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Subject From Date Size
Possible BUG? 06/12/2021 11:31 PM 1KB
   Re: [DOC-BUGS] Possible BUG? tiffany.k.taylor 06/12/2021 11:42 PM 1KB
     Re: [DOC-BUGS] Possible BUG? tiffany.k.taylor 06/12/2021 11:44 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #81575 [NEW]: Faulty mb_encode_mimeheader() example code php-bugs 31/10/2021 10:37 AM 1KB
   Doc #81575 [Opn->Ver]: Faulty mb_encode_mimeheader() example code cmb 03/11/2021 12:49 AM 1KB
   Doc #81575 [Ver->Csd]: Faulty mb_encode_mimeheader() example code git 03/11/2021 12:57 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #81548 [NEW]: Hunerfzn php-bugs 21/10/2021 12:57 PM 1KB
   Doc #81548 [Opn->Spm]: Hunerfzn requinix 21/10/2021 01:40 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #81547 [NEW]: print documentation section Documentation is contradictory php-bugs 21/10/2021 03:03 AM 1KB
   Doc #81547 [Opn]: print documentation section Documentation is contradictory cmb 03/11/2021 09:08 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #81545 [NEW]: The link to "SPL Types" documentation page is missing for most of lnaguages php-bugs 20/10/2021 04:07 PM 1KB
   Doc #81545 [Opn]: The link to "SPL Types" documentation page is missing for most of lnaguages php-bugs 20/10/2021 04:24 PM 1KB
   Doc #81545 [Opn->Nab]: The link to "SPL Types" documentation page is missing for most of lnaguages cmb 20/10/2021 04:49 PM 1KB
   Doc #81545 [Com]: The link to "SPL Types" documentation page is missing for most of lnaguages php-bugs 20/10/2021 04:58 PM 1KB
   Doc #81545 [Com]: The link to "SPL Types" documentation page is missing for most of lnaguages php-bugs 20/10/2021 05:05 PM 1KB
   Doc #81545 [Nab->ReO]: [RO] Translation is unmaintained cmb 20/10/2021 05:17 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #81530 [NEW]: looscormers php-bugs 17/10/2021 05:09 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #81511 [NEW]: Evaluation order for . operator should be specified php-bugs 07/10/2021 02:56 PM 1KB
   Doc #81511 [Opn->Nab]: Evaluation order for . operator should be specified requinix 07/10/2021 04:26 PM 1KB
   Doc #81511 [Com]: Evaluation order for . operator should be specified php-bugs 07/10/2021 06:25 PM 1KB
   Doc #81511 [Nab]: Evaluation order for . operator should be specified requinix 08/10/2021 02:04 AM 1KB
   Doc #81511 [Nab]: Evaluation order for . operator should be specified php-bugs 08/10/2021 06:26 AM 1KB
   Doc #81511 [Com]: Evaluation order for . operator should be specified php-bugs 08/10/2021 08:36 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #81508 [NEW]: http_build_query returns empty string given ArrayIterator as input php-bugs 05/10/2021 11:28 PM 1KB
   Doc #81508 [Opn->Nab]: http_build_query returns empty string given ArrayIterator as input requinix 06/10/2021 12:00 AM 1KB
   Doc #81508 [Nab->Opn]: http_build_query returns empty string given ArrayIterator as input salathe 06/10/2021 02:33 AM 1KB
   Doc #81508 [Opn]: http_build_query returns empty string given ArrayIterator as input requinix 06/10/2021 03:01 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #81479 [NEW]: ladkawooxy php-bugs 26/09/2021 07:48 PM 1KB
   Doc #81479 [Opn->Spm]: ladkawooxy cmb 26/09/2021 07:53 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #81478 [NEW]: Wrong link to source code at php-bugs 26/09/2021 05:30 PM 1KB
   Doc #81478 [Opn->Ver]: Wrong link to source code at cmb 26/09/2021 07:15 PM 1KB
   Doc #81478 [Ver->Csd]: Wrong link to source code at cmb 19/11/2021 09:33 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #81463 [NEW]: Missing documentation for ReflectionAttribute::IS_INSTANCEOF php-bugs 21/09/2021 05:11 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #81461 [NEW]: Erikaneold php-bugs 20/09/2021 08:42 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #81445 [NEW]: AlexaVicikem php-bugs 16/09/2021 04:09 PM 1KB
   Doc #81445 [Opn->Spm]: AlexaVicikem requinix 16/09/2021 04:24 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #81423 [NEW]: Crash in mysqlnd_fetch_stmt_row_cursor when calling an SP with a cursor php-bugs 08/09/2021 12:34 AM 1KB
   Doc #81423 [Opn]: UPGRADING doesn't mention that readonly becomes a reserved keyword dharman 08/09/2021 04:41 AM 1KB
   Doc #81423 [Opn]: UPGRADING doesn't mention that readonly becomes a reserved keyword cmb 14/09/2021 09:36 PM 1KB
   Doc #81423 [Opn->Csd]: UPGRADING doesn't mention that readonly becomes a reserved keyword git 03/12/2021 12:17 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #81421 [NEW]: Teslainospisy php-bugs 07/09/2021 10:08 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #81418 [NEW]: Downoad en PHP documentation links broken php-bugs 06/09/2021 01:59 AM 1KB
   Doc #81418 [Opn->Fbk]: Downoad en PHP documentation links broken salathe 06/09/2021 03:27 AM 1KB
   Doc #81418 [Fbk->Opn]: Downoad en PHP documentation links broken php-bugs 06/09/2021 03:43 AM 1KB
   Doc #81418 [Opn->Fbk]: Downoad en PHP documentation links broken salathe 06/09/2021 06:13 AM 1KB
   Doc #81418 [Fbk->Opn]: Downoad en PHP documentation links broken php-bugs 06/09/2021 07:31 AM 1KB
   Doc #81418 [Opn->Fbk]: Downoad en PHP documentation links broken cmb 06/09/2021 04:39 PM 1KB
   Doc #81418 [Fbk->Csd]: Downoad en PHP documentation links broken php-bugs 07/09/2021 01:23 AM 1KB
   Doc #81418 [Csd->Nab]: Downoad en PHP documentation links broken requinix 07/09/2021 01:50 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #81413 [NEW]: Bernardnfo php-bugs 03/09/2021 10:37 PM 1KB
   Doc #81413 [Opn->Spm]: Bernardnfo cmb 03/09/2021 10:37 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #81411 [NEW]: Casting object with numeric keys to array php-bugs 03/09/2021 04:57 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #81401 [NEW]: pinupcasinoooo php-bugs 31/08/2021 03:18 AM 1KB
Doc #81398 [Ver]: Comparing int/string with max() always returns string salathe 30/08/2021 05:04 PM 1KB
Doc #81402 [Opn->Fbk]: On the online documentation, can we please have a previous and next button salathe 31/08/2021 09:37 PM 1KB
   Doc #81402 [Fbk->NoF]: On the online documentation, can we please have a previous and next button php-bugs 12/09/2021 12:22 PM 1KB
Doc #28634 [Com]: Error in the french documentation php-bugs 01/09/2021 01:59 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #81397 [Opn]: PDO_sqlite: DECIMAL values from results are cast to float cmb 01/09/2021 07:06 PM 1KB
   Doc #81397 [Com]: PDO_sqlite: DECIMAL values from results are cast to float php-bugs 02/09/2021 06:02 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #64312 [Ana]: set_error_handler always return handler if called inside an error_handler cmb 01/09/2021 08:31 PM 1KB
Req->Doc #80694 [Opn]: DateTime::createFromFormat not return false in all cases cmb 01/09/2021 09:16 PM 1KB
Doc #611 [Com]: Is there currently a way to turn max_execution_time off? php-bugs 02/09/2021 01:53 AM 1KB
Doc #866 [Com]: No need for Content-type header with virtual php-bugs 02/09/2021 01:54 AM 1KB
Doc #1296 [Com]: function in documentation wrong php-bugs 02/09/2021 01:54 AM 1KB
Doc #3769 [Com]: Migration page doesn't agree with PHP4 "Install" php-bugs 02/09/2021 02:25 AM 1KB
Doc #8719 [Com]: session variable not working php-bugs 02/09/2021 02:37 AM 1KB
Doc #25974 [Com]: post_max_size Changeable value inconsistant php-bugs 02/09/2021 02:45 AM 1KB
Doc #5890 [Com]: session-> referrer_check php-bugs 02/09/2021 02:48 AM 1KB
Doc #25063 [Com]: ftp_site docs ambiguous php-bugs 02/09/2021 02:51 AM 1KB
Doc #25196 [Com]: typo on ini_set()'s doc page php-bugs 02/09/2021 02:52 AM 1KB
Doc #25208 [Com]: Typos in the security chapter php-bugs 02/09/2021 02:52 AM 1KB
Doc #25304 [Com]: Implicit flush output in CLI falsely documented php-bugs 02/09/2021 02:53 AM 1KB
Doc #25330 [Com]: Math functions without refpurpose php-bugs 02/09/2021 02:53 AM 1KB
Doc #81345 [Com]: ftell() after writing to compress://zlib stream wrong php-bugs 04/09/2021 12:12 AM 1KB
Doc #81365 [Opn->Csd]: Flipping opcache.file_cache_only is broken git 06/09/2021 08:46 PM 1KB
Doc #60710 [Com]: svn_info recurses by default php-bugs 09/09/2021 01:45 PM 1KB
Doc #78127 [Opn]: Passing "user" to a parameter is forbidden but behavior not detailled cmb 09/09/2021 05:40 PM 1KB
Doc #80279 [Opn->Csd]: DateTime::format / date_format: Mismatch between signature and "return values" cmb 09/09/2021 06:10 PM 1KB
Doc #81385 [PATCH]: ReflectionProperty::isPromoted() is missing from documentation php-bugs 09/09/2021 09:32 PM 1KB
   Doc #81385 [Ver->Csd]: ReflectionProperty::isPromoted() is missing from documentation cmb 20/10/2021 05:12 PM 1KB
Doc #78934 [Opn->Nab]: What do mbstring functions return when they fail? cmb 10/09/2021 12:46 AM 1KB
Bug->Doc #81427 [Opn->Ver]: ArrayObject no longer supports end() etc. cmb 10/09/2021 01:04 AM 1KB
Doc #79253 [Opn->Ver]: doc for pg_get_result() fails to mention its implementation is syncronous cmb 10/09/2021 01:09 AM 1KB
Doc #72804 [Opn]: docs on rewind explicitly says it must be opened by fopen() cmb 13/09/2021 10:14 PM 1KB
Doc #71082 [Asn->Csd]: Documentation is unclear on the other of use clause and return type declaration cmb 13/09/2021 11:22 PM 1KB
Doc #71213 [Opn->Ver]: OpenBSD Installation Page Outdated cmb 13/09/2021 11:53 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #69291 [Opn]: SPL directory tests fail under some conditions cmb 14/09/2021 06:05 PM 1KB
Doc #80311 [Com]: jsonb operators not supported php-bugs 14/09/2021 08:01 PM 1KB
Doc #72251 [Opn->Ver]: PDO::quote() is missing driver specific documentation cmb 14/09/2021 08:41 PM 1KB
Doc #78290 [Ver->Csd]: APD extension is not supported since 2004 cmb 14/09/2021 09:30 PM 1KB
Doc #81393 [Opn->Fbk]: Missing how to build opcache extension cmb 14/09/2021 09:40 PM 1KB
   Doc #81393 [Fbk->NoF]: Missing how to build opcache extension php-bugs 26/09/2021 12:22 PM 1KB
Req->Doc #34834 [Ver]: array_merge_recursive() merges arrays with objects with arrays cmb 14/09/2021 11:06 PM 1KB
Doc #79297 [Opn->Csd]: Remove SDO sections from official php documentation cmb 15/09/2021 09:59 PM 1KB
Req->Doc #53693 [Opn->Ver]: ::transformToDoc() $returnClass param docs insufficient cmb 16/09/2021 12:38 AM 1KB
Bug->Doc #81436 [Fbk->Opn]: Unclear behaviors with __call/__callStatic/forward_static_call and LSB requinix 16/09/2021 04:23 PM 1KB
Doc #65506 [Opn->Csd]: Incomplete documentation for OPcache cmb 16/09/2021 08:14 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #76028 [Opn->Ver]: call_user_func($a) and $a() behave differently cmb 16/09/2021 08:37 PM 1KB
Bug #52551 [Com]: range() warns if step exceeds the distance between the min and max values php-bugs 16/09/2021 10:58 PM 1KB
Doc #81189 [Opn->Csd]: PDOStatement::fetchAll() incorrectly claims "false on failure" return git 20/09/2021 06:15 PM 1KB
Bug #79251 [PATCH]: net_get_interfaces function is not documented php-bugs 21/09/2021 07:50 PM 1KB
   Doc #79251 [Ver->Csd]: net_get_interfaces function is not documented cmb 16/12/2021 12:35 AM 1KB
Doc #62019 [Com]: ob_get_status returns 'flags' bitmask instead of 'status' array key php-bugs 21/09/2021 08:30 PM 1KB
   Doc #62019 [Com]: ob_get_status returns 'flags' bitmask instead of 'status' array key php-bugs 21/09/2021 08:31 PM 1KB
   Doc #62019 [Com]: ob_get_status returns 'flags' bitmask instead of 'status' array key php-bugs 21/09/2021 08:32 PM 1KB
   Doc #62019 [Com]: ob_get_status returns 'flags' bitmask instead of 'status' array key php-bugs 21/09/2021 08:48 PM 1KB
Bug #70059 [Com]: FPM does not accept '#' as comment anymore php-bugs 21/09/2021 11:15 PM 1KB
   Bug #70059 [Com]: FPM does not accept '#' as comment anymore php-bugs 21/09/2021 11:17 PM 1KB
   Bug #70059 [Com]: FPM does not accept '#' as comment anymore php-bugs 21/09/2021 11:19 PM 1KB
   Bug #70059 [Com]: FPM does not accept '#' as comment anymore php-bugs 21/09/2021 11:20 PM 1KB
   Bug #70059 [Com]: FPM does not accept '#' as comment anymore php-bugs 18/02/2022 08:16 PM 1KB
Doc #81098 [Ver->Csd]: shmop_close is deprecated because shmop uses objects cmb 22/09/2021 05:20 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #71252 [Opn]: Yield from by reference is not supported cmb 22/09/2021 08:07 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #71310 [Opn->Ver]: Not clear how to enter DSN with special characters cmb 23/09/2021 09:00 PM 1KB
   Doc #71310 [Ver->Csd]: Can't use DSN with semicolons git 11/11/2021 11:17 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #43817 [Opn->Ver]: opendir() fails on Windows directories with parent directory unaccessible cmb 23/09/2021 11:08 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #71206 [Asn]: oci_fetch_all() returns 0 on failure cmb 23/09/2021 11:43 PM 1KB
   Doc #71206 [Asn->Csd]: oci_fetch_all() returns 0 on failure git 23/09/2021 11:48 PM 1KB
Doc #68564 [Ver->Csd]: Apparent inconsistency in the GC page git 24/09/2021 12:40 AM 1KB
Doc #75883 [Com]: Documentation about name of a session should be less restrictive php-bugs 24/09/2021 01:04 AM 1KB
Doc #81246 [Com]: Issue tracker: Unclear description for status "Suspended" php-bugs 24/09/2021 08:46 AM 1KB
   Doc #81246 [Opn->Wfx]: Issue tracker: Unclear description for status "Suspended" cmb 21/01/2022 01:22 AM 1KB
Doc #28637 [Com]: French translation error : pack() php-bugs 24/09/2021 02:41 PM 1KB
Req->Doc #71289 [Ana->Dup]: Using session_name() prevents session_progress features from working cmb 24/09/2021 09:56 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #71101 [Ana]: serialize_handler must not be switched for existing sessions cmb 24/09/2021 10:09 PM 1KB
Doc #68296 [Ver->Csd]: \n in path with parse_url() converts to underscore git 24/09/2021 11:56 PM 1KB
Doc #74599 [Opn->Ver]: parse_url allows bad characters in the common name cmb 25/09/2021 12:12 AM 1KB
   Doc #74599 [Ver->Csd]: parse_url allows bad characters in the common name git 25/09/2021 12:16 AM 1KB
Doc #80431 [Ver->Csd]: parse_url() return fragment, query while there is not. git 25/09/2021 12:46 AM 1KB
Bug->Doc #81473 [Nab->ReO]: hash_pbkdf2 truncate in hex requinix 25/09/2021 11:58 PM 1KB
   Doc #81473 [ReO->Csd]: hash_pbkdf2 truncate in hex git 27/09/2021 08:34 PM 1KB
Doc #69613 [PATCH]: DOMDocument: default values of most properties are not listed php-bugs 27/09/2021 09:47 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #76354 [Opn]: ArrayObject doesn't call the constructor of a custom iterator when foreach cmb 27/09/2021 11:25 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #81482 [Opn->Nab]: parse_ini_string behaves differently than on PHP 8.0- cmb 28/09/2021 01:37 AM 1KB
   Doc #81482 [Nab]: parse_ini_string behaves differently than on PHP 8.0- php-bugs 28/09/2021 01:44 AM 1KB
Bug->Doc #48856 [Opn->Csd]: emulated prepared statements allow multiple parameters of the same name cmb 28/09/2021 08:25 PM 1KB
Doc #64930 [Opn->Csd]: Description for auto_globals_jit doesn't document that $_REQUEST is also JIT cmb 30/09/2021 01:43 AM 1KB
Bug->Doc #78217 [Opn->Ver]: set_error_handler() cannot differentiate between error and success cmb 30/09/2021 02:04 AM 1KB
Doc #80738 [Com]: Document that mb_stripos() now accepts an empty needle php-bugs 30/09/2021 02:36 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #62476 [Opn]: DateTime::createFromFormat z format incorrect wrt 29.02 cmb 01/10/2021 08:38 PM 1KB
   Doc #62476 [Opn]: DateTime::createFromFormat z format incorrect wrt 29.02 cmb 01/10/2021 09:01 PM 1KB
   Doc #62476 [Opn->Csd]: DateTime::createFromFormat z format incorrect wrt 29.02 git 01/10/2021 09:34 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #78590 [Asn->Csd]: DatePeriod 0 Recurrences Throws Exception since 7.2.19 cmb 02/10/2021 01:16 AM 1KB
Doc #77963 [Opn->Csd]: [PT_BR] Error in translation git 04/10/2021 02:35 AM 1KB
Bug->Doc #81488 [Asn->Opn]: ext/zip doesn't extract files with special names cmb 04/10/2021 06:40 PM 1KB
   Doc #81488 [Opn->Csd]: ext/zip doesn't extract files with special names git 04/10/2021 09:25 PM 1KB
Doc #80231 [Opn->Csd]: [pt_BR] Inconsistency with docs for file_get_contents ae 04/10/2021 11:21 PM 1KB
Doc #74411 [Opn->Dup]: SplFileInfo::getRealPath() returns false if containing folder is unreadable cmb 04/10/2021 11:26 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #65482 [Opn->Ver]: fileperms function reports wrong permissions on a file with ACL cmb 04/10/2021 11:32 PM 1KB
Doc #77829 [Opn->Csd]: [pt_BR] Na descri癟瓊o o retorno da fun癟瓊o unlink 矇 int ae 04/10/2021 11:37 PM 1KB
Doc #80288 [Opn->Csd]: [TR] Translation of example is wrong cmb 04/10/2021 11:51 PM 1KB
Doc #77328 [Opn->Csd]: [pt_BR] is_a() documentation in brazilian portuguese is not complete ae 06/10/2021 05:30 AM 1KB
Doc #81347 [Com]: 2021-03-34 is correct date for DateTime::createFromFormat() php-bugs 07/10/2021 09:13 AM 1KB
Bug->Doc #76608 [Ver]: Heredoc end label should not require an additional trailing character cmb 07/10/2021 06:12 PM 1KB
Doc #61422 [Opn->Ver]: Clarify when autoloading is triggered cmb 07/10/2021 06:45 PM 1KB
Doc #70695 [Opn->Wfx]: sqlsrv.configuration is missing important details cmb 07/10/2021 09:00 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #71611 [Opn]: array index starting with number in double quote string cmb 09/10/2021 01:35 AM 1KB
Bug->Doc #80108 [ReO]: APACHE+PHP not releasing memory in certain conditions on Win10 cmb 14/10/2021 07:53 PM 1KB
Doc #72842 [Opn->Sus]: [KR] is_numeric does not accept hex in PHP 7+ cmb 14/10/2021 08:38 PM 1KB
Doc #75070 [Opn->Csd]: opcache_get_status returns opcache_enabled=false git 15/10/2021 09:31 PM 1KB
   Doc #75070 [Csd]: opcache_get_status returns opcache_enabled=false cmb 15/10/2021 09:32 PM 1KB
Doc #80989 [Opn->Csd]: [DE] translation incorrect cmb 16/10/2021 01:38 AM 1KB
Bug->Doc #69322 [Asn->Ver]: LimitRequestBody excession not handled correctly cmb 18/10/2021 09:33 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #70418 [Ver]: SplObjectStorage not replacing objects when hash matches cmb 19/10/2021 12:14 AM 1KB
Bug->Doc #81540 [Opn]: PHP build fails with openssl 3.0.0 cmb 19/10/2021 04:25 PM 1KB
   Doc #81540 [Opn]: Variables become null in if statements nikic 19/10/2021 04:35 PM 1KB
   Doc #81540 [Opn]: OpenSSL 3.0.0 is not supported prior to 8.1.0 nikic 19/10/2021 04:35 PM 1KB
   Doc #81540 [Opn->Csd]: OpenSSL 3.0.0 is not supported prior to 8.1.0 php-bugs 20/10/2021 01:43 AM 1KB
   Doc #81540 [Csd->ReO]: OpenSSL 3.0.0 is not supported prior to 8.1.0 requinix 20/10/2021 02:33 AM 1KB
   Doc #81540 [ReO->Csd]: OpenSSL 3.0.0 is not supported prior to 8.1.0 bukka 29/03/2022 02:56 AM 1KB
Bug->Doc #65766 [Ver]: Invalid SBS for arrays in query string cmb 19/10/2021 05:25 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #75536 [Asn]: FilesystemIterator forces SKIP_DOTS flag cmb 20/10/2021 09:47 PM 1KB
Doc #76569 [Opn]: Description of ����And �补��of DateTime::createFromFormat cmb 22/10/2021 02:52 AM 1KB
Doc #50684 [Opn->Csd]: max_file_uploads is now PHP_INI_PERDIR sergey 22/10/2021 04:13 PM 1KB
Doc #80715 [Opn->Csd]: Incorrect documentation for certificate and private_key in openssl_cms_sign() git 25/10/2021 09:52 PM 1KB
Doc #79065 [Com]: DOM classes do not expose properties to Reflection php-bugs 26/10/2021 03:20 AM 1KB
Doc #75338 [Opn->Csd]: Differences in configuration for mod_php 5 vs 7 are unclear cmb 26/10/2021 09:25 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #69481 [Opn]: how php initializes locale is not documented cmb 27/10/2021 08:32 PM 1KB
Doc #79997 [Com]: Completely wrong example output given php-bugs 30/10/2021 11:41 AM 1KB
Bug->Doc #81566 [Opn->Ver]: ob_get_status return value contains non-existing constants cmb 02/11/2021 07:25 PM 1KB
   Doc #81566 [Ver->Csd]: ob_get_status return value contains non-existing constants git 02/11/2021 08:46 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #72915 [Opn->Ver]: *Only* basic and digest authentication supported cmb 03/11/2021 01:22 AM 1KB
   Doc #72915 [Ver->Csd]: *Only* basic and digest authentication supported git 03/11/2021 01:27 AM 1KB
Bug->Doc #81576 [Opn->Ver]: PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND has int typehint, should be string cmb 03/11/2021 06:09 PM 1KB
   Bug->Doc #81576 [Fbk->Ver]: PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND has int typehint, should be string cmb 06/11/2021 04:43 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #81596 [Opn]: PHP in apache with mod_perl ignores locale, while CLI version doesn't. requinix 07/11/2021 03:17 AM 1KB
   Doc #81596 [Opn]: PHP in apache with mod_perl ignores locale, while CLI version doesn't. nikic 09/11/2021 07:18 PM 1KB
   Doc #81596 [Com]: PHP in apache with mod_perl ignores locale, while CLI version doesn't. php-bugs 09/11/2021 07:54 PM 1KB
   Doc #81596 [Com]: PHP in apache with mod_perl ignores locale, while CLI version doesn't. php-bugs 09/11/2021 07:58 PM 1KB
   Doc #81596 [Com]: PHP in apache with mod_perl ignores locale, while CLI version doesn't. php-bugs 09/11/2021 11:29 PM 1KB
Doc #73149 [Com]: dns_get_record(): A temporary server error occurred php-bugs 08/11/2021 07:06 PM 1KB
Req->Doc #41062 [Opn->Ver]: is_executable only looks at basic executables cmb 08/11/2021 07:56 PM 1KB
   Doc #41062 [Ver->Csd]: is_executable only looks at basic executables git 08/11/2021 10:05 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #65080 [Opn->Ver]: ctype_*() don't properly support multibyte locales cmb 08/11/2021 08:31 PM 1KB
Doc #76830 [Opn->Csd]: PDO_PGSQL DSN could have "sslmode" documented git 08/11/2021 09:32 PM 1KB
Doc #75907 [PATCH]: Symmetric array destructuring not properly documented php-bugs 08/11/2021 11:43 PM 1KB
Doc #71363 [Opn]: No documentation on E_NOTICE for trailing characters with weak int/float hints cmb 09/11/2021 12:19 AM 1KB
Bug->Doc #74545 [Opn->Ver]: Casting arrays to objects allows creation of attributes that start with \0 cmb 09/11/2021 02:26 AM 1KB
Bug->Doc #76563 [Opn->Ver]: ob_get_clean ignores return value of ob_start callback cmb 09/11/2021 02:46 AM 1KB
Doc #51695 [Ver->Csd]: CLI interactive mode broken without readline/editline git 09/11/2021 07:14 PM 1KB
Doc #80494 [Opn->Ver]: DOMElement::remove not documented cmb 09/11/2021 08:05 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #81604 [Opn]: Parse_url wrong hostname detection cmb 10/11/2021 12:07 AM 1KB
   Doc #81604 [Opn->Csd]: Parse_url wrong hostname detection git 11/11/2021 08:01 PM 1KB
Doc #76245 [Opn->Csd]: mb_ereg_match matches at beginning of subject only git 11/11/2021 06:59 PM 1KB
Doc #77236 [Ver]: Many reflection functions are undocumented cmb 11/11/2021 07:24 PM 1KB
Doc #72058 [Ver->Csd]: pg_field_num Error with Quoted Aliases git 11/11/2021 07:33 PM 1KB
Doc #80822 [Opn]: signature of ArrayObject::exchangeArray($array) has changed cmb 11/11/2021 10:26 PM 1KB
Doc #69683 [Opn->Csd]: Default value of rlimit_files makes no sense git 11/11/2021 11:21 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #81606 [Opn]: Mistyped IntlDateFormatter::__construct() arguments nikic 12/11/2021 05:28 PM 1KB
   Doc #81606 [Opn->Csd]: Mistyped IntlDateFormatter::__construct() arguments nikic 12/11/2021 05:42 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #81620 [Opn]: parse_ini_file and parse_ini_string don't actually support value interpolation cmb 15/11/2021 08:27 PM 1KB
   Doc #81620 [Asn->Csd]: parse_ini_file and parse_ini_string don't actually support value interpolation git 15/11/2021 08:44 PM 1KB
Doc #80295 [Opn->Ver]: + operator on arrays is documented as Union but it's not cmb 16/11/2021 12:33 AM 1KB
Doc #76031 [Ver->Sus]: Several ext/stats functions are documented incorrectly cmb 16/11/2021 09:19 PM 1KB
Doc #70924 [Opn->Sus]: Return value description is incorrect cmb 16/11/2021 09:19 PM 1KB
Doc #71916 [Ver->Csd]: Two attribute constants use the same value git 16/11/2021 10:02 PM 1KB
Doc #73857 [Opn->Csd]: Y2038 issue with getTimestamp and setTimestamp, with alternative git 17/11/2021 10:48 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #70154 [Ver]: date_parse() not returning false for missing time components cmb 23/11/2021 07:33 PM 1KB
Req->Doc #39492 [Opn->Ver]: log_errors do not use error_append_string directive cmb 23/11/2021 08:19 PM 1KB
   Doc #39492 [Ver->Csd]: log_errors do not use error_append_string directive git 23/11/2021 08:29 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #81661 [Opn]: curl uses pkg-config as of PHP 7.4.0 cmb 26/11/2021 09:28 PM 1KB
   Doc #81661 [Opn->Csd]: curl uses pkg-config as of PHP 7.4.0 php-bugs 28/12/2021 03:41 PM 1KB
   Doc #81661 [Csd->ReO]: curl uses pkg-config as of PHP 7.4.0 cmb 28/12/2021 06:09 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #81675 [Opn]: Undocumented change in get_class_vars behaviour with static properties in 8.1 cmb 30/11/2021 08:21 PM 1KB
   Doc #81675 [Com]: Undocumented change in get_class_vars behaviour with static properties in 8.1 php-bugs 30/11/2021 09:40 PM 1KB
   Doc #81675 [Opn]: Undocumented change in get_class_vars behaviour with static properties in 8.1 nikic 30/11/2021 10:11 PM 1KB
   Doc #81675 [Opn->Ver]: Undocumented change in get_class_vars behaviour with static properties in 8.1 cmb 30/11/2021 10:24 PM 1KB
   Doc #81675 [Com]: Undocumented change in get_class_vars behaviour with static properties in 8.1 php-bugs 03/03/2022 08:45 PM 1KB
   Doc #81675 [Com]: Undocumented change in get_class_vars behaviour with static properties in 8.1 php-bugs 03/03/2022 08:46 PM 1KB
   Doc #81675 [Com]: Undocumented change in get_class_vars behaviour with static properties in 8.1 php-bugs 03/03/2022 08:47 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #81677 [Opn->Ver]: realpath result is cached cmb 01/12/2021 06:50 PM 1KB
   Doc #81677 [Com]: realpath result is cached php-bugs 03/03/2022 08:49 PM 1KB
   Doc #81677 [Com]: realpath result is cached php-bugs 03/03/2022 08:50 PM 1KB
   Doc #81677 [Com]: realpath result is cached php-bugs 03/03/2022 08:51 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #81685 [Nab->Opn]: Using json_decode with an integer as first parameter doesn't return NULL cmb 02/12/2021 12:24 AM 1KB
   Doc #81685 [Com]: Using json_decode with an integer as first parameter doesn't return NULL php-bugs 30/12/2021 06:40 PM 1KB
   Doc #81685 [Com]: Using json_decode with an integer as first parameter doesn't return NULL php-bugs 30/12/2021 06:42 PM 1KB
   Doc #81685 [Com]: Using json_decode with an integer as first parameter doesn't return NULL php-bugs 30/12/2021 07:04 PM 1KB
   Doc #81685 [Opn->Csd]: Using json_decode with an integer as first parameter doesn't return NULL bukka 29/03/2022 03:10 AM 1KB
Doc #69290 [Ver->Csd]: Invalid modes do not trigger errors git 03/12/2021 01:07 AM 1KB
Doc #79111 [Ver->Csd]: is_numeric documentation utterly incomplete git 03/12/2021 01:56 AM 1KB
Doc #47569 [Ver->Csd]: DOTNET cannot instantiate generic classes git 03/12/2021 02:17 AM 1KB
Doc #51638 [Com]: LDAP and Referrals php-bugs 03/12/2021 03:56 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #81692 [Ver]: array_unique bug cmb 03/12/2021 11:30 PM 1KB
   Doc #81692 [Com]: array_unique bug php-bugs 03/12/2021 11:47 PM 1KB
   Doc #81692 [Ver]: array_unique bug with mixed scalar values requinix 03/12/2021 11:58 PM 1KB
   Doc #81692 [Ver]: array_unique bug with mixed scalar values php-bugs 06/12/2021 03:10 PM 1KB
   Doc #81692 [Com]: array_unique bug with mixed scalar values php-bugs 31/12/2021 09:00 AM 1KB
   Doc #81692 [Ver->Dup]: array_unique bug with mixed scalar values cmb 16/03/2022 05:54 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #79319 [Opn]: FFI::cast() from void* to intptr_t crashes PHP cmb 06/12/2021 11:27 PM 1KB
Doc #79809 [Ver->Csd]: imagecreatefromwebp() does not support animated WebP git 07/12/2021 12:53 AM 1KB
Doc #80078 [Opn->Ver]: openssl_dh_compute_key unknown parameters cmb 07/12/2021 01:09 AM 1KB
   Doc #80078 [Ver->Csd]: openssl_dh_compute_key unknown parameters git 16/12/2021 08:26 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #60586 [Ver]: ignore_user_abort=true has no effect on IIS with FastCGI cmb 14/12/2021 02:01 AM 1KB
Doc #79402 [Com]: Description fix suggestion php-bugs 14/12/2021 09:29 AM 1KB
   Doc #79402 [NoF->Opn]: Description fix suggestion cmb 14/12/2021 06:29 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #79905 [Asn]: Console-less environments do not prevent std streams to be opened cmb 14/12/2021 07:45 PM 1KB
Doc #78285 [Ver]: file_exists is 30 times slover than is_dir cmb 15/12/2021 12:16 AM 1KB
Req->Doc #73576 [Opn->Csd]: Create array_concat alias for array_merge cmb 20/12/2021 06:01 AM 1KB
Doc #79685 [Opn->Dup]: createFromFormat doesn't work easily with unpadded components requinix 27/12/2021 03:51 PM 1KB
Doc #80699 [Opn->Csd]: array_map no longer passes by reference git 01/01/2022 02:21 AM 1KB
Doc #81339 [PATCH]: NTFS streams on Windows are partially supported php-bugs 08/01/2022 05:13 PM 1KB
Doc #69779 [Com]: Flawed page design makes deep linking unusable php-bugs 04/02/2022 06:50 AM 1KB
Doc #78603 [Com]: DateTime::createFromFormat() missing component behaviour change php-bugs 14/02/2022 11:15 AM 1KB
   Doc #78603 [Com]: DateTime::createFromFormat() missing component behaviour change php-bugs 14/02/2022 11:16 AM 1KB
   Doc #78603 [Com]: DateTime::createFromFormat() missing component behaviour change php-bugs 14/02/2022 11:21 AM 1KB
   Doc #78603 [Com]: DateTime::createFromFormat() missing component behaviour change php-bugs 14/02/2022 11:49 AM 1KB
   Doc #78603 [Com]: DateTime::createFromFormat() missing component behaviour change php-bugs 14/02/2022 11:55 AM 1KB
   Doc #78603 [Com]: DateTime::createFromFormat() missing component behaviour change php-bugs 14/02/2022 12:01 PM 1KB
Doc #79476 [Com]: remote file include php-bugs 18/02/2022 04:18 PM 1KB
Bug #47957 [Com]: Rendering differences between book and chapter titles php-bugs 20/02/2022 05:44 AM 1KB
Doc #81319 [Com]: Unfortunate example on time() man page php-bugs 02/03/2022 09:47 PM 1KB
Doc #80580 [Ver->Csd]: listen.allowed_clients does not operate as expected with blank or "any" value bukka 03/03/2022 06:56 AM 1KB
Doc #75358 [Com]: Please complete documentation of MAP with following php-bugs 05/03/2022 10:52 PM 1KB
   Doc #75358 [Com]: Please complete documentation of MAP with following php-bugs 05/03/2022 10:54 PM 1KB
Doc #78218 [Com]: function intercepts execution of code that is not executed php-bugs 05/03/2022 11:04 PM 1KB
   Doc #78218 [Com]: function intercepts execution of code that is not executed php-bugs 05/03/2022 11:06 PM 1KB
   Doc #78218 [Com]: function intercepts execution of code that is not executed php-bugs 05/03/2022 11:07 PM 1KB
   Doc #78218 [Com]: function intercepts execution of code that is not executed php-bugs 05/03/2022 11:09 PM 1KB
   Doc #78218 [Com]: function intercepts execution of code that is not executed php-bugs 05/03/2022 11:10 PM 1KB
   Doc #78218 [Com]: function intercepts execution of code that is not executed php-bugs 05/03/2022 11:11 PM 1KB
Doc #78611 [Ver->Csd]: listen.backlog is not -1, and -1 does not mean 'unlimited'. bukka 10/03/2022 05:25 AM 1KB
Doc #80731 [Ver->Dup]: escapeshellarg() silently corrupts "\xFF" on linux cmb 11/03/2022 05:34 PM 1KB
Doc #67094 [Opn->Csd]: Missing FPM settings in documentation bukka 24/03/2022 05:32 AM 1KB
Doc #63888 [Opn]: Missing several PHP FPM ini entries in online documentation bukka 24/03/2022 05:34 AM 1KB
   Doc #63888 [Asn]: Missing several PHP FPM ini entries in online documentation bukka 29/03/2022 02:35 AM 1KB
Doc #24568 [Com]: IIS 5 instructions irrelevant php-bugs 24/03/2022 04:40 PM 1KB
Doc #65465 [Com]: passing ArrayAccess to PDO constructor php-bugs 26/03/2022 01:05 PM 1KB
Doc #66866 [Opn->Nab]: Same output for float numbers when using variable handling functions ilutov 22/04/2022 09:13 PM 1KB
Doc #75312 [Opn->Nab]: Scalar typed variadic arguments accept other scalars but not null ilutov 22/04/2022 09:21 PM 1KB
Doc #71064 [Com]: open($string, ZipArchive::OVERWRITE) does not create non-existing archives php-bugs 27/04/2022 12:48 AM 1KB
   Doc #71064 [Csd]: open($string, ZipArchive::OVERWRITE) does not create non-existing archives cmb 27/04/2022 01:00 AM 1KB
Doc #80059 [PATCH]: Lowercase true/false should be used in code examples php-bugs 29/04/2022 12:21 AM 1KB
   Doc #80059 [PATCH]: Lowercase true/false should be used in code examples php-bugs 29/04/2022 12:36 AM 1KB
   Doc #80059 [PATCH]: Lowercase true/false should be used in code examples php-bugs 29/04/2022 12:38 AM 1KB
Doc #80624 [Com]: Undocumented change php 8 vs php 7 abs function php-bugs 11/05/2022 06:20 PM 1KB
   Doc #80624 [Csd]: Undocumented change php 8 vs php 7 abs function cmb 11/05/2022 06:51 PM 1KB
Doc #52015 [Ver]: Ending date is ignored while iterating DatePeriod derick 13/05/2022 09:30 PM 1KB
Doc #66510 [Opn->Csd]: Important information missing in docs of DateTimeZone::listAbbreviations git 13/05/2022 10:16 PM 1KB
Doc #67034 [Ver]: Unable to compare DatePeriod instances with == operator derick 13/05/2022 10:18 PM 1KB