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Subject From Date Size
com web/php: Testing push.: releases/5_5_5.php dragoonis 25/10/2013 01:37 AM 1KB
com web/php: Testing push.: releases/5_5_5.php dragoonis 25/10/2013 01:41 AM 1KB
com web/php: - deactivate mysql use for now: ws.php dragoonis 26/10/2013 03:55 AM 1KB
com web/php: - testing: ws.php dragoonis 26/10/2013 03:57 AM 1KB
com web/php: test2: ws.php dragoonis 26/10/2013 04:50 AM 1KB
com web/php: There is no need for a generated mirrorkit.tgz archive here:mirror-stats.conf mirroring-stats.php dragoonis 28/10/2013 07:50 AM 1KB
com web/php: Kill reST things: error.php mailing-lists.php reST/index.phpsitemap.php sitemap.xml source.php urlhowto.php dragoonis 28/10/2013 07:42 AM 1KB
com web/php: There is no reason why this needs to be generated from adatabase every hour: include/ dragoonis 28/10/2013 07:59 AM 1KB
com web/php: Replace hourly-pre-generated release feed with a PHP script:downloads.php error.php include/ inde... dragoonis 28/10/2013 09:44 AM 1KB
com web/php: Add a news entry about the current status, written by Rasmus:archive/archive.xml archive/entries/2013-10-24... dragoonis 28/10/2013 07:35 PM 1KB
com web/php: More details, written by our new Public Relations Manager:Adam Harvey: archive/archive.xml archive/entries/... dragoonis 28/10/2013 07:35 PM 1KB
com web/php: We have commit logs for this: mirroring-stats.php dragoonis 28/10/2013 07:51 AM 1KB
com web/php: Here it was hiding.. renamed to /mirror-stats.conf since itsnot a backend anymore: backend/mirrorkit/stats/... dragoonis 28/10/2013 07:52 AM 1KB
com web/php: Remove annoying javascript error on all pages except docs:include/ include/ dragoonis 29/10/2013 07:22 AM 1KB
com web/php: But the redirects in the right place.. and lowercase so itworks: error.php dragoonis 29/10/2013 09:12 AM 1KB
com web/php: Remove this links.. hasn't been maintained for a long time:archive/2002.php dragoonis 29/10/2013 10:25 AM 1KB
com web/php: I don't have ext/filter, and it has never been a requirementeither: include/ dragoonis 29/10/2013 07:22 AM 1KB
com web/php: Mention the twitter account (cjones): mailing-lists.php dragoonis 29/10/2013 05:34 AM 1KB
com web/php: This file is still in used by the old-web.: js/usernotes.js dragoonis 29/10/2013 07:38 AM 1KB
com web/php: The Bing search API hasn't worked for a while, and it is nolonger free, so turn it off entirely: dragoonis 31/10/2013 05:44 AM 1KB
com web/php: Turn off the API search here too: quickref.php dragoonis 31/10/2013 06:31 AM 1KB
com web/php: No more 5_2 here: releases/index.php dragoonis 31/10/2013 06:56 AM 1KB
com web/php: Update distributions for 5.5.6: distributions dragoonis 14/11/2013 05:11 PM 1KB
com web/php: 5.5.6 RC1: include/ dragoonis 31/10/2013 07:07 PM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed bug#66030 website script error:include/ dragoonis 05/11/2013 01:32 AM 1KB
com web/php: 5.4.22 RC1: include/ dragoonis 01/11/2013 03:35 PM 1KB
com web/php: PHP 5.5.6 release: ChangeLog-5.php archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2013-11-14-1.xml include/ dragoonis 14/11/2013 06:10 PM 1KB
com web/php: Add missing changelog entry for PHP 5.5.6.: ChangeLog-5.php dragoonis 15/11/2013 02:50 AM 1KB
com web/php: 5.4.22: distributions dragoonis 15/11/2013 02:36 PM 1KB
com web/php: 5.4.22: ChangeLog-5.php archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2013-11-14-3.xml include/ include/ve... dragoonis 15/11/2013 02:41 PM 1KB
com web/php: PHP Johannesburg cfp: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2013-11-14-2.xml images/news/phpjohannesburg2014.p... dragoonis 15/11/2013 10:23 AM 1KB
com web/php: Missing 5.5.6 release file: releases/5_5_6.php dragoonis 15/11/2013 04:58 PM 1KB
com web/php: add signature to d/l link: include/ dragoonis 18/11/2013 07:14 AM 1KB
com web/php: Remove references to the beta design in my.php andalways make myphp[dot]net_beta() return true: inc... dragoonis 20/11/2013 11:50 AM 1KB
com web/php: GO LIVE WITH NEW DESIGN. GO GO GO GO!: include/ dragoonis 20/11/2013 10:43 AM 1KB
com web/php: fix signature link: include/ dragoonis 18/11/2013 07:52 AM 1KB
com web/php: Kill the beta warning on all pages: include/header.incinclude/ include/ js/common.js s... dragoonis 20/11/2013 10:37 AM 1KB
com web/php: Quickfix for PHP builtin webserver: include/ dragoonis 20/11/2013 10:37 AM 1KB
com web/php: Allow the browsers to cache these files now:include/ include/ dragoonis 20/11/2013 10:43 AM 1KB
com web/php: Adding UserVoice and GoSquared to the thanks page as part ofthe new site launch.: thanks.php dragoonis 20/11/2013 07:27 PM 1KB
com web/php: NEWS entry announcement for the new web theme:archive/entries/2013-11-20-1.xml dragoonis 20/11/2013 08:42 PM 1KB
com web/php: add theme news to archive: archive/archive.xml dragoonis 20/11/2013 10:17 PM 1KB
com web/php: remove wrong category: archive/entries/2013-11-20-1.xml dragoonis 20/11/2013 10:11 PM 1KB
com web/php: Various styling updates, including responsiveness (gasp!).:js/search.js styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 21/11/2013 03:06 AM 1KB
com web/php: typo fix on thanks page: thanks.php dragoonis 21/11/2013 12:01 AM 1KB
com web/php: Re-add a search dropdown to the beta site.: include/footer.incjs/common.js js/ext/hogan-2.0.0.min.js js/ext... dragoonis 21/11/2013 03:06 AM 1KB
com web/php: Darken the general search option.: styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 21/11/2013 03:06 AM 1KB
com web/php: minor grammar changes: archive/entries/2013-11-20-1.xml dragoonis 20/11/2013 10:17 PM 1KB
com web/php: Restore the previous and next links to their former glory.:include/ include/ sty... dragoonis 21/11/2013 04:17 AM 1KB
com web/php: Make the license page suck slightly less.: license/index.php dragoonis 21/11/2013 04:39 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix broken debug code.: include/ dragoonis 21/11/2013 04:44 AM 1KB
com web/php: Switch to a pure CSS implementation of the responsive menu.:include/ js/common.js styles/theme-ba... dragoonis 21/11/2013 05:04 AM 1KB
com web/php: Increment the common.js timestamp.: include/ dragoonis 21/11/2013 05:05 AM 1KB
com web/php: Put the "local" country mirrors at the top too: mirrors.phpstyles/mirror.css dragoonis 21/11/2013 05:16 AM 1KB
com web/php: Bust ALL THE CACHES.: include/ dragoonis 21/11/2013 05:17 AM 1KB
com web/php: Kill these rouge views, and simplify the mirrorlisting page:index-beta.php mirrors.php styles/mirror.css vi... dragoonis 21/11/2013 05:16 AM 1KB
com web/php: This hasn't been relevant in a long time:include/ dragoonis 21/11/2013 06:04 AM 1KB
com web/php: Prettify the download page: include/get-download.incinclude/ include/ mirrors.php st... dragoonis 21/11/2013 06:04 AM 1KB
com web/php: Reinstate (very small) edit and report bug links on manualpages.: include/ include/shared-manual.... dragoonis 21/11/2013 06:08 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix FF 1px nav space and IE logo border: styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 21/11/2013 06:07 AM 1KB
com web/php: Merge remote-tracking branch 'webarto/master':include/ styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 21/11/2013 06:14 AM 1KB
com web/php: Automatically bump the CSS last-modified-timestamps:include/ dragoonis 21/11/2013 06:16 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix overflowing search result names (try searching "cairog").:styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 21/11/2013 06:21 AM 1KB
com web/php: Quiet warning on pages that don't specify custom css.:include/ dragoonis 21/11/2013 06:26 AM 1KB
com web/php: Apply the extra width mode on large displays across all pages,not just docs.: include/ styles/the... dragoonis 21/11/2013 06:47 AM 1KB
com web/php: Update the last modified CSS code to handle non-root workingdirectories.: include/ dragoonis 21/11/2013 07:01 AM 1KB
com web/php: Shamelessly steal bjori's code to handle JS caching as well.:include/ dragoonis 21/11/2013 07:01 AM 1KB
com web/php: Add a router file for the built-in webserver: .router.php dragoonis 21/11/2013 07:07 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fit 3x mirrors per row on big screens: styles/mirror.css dragoonis 21/11/2013 07:13 AM 1KB
com web/php: Remove wrappers for the beta design, and the old code:include/ include/ include/shared... dragoonis 21/11/2013 08:29 AM 1KB
com web/php: Replace the index.php with the new layout, dropping the oldone: index-beta.php index-stable.php index.php dragoonis 21/11/2013 08:11 AM 1KB
com web/php: No longer used with the new typeahead search: search-index.php dragoonis 21/11/2013 08:36 AM 1KB
com web/php: No longer used: ie6update/ie6update.jsie6update/images/close-over.png ie6update/images/close.pngie6update/i... dragoonis 21/11/2013 08:30 AM 1KB
com web/php: We haven't used this for a while: error.phptrack_ref.php dragoonis 21/11/2013 08:40 AM 1KB
com web/php: This was cool in the 90s.. Besides, the links to source.phphave been dropped: source.php urlhowto.php dragoonis 21/11/2013 08:43 AM 1KB
com web/php: CVSup was dropped pretty long time ago :): cvsup.php error.php dragoonis 21/11/2013 08:39 AM 1KB
com web/php: We have a usable search now, which isn't actually link to thisfeature anyway: include/ my.php dragoonis 21/11/2013 08:49 AM 1KB
com web/php: Restore the old site's default search, which is to try thequickref first.: include/ dragoonis 21/11/2013 09:08 AM 1KB
com web/php: Add a subtle drop shadow to the search results dropdown.:styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 21/11/2013 09:08 AM 1KB
com web/php: Improve the styling on the search results page.: results.phpstyles/theme-base.css dragoonis 21/11/2013 09:08 AM 1KB
com web/php: People write browser extension for these things today.:searchbar.php sidebars.php sitemap.php sitemap.xml dragoonis 21/11/2013 09:22 AM 1KB
com web/php: Make the search results page friendlier to users without JS.:include/ dragoonis 21/11/2013 09:17 AM 1KB
com web/php: Kill dead code: search.php dragoonis 21/11/2013 09:22 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix logo display after a box-sizing change.:styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 21/11/2013 09:30 AM 1KB
com web/php: This sidebar isn't used on the docs page anymore.. and infact, those books links return not a single PHP re... dragoonis 21/11/2013 09:32 AM 1KB
com web/php: Use Google here: search.php dragoonis 21/11/2013 09:56 AM 1KB
com web/php: Revert "Fixed various CSS margin and padding issues":styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 21/11/2013 10:23 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed various CSS margin and padding issues:styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 21/11/2013 10:00 AM 1KB
com web/php: Cleanup: quickref.php dragoonis 21/11/2013 09:56 AM 1KB
com web/php: Revert "typo fix on thanks page": thanks.php dragoonis 21/11/2013 10:29 AM 1KB
com web/php: Revert "Adding UserVoice and GoSquared to the thanks page aspart of the new site launch.": thanks.php dragoonis 21/11/2013 10:29 AM 1KB
com web/php: PHP doesn't really power facebook: index.php dragoonis 21/11/2013 10:42 AM 1KB
com web/php: Prettify the the right bar a little: index.php styles/home.css dragoonis 21/11/2013 11:07 AM 1KB
com web/php: Try to make sense of this: thanks.php dragoonis 21/11/2013 10:38 AM 1KB
com web/php: whooops :D: index.php dragoonis 21/11/2013 11:08 AM 1KB
com web/php: Replace overengineering of 367 lines of code with 29 lines:Entity/NewsItem.php Gateway/NewsFileSystemGatewa... dragoonis 21/11/2013 12:54 PM 1KB
com web/php: Remove old-style news css. Rip that "panel" css for newsheadlines: styles/home.css dragoonis 21/11/2013 12:54 PM 1KB
com web/php: Remove the conference panel, and make the announcement panel alink: index.php styles/home.css dragoonis 21/11/2013 01:02 PM 1KB
com web/php: Align the headers of the tips box and news entries:styles/home.css dragoonis 21/11/2013 01:05 PM 1KB
com web/php: Plus two lines, missed the date!: index.php styles/home.css dragoonis 21/11/2013 01:15 PM 1KB
com web/php: There are seriously old, discontinued, not available orotherwise broken: downloads.php dragoonis 21/11/2013 01:46 PM 1KB
com web/php: </input> doesn't exist, fixes bug #66137: include/ dragoonis 22/11/2013 01:09 AM 1KB
com web/php: Redesign the download page :): downloads.phpinclude/ index.php styles/home.css styles/theme-base... dragoonis 21/11/2013 03:38 PM 1KB
com web/php: Remove the filename from BASE_HREF (used for <base />), fixes bug#66138: include/ include/... dragoonis 22/11/2013 01:29 AM 1KB
com web/php: Make this consistently html5 looking: include/ dragoonis 22/11/2013 01:30 AM 1KB
com web/php: Un-taint the base tag with "./" things :): include/ dragoonis 22/11/2013 02:00 AM 1KB
com web/php: Revert "Un-taint the base tag with "./" things :)":include/ dragoonis 22/11/2013 02:55 AM 1KB
com web/php: Revert "Remove the filename from BASE_HREF (used for <base />), fixes bug#66138": include/ dragoonis 22/11/2013 02:55 AM 1KB
com web/php: Download system tweaks: error.php include/do-download.incinclude/ include/ styles/m... dragoonis 22/11/2013 03:25 AM 1KB
com web/php: Try to fix overlapping text of the md5 sum: downloads.phpstyles/theme-base.css dragoonis 22/11/2013 03:52 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixes mobile and padding issues on mobile and tablet:styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 22/11/2013 04:27 AM 1KB
com web/php: Whopsy, remove debug size :P: include/ dragoonis 22/11/2013 03:55 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix downloads by using the right variable.:include/ dragoonis 22/11/2013 06:01 AM 1KB
com web/php: Update the downloads UI.: downloads.php styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 22/11/2013 08:44 AM 1KB
com web/php: Make breadcrumbs look like they are part of the main menu:include/ styles/theme-base.css styles/t... dragoonis 22/11/2013 08:51 AM 1KB
com web/php: Update breadcrumbs to use flexbox when available, and show PHPManual above h1.: include/ include/... dragoonis 22/11/2013 10:06 AM 1KB
com web/php: Thats a littlebit to weird to always print 'PHP manual' aboveall page titles: include/ sty... dragoonis 22/11/2013 11:03 AM 1KB
com web/php: Bring back the right column (prettified) and mark the downloadtab as current: releases/index.php dragoonis 22/11/2013 09:44 AM 1KB
com web/php: There are part of help really: results.php search.php dragoonis 22/11/2013 12:10 PM 1KB
com web/php: Remove dead code and add back language search: results.php dragoonis 22/11/2013 12:21 PM 1KB
com web/php: Sync the frontpage news with docs & download styles: index.phpstyles/home.css styles/theme-base.css styles/... dragoonis 22/11/2013 11:21 AM 1KB
com web/php: Remove more dead code: search.php dragoonis 22/11/2013 12:34 PM 1KB
com web/php: Revert "Remove -moz-box-sizing and define .brand (logo)height": styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 22/11/2013 01:16 PM 1KB
com web/php: Remove -moz-box-sizing and define .brand (logo) height:styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 22/11/2013 01:24 PM 1KB
com web/php: Remove -moz-box-sizing and define .brand (logo) height:styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 22/11/2013 12:55 PM 1KB
com web/php: Simplify & add a link to the google search: quickref.php dragoonis 22/11/2013 12:45 PM 1KB
com web/php: Fix elephpants on the frontpage (without www):include/ dragoonis 22/11/2013 02:19 PM 1KB
com web/php: Fix alignment of the first breadcrumb per bjori.:include/ styles/theme-base.css styles/theme-medi... dragoonis 22/11/2013 02:50 PM 1KB
com web/php: fix debug code: include/ dragoonis 22/11/2013 03:25 PM 1KB
com web/php: Remove outdated hardcoded index: js/search-index-en.js dragoonis 22/11/2013 04:07 PM 1KB
com web/php: Cache & attempt to gzip the search indexes: cached.phpjs/search.js dragoonis 22/11/2013 04:07 PM 1KB
com web/php: Create a quick cached wrapper to attempt to gzip and cachestatic files: cached.php include/ inclu... dragoonis 22/11/2013 03:23 PM 1KB
com web/php: Have a fixed limit here, and remove endless count()s:images/elephpants.php dragoonis 22/11/2013 04:35 PM 1KB
com web/php: Slightly prettier conference page..: conferences/index.phpstyles/home.css dragoonis 22/11/2013 04:26 PM 1KB
com web/php: Fix chevron (six encoded).: include/ dragoonis 22/11/2013 03:34 PM 1KB
com web/php: Variable typo: cached.php dragoonis 22/11/2013 04:50 PM 1KB
com web/php: Maybe some mirrors are using symlinks for the docroot, thatswhy its failing?: cached.php dragoonis 22/11/2013 04:48 PM 1KB
com web/php: use dotty outline: styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 22/11/2013 06:15 PM 1KB
com web/php: Add the branded sunglassess products page: error.php dragoonis 23/11/2013 02:51 AM 1KB
com web/php: Add the accesskey back: include/ dragoonis 23/11/2013 03:35 AM 1KB
com web/php: Arg, Fixed bug #66146 - mirror links wrong: include/ dragoonis 23/11/2013 01:21 AM 1KB
com web/php: Breadcrumb visual update.: styles/theme-medium.css dragoonis 23/11/2013 05:49 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed some border issues. Also removed arrows on sidebar itemson homepage.: styles/home.css styles/theme-ba... dragoonis 23/11/2013 06:09 AM 1KB
com web/php: Oops; I messed up the padding last commit for the newsarticles.: styles/home.css dragoonis 23/11/2013 06:25 AM 1KB
com web/php: Links in the warning box are now green when you hover/focusthem; previously only their border turned green.... dragoonis 23/11/2013 06:51 AM 1KB
com web/php: Enhancements for news articles on homepage.: index.phpstyles/home.css dragoonis 23/11/2013 06:23 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix prior EOL date commit bug.: eol.php dragoonis 23/11/2013 07:56 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix spelling error.: eol.php dragoonis 23/11/2013 08:45 AM 1KB
com web/php: Couple of logic fixes: ug.php dragoonis 23/11/2013 08:48 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix EOL dates bug.: eol.php dragoonis 23/11/2013 09:03 AM 1KB
com web/php: Make the EOL dates slightly more readable.: eol.php dragoonis 23/11/2013 07:44 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix another EOL date bug. Wrong values for the periods.:eol.php dragoonis 23/11/2013 09:05 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix EOL dates DateTime constructor bug. $detail['date'] is aUnix timestamp and not a formated date. My mist... dragoonis 23/11/2013 09:20 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix navbar issue when # scroll is used: js/common.js dragoonis 23/11/2013 10:32 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix # scroll (FU docbook): js/common.js styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 23/11/2013 12:32 PM 1KB
com web/php: Fix # scroll (this time for real): js/common.js dragoonis 24/11/2013 03:53 AM 1KB
com web/php: Update $.scrollTo and rewrite param scroll logic: js/common.js dragoonis 24/11/2013 05:26 AM 1KB
com web/php: Accelerate page scrolling: styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 26/11/2013 01:32 AM 1KB
com web/php: update distro: distributions dragoonis 27/11/2013 05:06 PM 1KB
com web/php: set a background color for code blocks on non-API pages:styles/theme-medium.css dragoonis 27/11/2013 05:58 PM 1KB
com web/php: 5.5.7RC1: include/ dragoonis 28/11/2013 04:54 PM 1KB
com web/php: typo: js/common.js dragoonis 30/11/2013 03:01 AM 1KB
com web/php: [Fixed] Typo on thanks.php and several CSS errors.:styles/theme-base.css styles/theme-medium.css styles/the... dragoonis 04/12/2013 06:29 AM 1KB
com web/php: myracloud took over Y! hosting few weeks back: thanks.php dragoonis 04/12/2013 06:18 AM 1KB
com web/php: 5.4.23rc1: include/ dragoonis 30/11/2013 05:40 AM 1KB
com web/php: Table improvements, particularly with borders and `thead tr`elements.: styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 02/12/2013 01:17 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix manual pages hash scroll to work without Javascript:styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 04/12/2013 05:17 AM 1KB
com web/php: Merge pull request #25 from keyvanakbary/master:styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 03/12/2013 06:52 AM 1KB
com web/php: Missing anchors for news entries: conferences/index.phpindex.php dragoonis 04/12/2013 02:58 AM 1KB
com web/php: Revert previous CSS change regarding navbar and hash scroll:styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 04/12/2013 05:53 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed typo: include/ dragoonis 04/12/2013 09:31 AM 1KB
com web/php: Merge branch 'master' of thanks.php dragoonis 04/12/2013 06:30 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fade out user notes with negative votes: js/common.js dragoonis 04/12/2013 10:53 AM 1KB
com web/php: Added link to the archive/, let's see what this breaks:index.php dragoonis 04/12/2013 10:48 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix/enable archive sidebar: archive/2000.php archive/2001.phparchive/2002.php archive/2003.php archive/2004... dragoonis 04/12/2013 10:12 AM 1KB
com web/php: Remove outdated comment, and no-longer-used pregen-events:index.php dragoonis 04/12/2013 11:38 AM 1KB
com web/php: Add some logic to negative user notes fade script:js/common.js dragoonis 04/12/2013 11:31 AM 1KB
com web/php: No longer used here: conferences/index.php dragoonis 04/12/2013 11:44 AM 1KB
com web/php: Commit some generated files to make it easier to getup&running: backend/ip-to-country.db backend/ip-to-coun... dragoonis 04/12/2013 12:32 PM 1KB
com web/php: Add a README file on how to setup a development env: dragoonis 04/12/2013 12:48 PM 1KB
com web/php: Enable compression on all pages: cached.phpinclude/ dragoonis 04/12/2013 03:22 PM 1KB
com web/php: Fix a warning with the new example files:include/ dragoonis 04/12/2013 02:42 PM 1KB
com web/php: Fix grammar, as suggested by cjones: dragoonis 04/12/2013 02:42 PM 1KB
com web/php: Disable compression, if set by INI, for images: .router.php dragoonis 04/12/2013 03:24 PM 1KB
com web/php: This should be fully cached too: include/ dragoonis 04/12/2013 03:34 PM 1KB
com web/php: Fix same origin policy errors: images/elephpants.phpinclude/ dragoonis 04/12/2013 04:41 PM 1KB
com web/php: BASE_HREF's host part differs from HTTP_HOST (www prepended) causing issues in Opera 12: include/ dragoonis 05/12/2013 02:16 AM 1KB
com web/php: Remove <base> tag completely: include/ dragoonis 05/12/2013 02:39 AM 1KB
com web/php: Add example elephpants, is overwritten by master:images/elephpants/flickr-10500476263_80d8a43287_s.jpg imag... dragoonis 04/12/2013 04:44 PM 1KB
com web/php: Whopsy, fix path :): include/ dragoonis 04/12/2013 03:37 PM 1KB
com web/php: Fix counting logic.. as we skip an item if it doesn't exist:images/elephpants.php dragoonis 04/12/2013 04:03 PM 1KB
com web/php: fix header: include/ dragoonis 05/12/2013 02:54 AM 1KB
com web/php: Revert "fix header": include/ dragoonis 05/12/2013 03:01 AM 1KB
com web/php: Revert "Remove <base> tag completely": include/ dragoonis 05/12/2013 03:01 AM 1KB
com web/php: Kill STATIC_ROOT, its not helpful. Also use MYSITE for all js/css: include/ include/ in... dragoonis 05/12/2013 04:10 AM 1KB
com web/php: Revert "BASE_HREF's host part differs from HTTP_HOST (www prepended) causing issues in Opera 12": include/h... dragoonis 05/12/2013 03:01 AM 1KB
com web/php: Move that stat to the bottom, and inline the uservoice:include/ include/ dragoonis 05/12/2013 05:56 AM 1KB
com web/php: urlencode & (amp) and add newline after <script>:include/ include/ dragoonis 05/12/2013 05:06 AM 1KB
com web/php: We want this to be cached now!: include/ dragoonis 05/12/2013 06:11 AM 1KB
com web/php: We dont have the mega dropdown any more :(: include/ dragoonis 05/12/2013 06:11 AM 1KB
com web/php: Move modernizr.js out of <head> and reuse the same cached.phploop: include/ include/ dragoonis 05/12/2013 06:11 AM 1KB
com web/php: Turns out.. these are no longer used:include/ dragoonis 05/12/2013 06:38 AM 1KB
com web/php: Remove unused file: js/ext/jquery-1.4.4.min.js dragoonis 05/12/2013 07:45 AM 1KB
com web/php: These are now available on museum: include/releases.increleases/index.php dragoonis 05/12/2013 09:29 AM 1KB
com web/php: The poor comment opacity level is now determined using awell-known, generic data normalization function. It... dragoonis 05/12/2013 09:31 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix markup validation warning: index.php js/common.js dragoonis 05/12/2013 09:04 AM 1KB
com web/php: Move styling to css to fix markup validation error: index.phpstyles/home.css dragoonis 05/12/2013 09:04 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix class name: styles/theme-medium.css dragoonis 05/12/2013 08:14 AM 1KB
com web/php: Bump submodule: distributions dragoonis 05/12/2013 10:12 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix markup typos: downloads.php dragoonis 05/12/2013 10:16 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed a few typos, of sorts: get-involved.php dragoonis 06/12/2013 05:35 AM 1KB
com web/php: Poor comments are still semi-transparent, but now their score,author, and date remain opaque at all times.:... dragoonis 06/12/2013 06:55 AM 1KB
com web/php: Bumped up the minimum opacity for lower quality comments.:js/common.js dragoonis 05/12/2013 10:59 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fading of poor user comments now uses only one event insteadof one per poor comment.: js/common.js dragoonis 06/12/2013 06:41 AM 1KB
com web/php: When hovering over a note it now becomes more opaque; ittransitions back to the previous value on leaving.:... dragoonis 06/12/2013 05:51 AM 1KB
com web/php: Improved the whitespace: get-involved.php dragoonis 06/12/2013 05:41 AM 1KB
com web/php: Retabbed file; it was using at least 3 different methods.:include/ dragoonis 05/12/2013 11:18 PM 1KB
com web/php: This style is not needed anymore: styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 07/12/2013 12:19 AM 1KB
com web/php: Snipe selectors and fix parameter scrollto: js/common.jsstyles/theme-medium.css dragoonis 06/12/2013 01:26 PM 1KB
com web/php: Display paragraph literals/ems as inline code:styles/theme-medium.css dragoonis 06/12/2013 11:13 AM 1KB
com web/php: This endpoint is no longer used since we have a 3rd party XHRsearch: ws.php dragoonis 07/12/2013 07:16 AM 1KB
com web/php: Improved comment sorting algorithm. It probably still has someroom for improvements. The weights are probab... dragoonis 07/12/2013 03:58 AM 1KB
com web/php: This file is no longer used: styles/reset.css dragoonis 07/12/2013 07:16 AM 1KB
com web/php: Cache the images for a day: images/elephpants.php dragoonis 07/12/2013 09:00 AM 1KB
com web/php: Remove an used file & improve the logo scale: images/logo.phpinclude/ styles/dynamic.php dragoonis 07/12/2013 07:16 AM 1KB
com web/php: We don't use Bing! And this isn't used: include/ dragoonis 07/12/2013 07:16 AM 1KB
com web/php: Add a xmas logo by Christy Raju: images/logo.phpimages/logos/php-xmas-2013.png dragoonis 11/12/2013 04:03 AM 1KB
com web/php: php|tek 2014: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2013-12-10-1.xml images/news/tek14.fb.png dragoonis 11/12/2013 04:32 AM 1KB
com web/php: Set the timezone: images/logo.php dragoonis 10/12/2013 01:08 AM 1KB
com web/php: They are no longer calling for papers:archive/entries/2013-07-19-2.xml dragoonis 11/12/2013 04:45 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix potential Access-Control-Allow-Origin bug in vote-note.php- Bug #65887: manual/vote-note.php dragoonis 11/12/2013 05:55 AM 1KB
com web/php: This needs to be id for the anchor to work:manual/add-note.php dragoonis 11/12/2013 06:13 AM 1KB
com web/php: Make these styles re-usable: downloads.phpstyles/theme-base.css dragoonis 11/12/2013 06:28 AM 1KB
com web/php: Merge branch 'master' of git:// dragoonis 11/12/2013 07:07 AM 1KB
com web/php: Changed inline 'code' style to be grey with grey background;the pink was too distracting.: styles/theme-med... dragoonis 11/12/2013 08:02 AM 1KB
com web/php: Improved the landing page when adding notes. Also improvedlegibility of headers. Separated em and strong st... dragoonis 11/12/2013 07:06 AM 1KB
com web/php: Hopefully prettify: build-setup.php get-involved.phpstyles/theme-base.css dragoonis 11/12/2013 07:14 AM 1KB
com web/php: Prettified: sites.php dragoonis 11/12/2013 06:28 AM 1KB
com web/php: Simplify and fix the margin on in the way:styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 11/12/2013 09:23 AM 1KB
com web/php: Maybe a little better?: docs.php git-php.php dragoonis 11/12/2013 09:23 AM 1KB
com web/php: Whops. fail fail. Set the hostname when no port is set:include/ dragoonis 11/12/2013 09:31 AM 1KB
com web/php: Not-used stylesheet: styles/site.css dragoonis 11/12/2013 09:23 AM 1KB
com web/php: Remove unused stylehseets: styles/phpnet.cssstyles/searchbar.css styles/theme-base.css styles/theme.css dragoonis 11/12/2013 09:23 AM 1KB
com web/php: News entry headers are once again normal (not bold):styles/home.css dragoonis 11/12/2013 01:03 PM 1KB
com web/php: pre and blockquotes will now wrap when needed:styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 11/12/2013 11:20 PM 1KB
com web/php: Revert commit 540872824575ecfcdf42511a7784ccbd1d3f4e13:manual/vote-note.php dragoonis 11/12/2013 01:47 PM 1KB
com web/php: Kill browser cache: images/elephpants.php dragoonis 11/12/2013 01:50 PM 1KB
com web/php: Removed pre-wrap on blockquote: styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 11/12/2013 11:26 PM 1KB
com web/php: Move the download-docs warning out of the list to avoidformatting weirdness.: download-docs.php dragoonis 12/12/2013 05:04 AM 1KB
com web/php: Remove the note about the many HTML files tarball not having adirectory.: download-docs.php dragoonis 12/12/2013 05:03 AM 1KB
com web/php: Update distributions for 5.5.7: distributions dragoonis 13/12/2013 12:21 AM 1KB
com web/php: PHP 5.5.7 release: ChangeLog-5.php archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2013-12-12-1.xml include/ dragoonis 13/12/2013 01:13 AM 1KB
com web/php: 5.4.23, 5.3.28: distributions dragoonis 13/12/2013 05:21 AM 1KB
com web/php: 5.4.23, 5.3.28: include/ include/ dragoonis 13/12/2013 05:29 AM 1KB
com web/php: changelogs for 5.4.23, 5.3.28: ChangeLog-5.php dragoonis 13/12/2013 05:35 AM 1KB
com web/php: 5.4.23 and 5.3.28 announce: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2013-12-12-2.xml archive/entries/2013-12-12-... dragoonis 13/12/2013 07:40 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix markup: archive/entries/2013-12-12-1.xmlarchive/entries/2013-12-12-2.xml dragoonis 13/12/2013 09:56 AM 1KB
com web/php: fix type, in case it's important:archive/entries/2013-12-12-2.xml dragoonis 13/12/2013 08:03 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix syntax error: include/ dragoonis 13/12/2013 03:10 PM 1KB
com web/php: fix file names: releases/5.3.28.php releases/5.4.23.phpreleases/5_3_28.php releases/5_4_23.php dragoonis 13/12/2013 03:40 PM 1KB
com web/php: Almost always use the new xmas logo: images/logo.php dragoonis 14/12/2013 05:15 AM 1KB
com web/php: Update build-setup.php: build-setup.php dragoonis 13/12/2013 11:06 PM 1KB
com web/php: Add the logo: images/logo.php images/logos/qa.jpg dragoonis 14/12/2013 08:53 AM 1KB
com web/php: Hide entire UserVoice tab on small screens styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 14/12/2013 07:09 PM 1KB
com web/php: bugs and wiki should link to https: sites.php dragoonis 14/12/2013 07:11 AM 1KB
com web/php: Add people.: sites.php dragoonis 14/12/2013 07:11 AM 1KB
com web/php: Make footer also 'responsive': styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 14/12/2013 09:57 PM 1KB
com web/php: Stop tracking our users and bring us back closer to our statedprivacy policy: include/ dragoonis 15/12/2013 01:20 AM 1KB
com web/php: Remove 480px breakpoint and adjust 767px one:styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 14/12/2013 11:49 PM 1KB
com web/php: Prevent random horizontal scroll styles/theme-medium.css dragoonis 15/12/2013 03:12 AM 1KB
com web/php: Update add-note.php and user notes animation: js/common.jsmanual/add-note.php styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 15/12/2013 12:26 PM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed a rendering issue in Firefox; also moved some styles toa more appropriate place.: styles/home.css sty... dragoonis 16/12/2013 02:28 AM 1KB
com web/php: Add flash messenger and implement for notes voting forstarters: include/ js/common.js styles/them... dragoonis 15/12/2013 11:46 PM 1KB
com web/php: Refactor 'to top' functions (E_TOO_MUCH_JQUERY): include/ js/common.js dragoonis 16/12/2013 01:48 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed merge conflict.: build-setup.php docs.php downloads.phpget-involved.php include/ include/he... dragoonis 16/12/2013 02:27 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed some homepage layout issues.: index.php styles/home.cssstyles/theme-base.css dragoonis 16/12/2013 02:28 AM 1KB
com web/php: Removed the reduction from 25% with down to 20% at higherresolutions; stays 25% now: styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 16/12/2013 02:28 AM 1KB
com web/php: Removing some unused styles from twitter bootstrap.:styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 16/12/2013 02:39 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed merge conflicts: include/ styles/home.cssstyles/theme-base.css dragoonis 16/12/2013 02:28 AM 1KB
com web/php: No need for @author when there's git blame: js/common.js dragoonis 16/12/2013 04:52 AM 1KB
com web/php: We don't want `'elephpants' => false` to render the elephpants.: include/ include/shared-manual.i... dragoonis 16/12/2013 04:14 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed navigation rendering issue and cleaned up unusednavigation styles.: include/ styles/theme-b... dragoonis 16/12/2013 03:53 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix duplicate flash messages and improve a bit:include/ js/common.js styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 16/12/2013 06:13 AM 1KB
com web/php: Oooops: include/ dragoonis 16/12/2013 06:14 AM 1KB
com web/php: Increased contrast on user note border.:styles/theme-medium.css dragoonis 16/12/2013 07:04 AM 1KB
com web/php: Standard some colors.: styles/theme-base.cssstyles/theme-medium.css dragoonis 16/12/2013 06:46 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix flash messenger (fix to top) for small screens:styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 16/12/2013 09:13 AM 1KB
com web/php: flashMessage() now accepts jQuery objects too: js/common.js dragoonis 16/12/2013 07:10 AM 1KB
com web/php: Tighten up some box shadows that are meant to be borders.:styles/theme-medium.css dragoonis 16/12/2013 07:28 AM 1KB
com web/php: Make sure we have a query string: images/logo.php dragoonis 16/12/2013 09:06 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed minor display bug in headers on the homepage.:styles/theme-medium.css dragoonis 16/12/2013 07:47 AM 1KB
com web/php: Only load elephpants if the user's browser supports data:URIs.: js/common.js js/ext/modernizr.js dragoonis 20/12/2013 09:08 AM 1KB
com web/php: Removed some unused HTML/CSS.: downloads.phpinclude/ dragoonis 16/12/2013 10:15 AM 1KB
com web/php: We don't need vendor prefixes for opacity; Firefox hassupported opacity for the last 26 versions; Chrome ha... dragoonis 16/12/2013 11:26 AM 1KB
com web/php: Removal of more unused styles; the one addition is not reallyan addition.: styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 16/12/2013 10:55 AM 1KB
com web/php: Removed some more unused styles from Twitter bootstrap.:styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 17/12/2013 05:17 AM 1KB
com web/php: Logic++: include/ dragoonis 19/12/2013 03:35 AM 1KB
com web/php: The left-hand menu (layout-menu) needed a bit more contrastsince its background isn't white.: styles/theme-... dragoonis 20/12/2013 01:36 AM 1KB
com web/php: Go to the actual file directly: js/search.js dragoonis 24/12/2013 02:39 AM 1KB
com web/php: Hack in https support: include/ dragoonis 19/12/2013 03:31 AM 1KB