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Subject From Date Size
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73346 [NEW]: asinh(0) is not NAN php-bugs 19/10/2016 06:29 PM 1KB
   Doc #73346 [Opn->Ver]: asinh(0) is not NAN cmb 19/10/2016 06:32 PM 1KB
   Doc #73346 [Ver->Csd]: asinh(0) is not NAN cmb 19/10/2016 06:39 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73339 [NEW]: unable php-bugs 18/10/2016 11:47 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #73314 [NEW]: Documentation on createFromFormat does not match with date_default_timezone_get php-bugs 13/10/2016 09:47 PM 1KB
   Bug #73314 [Opn->Ver]: Documentation on createFromFormat does not match with date_default_timezone_get cmb 14/10/2016 01:41 AM 1KB
   Bug #73314 [Ver->Csd]: Documentation on createFromFormat does not match with date_default_timezone_get cmb 14/10/2016 05:07 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73309 [NEW]: getmypid() - wrong translation on russian php-bugs 13/10/2016 01:23 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73303 [NEW]: Not documented Backward incompatible change related to assert php-bugs 12/10/2016 11:16 PM 1KB
   Doc #73303 [Opn->Ver]: Not documented Backward incompatible change related to assert cmb 13/10/2016 05:29 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73287 [NEW]: Clone chaining feature php-bugs 11/10/2016 04:15 PM 1KB
   Doc #73287 [Opn->Ver]: Clone chaining feature cmb 11/10/2016 08:36 PM 1KB
   Doc #73287 [Ver->Csd]: Clone chaining feature cmb 11/10/2016 09:01 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73270 [NEW]: php.ini says wrong default settings for arg_separator.output php-bugs 09/10/2016 07:55 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #73267 [NEW]: Order by callback changed php-bugs 08/10/2016 05:21 AM 1KB
   Bug->Doc #73267 [Opn]: Order by callback changed cmb 08/10/2016 05:10 PM 1KB
   Doc #73267 [Asn->Csd]: Order by callback changed cmb 08/10/2016 05:12 PM 1KB
   Doc #73267 [Com]: Order by callback changed php-bugs 08/10/2016 11:23 PM 1KB
   Doc #73267 [Csd]: Order by callback changed cmb 18/10/2016 10:58 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73259 [NEW]: Documentation for interfaces doesn't mention LSP php-bugs 06/10/2016 11:30 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73256 [NEW]: Missing documented return vaue for array_sum([]) php-bugs 06/10/2016 05:05 PM 1KB
   Doc #73256 [Opn->Ver]: Missing documented return vaue for array_sum([]) cmb 06/10/2016 05:30 PM 1KB
   Doc #73256 [Ver->Csd]: Missing documented return vaue for array_sum([]) cmb 06/10/2016 05:57 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73227 [NEW]: Doccumentation unclarity. php-bugs 02/10/2016 07:04 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73222 [NEW]: APCUIterator::__construct is still apc info php-bugs 02/10/2016 12:46 PM 1KB
   Doc #73222 [Opn]: APCUIterator::__construct is still apc info cmb 02/10/2016 04:37 PM 1KB
   Doc #73222 [Com]: APCUIterator::__construct is still apc info php-bugs 02/10/2016 11:07 PM 1KB
   Doc #73222 [Opn->Csd]: APCUIterator::__construct is still apc info cmb 03/10/2016 01:57 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73212 [NEW]: Undocumented parameter "compression type" php-bugs 01/10/2016 12:50 AM 1KB
   Doc #73212 [Opn->Ver]: Undocumented parameter "compression type" cmb 01/10/2016 03:32 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73205 [NEW]: Default value for $length is shown as 0, but it should be null. php-bugs 30/09/2016 09:15 AM 1KB
   Doc #73205 [Opn->Nab]: Default value for $length is shown as 0, but it should be null. cmb 30/09/2016 04:16 PM 1KB
   Doc #73205 [Nab]: Default value for $length is shown as 0, but it should be null. php-bugs 04/10/2016 05:36 PM 1KB
   Doc #73205 [Nab->Ver]: Default value for $length is shown as 0, but it it not cmb 04/10/2016 05:53 PM 1KB
   Doc #73205 [Ver->Csd]: Default value for $length is shown as 0, but it it not cmb 04/10/2016 06:02 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73197 [NEW]: Missing comparison between mysqlnd and libmysql php-bugs 28/09/2016 11:14 PM 1KB
   Doc #73197 [Opn->Ver]: Missing comparison between mysqlnd and libmysql cmb 29/09/2016 12:11 AM 1KB
   Doc #73197 [Ver->Csd]: Missing comparison between mysqlnd and libmysql cmb 29/09/2016 12:27 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73196 [NEW]: Incorrect translation of the gmp_add function parameter description php-bugs 28/09/2016 09:38 PM 1KB
   Doc #73196 [Opn]: [RU] Incorrect translation of the gmp_add function parameter description cmb 28/09/2016 09:54 PM 1KB
   Doc #73196 [Com]: [RU] Incorrect translation of the gmp_add function parameter description php-bugs 28/09/2016 11:43 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73194 [NEW]: Missing arguments throw ArgumentCountError since 7.1.0RC1 php-bugs 28/09/2016 05:30 PM 1KB
   Doc #73194 [Opn->Csd]: Missing arguments throw ArgumentCountError since 7.1.0RC1 cmb 28/09/2016 10:01 PM 1KB
   Doc #73194 [Com]: Missing arguments throw ArgumentCountError since 7.1.0RC1 php-bugs 02/10/2016 04:29 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73184 [NEW]: wrong link on page php-bugs 27/09/2016 08:56 PM 1KB
   Doc #73184 [Opn->Ver]: wrong link on page cmb 27/09/2016 09:10 PM 1KB
   Doc #73184 [Ver->Csd]: wrong link on page cmb 27/09/2016 09:11 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73179 [NEW]: Broken link to the Mozilla LDAP page php-bugs 27/09/2016 05:33 AM 1KB
   Doc #73179 [Opn->Ver]: Broken link to the Mozilla LDAP page cmb 27/09/2016 05:29 PM 1KB
   Doc #73179 [Ver->Csd]: Broken link to the Mozilla LDAP page cmb 27/09/2016 05:33 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73158 [NEW]: fann_create_train_from_callback exist in doc but not in function php-bugs 24/09/2016 07:38 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73146 [NEW]: [RU] Typo in the example php-bugs 23/09/2016 11:25 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73145 [NEW]: The doc says no Dll available, but there is.. php-bugs 23/09/2016 04:03 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73142 [NEW]: php_strip_whitespace does not work on files with short tags php-bugs 22/09/2016 05:51 PM 1KB
   Doc #73142 [Opn]: php_strip_whitespace does not work on files with short tags php-bugs 22/09/2016 05:52 PM 1KB
   Doc #73142 [Opn->Ver]: php_strip_whitespace does not work on files with short tags requinix 22/09/2016 05:57 PM 1KB
   Doc #73142 [Ver]: php_strip_whitespace does not work on files with short tags php-bugs 22/09/2016 06:10 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73132 [NEW]: mb_substr() doesn't always return a string php-bugs 21/09/2016 02:05 AM 1KB
   Doc #73132 [Opn->Nab]: mb_substr() doesn't always return a string cmb 21/09/2016 05:13 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73129 [NEW]: Wrong russian translation of strip_tags() docs php-bugs 20/09/2016 09:45 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73123 [NEW]: Substr documentation is wrong and misleading php-bugs 20/09/2016 06:49 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Req #73117 [NEW]: Documentation for multiple namespaces in one file needs a clarification. php-bugs 20/09/2016 07:53 AM 1KB
   Req->Doc #73117 [Opn]: Documentation for multiple namespaces in one file needs a clarification. php-bugs 20/09/2016 08:20 AM 1KB
   Doc #73117 [Opn->Csd]: Documentation for multiple namespaces in one file needs a clarification. peehaa 20/09/2016 04:28 PM 1KB
   Doc #73117 [Csd]: Documentation for multiple namespaces in one file needs a clarification. php-bugs 20/09/2016 05:30 PM 1KB
   Doc #73117 [Csd]: Documentation for multiple namespaces in one file needs a clarification. php-bugs 20/09/2016 06:02 PM 1KB
   Doc #73117 [Csd]: Documentation for multiple namespaces in one file needs a clarification. php-bugs 20/09/2016 07:59 PM 1KB
   Doc #73117 [Csd]: Documentation for multiple namespaces in one file needs a clarification. peehaa 20/09/2016 10:12 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73102 [NEW]: Version compare is just broken. php-bugs 17/09/2016 06:52 AM 1KB
   Doc #73102 [Com]: Version compare is just broken. php-bugs 17/09/2016 06:54 AM 1KB
   Doc #73102 [Com]: Version compare is just broken. php-bugs 17/09/2016 07:02 AM 1KB
   Doc #73102 [Opn->Nab]: Version compare is just broken. cmb 17/09/2016 05:52 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73101 [NEW]: sybase_connect not available in PHP 7 ? php-bugs 17/09/2016 01:31 AM 1KB
   Doc #73101 [Opn->Ver]: sybase_connect not available in PHP 7 ? cmb 17/09/2016 06:07 PM 1KB
   Doc #73101 [Ver->Csd]: sybase_connect not available in PHP 7 ? cmb 17/09/2016 06:16 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73096 [NEW]: session.gc_lifetime should be session.gc_maxlifetime php-bugs 16/09/2016 06:02 AM 1KB
   Doc #73096 [Opn->Ver]: session.gc_lifetime should be session.gc_maxlifetime cmb 16/09/2016 05:56 PM 1KB
   Doc #73096 [Ver->Csd]: session.gc_lifetime should be session.gc_maxlifetime cmb 16/09/2016 06:11 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73084 [NEW]: Two translations of sem_acquire manpage miss the optional paramter php-bugs 14/09/2016 07:52 PM 1KB
   Doc #73084 [Opn->Ver]: [FR] translation of sem_acquire manpage miss the optional paramter cmb 14/09/2016 08:15 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73083 [NEW]: Misprint (郋郈迮�訄�郕訄) php-bugs 14/09/2016 07:39 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73036 [NEW]: pg_insert() now returns a resource ID instead of boolean php-bugs 07/09/2016 05:08 AM 1KB
   Doc #73036 [Opn->Ver]: pg_insert() now returns a resource ID instead of boolean cmb 13/10/2016 12:23 AM 1KB
   Doc #73036 [Ver->Csd]: pg_insert() now returns a resource ID instead of boolean cmb 13/10/2016 01:12 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73028 [NEW]: udate Missing in Doc for imap_fetch_overview php-bugs 06/09/2016 05:18 PM 1KB
   Doc #73028 [Opn->Ver]: udate Missing in Doc for imap_fetch_overview cmb 06/09/2016 06:48 PM 1KB
   Doc #73028 [Ver->Csd]: udate Missing in Doc for imap_fetch_overview cmb 06/09/2016 06:53 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73026 [NEW]: mirror site is no active php-bugs 06/09/2016 04:17 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73014 [NEW]: Outdated information php-bugs 05/09/2016 08:10 AM 1KB
   Doc #73014 [Opn]: Outdated information php-bugs 05/09/2016 08:13 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #73012 [NEW]: More than 200 years old comments in documentation of php-bugs 05/09/2016 01:35 AM 1KB
   Doc #73012 [Opn->Ver]: More than 200 years old comments in documentation of cmb 05/09/2016 05:12 PM 1KB
   Doc #73012 [Ver]: More than 200 years old comments in documentation of php-bugs 06/09/2016 05:44 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72989 [NEW]: Document IntlChar::NO_NUMERIC_VALUE php-bugs 31/08/2016 06:28 PM 1KB
   Doc #72989 [Opn]: Document IntlChar::NO_NUMERIC_VALUE salathe 31/08/2016 06:30 PM 1KB
   Doc #72989 [Asn->Csd]: Document IntlChar::NO_NUMERIC_VALUE daverandom 31/08/2016 07:56 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #72966 [NEW]: declare(ticks=1) doesn't seem to be impacting files included by a parent file php-bugs 30/08/2016 01:49 AM 1KB
   Bug #72966 [Com]: declare(ticks=1) doesn't seem to be impacting files included by a parent file php-bugs 30/08/2016 02:13 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72962 [NEW]: Missing example in pow() docs php-bugs 29/08/2016 05:50 PM 1KB
   Doc #72962 [Opn->Csd]: Missing example in pow() docs cmb 29/08/2016 08:54 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72949 [NEW]: Is this a typo in this opcache error message? php-bugs 26/08/2016 10:21 PM 1KB
   Doc #72949 [Com]: Is this a typo in this opcache error message? php-bugs 26/08/2016 10:22 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72942 [NEW]: Russian translation bug in function.curl-setopt.php php-bugs 26/08/2016 03:42 AM 1KB
   Doc #72942 [Opn->Ver]: [RU] curl_setopt description for CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE missing values requinix 26/08/2016 04:33 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72921 [NEW]: The characters #& are not correctly displayed in the used font "Fira Sans" php-bugs 22/08/2016 07:43 PM 1KB
   Doc #72921 [Opn->Ver]: The characters #& are not correctly displayed in the used font "Fira Sans" cmb 23/08/2016 06:56 PM 1KB
   Doc #72921 [Ver->Csd]: The characters #& are not correctly displayed in the used font "Fira Sans" cmb 23/08/2016 07:04 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72905 [NEW]: Return value of FALSE on error is not documented php-bugs 20/08/2016 06:58 PM 1KB
   Doc #72905 [Opn->Ver]: Return value of FALSE on error is not documented requinix 20/08/2016 07:11 PM 1KB
   Doc #72905 [Ver->Csd]: Return value of FALSE on error is not documented cmb 20/08/2016 07:58 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72900 [NEW]: stream_copy_to_stream function documentaion is incomplete on return value php-bugs 20/08/2016 12:58 AM 1KB
   Doc #72900 [Opn->Ver]: stream_copy_to_stream() can also return false cmb 20/08/2016 06:35 AM 1KB
   Doc #72900 [Ver->Csd]: stream_copy_to_stream() can also return false cmb 20/08/2016 06:48 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72897 [NEW]: The client to server MAC algorithm list is truncated php-bugs 19/08/2016 09:18 PM 1KB
   Doc #72897 [Opn]: The client to server MAC algorithm list is truncated when I call ssh2_connect php-bugs 19/08/2016 09:19 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72891 [NEW]: sfdsff php-bugs 19/08/2016 02:42 PM 1KB
   Doc #72891 [Opn->Spm]: sfdsff requinix 19/08/2016 02:43 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72890 [NEW]: The description of CURLOPT_MAXCONNECTS is wrong php-bugs 19/08/2016 02:25 PM 1KB
   Doc #72890 [Com]: The description of CURLOPT_MAXCONNECTS is wrong php-bugs 19/08/2016 02:30 PM 1KB
   Doc #72890 [Opn->Ver]: The description of CURLMOPT_MAXCONNECTS is wrong cmb 19/08/2016 04:37 PM 1KB
   Doc #72890 [Ver->Csd]: The description of CURLMOPT_MAXCONNECTS is wrong cmb 19/08/2016 04:49 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72882 [NEW]: trader_ht_phasor and trader_ht_sine expect two parameters, one listed php-bugs 19/08/2016 12:19 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72865 [NEW]: describe difference to echo (with example ideally) php-bugs 17/08/2016 08:48 PM 1KB
   Doc #72865 [Opn]: describe difference to echo (with example ideally) cmb 17/08/2016 09:44 PM 1KB
   Doc #72865 [Asn->Csd]: describe difference to echo (with example ideally) cmb 17/08/2016 09:52 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72855 [NEW]: php php-bugs 16/08/2016 11:23 PM 1KB
   Doc #72855 [Opn->Spm]: php requinix 16/08/2016 11:24 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72845 [NEW]: [TR] is_numeric does not accept hex in PHP 7+ php-bugs 15/08/2016 07:02 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72844 [NEW]: [ES] is_numeric does not accept hex, binary in PHP 7+ php-bugs 15/08/2016 07:01 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72843 [NEW]: [RU] is_numeric does not accept hex, binary in PHP 7+ php-bugs 15/08/2016 07:00 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72842 [NEW]: [KR] is_numeric does not accept hex in PHP 7+ php-bugs 15/08/2016 06:56 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72841 [NEW]: [DE] is_numeric does not accept hex, binary in PHP 7+ php-bugs 15/08/2016 06:54 PM 1KB
   Doc #72841 [Opn->Ver]: [DE] is_numeric does not accept hex, binary in PHP 7+ cmb 15/08/2016 07:56 PM 1KB
   Doc #72841 [Ver->Csd]: [DE] is_numeric does not accept hex, binary in PHP 7+ cmb 15/08/2016 07:58 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72840 [NEW]: [pt_BR] is_numeric does not accept hex in PHP 7+ php-bugs 15/08/2016 06:48 PM 1KB
   Doc #72840 [Opn->Csd]: [pt_BR] is_numeric does not accept hex in PHP 7+ ae 27/09/2016 01:16 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72830 [NEW]: mt_srand documentation php-bugs 14/08/2016 10:10 AM 1KB
   Doc #72830 [Opn->Ver]: mt_srand documentation cmb 15/08/2016 06:25 PM 1KB
   Doc #72830 [Ver->Csd]: mt_srand documentation cmb 15/08/2016 06:40 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72816 [NEW]: x php-bugs 12/08/2016 01:41 AM 1KB
   Doc #72816 [Opn->Spm]: x requinix 12/08/2016 04:13 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72804 [NEW]: docs on rewind explicitly says it must be opened by fopen() php-bugs 10/08/2016 09:25 PM 1KB
   Doc #72804 [Opn]: docs on rewind explicitly says it must be opened by fopen() requinix 11/08/2016 05:13 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72792 [NEW]: spelling of mysql commands php-bugs 09/08/2016 02:30 PM 1KB
   Doc #72792 [Opn->Nab]: spelling of mysql commands requinix 09/08/2016 02:55 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72761 [NEW]: Buggy example php-bugs 05/08/2016 07:10 PM 1KB
   Doc #72761 [Opn->Ver]: Buggy example cmb 05/08/2016 07:54 PM 1KB
   Doc #72761 [Ver]: Buggy example php-bugs 05/08/2016 09:30 PM 1KB
   Doc #72761 [Ver]: Buggy example cmb 05/08/2016 09:37 PM 1KB
   Doc #72761 [Ver->Csd]: Buggy example cmb 05/08/2016 09:44 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #72756 [NEW]: Bug in the revision line of the reference/datetime/examples.xml file? php-bugs 04/08/2016 10:38 PM 1KB
   Bug #72756 [Opn->Csd]: Bug in the revision line of the reference/datetime/examples.xml file? salathe 04/08/2016 11:37 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72741 [NEW]: imagecreatefromxpm() on Windows php-bugs 03/08/2016 12:27 PM 1KB
   Doc #72741 [Opn->Ver]: imagecreatefromxpm() on Windows cmb 03/08/2016 06:08 PM 1KB
   Doc #72741 [Ver]: imagecreatefromxpm() on Windows kalle 03/08/2016 06:11 PM 1KB
   Doc #72741 [Ver->Csd]: imagecreatefromxpm() on Windows cmb 03/08/2016 06:17 PM 1KB
   Doc #72741 [Csd]: imagecreatefromxpm() on Windows cmb 03/08/2016 06:18 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #72739 [NEW]: Sybase documentation (incorrectly?) refers to sybase_ct php-bugs 03/08/2016 05:06 AM 1KB
   Bug->Doc #72739 [Opn]: Sybase documentation (incorrectly?) refers to sybase_ct requinix 03/08/2016 05:54 AM 1KB
   Doc #72739 [Opn->Csd]: Sybase documentation (incorrectly?) refers to sybase_ct cmb 05/08/2016 07:43 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Req #72732 [NEW]: Add "best practices" section to the manual php-bugs 02/08/2016 07:57 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72728 [NEW]: apc.shm_size is not an integer php-bugs 01/08/2016 11:22 PM 1KB
   Doc #72728 [Opn->Ver]: apc.shm_size is not an integer requinix 01/08/2016 11:42 PM 1KB
   Doc #72728 [Ver->Csd]: apc.shm_size is not an integer cmb 02/08/2016 12:18 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72725 [NEW]: Document what are allowed characters for XMLWriter::startElement's name php-bugs 01/08/2016 08:43 PM 1KB
   Doc #72725 [Opn]: Document what are allowed characters for XMLWriter::startElement's name cmb 01/08/2016 09:24 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72699 [NEW]: chop function, php-bugs 28/07/2016 05:01 PM 1KB
   Doc #72699 [Opn->Ver]: rtrim() does not necessarily strip whitespace cmb 28/07/2016 05:11 PM 1KB
   Doc #72699 [Ver->Csd]: rtrim() does not necessarily strip whitespace cmb 03/08/2016 01:23 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72675 [NEW]: Null coalesce operator example has if/else wrong way round php-bugs 26/07/2016 06:04 PM 1KB
   Doc #72675 [Opn->Csd]: Null coalesce operator example has if/else wrong way round cmb 26/07/2016 06:25 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72673 [NEW]: There is no such word in Portuguese: "Destruivel" php-bugs 26/07/2016 12:25 PM 1KB
   Doc #72673 [Opn->Csd]: [PT_BR] There is no such word in Portuguese: "Destruivel" ae 27/09/2016 01:24 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72662 [NEW]: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '(' in C:\ .... php-bugs 24/07/2016 07:35 AM 1KB
   Doc #72662 [Opn]: Anonymous function example 5 relies on PHP 7 syntax requinix 24/07/2016 01:49 PM 1KB
   Doc #72662 [Opn->Csd]: Anonymous function example 5 relies on PHP 7 syntax cmb 24/07/2016 07:23 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72652 [NEW]: Typo php-bugs 23/07/2016 01:15 AM 1KB
   Doc #72652 [Opn->Csd]: Typo cmb 23/07/2016 02:36 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72650 [NEW]: Traduction problem in French for visibility php-bugs 22/07/2016 11:35 PM 1KB
   Doc #72650 [Opn]: [FR] Traduction problem for visibility pierrick 24/07/2016 12:35 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72620 [NEW]: array_map example 3 php-bugs 19/07/2016 09:11 PM 1KB
   Doc #72620 [Opn->Csd]: [ES] array_map example 3 seros 03/08/2016 04:43 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #72609 [NEW]: Insecure example in documentation php-bugs 17/07/2016 11:41 PM 1KB
   Doc #72609 [Opn->Csd]: Insecure example in documentation cmb 18/07/2016 08:37 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #72611 [Opn->Fbk]: CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPALIVE missing requinix 18/07/2016 06:54 AM 1KB
   Doc #72611 [Com]: CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPALIVE missing php-bugs 18/07/2016 11:25 AM 1KB
   Doc #72611 [Fbk->NoF]: CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPALIVE missing php-bugs 31/07/2016 12:22 PM 1KB
   Doc #72611 [NoF->Opn]: CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPALIVE missing requinix 31/07/2016 06:00 PM 1KB
Sec Bug->Doc #72608 [Opn->Dup]: Example on manual page includes a directory traversal attack vulnerability cmb 18/07/2016 08:39 PM 1KB
Doc #72258 [Ana->Csd]: ZipArchive converts filenames to unrecoverable form ab 19/07/2016 05:59 PM 1KB
Doc #67758 [Opn->Ver]: PCRE version notes not up-to-date cmb 21/07/2016 07:50 PM 1KB
   Doc #67758 [Ver->Csd]: PCRE version notes not up-to-date cmb 21/07/2016 08:00 PM 1KB
Doc #71595 [Com]: NS end handler is never called php-bugs 22/07/2016 08:45 PM 1KB
Doc #67077 [Asn->Csd]: Error timezone offset when trying to set the time zone EET cmb 25/07/2016 05:25 PM 1KB
Doc #68102 [Opn->Csd]: Incorrect / misleading description of the ISO-8601 week-numbering year cmb 25/07/2016 11:36 PM 1KB
Doc #71424 [Opn->Csd]: Class \gnupg is not documented, but the \gnupg_*() functions are cmb 26/07/2016 12:48 AM 1KB
Doc #69546 [Opn->Csd]: [FR] Spelling mistake pierrick 27/07/2016 09:12 AM 1KB
Doc #69681 [Opn->Csd]: [FR] Run-time is "ex矇cution", not "compilation" pierrick 27/07/2016 09:22 AM 1KB
Doc #69731 [Opn->Csd]: [FR] array_splice() reference : "il sera transtyp矇 en 1" pierrick 27/07/2016 09:33 AM 1KB
Doc #70524 [Opn->Csd]: [fr] Wrong translation pierrick 27/07/2016 09:46 AM 1KB
Doc #70966 [ReO->Csd]: [FR] It seems that example#1 is wrong pierrick 27/07/2016 09:57 AM 1KB
Doc #72467 [Opn->Csd]: [FR] translation for PHP_ROUND_HALF_{EVEN,ODD} are wrong pierrick 27/07/2016 10:20 AM 1KB
Doc #70181 [Opn->Csd]: Missing information which confuses readers cmb 30/07/2016 08:10 AM 1KB
Req #69321 [Opn]: Please clarify when users should design functions for pass-by-reference cmb 30/07/2016 09:04 AM 1KB
Doc #71505 [Asn->Csd]: Missing documentation about deflate_init() etc. cmb 01/08/2016 11:43 PM 1KB
   Doc #71505 [Csd->ReO]: Missing documentation about deflate_init() etc. cmb 01/08/2016 11:45 PM 1KB
   Doc #71505 [ReO->Csd]: Missing documentation about deflate_init() etc. cmb 01/08/2016 11:54 PM 1KB
Doc #65517 [Opn->Ver]: Directive log.dbm_dir missing documentation cmb 05/08/2016 02:02 AM 1KB
   Doc #65517 [Ver->Csd]: Directive log.dbm_dir missing documentation cmb 05/08/2016 07:16 AM 1KB
Doc #71513 [Opn->Csd]: callback (aka callable) cmb 05/08/2016 07:31 AM 1KB
   Doc #71513 [Com]: callback (aka callable) php-bugs 05/08/2016 03:26 PM 1KB
   Doc #71513 [Csd]: callback (aka callable) cmb 05/08/2016 04:27 PM 1KB
Doc #72793 [Ver->Csd]: xml_parser_free leaks mem when execute xml_set_object cmb 12/08/2016 06:57 PM 1KB
Doc #64200 [Opn->Csd]: Tokyo Cabinet support not mentioned in docs for DBA extension cmb 12/08/2016 09:26 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #72835 [Opn]: Note on min/max's page misleading about string comparisons requinix 15/08/2016 01:48 PM 1KB
   Doc #72835 [Opn]: Note on min/max's page misleading about string comparisons cmb 15/08/2016 06:04 PM 1KB
   Doc #72835 [Asn->Csd]: Note on min/max's page misleading about string comparisons cmb 15/08/2016 06:06 PM 1KB
Sec Bug->Doc #72717 [Opn->Ver]: ftp_ssl_connect doesn't validate certificates cmb 16/08/2016 05:43 PM 1KB
   Doc #72717 [Ver->Csd]: ftp_ssl_connect doesn't validate certificates cmb 16/08/2016 06:23 PM 1KB
Doc #66935 [Asn->Csd]: documentation reflects of a version that is no longer available. mike 17/08/2016 05:49 PM 1KB
Doc #68487 [Com]: blenc_encrypt() expects php source code to not contain any php tags php-bugs 17/08/2016 07:10 PM 1KB
Req->Doc #64516 [Opn->Ver]: preg_quote() doesn't work to escape the replacement cmb 20/08/2016 08:41 PM 1KB
   Doc #64516 [Ver->Csd]: preg_quote() doesn't work to escape the replacement cmb 20/08/2016 09:02 PM 1KB
Doc #67900 [Opn->Ver]: GD color system poorly documented. cmb 21/08/2016 07:29 PM 1KB
Doc #66817 [Opn->Csd]: imagecreatefromstring has undocumented warnings cmb 21/08/2016 08:29 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #66695 [Asn->Ver]: Insufficient documentation wrt. LIBXML_PARSEHUGE cmb 22/08/2016 04:24 PM 1KB
   Doc #66695 [Ver->Csd]: Insufficient documentation wrt. LIBXML_PARSEHUGE cmb 27/08/2016 08:13 AM 1KB
Doc #71935 [Com]: FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE is missing php-bugs 22/08/2016 08:12 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #66780 [Ver]: weird sorting behaviour due to overflow in custom comparison function cmb 27/08/2016 02:54 AM 1KB
   Doc #66780 [Ver->Csd]: weird sorting behaviour due to overflow in custom comparison function cmb 28/08/2016 02:39 AM 1KB
Doc #66951 [Opn->Nab]: Add note that session.use_strict_mode relates only to built-in handlers yohgaki 27/08/2016 01:25 PM 1KB
Doc #55038 [Opn->Nab]: inconsistent error-handling for $this with closure cmb 01/09/2016 05:48 AM 1KB
Doc #69302 [Opn]: Status of APC kalle 01/09/2016 06:10 AM 1KB
   Doc #69302 [Opn->Ver]: Status of APC cmb 01/09/2016 08:59 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #72953 [Opn]: src/ext/standard/dns.c:328:2: error: unknown type name 'HEADER' cmb 01/09/2016 10:40 PM 1KB
   Doc #72953 [Asn->Csd]: src/ext/standard/dns.c:328:2: error: unknown type name 'HEADER' cmb 14/09/2016 08:24 PM 1KB
Doc #72502 [Asn->Csd]: SQLite3Stmt::close(): insufficient documentation cmb 02/09/2016 11:10 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #72345 [Ana]: session_start() is not subject to max_execution_time yohgaki 04/09/2016 04:53 AM 1KB
   Doc #72345 [Ana]: session_start() is not subject to max_execution_time yohgaki 05/09/2016 03:43 PM 1KB
   Doc #72345 [Ana->Csd]: session_start() is not subject to max_execution_time yohgaki 10/10/2016 11:32 AM 1KB
Doc #65126 [Com]: imap_fetchoverview returns all the header fields but for message id php-bugs 06/09/2016 05:23 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #72972 [Csd->ReO]: Bad filter for the flags FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE and FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE jpauli 08/09/2016 04:44 PM 1KB
   Doc #72972 [ReO->Csd]: Bad filter for the flags FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE and FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE cmb 08/09/2016 07:47 PM 1KB
   Doc #72972 [Csd]: Bad filter for the flags FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE and FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE php-bugs 09/09/2016 03:33 AM 1KB
Doc #72104 [Ver->Csd]: FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE applies to IPv6 addresses too cmb 08/09/2016 08:04 PM 1KB
Doc #73057 [Ver->Csd]: Casting a SimpleXMLElement to an array does NOT exhibit differing behavior cmb 09/09/2016 09:45 PM 1KB
   Doc #73057 [Csd]: Casting a SimpleXMLElement to an array does NOT exhibit differing behavior php-bugs 09/09/2016 10:25 PM 1KB
   Doc #73057 [Csd]: Casting a SimpleXMLElement to an array does NOT exhibit differing behavior cmb 09/09/2016 11:54 PM 1KB
Doc #64860 [Opn->Nab]: Missing documentation for new return value in function is_file cmb 10/09/2016 12:47 AM 1KB
Doc #48763 [NoF->ReO]: ZipArchive produces corrupt files cmb 10/09/2016 07:16 AM 1KB
   Doc #48763 [ReO->Csd]: ZipArchive produces corrupt files cmb 10/09/2016 07:29 AM 1KB
Doc #66664 [Asn->Csd]: preg_match_all + PREG_PATTERN_ORDER + PCRE_INFO_JCHANGED, output wrong result cmb 10/09/2016 08:25 AM 1KB
Doc #62145 [Com]: strpos returns null instead of false php-bugs 12/09/2016 06:40 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #73076 [Opn]: php compatibility: mb_strpos() cmb 14/09/2016 09:25 AM 1KB
   Doc #73076 [Opn->Ver]: php compatibility: mb_strpos() cmb 14/09/2016 09:25 AM 1KB
   Doc #73076 [Ver->Csd]: php compatibility: mb_strpos() cmb 14/09/2016 07:55 PM 1KB
Doc #72430 [Asn->Csd]: [] operator not supported for strings cmb 14/09/2016 06:44 PM 1KB
   Doc #72430 [Csd->ReO]: [] operator not supported for strings cmb 14/09/2016 06:44 PM 1KB
   Doc #72430 [ReO->Csd]: [] operator not supported for strings cmb 14/09/2016 06:56 PM 1KB
Doc #61169 [Opn->Csd]: unpack() with unnamed elements cmb 27/09/2016 01:01 AM 1KB
Doc #71743 [Com]: Error class (class.error) only shows on some languages php-bugs 27/09/2016 01:34 AM 1KB
Bug->Doc #73195 [Opn]: ReflectionClass::getMethod() filter arguments doesn't accept combinations php-bugs 28/09/2016 06:05 PM 1KB
   Doc #73195 [Opn->Ana]: ReflectionClass::getMethod() filter arguments doesn't accept combinations cmb 28/09/2016 11:49 PM 1KB
   Doc #73195 [PATCH]: ReflectionClass::getMethod() filter arguments doesn't accept combinations php-bugs 28/09/2016 11:49 PM 1KB
   Doc #73195 [Ana]: ReflectionClass::getMethod() filter arguments doesn't accept combinations johannes 29/09/2016 12:29 AM 1KB
   Doc #73195 [Ana]: ReflectionClass::getMethod() filter arguments doesn't accept combinations cmb 29/09/2016 12:37 AM 1KB
   Doc #73195 [Ana]: ReflectionClass::getMethod() filter arguments doesn't accept combinations cmb 29/09/2016 05:43 PM 1KB
   Doc #73195 [Ana->Csd]: ReflectionClass::getMethod() filter arguments doesn't accept combinations cmb 29/09/2016 06:13 PM 1KB
Doc #71713 [Opn->Csd]: Array_Key_exist is not recursive cmb 28/09/2016 09:31 PM 1KB
Doc #65115 [Asn]: flush() disables compression from ob_gzhandler cmb 28/09/2016 10:39 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #66079 [Asn]: Exception constructor might ignore default arguments when overriden cmb 29/09/2016 06:34 PM 1KB
   Doc #66079 [Asn->Csd]: Exception constructor might ignore default arguments when overriden cmb 29/09/2016 06:38 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #73207 [Ver]: Array ordering is same between 5.6.21 and 7.1.0 RC3 nikic 30/09/2016 06:41 PM 1KB
   Doc #73207 [Ver->Ana]: Array ordering is same between 5.6.21 and 7.1.0 RC3 cmb 30/09/2016 06:48 PM 1KB
   Doc #73207 [Com]: Array ordering is same between 5.6.21 and 7.1.0 RC3 php-bugs 03/10/2016 12:37 PM 1KB
   Doc #73207 [Ana]: Array ordering is same between 5.6.21 and 7.1.0 RC3 cmb 03/10/2016 04:12 PM 1KB
   Doc #73207 [Ana->Csd]: Array ordering is same between 5.6.21 and 7.1.0 RC3 cmb 04/10/2016 12:57 AM 1KB
Doc #65747 [Csd->Wfx]: DateTime __construct error cmb 30/09/2016 07:43 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #73225 [Opn]: 'GMT-14' formatted as '+14' in 7.1.0RC3 only bwoebi 03/10/2016 07:29 PM 1KB
   Doc #73225 [Opn]: 'GMT-14' formatted as '+14' in 7.1.0RC3 only cmb 05/10/2016 12:00 AM 1KB
   Doc #73225 [Opn]: 'GMT-14' formatted as '+14' in 7.1.0RC3 only php-bugs 05/10/2016 12:04 AM 1KB
   Doc #73225 [Opn->Nab]: 'GMT-14' formatted as '+14' in 7.1.0RC3 only derick 07/10/2016 12:07 AM 1KB
Req->Doc #73111 [Asn->Opn]: make prof-use don't work -> still profiling code nikic 04/10/2016 12:10 AM 1KB
Bug #73220 [Nab]: Classes implementing an interface can violate its method's signatures php-bugs 04/10/2016 08:49 AM 1KB
Bug->Doc #70036 [Opn->Ver]: DateTime::createFromFormat/date_create_from_format return value not "formatted" cmb 05/10/2016 11:00 PM 1KB
   Doc #70036 [Ver]: DateTime::createFromFormat/date_create_from_format return value not "formatted" cmb 06/10/2016 01:02 AM 1KB
   Doc #70036 [Ver->Csd]: DateTime::createFromFormat/date_create_from_format return value not "formatted" cmb 06/10/2016 01:02 AM 1KB
Doc #70971 [ReO->Csd]: LDAP Not Reading Config File (ldap.cfg) cmb 08/10/2016 07:16 AM 1KB
Doc #73274 [Asn->Csd]: imagescale() with IMG_WEIGHTED4 always returns FALSE cmb 10/10/2016 12:50 AM 1KB
Doc #66765 [Ana]: strtr key replacing order cmb 12/10/2016 11:40 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #73321 [Opn]: array count shows wrong value when defined inside class requinix 14/10/2016 10:23 PM 1KB
   Doc #73321 [Opn->Csd]: array count shows wrong value when defined inside class php-bugs 15/10/2016 12:21 PM 1KB
Doc #65527 [Com]: Add link to unserialize_callback_func directive documentation php-bugs 14/10/2016 10:53 PM 1KB
Doc #55624 [Opn->Csd]: session_set_save_handler should mention locking yohgaki 17/10/2016 07:21 PM 1KB
   Doc #55624 [Com]: session_set_save_handler should mention locking php-bugs 17/10/2016 07:40 PM 1KB
   Doc #55624 [Csd]: session_set_save_handler should mention locking yohgaki 17/10/2016 07:56 PM 1KB
   Doc #55624 [Com]: session_set_save_handler should mention locking php-bugs 17/10/2016 08:01 PM 1KB
   Doc #55624 [Csd]: session_set_save_handler should mention locking yohgaki 18/10/2016 02:26 AM 1KB
   Doc #55624 [Csd]: session_set_save_handler should mention locking yohgaki 18/10/2016 05:30 AM 1KB
Bug->Doc #72997 [Ana->Asn]: Set-Cookie header lost if we do session_regenerate_id() without setcookie call yohgaki 19/10/2016 01:25 PM 1KB