 02:07 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73403 [NEW]: [RU] Typo in the example php-bugs 27/10/2016 10:22 PM 1KB
   Doc #73403 [Opn->Csd]: [RU] Typo in the example rjhdby 07/11/2016 02:09 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73401 [NEW]: document link broken php-bugs 27/10/2016 07:39 PM 1KB
   Doc #73401 [Opn]: document link broken cmb 27/10/2016 08:44 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73387 [NEW]: Imagick::compareImages return type mismatch php-bugs 25/10/2016 08:37 PM 1KB
   Doc #73387 [Opn->Ver]: Imagick::compareImages return type mismatch cmb 25/10/2016 10:49 PM 1KB
   Doc #73387 [Ver->Csd]: Imagick::compareImages return type mismatch kalle 26/10/2016 05:15 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73365 [NEW]: Replace commas with dots in example snippet php-bugs 21/10/2016 09:41 PM 1KB
   Doc #73365 [Opn->Nab]: Replace commas with dots in example snippet requinix 21/10/2016 09:43 PM 1KB
   Doc #73365 [Nab]: Replace commas with dots in example snippet php-bugs 21/10/2016 09:46 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73355 [NEW]: grammar mistake php-bugs 20/10/2016 08:36 PM 1KB
   Doc #73355 [Opn->Csd]: [RU] grammar mistake rjhdby 07/11/2016 02:16 AM 1KB
Doc #64199 [Com]: PHP Notice: Unknown: Sequence out of range (errflg=2) in Unknown on line 0 php-bugs 19/10/2016 07:46 PM 1KB
Doc #73267 [Com]: Order by callback changed php-bugs 21/10/2016 07:28 AM 1KB
Bug->Doc #73343 [Ver]: extra call to read in session_regenerate_id in custom session handler yohgaki 26/10/2016 02:28 AM 1KB
   Doc #73343 [Ver->Nab]: extra call to read in session_regenerate_id in custom session handler yohgaki 26/10/2016 02:59 AM 1KB
   Doc #73343 [Nab]: extra call to read in session_regenerate_id in custom session handler yohgaki 26/10/2016 03:14 AM 1KB
   Doc #73343 [Com]: extra call to read in session_regenerate_id in custom session handler php-bugs 26/10/2016 04:03 AM 1KB
   Doc #73343 [Nab]: extra call to read in session_regenerate_id in custom session handler yohgaki 26/10/2016 08:32 AM 1KB
Doc #73227 [Com]: Doccumentation unclarity. php-bugs 02/11/2016 09:35 PM 1KB
   Doc #73227 [Opn->Nab]: Doccumentation unclarity. peehaa 29/11/2016 02:27 AM 1KB
Bug #73461 [Asn]: Segfault when always regenerating session id from read handler [PHP 7 only] yohgaki 06/11/2016 01:30 AM 1KB
   Bug #73461 [Asn]: Segfault when always regenerating session id from read handler [PHP 7 only] yohgaki 06/11/2016 05:26 AM 1KB
   Bug #73461 [Com]: Segfault when always regenerating session id from read handler [PHP 7 only] php-bugs 08/11/2016 04:31 AM 1KB
   Bug #73461 [Asn]: Segfault when always regenerating session id from read handler [PHP 7 only] yohgaki 08/11/2016 07:17 AM 1KB
   Bug #73461 [Asn->Csd]: Segfault when always regenerating session id from read handler [PHP 7 only] krakjoe 16/11/2016 01:14 PM 1KB
Doc #73309 [Opn->Csd]: [RU] getmypid() - wrong translation rjhdby 07/11/2016 02:20 AM 1KB
Doc #73196 [Opn->Csd]: [RU] Incorrect translation of the gmp_add function parameter description rjhdby 07/11/2016 02:27 AM 1KB
Doc #73146 [Opn->Csd]: [RU] Typo in the example rjhdby 07/11/2016 02:36 AM 1KB
   Doc #73146 [Csd]: [RU] Typo in the example php-bugs 07/11/2016 03:31 AM 1KB
Doc #73083 [Opn->Csd]: [RU] Misprint (郋郈迮�訄�郕訄) rjhdby 07/11/2016 02:38 AM 1KB
Doc #73129 [Opn->Csd]: [RU] Wrong translation of strip_tags() docs rjhdby 07/11/2016 02:39 AM 1KB
Doc #72942 [Ver->Csd]: [RU] curl_setopt description for CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE missing values rjhdby 07/11/2016 02:42 AM 1KB
Doc #72843 [Opn->Csd]: [RU] is_numeric does not accept hex, binary in PHP 7+ rjhdby 07/11/2016 02:43 AM 1KB
Doc #72591 [Opn->Csd]: [RU] Wrong description for locale setting in function setlocale rjhdby 07/11/2016 02:44 AM 1KB
Doc #72566 [Opn->Csd]: [RU] Wrong translation for NATCASESORT() description rjhdby 07/11/2016 02:46 AM 1KB
Doc #72370 [Opn->Csd]: [RU] A typo in the word rjhdby 07/11/2016 02:47 AM 1KB
Doc #72273 [Opn->Csd]: [RU] Wrong translation rjhdby 07/11/2016 02:51 AM 1KB
Doc #71789 [Opn->Csd]: [RU] translated reversed as reserved rjhdby 07/11/2016 02:52 AM 1KB
Doc #71583 [Opn->Csd]: [RU] Wrong translation of "web browser" rjhdby 07/11/2016 02:52 AM 1KB
Doc #71327 [Opn->Csd]: [RU] No delimiter argument descriptions rjhdby 07/11/2016 02:52 AM 1KB
Doc #69746 [Opn->Csd]: [RU] Error in documentation rjhdby 07/11/2016 02:54 AM 1KB
Doc #69946 [Com]: Beta packages marked as 'stable' php-bugs 09/11/2016 06:45 PM 1KB
   Doc #69946 [Opn->Csd]: Beta packages marked as 'stable' koubel 09/11/2016 06:48 PM 1KB
Doc #69894 [Opn->Csd]: PDO stored procedure out parameters don't work adambaratz 12/11/2016 03:32 AM 1KB
Doc #68136 [Opn->Csd]: list intrinsic starting with the right-most parameter nikic 12/11/2016 05:53 AM 1KB
Bug->Doc #72281 [Asn->Csd]: PaX MPROTECT breaks php cmb 13/11/2016 10:38 PM 1KB
Doc #69342 [Asn->Csd]: usort() still has PHP 4 changelog sobak 14/11/2016 02:33 AM 1KB
Doc #73303 [Com]: Not documented Backward incompatible change related to assert php-bugs 18/11/2016 04:56 AM 1KB
Doc #68072 [Opn->Wfx]: Default value for apc kalle 19/11/2016 04:59 AM 1KB
Doc #39072 [Com]: mysqli_affected_rows has self-conflicting documentation php-bugs 19/11/2016 05:30 AM 1KB
   Doc #39072 [Com]: mysqli_affected_rows has self-conflicting documentation php-bugs 19/11/2016 06:11 AM 1KB
Req->Doc #26566 [Ana]: Why does EXEC() have to use CMD.EXE kalle 19/11/2016 06:21 AM 1KB
Doc #65357 [Opn->Wfx]: get_object_vars behavior changed unexpected after version upgrade from php 5.3 nikic 20/11/2016 01:39 AM 1KB
Doc #66553 [Opn->Ver]: FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL does not accept user@host addresses cmb 22/11/2016 01:04 AM 1KB
   Doc #66553 [Ver->Csd]: FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL does not accept user@host addresses cmb 22/11/2016 01:28 AM 1KB
Bug->Doc #63168 [Ver->Csd]: ADD_CHAR documentation incorrect cmb 23/11/2016 10:02 PM 1KB
Doc #69773 [Opn->Nab]: Fileinfo is unable to load internal MIME database ab 24/11/2016 10:54 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #73605 [Ver]: COM Word.application SaveAs Type conflict php-bugs 26/11/2016 01:30 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #73613 [Opn]: Not warning if length == 0 requinix 27/11/2016 12:46 PM 1KB
   Doc #73613 [Opn]: Not warning if length == 0 nikic 27/11/2016 05:25 PM 1KB
   Doc #73613 [Opn]: Not warning if length == 0 php-bugs 27/11/2016 07:35 PM 1KB
   Doc #73613 [Opn]: Not warning if length == 0 cmb 28/11/2016 06:27 PM 1KB
Doc #65259 [Opn->Csd]: mission option and error codes bukka 28/11/2016 04:19 AM 1KB
Doc #73270 [Asn->Fbk]: php.ini says wrong default settings for arg_separator.output peehaa 29/11/2016 02:59 AM 1KB
   Doc #73270 [Fbk->Csd]: php.ini says wrong default settings for arg_separator.output php-bugs 29/11/2016 04:43 PM 1KB
Doc #72246 [Opn->Csd]: The link pointing to query modifiers actually leads to cursor modifiers peehaa 29/11/2016 04:18 AM 1KB
Bug #62018 [Opn->Fbk]: CHM Manual(with user notes) without tabs cmb 01/12/2016 09:59 PM 1KB
   Bug #62018 [Fbk->NoF]: CHM Manual(with user notes) without tabs php-bugs 11/12/2016 12:22 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #73633 [Opn->Ver]: fourth day {Month} {Year} returning fifth day cmb 01/12/2016 10:19 PM 1KB
   Doc #73633 [Ver->Nab]: fourth day {Month} {Year} returning fifth day salathe 01/12/2016 11:09 PM 1KB
Doc #67929 [Asn]: SessionHandlerInterface::create_sid() is not documented yohgaki 06/12/2016 02:29 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #73670 [Opn]: simplexml_load_string returns `FALSE` but does not set error (for empty strings requinix 07/12/2016 10:15 AM 1KB
Bug->Doc #73669 [Opn->Ver]: iconv_substr not work correctly cmb 07/12/2016 10:27 PM 1KB
   Doc #73669 [Ver]: iconv_substr not work correctly php-bugs 07/12/2016 10:42 PM 1KB
   Doc #73669 [Ver->Csd]: iconv_substr not work correctly cmb 07/12/2016 10:50 PM 1KB
   Doc #73669 [Csd]: iconv_substr not work correctly php-bugs 07/12/2016 10:58 PM 1KB
   Doc #73669 [Csd]: iconv_substr not work correctly cmb 07/12/2016 11:11 PM 1KB
   Doc #73669 [Csd]: iconv_substr not work correctly php-bugs 08/12/2016 09:41 AM 1KB
Doc #73339 [Com]: unable php-bugs 10/12/2016 01:09 PM 1KB
   Doc #73339 [Opn->Sus]: unable kalle 10/01/2017 04:32 PM 1KB
   Doc #73339 [Com]: unable php-bugs 13/01/2017 05:43 AM 1KB
Bug->Doc #73717 [Opn->Ver]: return-types with NULL not handeled properly cmb 12/12/2016 07:52 AM 1KB
   Doc #73717 [Ver]: return-types with NULL not handeled properly php-bugs 12/12/2016 06:33 PM 1KB
   Doc #73717 [Com]: return-types with NULL not handeled properly php-bugs 12/12/2016 06:36 PM 1KB
   Doc #73717 [Ver]: return-types with NULL not handeled properly cmb 12/12/2016 07:58 PM 1KB
   Doc #73717 [Ver]: return-types with NULL not handeled properly php-bugs 12/12/2016 08:10 PM 1KB
   Doc #73717 [Ver]: return-types with NULL not handeled properly cmb 13/12/2016 06:58 AM 1KB
   Doc #73717 [Ver]: return-types with NULL not handeled properly php-bugs 13/12/2016 07:19 AM 1KB
   Doc #73717 [Com]: return-types with NULL not handeled properly php-bugs 13/12/2016 07:22 AM 1KB
   Doc #73717 [Ver]: return-types with NULL not handeled properly php-bugs 13/12/2016 07:26 AM 1KB
   Doc #73717 [Ver]: return-types with NULL not handeled properly cmb 17/12/2016 11:06 PM 1KB
Doc #73084 [Ver->Csd]: [FR] translation of sem_acquire manpage miss the optional paramter pierrick 15/12/2016 12:44 AM 1KB
Doc #67082 [Opn->Csd]: posix_seteuid does not set the real id leigh 15/12/2016 01:33 AM 1KB
Req #51410 [Opn]: Automatic weekly release of 'pman' sobak 15/12/2016 04:51 AM 1KB
Bug #67638 [Opn->Csd]: Unable to fetch stylesheet sobak 15/12/2016 05:42 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #73766 [Nab->ReO]: Reflection return method name as lowercases cmb 17/12/2016 08:52 AM 1KB
   Doc #73766 [ReO]: Reflection return method name as lowercases danack 20/12/2016 10:20 PM 1KB
Doc #27555 [Com]: Unable to modify $_SESSION from __destruct() php-bugs 18/12/2016 06:56 AM 1KB
Doc #61583 [Asn->Wfx]: Imagick extension does not work with relative paths danack 21/12/2016 06:49 AM 1KB
Bug->Doc #73836 [Opn->Ana]: unserialize() with $options['allowed_classes'] = null behaves different cmb 30/12/2016 09:00 AM 1KB
   Doc #73836 [Ana->Csd]: unserialize() with $options['allowed_classes'] = null behaves different cmb 30/12/2016 09:37 PM 1KB
Doc #69117 [Opn->Csd]: CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST: lack of documentation for value 0 cmb 30/12/2016 08:11 PM 1KB
Doc #67358 [Opn->Csd]: Incorrectly referencing "default" context cmb 30/12/2016 08:37 PM 1KB
Doc #73827 [Ver->Csd]: Empty cell translates to what? cmb 30/12/2016 09:47 PM 1KB
Doc #72283 [Opn->Ver]: Invalid example on debug_zval_dump cmb 30/12/2016 11:32 PM 1KB
Doc #44821 [Nab->Csd]: Accessing NULL as an Array does not produce error cmb 31/12/2016 12:00 AM 1KB
Doc #68086 [Opn->Csd]: [DE] SoapClient::__soapCall return value documentation contains wrong info cmb 31/12/2016 12:21 AM 1KB
Doc #69070 [Opn->Csd]: php_pdo_odbc is not included cmb 31/12/2016 12:48 AM 1KB
Doc #71739 [Com]: Parameter passing methods should be clearer php-bugs 31/12/2016 09:11 PM 1KB
   Doc #71739 [Nab->Ver]: Parameter passing methods should be clearer cmb 31/12/2016 10:06 PM 1KB
   Doc #71739 [Com]: Parameter passing methods should be clearer php-bugs 01/01/2017 12:10 AM 1KB
Doc #66894 [Ana->Csd]: Taking old-style-constructor instead of unified one cmb 09/01/2017 12:27 AM 1KB
Doc #50270 [Opn->Wfx]: ldap_start_tls problem heiglandreas 09/01/2017 03:03 PM 1KB
Doc #66839 [Opn->Sus]: Docs list getConstList() for splEnum as static kalle 10/01/2017 04:14 PM 1KB
Doc #63042 [Asn->Sus]: Only one option can be added kalle 10/01/2017 04:22 PM 1KB
Doc #64219 [Asn->Sus]: Hostname and port number not optional for GearmanClient::addServer() kalle 10/01/2017 04:23 PM 1KB
Doc #68322 [Opn->Sus]: GearmanWorker::addServer involves socket I/O, different than documentation kalle 10/01/2017 04:24 PM 1KB
Doc #68487 [Opn->Sus]: blenc_encrypt() expects php source code to not contain any php tags kalle 10/01/2017 04:32 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #51146 [Wfx->ReO]: mcrypt doesn't do OFB mode correctly nikic 11/01/2017 12:30 AM 1KB
Doc #73855 [Opn]: Imagick::textureImage documentation and annotation are wrong krakjoe 11/01/2017 01:02 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #73875 [Ver]: assert() evaluated despite runtime assert_options(ASSERT_ACTIVE, 0); cmb 12/01/2017 08:00 AM 1KB