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Subject From Date Size
Doc #77838 [Com]: version_compare() returns null when invalid operator given php-bugs 17/11/2023 09:52 PM 1KB
Doc #79926 [Opn]: Unclear behavior with createFromFormat using absolute and relative values derick 13/05/2022 10:21 PM 1KB
   Doc #79926 [Opn->Csd]: Unclear behavior with createFromFormat using absolute and relative values git 05/06/2022 01:14 AM 1KB
Doc #67921 [Opn->Csd]: createFromFormat allows overflow for 'H' and 'G' so 25-99 rolls to next day git 13/05/2022 10:27 PM 1KB
Doc #69685 [ReO->Wfx]: gmmktime() does not return boolean false on error derick 13/05/2022 10:51 PM 1KB
   Doc #69685 [Com]: gmmktime() does not return boolean false on error php-bugs 17/05/2022 12:56 AM 1KB
Doc #52015 [Ver->Csd]: Ending date is ignored while iterating DatePeriod git 20/05/2022 06:18 PM 1KB
   Doc #52015 [Csd]: Ending date is ignored while iterating DatePeriod derick 20/05/2022 06:19 PM 1KB
Doc #70265 [ReO->Csd]: Wrong name of DateTimeImmutable::__construct's 2nd param derick 20/05/2022 09:19 PM 1KB
Doc #68940 [Dup->Csd]: class.dateinterval : new PHP 5.5 properties are not documented derick 20/05/2022 10:06 PM 1KB
Doc #76378 [Opn->Csd]: strftime format "%p" is not always uppercase "AM/PM" git 20/05/2022 10:45 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #77701 [Ver]: \DateTime::createFromFormat does not set default parts derick 20/05/2022 10:52 PM 1KB
   Doc #77701 [Ver->Csd]: \DateTime::createFromFormat does not set default parts git 02/06/2022 11:52 PM 1KB
Doc #67034 [PATCH]: Unable to compare DateInterval instances with == operator php-bugs 21/05/2022 12:12 AM 1KB
   Doc #67034 [Ver->Csd]: Unable to compare DateInterval instances with == operator git 23/05/2022 05:31 PM 1KB
Doc #80797 [Opn->Csd]: [FR] mysqli_fetch_fields is missing the "s" pierrick 29/05/2022 09:19 PM 1KB
Doc #70154 [Ver->Csd]: date_parse() not returning false for missing time components git 02/06/2022 05:41 PM 1KB
Doc #70463 [Opn->Csd]: Document precise date/time parsing API usage in strtotime() manual. git 02/06/2022 07:10 PM 1KB
Doc #71108 [Opn->Csd]: date_create() is NOT an alias for "new DateTime()" git 02/06/2022 07:18 PM 1KB
Doc #72586 [Ver->Csd]: wrong createfromformat for leap year git 02/06/2022 10:29 PM 1KB
Doc #74324 [Ver->Csd]: DateTimeZone supported timezone names git 02/06/2022 10:59 PM 1KB
Doc #74652 [Opn->Csd]: strtotime() does not define behaviour of h/m/s when passed only a date git 02/06/2022 11:30 PM 1KB
Doc #75790 [Opn->Csd]: DateTimeZone::getTransitions(start,end)[0] is incorrect git 02/06/2022 11:37 PM 1KB
Doc #76569 [Asn->Csd]: Description of ����And �补��of DateTime::createFromFormat derick 02/06/2022 11:40 PM 1KB
Doc #76620 [ReO->Csd]: DatePeriod::getEndDate() drops reference to the end date DateTime object git 02/06/2022 11:43 PM 1KB
Doc #78000 [Ver->Csd]: Missing description of reltext's different behaviors (static & method on object) git 03/06/2022 12:03 AM 1KB
Doc #78267 [Ver->Csd]: Change in sun times result with PHP version change git 03/06/2022 12:10 AM 1KB
Doc #78603 [Opn->Csd]: DateTime::createFromFormat() missing component behaviour change derick 03/06/2022 12:11 AM 1KB
Doc #79725 [Opn->Csd]: Update reference to RFC2822 to RFC5322 git 03/06/2022 12:18 AM 1KB
Doc #79939 [Opn->Csd]: RFC 822 and 2822 missing from DateTime "Compound Formats" git 03/06/2022 01:30 AM 1KB
Bug #47957 [Com]: Rendering differences between book and chapter titles php-bugs 03/06/2022 01:48 AM 1KB
   Bug #47957 [Com]: Rendering differences between book and chapter titles php-bugs 03/06/2022 01:49 AM 1KB
Doc #76588 [Ver->Csd]: var_export change variable state derick 04/06/2022 11:43 PM 1KB
Doc #81347 [Opn->Csd]: 2021-03-34 is correct date for DateTime::createFromFormat() git 05/06/2022 12:26 AM 1KB
Doc #81319 [Ver->Csd]: Unfortunate example on time() man page git 05/06/2022 12:41 AM 1KB
Doc #80694 [Opn->Csd]: DateTime::createFromFormat not return false in all cases git 05/06/2022 12:53 AM 1KB
Doc #77202 [Opn->Csd]: DateInterval compare unpredictable result derick 05/06/2022 01:16 AM 1KB
Req->Doc #74054 [Csd]: New DateInterval properties based on `DateInterval::__debuginfo` derick 05/06/2022 10:24 PM 1KB
Doc #66677 [Com]: CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD missing from curl_setopt docs php-bugs 12/06/2022 02:23 AM 1KB
Doc #15480 [Com]: Error in fgets() Docs php-bugs 28/06/2022 01:19 PM 1KB
Doc #65465 [Com]: passing ArrayAccess to PDO constructor php-bugs 04/07/2022 03:31 PM 1KB
Doc #81158 [Com]: Mails sent by mail function broken since PHP 8.0 php-bugs 15/07/2022 07:20 PM 1KB
   Doc #81158 [Com]: Mails sent by mail function broken since PHP 8.0 php-bugs 12/12/2022 01:24 PM 1KB
   Doc #81158 [Com]: Mails sent by mail function broken since PHP 8.0 php-bugs 22/12/2022 06:48 PM 1KB
   Doc #81158 [Com]: Mails sent by mail function broken since PHP 8.0 php-bugs 25/03/2023 12:15 AM 1KB
   Doc #81158 [Com]: Mails sent by mail function broken since PHP 8.0 php-bugs 30/03/2023 06:01 AM 1KB
   Doc #81158 [Com]: Mails sent by mail function broken since PHP 8.0 php-bugs 04/05/2023 12:58 PM 1KB
   Doc #81158 [Com]: Mails sent by mail function broken since PHP 8.0 php-bugs 04/05/2023 12:59 PM 1KB
   Doc #81158 [Com]: Mails sent by mail function broken since PHP 8.0 php-bugs 21/05/2023 02:30 AM 1KB
   Doc #81158 [Com]: Mails sent by mail function broken since PHP 8.0 php-bugs 07/06/2023 08:49 PM 1KB
Doc #80022 [Nab->Csd]: Inconsistency DateTimeInterface::ISO8601 git 22/07/2022 10:37 PM 1KB
Doc #61061 [Com]: mb_decode_numericentity() description is very confusing php-bugs 30/08/2022 08:07 AM 1KB
Doc #81675 [Com]: Undocumented change in get_class_vars behaviour with static properties in 8.1 php-bugs 22/09/2022 06:07 PM 1KB
   Doc #81675 [Com]: Undocumented change in get_class_vars behaviour with static properties in 8.1 php-bugs 12/01/2023 01:09 PM 1KB
Doc #79905 [Opn]: Console-less environments do not prevent std streams to be opened bukka 06/10/2022 06:49 PM 1KB
Doc #79166 [Ver]: Notices for read/write failures are not documented bukka 06/10/2022 06:51 PM 1KB
   Doc #79166 [Com]: Notices for read/write failures are not documented php-bugs 16/12/2022 04:22 PM 1KB
Bug #78055 [Asn->Csd]: DatePeriod recurrences changing after creation git 19/10/2022 11:09 PM 1KB
Doc #61972 [Com]: addchild treats text as a tag php-bugs 21/10/2022 03:22 PM 1KB
Doc #81014 [Com]: Update docs for php8 php-bugs 31/10/2022 07:49 PM 1KB
   Doc #81014 [Com]: Update docs for php8 php-bugs 03/12/2022 01:39 PM 1KB
   Doc #81014 [Com]: Update docs for php8 php-bugs 14/12/2022 01:45 PM 1KB
Doc #80502 [Com]: Comparison of empty string to 0 php-bugs 04/11/2022 10:25 AM 1KB
   Doc #80502 [Com]: Comparison of empty string to 0 php-bugs 04/11/2022 10:46 AM 1KB
   Doc #80502 [Com]: Comparison of empty string to 0 php-bugs 25/01/2023 05:22 PM 1KB
Doc #73981 [Com]: __construct not being called on extensions of DOM base classes php-bugs 23/11/2022 12:55 PM 1KB
   Doc #73981 [Ver->Csd]: __construct not being called on extensions of DOM base classes nielsdos 23/09/2023 05:36 AM 1KB
Doc #78690 [Com]: Database persistent connection leaks with ZTS and Event, Worker MPMs php-bugs 23/11/2022 01:45 PM 1KB
Doc #81677 [Com]: realpath result is cached php-bugs 24/11/2022 12:27 PM 1KB
   Doc #81677 [Com]: realpath result is cached php-bugs 28/11/2022 11:36 AM 1KB
   Doc #81677 [Com]: realpath result is cached php-bugs 23/12/2022 06:02 PM 1KB
   Doc #81677 [Com]: realpath result is cached php-bugs 26/04/2023 11:31 PM 1KB
   Doc #81677 [Com]: realpath result is cached php-bugs 03/05/2023 10:27 AM 1KB
   Doc #81677 [Com]: realpath result is cached php-bugs 29/05/2023 04:24 PM 1KB
Doc #81038 [Com]: Early binding limitations insufficiently documented php-bugs 24/11/2022 01:17 PM 1KB
   Doc #81038 [Com]: Early binding limitations insufficiently documented php-bugs 30/11/2022 01:16 PM 1KB
   Doc #81038 [Com]: Early binding limitations insufficiently documented php-bugs 22/12/2022 02:15 PM 1KB
   Doc #81038 [Com]: Early binding limitations insufficiently documented php-bugs 26/12/2022 07:17 PM 1KB
   [DOC-BUGS] Doc #81038 [Com]: Early binding limitations insufficiently documented php-bugs 24/04/2024 02:53 AM 1KB
Doc #81352 [Com]: Doc states getopt returns false when it really returns an empty array php-bugs 26/11/2022 02:42 PM 1KB
Doc #80541 [Com]: foreach by-val vs. by-ref traversal unclear php-bugs 26/11/2022 09:26 PM 1KB
Doc #81463 [Com]: Missing documentation for ReflectionAttribute::IS_INSTANCEOF php-bugs 28/11/2022 01:06 PM 1KB
Doc #78449 [Com]: The definition of the parameter newscope of Closure::bind is not clear. php-bugs 28/11/2022 01:39 PM 1KB
   Doc #78449 [Com]: The definition of the parameter newscope of Closure::bind is not clear. php-bugs 16/06/2023 05:46 PM 1KB
Doc #74231 [Com]: Example #2 for session_regenerate_id is broken in several ways php-bugs 28/11/2022 05:59 PM 1KB
   Doc #74231 [Com]: Example #2 for session_regenerate_id is broken in several ways php-bugs 29/11/2022 01:36 PM 1KB
   Doc #74231 [Com]: Example #2 for session_regenerate_id is broken in several ways php-bugs 16/06/2023 05:47 PM 1KB
Doc #61877 [Com]: Float keys not cast to int like with array php-bugs 29/11/2022 02:53 PM 1KB
   Doc #61877 [Com]: Float keys not cast to int like with array php-bugs 16/06/2023 05:48 PM 1KB
   [DOC-BUGS] Doc #61877 [Com]: Float keys not cast to int like with array php-bugs 12/07/2024 06:08 PM 1KB
Doc #80149 [Com]: Mutually included files php-bugs 30/11/2022 01:06 PM 1KB
Doc #79304 [Com]: Doc. for DateTime::createFromFormat/date_create_from_format not consistent php-bugs 01/12/2022 01:40 PM 1KB
   Doc #79304 [Com]: Doc. for DateTime::createFromFormat/date_create_from_format not consistent php-bugs 19/12/2022 06:02 PM 1KB
   Doc #79304 [Com]: Doc. for DateTime::createFromFormat/date_create_from_format not consistent php-bugs 17/03/2023 03:11 PM 1KB
   Doc #79304 [Com]: Doc. for DateTime::createFromFormat/date_create_from_format not consistent php-bugs 16/06/2023 05:46 PM 1KB
Doc #81250 [Com]: [xmldiff] Missing libdiffmark configureoption php-bugs 02/12/2022 11:59 AM 1KB
   Doc #81250 [Com]: [xmldiff] Missing libdiffmark configureoption php-bugs 19/06/2023 08:17 PM 1KB
Doc #80531 [Com]: call_user_func_array() interprets string keys as named args php-bugs 02/12/2022 02:29 PM 1KB
Doc #67444 [Com]: Incorrect Documentation. php-bugs 02/12/2022 06:32 PM 1KB
Doc #52173 [Com]: ext/pcntl doesn't store/report errors php-bugs 03/12/2022 02:26 PM 1KB
   Doc #52173 [Com]: ext/pcntl doesn't store/report errors php-bugs 09/01/2023 08:20 PM 1KB
   Doc #52173 [Com]: ext/pcntl doesn't store/report errors php-bugs 16/06/2023 05:49 PM 1KB
   Doc #52173 [Com]: ext/pcntl doesn't store/report errors php-bugs 20/06/2023 12:57 AM 1KB
Doc #60710 [Com]: svn_info recurses by default php-bugs 06/12/2022 04:08 PM 1KB
   Doc #60710 [Com]: svn_info recurses by default php-bugs 16/06/2023 05:49 PM 1KB
Doc #81345 [Com]: ftell() after writing to compress://zlib stream wrong php-bugs 07/12/2022 12:46 PM 1KB
   Doc #81345 [Com]: ftell() after writing to compress://zlib stream wrong php-bugs 08/12/2022 11:47 AM 1KB
   [DOC-BUGS] Doc #81345 [Com]: ftell() after writing to compress://zlib stream wrong php-bugs 18/04/2024 04:56 PM 1KB
Doc #81547 [Com]: print documentation section Documentation is contradictory php-bugs 09/12/2022 02:28 PM 1KB
   Doc #81547 [Com]: print documentation section Documentation is contradictory php-bugs 20/04/2023 04:56 PM 1KB
   [DOC-BUGS] Doc #81547 [Com]: print documentation section Documentation is contradictory php-bugs 23/04/2024 08:45 PM 1KB
   [DOC-BUGS] Doc #81547 [Com]: print documentation section Documentation is contradictory php-bugs 24/04/2024 05:15 PM 1KB
   [DOC-BUGS] Doc #81547 [Com]: print documentation section Documentation is contradictory php-bugs 06/05/2024 07:54 PM 1KB
   [DOC-BUGS] Doc #81547 [Com]: print documentation section Documentation is contradictory php-bugs 18/05/2024 08:43 PM 1KB
   [DOC-BUGS] Doc #81547 [Com]: print documentation section Documentation is contradictory php-bugs 24/05/2024 08:33 PM 1KB
   [DOC-BUGS] Doc #81547 [Com]: print documentation section Documentation is contradictory php-bugs 12/06/2024 10:41 PM 1KB
   [DOC-BUGS] Doc #81547 [Com]: print documentation section Documentation is contradictory php-bugs 13/06/2024 09:08 PM 1KB
   [DOC-BUGS] Doc #81547 [Com]: print documentation section Documentation is contradictory php-bugs 24/07/2024 10:22 PM 1KB
   [DOC-BUGS] Doc #81547 [PATCH]: print documentation section Documentation is contradictory php-bugs 02/08/2024 12:35 AM 1KB
Doc #80940 [Com]: async function addFromString work incorrect php-bugs 10/12/2022 12:20 PM 1KB
   Doc #80940 [Com]: async function addFromString work incorrect php-bugs 26/12/2022 06:27 PM 1KB
   Doc #80940 [Com]: async function addFromString work incorrect php-bugs 25/02/2023 02:30 PM 1KB
   Doc #80940 [Com]: async function addFromString work incorrect php-bugs 01/06/2023 01:40 AM 1KB
   Doc #80940 [Com]: async function addFromString work incorrect php-bugs 16/06/2023 05:45 PM 1KB
Doc #81242 [Com]: Unclear documentation for process management directives php-bugs 10/12/2022 01:08 PM 1KB
   Doc #81242 [Com]: Unclear documentation for process management directives php-bugs 29/12/2022 02:01 PM 1KB
   Doc #81242 [Com]: Unclear documentation for process management directives php-bugs 31/12/2022 04:48 PM 1KB
   Doc #81242 [Com]: Unclear documentation for process management directives php-bugs 30/06/2023 06:03 PM 1KB
Doc #81028 [Com]: touch() with wrappers php-bugs 10/12/2022 06:12 PM 1KB
Doc #81621 [Com]: --enable-mailparse isn't a valid option php-bugs 15/12/2022 02:00 PM 1KB
Doc #81398 [Com]: Comparing int/string with max() always returns string php-bugs 19/12/2022 01:28 PM 1KB
Doc #74036 [Com]: createTextNode() docs unclear about binary data and metacharacters php-bugs 19/12/2022 04:34 PM 1KB
Doc #80503 [Com]: version_compare throws ValueError on invalid comparison operator in 8.0.0 php-bugs 20/12/2022 05:58 PM 1KB
Doc #81508 [Com]: http_build_query returns empty string given ArrayIterator as input php-bugs 21/12/2022 05:15 PM 1KB
Doc #81596 [Com]: PHP in apache with mod_perl ignores locale, while CLI version doesn't. php-bugs 21/12/2022 05:30 PM 1KB
   Doc #81596 [Com]: PHP in apache with mod_perl ignores locale, while CLI version doesn't. php-bugs 04/02/2023 08:42 PM 1KB
Doc #54902 [Com]: fseek inconsistencies with large (>2GB) files php-bugs 22/12/2022 02:06 PM 1KB
   Doc #54902 [Com]: fseek inconsistencies with large (>2GB) files php-bugs 08/04/2023 02:29 AM 1KB
   Doc #54902 [Com]: fseek inconsistencies with large (>2GB) files php-bugs 16/06/2023 05:49 PM 1KB
   Doc #54902 [Com]: fseek inconsistencies with large (>2GB) files php-bugs 30/06/2023 06:02 PM 1KB
   [DOC-BUGS] Doc #54902 [Com]: fseek inconsistencies with large (>2GB) files php-bugs 10/07/2024 01:18 PM 1KB
Doc #80891 [Com]: DOMDocument::registerNodeClass contains wrong information php-bugs 23/12/2022 02:10 PM 1KB
Doc #80858 [Com]: Undefined behavior when match branch is function returning void php-bugs 23/12/2022 05:03 PM 1KB
   Doc #80858 [Com]: Undefined behavior when match branch is function returning void php-bugs 26/12/2022 04:08 PM 1KB
   Doc #80858 [Com]: Undefined behavior when match branch is function returning void php-bugs 27/03/2023 04:29 AM 1KB
Doc #62360 [Com]: Five valid PCRE escape sequences not documented php-bugs 26/12/2022 04:37 PM 1KB
   Doc #62360 [Com]: Five valid PCRE escape sequences not documented php-bugs 16/06/2023 05:48 PM 1KB
Doc #80311 [Com]: jsonb operators not supported php-bugs 27/12/2022 02:12 PM 1KB
   Doc #80311 [Com]: jsonb operators not supported php-bugs 31/12/2022 02:33 PM 1KB
Doc #81661 [Com]: curl uses pkg-config as of PHP 7.4.0 php-bugs 27/12/2022 05:18 PM 1KB
   Doc #81661 [Com]: curl uses pkg-config as of PHP 7.4.0 php-bugs 03/05/2023 10:34 AM 1KB
   Doc #81661 [Com]: curl uses pkg-config as of PHP 7.4.0 php-bugs 04/05/2023 05:06 PM 1KB
   [DOC-BUGS] Doc #81661 [Com]: curl uses pkg-config as of PHP 7.4.0 php-bugs 08/05/2024 05:46 PM 1KB
   [DOC-BUGS] Doc #81661 [Com]: curl uses pkg-config as of PHP 7.4.0 php-bugs 09/05/2024 01:52 PM 1KB
   [DOC-BUGS] Doc #81661 [Com]: curl uses pkg-config as of PHP 7.4.0 php-bugs 09/05/2024 01:56 PM 1KB
   [DOC-BUGS] Doc #81661 [Com]: curl uses pkg-config as of PHP 7.4.0 php-bugs 22/05/2024 12:55 PM 1KB
   [DOC-BUGS] Doc #81661 [Com]: curl uses pkg-config as of PHP 7.4.0 php-bugs 08/07/2024 02:07 PM 1KB
Doc #78190 [Com]: mb_split now return false with ISO strings php-bugs 27/12/2022 07:20 PM 1KB
Doc #81173 [Com]: Fatal error. PHP7-8 PG Prepared statement name collision php-bugs 28/12/2022 02:01 PM 1KB
   Doc #81173 [Com]: Fatal error. PHP7-8 PG Prepared statement name collision php-bugs 25/05/2023 01:33 AM 1KB
Doc #80633 [Com]: Make ONE NEW PAGE which has all PHP words for search. php-bugs 28/12/2022 04:23 PM 1KB
Doc #78217 [Com]: set_error_handler() cannot differentiate between error and success php-bugs 28/12/2022 07:03 PM 1KB
Doc #81386 [Com]: ReflectionProperty::getDefaultValue() and promoted properties php-bugs 29/12/2022 11:02 PM 1KB
   Doc #81386 [Com]: ReflectionProperty::getDefaultValue() and promoted properties php-bugs 03/05/2023 02:33 AM 1KB
   Doc #81386 [Com]: ReflectionProperty::getDefaultValue() and promoted properties php-bugs 08/06/2023 05:35 PM 1KB
   [DOC-BUGS] Doc #81386 [Com]: ReflectionProperty::getDefaultValue() and promoted properties php-bugs 17/05/2024 02:36 PM 1KB
Doc #80843 [Com]: Remove examples from comments as they are invariably insecure php-bugs 30/12/2022 01:50 PM 1KB
Doc #80436 [Com]: MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CAPATH Prevails on MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT php-bugs 02/01/2023 05:44 PM 1KB
Doc #74276 [Com]: idn_to_ascii() empty php-bugs 02/01/2023 08:24 PM 1KB
   Doc #74276 [Com]: idn_to_ascii() empty php-bugs 16/06/2023 05:47 PM 1KB
Doc #80325 [Com]: contradictory definitions with endian-ness php-bugs 03/01/2023 02:27 PM 1KB
Doc #79875 [Com]: getenv() can't get the right binary string passed by putenv() php-bugs 04/01/2023 02:53 PM 1KB
Doc #79673 [Com]: "roughly equivalent to" without explaining the difference php-bugs 05/01/2023 04:11 PM 1KB
Doc #71883 [Com]: PHP exec() over UNC path on Windows php-bugs 05/01/2023 07:45 PM 1KB
Doc #79401 [Com]: --with-openssl no longer accepts a directory php-bugs 06/01/2023 02:40 PM 1KB
Doc #80296 [Com]: Migration docs regarding foreach needs examples and clarification php-bugs 09/01/2023 04:04 PM 1KB
   Doc #80296 [Com]: Migration docs regarding foreach needs examples and clarification php-bugs 13/06/2023 04:01 PM 1KB
Doc #79591 [Opn->Wfx]: mysqli::$errno not an integer after connection close dharman 11/01/2023 12:02 AM 1KB
Doc #75518 [Opn]: Better code examples for article "Choosing an API [to access MySQL server]" dharman 11/01/2023 01:11 AM 1KB
Doc #79506 [Com]: Broken link on Zend API page php-bugs 11/01/2023 02:56 PM 1KB
   Doc #79506 [Opn->Csd]: Broken link on Zend API page tiffany 11/01/2023 03:02 PM 1KB
   Doc #79506 [Csd]: Broken link on Zend API page tiffany 11/01/2023 03:02 PM 1KB
Doc #80555 [Com]: partly missing docs for named param php-bugs 17/01/2023 05:14 PM 1KB
   Doc #80555 [Com]: partly missing docs for named param php-bugs 03/05/2023 02:03 PM 1KB
Doc #79915 [Com]: Explanation about umask parameter php-bugs 18/01/2023 04:12 PM 1KB
   Doc #79915 [Com]: Explanation about umask parameter php-bugs 20/01/2023 04:25 PM 1KB
Doc #52180 [Com]: php://input can be read more than once php-bugs 23/01/2023 12:07 AM 1KB
Doc #525 [Com]: include_path examples for use in httpd.conf are wrong php-bugs 23/01/2023 04:08 PM 1KB
Doc #52767 [Com]: Invalid doc of FILE_APPEND|LOCK_EX for file_put_contents caused by #48522 php-bugs 23/01/2023 04:10 PM 1KB
Doc #78628 [Com]: AES-256-XTS cipher method does not work php-bugs 23/01/2023 04:30 PM 1KB
   Doc #78628 [Com]: AES-256-XTS cipher method does not work php-bugs 31/07/2023 05:22 PM 1KB
   Doc #78628 [Com]: AES-256-XTS cipher method does not work php-bugs 09/09/2023 03:42 PM 1KB
   Doc #78628 [Com]: AES-256-XTS cipher method does not work php-bugs 19/10/2023 05:20 PM 1KB
   Doc #78628 [Com]: AES-256-XTS cipher method does not work php-bugs 23/11/2023 02:20 PM 1KB
   Doc #78628 [Com]: AES-256-XTS cipher method does not work php-bugs 03/12/2023 10:06 PM 1KB
   Doc #78628 [Com]: AES-256-XTS cipher method does not work php-bugs 04/12/2023 02:17 AM 1KB
   Doc #78628 [Com]: AES-256-XTS cipher method does not work php-bugs 04/12/2023 09:44 PM 1KB
   Doc #78628 [Com]: AES-256-XTS cipher method does not work php-bugs 07/12/2023 02:57 AM 1KB
   Doc #78628 [Com]: AES-256-XTS cipher method does not work php-bugs 07/12/2023 04:16 PM 1KB
   Doc #78628 [Com]: AES-256-XTS cipher method does not work php-bugs 08/12/2023 07:50 PM 1KB
   Doc #78628 [Com]: AES-256-XTS cipher method does not work php-bugs 08/12/2023 10:45 PM 1KB
Doc #80922 [Com]: Domain names are not case sensitive and should be handled accordingly php-bugs 23/01/2023 05:54 PM 1KB
   Doc #80922 [Com]: Domain names are not case sensitive and should be handled accordingly php-bugs 30/06/2023 06:09 PM 1KB
   Doc #80922 [Com]: Domain names are not case sensitive and should be handled accordingly php-bugs 30/06/2023 06:13 PM 1KB
Doc #80738 [Com]: Document that mb_stripos() now accepts an empty needle php-bugs 24/01/2023 06:12 PM 1KB
   Doc #80738 [Com]: Document that mb_stripos() now accepts an empty needle php-bugs 01/06/2023 01:39 AM 1KB
Doc #79361 [Com]: Failure to mention BC breaking changes due PCRE2 upgrade php-bugs 24/01/2023 07:13 PM 1KB
   Doc #79361 [Com]: Failure to mention BC breaking changes due PCRE2 upgrade php-bugs 22/08/2023 06:03 PM 1KB
Doc #71365 [Com]: random_bytes(): missing Error causes; may return PRNG php-bugs 26/01/2023 03:54 AM 1KB
   Doc #71365 [Opn->Csd]: random_bytes(): missing Error causes; may return PRNG timwolla 26/01/2023 03:55 AM 1KB
Doc #77868 [Com]: Better description of PDO Options parameter php-bugs 27/01/2023 04:49 PM 1KB
Doc #78885 [Com]: hash_file now shows a notice for directories and returns false php-bugs 28/01/2023 05:25 PM 1KB
   Doc #78885 [Com]: hash_file now shows a notice for directories and returns false php-bugs 28/01/2023 05:25 PM 1KB
   Doc #78885 [Com]: hash_file now shows a notice for directories and returns false php-bugs 02/06/2023 02:44 PM 1KB
Doc #23610 [Com]: PATH_TRANSLATED is EMPTY when PATH_INFO is not set php-bugs 01/02/2023 07:51 PM 1KB
Doc #52009 [Com]: Typo php-bugs 04/02/2023 05:27 PM 1KB
Doc #64473 [Com]: opcache not documented in php.ini patterns php-bugs 04/04/2023 03:22 PM 1KB
   Doc #64473 [Com]: opcache not documented in php.ini patterns php-bugs 04/04/2023 04:07 PM 1KB
   Doc #64473 [Com]: opcache not documented in php.ini patterns php-bugs 04/04/2023 06:29 PM 1KB
   Doc #64473 [Com]: opcache not documented in php.ini patterns php-bugs 04/04/2023 08:20 PM 1KB
Doc #66916 [Com]: mysqli::query: Include hint that only one statement is allowed php-bugs 12/04/2023 03:25 PM 1KB
Doc #76875 [Com]: It is not clear what 'uncomparable' means php-bugs 12/04/2023 04:25 PM 1KB
Doc #80236 [Com]: How $tag works in openssl_encrypt() with GCM mode is unclear php-bugs 13/04/2023 05:48 PM 1KB
Doc #74516 [Com]: Fourth argument not documented php-bugs 19/04/2023 05:02 PM 1KB
Doc #73149 [Com]: dns_get_record(): A temporary server error occurred php-bugs 20/04/2023 04:33 PM 1KB
   Doc #73149 [Com]: dns_get_record(): A temporary server error occurred php-bugs 10/07/2023 10:47 AM 1KB
Doc #76411 [Com]: Should state that function arguments are passed by reference if objects php-bugs 21/04/2023 06:26 PM 1KB
   Doc #76411 [Com]: Should state that function arguments are passed by reference if objects php-bugs 17/05/2023 12:44 AM 1KB
Doc #77236 [Com]: Many reflection functions are undocumented php-bugs 21/04/2023 06:35 PM 1KB
Doc #78503 [Com]: Garbage collection cycles documentation needs update php-bugs 24/04/2023 07:42 PM 1KB
Doc #81427 [Com]: ArrayObject no longer supports end() etc. php-bugs 25/04/2023 04:19 PM 1KB
Doc #66765 [Com]: strtr key replacing order php-bugs 26/04/2023 02:46 PM 1KB
Doc #61422 [Com]: Clarify when autoloading is triggered php-bugs 30/04/2023 07:27 PM 1KB
Doc #76195 [Com]: Garbage collection chapter php-bugs 02/05/2023 03:06 PM 1KB
Doc #81384 [Com]: Secureness of GMP random functions undocumented php-bugs 03/05/2023 02:33 AM 1KB
Doc #75907 [Com]: Symmetric array destructuring not properly documented php-bugs 03/05/2023 06:12 PM 1KB
Doc #80971 [Com]: func_get_args() didnt work when using named args php-bugs 06/05/2023 11:00 AM 1KB
   Doc #80971 [Com]: func_get_args() didnt work when using named args php-bugs 29/09/2023 02:41 PM 1KB
Doc #66966 [Com]: __toString not call by http_build_query php-bugs 06/05/2023 02:21 PM 1KB
Doc #67556 [Com]: Document which parameters accept stream wrapper URLs php-bugs 08/05/2023 08:25 PM 1KB
Doc #76995 [Com]: fseek() breaks reading in read/append (a+) mode php-bugs 13/05/2023 08:02 PM 1KB
   Doc #76995 [Com]: fseek() breaks reading in read/append (a+) mode php-bugs 10/12/2023 12:21 PM 1KB
   Doc #76995 [Com]: fseek() breaks reading in read/append (a+) mode php-bugs 10/01/2024 09:52 PM 1KB
Doc #71927 [Com]: string interpolation with ${} php-bugs 16/05/2023 06:20 PM 1KB
Doc #81436 [Com]: Unclear behaviors with __call/__callStatic/forward_static_call and LSB php-bugs 19/05/2023 02:32 PM 1KB
Doc #71749 [Com]: file_cache_consistency_checks has no effect php-bugs 20/05/2023 02:02 PM 1KB
Doc #63541 [Com]: Missing DOMNameSpaceNode php-bugs 05/06/2023 07:57 PM 1KB
   Doc #63541 [Ver->Csd]: Missing DOMNameSpaceNode nielsdos 11/01/2024 03:28 AM 1KB
Bug->Doc #66712 [Ver]: Using LIBXML_HTML_NOIMPLIED on DomDocument::loadHTML() gives unexpected results nielsdos 09/06/2023 04:45 AM 1KB
   Doc #66712 [Com]: Using LIBXML_HTML_NOIMPLIED on DomDocument::loadHTML() gives unexpected results php-bugs 08/09/2023 02:45 AM 1KB
Doc #80616 [Com]: posix_initgroups() is conditionally defined php-bugs 09/06/2023 05:04 PM 1KB
Bug #73446 [Com]: docgen fails with namespaced extensions php-bugs 12/06/2023 06:12 PM 1KB
Doc #54868 [Com]: French spelling mistake in array_replace php-bugs 15/06/2023 05:58 PM 1KB
Doc #54854 [Com]: French spelling mistake on filter_var php-bugs 15/06/2023 05:58 PM 1KB
Bug #77248 [Com]: SessionUpdateTimestampHandlerInterface is not documented php-bugs 17/06/2023 04:35 PM 1KB
   [DOC-BUGS] Bug #77248 [Com]: SessionUpdateTimestampHandlerInterface is not documented php-bugs 25/04/2024 05:00 PM 1KB
Doc #67900 [Com]: GD color system poorly documented. php-bugs 17/06/2023 04:47 PM 1KB
Doc #64163 [Com]: SOAP feature flags not documented php-bugs 17/06/2023 06:09 PM 1KB
Doc #75924 [Com]: No doc: behavior of @ini_get('error_reporting') was changed from 5.6 to 7.0 php-bugs 19/06/2023 06:42 PM 1KB
Doc #75559 [Com]: array_unique() with SORT_REGULAR misbehaves with array of objects php-bugs 20/06/2023 01:34 PM 1KB
Doc #68254 [Asn->Opn]: PDO lacks design implication discussion tiffany 21/06/2023 12:01 AM 1KB
Doc #81079 [Com]: pathinfo() unexpected path/filename separation with trailing slash php-bugs 21/06/2023 05:28 PM 1KB
   Doc #81079 [Com]: pathinfo() unexpected path/filename separation with trailing slash php-bugs 12/08/2023 06:14 PM 1KB
   Doc #81079 [Com]: pathinfo() unexpected path/filename separation with trailing slash php-bugs 12/08/2023 06:15 PM 1KB
Doc #78958 [Com]: FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL fails on a long email address php-bugs 30/06/2023 06:00 PM 1KB
Bug #79077 [Com]: The chm document does not support full text search php-bugs 02/07/2023 12:48 AM 1KB
Doc #69966 [Com]: Documentation on bucket brigades missing php-bugs 07/07/2023 02:35 PM 1KB
Req #76391 [Com]: Add links to online docs in the CHM files php-bugs 24/08/2023 03:04 PM 1KB
Doc #79232 [Com]: FFI+Preloading example does not work php-bugs 25/09/2023 08:02 PM 1KB
Doc #53693 [Ver->Csd]: ::transformToDoc() $returnClass param docs insufficient nielsdos 30/09/2023 07:43 PM 1KB
Doc #78245 [Com]: preg_split('/\R/', '苠迮�郇邽') wrongly splits text into 2 parts php-bugs 03/10/2023 01:27 PM 1KB
Doc #79476 [Com]: remote file include php-bugs 10/11/2023 11:12 PM 1KB
   Doc #79476 [Com]: remote file include php-bugs 10/11/2023 11:37 PM 1KB
Doc #80494 [Ver->Csd]: DOMElement::remove not documented nielsdos 13/11/2023 12:56 AM 1KB
Doc #62019 [Opn->Csd]: ob_get_status returns 'flags' bitmask instead of 'status' array key girgias 29/12/2023 11:43 PM 1KB
Doc #75947 [Ver->Csd]: Tidy creates an undocumented property Tidy->value nielsdos 31/12/2023 08:12 PM 1KB
Doc #65826 [Opn->Csd]: ob_list_handlers: outdated return values & examples girgias 07/01/2024 09:45 PM 1KB
Doc #64977 [Opn]: ob_start() fails when passed default parameters girgias 07/01/2024 10:03 PM 1KB
   Doc #64977 [Opn->Csd]: ob_start() fails when passed default parameters girgias 07/01/2024 10:05 PM 1KB
Doc #69404 [Opn->Csd]: PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_FLUSHABLE only affects ob_flush() girgias 07/01/2024 10:03 PM 1KB
Doc #71486 [Opn->Csd]: Output handler flags for ob_end_clean and ob_end_flush girgias 07/01/2024 10:03 PM 1KB
Doc #74399 [Ver]: ob_*clean* methods do not respect missing cleanable flag; same for flushing girgias 07/01/2024 10:03 PM 1KB
   Doc #74399 [Ver->Csd]: ob_*clean* methods do not respect missing cleanable flag; same for flushing girgias 07/01/2024 10:04 PM 1KB
Doc #76563 [Ver]: ob_get_clean ignores return value of ob_start callback girgias 07/01/2024 10:04 PM 1KB
   Doc #76563 [Ver->Csd]: ob_get_clean ignores return value of ob_start callback girgias 07/01/2024 10:04 PM 1KB
Doc #80230 [Com]: Doc for exec specifies & (reference) param, fails php-bugs 17/01/2024 05:22 AM 1KB
Doc #60230 [Com]: Parameters to explain the role of error php-bugs 17/01/2024 05:24 AM 1KB
Doc #60984 [Opn->Csd]: Document output buffering mechanism girgias 25/01/2024 09:36 PM 1KB
Doc #65115 [Ana->Csd]: flush() disables compression from ob_gzhandler girgias 25/01/2024 09:36 PM 1KB
Doc #11378 [PATCH]: dead-Download-Link php-bugs 27/01/2024 03:26 PM 1KB
[DOC-BUGS] Doc #78218 [Com]: function intercepts execution of code that is not executed php-bugs 03/05/2024 07:11 PM 1KB
[DOC-BUGS] Doc #79659 [Com]: A remark in documentation is missing php-bugs 08/05/2024 07:32 PM 1KB
[DOC-BUGS] Doc #64549 [Com]: mysqlnd persistent connection handling are not properly pooling php-bugs 22/05/2024 01:25 PM 1KB
[DOC-BUGS] Doc #81545 [Com]: [RO] Translation is unmaintained php-bugs 18/06/2024 02:25 PM 1KB
[DOC-BUGS] Doc #64312 [Com]: set_error_handler always return handler if called inside an error_handler php-bugs 22/06/2024 03:12 PM 1KB
[DOC-BUGS] Doc #71228 [Com]: imap_search auto-corrects Date string in criteria using undocumented algorithm php-bugs 08/07/2024 05:50 PM 1KB
[DOC-BUGS] Doc #80196 [Com]: Hard to find documentation on argument unpacking php-bugs 10/07/2024 01:53 PM 1KB
[DOC-BUGS] Doc #80548 [Com]: Value or error_reporting() within handler with errors suppressed is 4437, not 0 php-bugs 15/07/2024 01:12 PM 1KB
[DOC-BUGS] Doc #79965 [Com]: Why does the manual say fread/fwrite changed in PHP 7.4? php-bugs 25/07/2024 01:12 PM 1KB
[DOC-BUGS] Doc #47336 [Com]: data: stream restricted by allow_url_fopen php-bugs 26/07/2024 02:01 AM 1KB