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Subject From Date Size
com web/php: Fixed bug #66336 Endless redirect loop on /git-php.php:include/ dragoonis 23/12/2013 03:35 AM 1KB
com web/php: Windows Installer removed as it isn't available anymore:error.php dragoonis 23/12/2013 01:29 PM 1KB
com web/php: Kill the books section & link UGs to a real place: support.php dragoonis 23/12/2013 04:23 AM 1KB
com web/php: Allow bit more room for typeahead and show the descriptions:styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 24/12/2013 03:25 AM 1KB
com web/php: This has not been used for that past 6-7 years: bin/arial.ttfbin/barchart.phl bin/generate-netcraft-chart b... dragoonis 24/12/2013 03:34 AM 1KB
com web/php: We have version control: js/search.js dragoonis 24/12/2013 03:35 AM 1KB
com web/php: Print the sidebar for these years too :): archive/1998.phparchive/1999.php dragoonis 26/12/2013 03:40 AM 1KB
com web/php: Show 30results, and allow scrolling: js/common.js js/search.jsstyles/theme-base.css dragoonis 24/12/2013 03:29 AM 1KB
com web/php: Redirect old links to the tips page to urlhowto: error.php dragoonis 24/12/2013 10:14 AM 1KB
com web/php: Most of these don't work, others are just to old.:archive/2002.php docs.php index.php privacy.php sitemap.p... dragoonis 24/12/2013 03:39 AM 1KB
com web/php: Bring back the mega dropdown, toggled with"?" keyboard shortcut: include/ include/ incl... dragoonis 27/12/2013 05:34 AM 1KB
com web/php: Add vim modelines: styles/theme-base.cssstyles/theme-medium.css dragoonis 27/12/2013 07:15 AM 1KB
com web/php: Add more possible logos and increase the chances of showingthem: images/logo.php images/logos/oldschool/php... dragoonis 27/12/2013 06:08 AM 1KB
com web/php: This var isn't used anymore: include/ dragoonis 27/12/2013 07:16 AM 1KB
com web/php: Reimplement the news archive caching: archive/1998.phparchive/1999.php archive/2000.php archive/2001.php ar... dragoonis 27/12/2013 02:05 AM 1KB
com web/php: Add a "headsup" bar when we add new news entries:conferences/index.php include/ include/ dragoonis 27/12/2013 07:16 AM 1KB
com web/php: There is nothing that uses APC anymore: include/ dragoonis 27/12/2013 07:17 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fiddle a little with the menu to fit more content:js/common.js styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 27/12/2013 07:37 AM 1KB
com web/php: Thats a little to frequent.. roll it back to 60 seconds plusshuffle: images/logo.php dragoonis 27/12/2013 07:40 AM 1KB
com web/php: Err #fail broke the language changer when implmementing thegoto next/previous page keyboard shortcuts: incl... dragoonis 27/12/2013 07:52 AM 1KB
com web/php: Switch the order of the timestamp and filename show thefilename shows up in debug bars: include/ ... dragoonis 27/12/2013 08:06 AM 1KB
com web/php: This hasn't been used in a looong time. Fixes bug #54377:include/ dragoonis 27/12/2013 09:20 AM 1KB
com web/php: I don't know why I added the base root for language codes..:include/ dragoonis 27/12/2013 08:10 AM 1KB
com web/php: Improve the categorization of search results: js/search.js dragoonis 27/12/2013 11:13 AM 1KB
com web/php: Cache manual pages. Fixes bug #55584: include/header.incinclude/ dragoonis 27/12/2013 09:14 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed bug #64273 (Requesting nonexistent files should produceHTTP 404 Not Found): error.php dragoonis 27/12/2013 08:45 AM 1KB
com web/php: Massage the index before shipping it. This safes us almost3mb: js/search-index.php js/search.js dragoonis 27/12/2013 10:53 AM 1KB
com web/php: Whopsy, that was only disabled for testing :): js/search.js dragoonis 27/12/2013 11:30 AM 1KB
com web/php: No longer used: userprefs.js dragoonis 27/12/2013 12:35 PM 1KB
com web/php: Nothing links to this anymore: extra/ extra/index.php extra/ dragoonis 27/12/2013 12:33 PM 1KB
com web/php: Kill UserVoice. Its no longer useful: include/footer.incstyles/theme-base.css dragoonis 27/12/2013 12:29 PM 1KB
com web/php: Sync with frontpage news: ug.php dragoonis 27/12/2013 12:52 PM 1KB
com web/php: Allow reuse of these styles (fixes the conference page):styles/theme-base.css styles/theme-medium.css dragoonis 27/12/2013 12:52 PM 1KB
com web/php: Slight styling improvements for ug listing:styles/theme-medium.css ug.php dragoonis 27/12/2013 01:12 PM 1KB
com web/php: Stretch the header to fit the entire frame: styles/home.css dragoonis 27/12/2013 12:53 PM 1KB
com web/php: RCs: include/ dragoonis 28/12/2013 03:39 AM 1KB
com web/php: Standardized headers to use `.title`; this is actually an oldconvention we're re-enforcing. It should be mu... dragoonis 28/12/2013 07:49 AM 1KB
com web/php: Allow the esc key to close the help overlay.: js/common.js dragoonis 28/12/2013 04:14 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed minor border-radius issue on the sidebar.:styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 28/12/2013 08:02 AM 1KB
com web/php: Easter eggs: js/common.js dragoonis 29/12/2013 01:59 PM 1KB
com web/php: Document the local page search shortcut: include/ dragoonis 29/12/2013 11:07 AM 1KB
com web/php: Removed unneeded vendor prefixes. Note that we still need-moz-box-sizing; even v28 (two releases out from n... dragoonis 28/12/2013 08:10 AM 1KB
com web/php: Bump the size of the focused search element:styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 29/12/2013 11:18 AM 1KB
com web/php: Relax a tad on the massive doc page caching :):include/ dragoonis 29/12/2013 11:18 AM 1KB
com web/php: Implement cycling through headers: js/common.jsstyles/theme-base.css dragoonis 29/12/2013 07:38 AM 1KB
com web/php: Have some fun with current-page search (keyboard shortcut: gs): include/ js/common.js js/ext/mous... dragoonis 29/12/2013 11:01 AM 1KB
com web/php: Add a 'g a' full site search (based on doc indexes):js/common.js styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 29/12/2013 01:08 PM 1KB
com web/php: Prep for 2014: archive/2014.php dragoonis 30/12/2013 02:23 PM 1KB
com web/php: Add a way to avoid the cache: images/logo.php dragoonis 29/12/2013 01:59 PM 1KB
com web/php: Javascript changes affect the frontpage too: index.php dragoonis 29/12/2013 02:00 PM 1KB
com web/php: Hardcode the 2013 news: archive/2013.php dragoonis 30/12/2013 02:23 PM 1KB
com web/php: This isn't used anymore: js/common.js dragoonis 01/01/2014 04:08 AM 1KB
com web/php: CFP for PHPTour Lyon: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2013-12-30-1.xml images/news/phptour-lyon.png dragoonis 30/12/2013 05:59 PM 1KB
com web/php: Fail images: archive/2013.php dragoonis 30/12/2013 02:35 PM 1KB
com web/php: Syntax fixes. Hopefully fixes IE issues, see bug #66371:js/common.js dragoonis 01/01/2014 04:08 AM 1KB
com web/php: Couple of more syntax things see bug#66371: js/common.js dragoonis 01/01/2014 04:12 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed bug #66380 ( is missing on sites.php):sites.php dragoonis 02/01/2014 12:03 AM 1KB
com web/php: Bump copyright year: license/3_01.txt dragoonis 01/01/2014 06:23 AM 1KB
com web/php: .title will no longer extend behind .page-tools:styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 02/01/2014 03:36 AM 1KB
com web/php: Some code-style improvements... I think. It also improves someHTML semantics (such as using label instead o... dragoonis 02/01/2014 03:37 AM 1KB
com web/php: Removed the margin-top for h4, h5, and h6; this allows them tobe flush on the top of the page. After lookin... dragoonis 02/01/2014 04:36 AM 1KB
com web/php: Bloody mosquitoes....: include/ dragoonis 04/01/2014 01:11 AM 1KB
com web/php: I broke this a few patches ago; it worked locally without it,but apparently is needed.: styles/theme-base.c... dragoonis 02/01/2014 08:20 AM 1KB
com web/php: These three are no longer on mirrors, moved to museum:include/ dragoonis 06/01/2014 04:15 AM 1KB
com web/php: Missing 5.3.26 entry, and fix release date:include/ dragoonis 06/01/2014 04:38 AM 1KB
com web/php: "z" starts at 0. And $now = $_SERVER["REQUEST_TIME"] already: images/logo.php dragoonis 08/01/2014 03:11 AM 1KB
com web/php: Do usernote fading with CSS transitions instead of jQuery:js/common.js styles/theme-medium.css dragoonis 08/01/2014 08:33 PM 1KB
com web/php: Updated markup for news items on homepage to use newer HTML 5elements; at the same time this fixes #66391.:... dragoonis 04/01/2014 01:33 AM 1KB
com web/php: Add a quick help for those running without javascript:images/noscript.jpg include/ dragoonis 09/01/2014 08:26 AM 1KB
com web/php: Revert "Add a quick help for those running withoutjavascript": images/noscript.jpg include/ dragoonis 09/01/2014 09:45 AM 1KB
com web/php: Sync distributions for 5.5.8: distributions dragoonis 10/01/2014 05:08 PM 1KB
com web/php: 5.5.8 release: ChangeLog-5.php archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2014-01-10-1.xml include/ inc... dragoonis 10/01/2014 05:39 PM 1KB
com web/php: Fix xml: archive/entries/2014-01-10-1.xml dragoonis 10/01/2014 11:05 PM 1KB
com web/php: There are no .xz archives for PHP 5.5.8: include/ dragoonis 10/01/2014 11:06 PM 1KB
com web/php: 5.4.24: distributions dragoonis 11/01/2014 01:27 AM 1KB
com web/php: 5.4.24: ChangeLog-5.php archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2014-01-10-2.xml include/ include/ve... dragoonis 11/01/2014 01:28 AM 1KB
com web/php: fix announce: archive/entries/2014-01-10-2.xml dragoonis 11/01/2014 01:47 AM 1KB
com web/php: 5.4.24 release note: releases/5_4_24.php dragoonis 11/01/2014 01:49 AM 1KB
com web/php: fix html: archive/entries/2014-01-10-2.xml dragoonis 11/01/2014 06:50 AM 1KB
com web/php: Without pinning the year this array will change from year toyear: include/ dragoonis 13/01/2014 01:10 AM 1KB
com web/php: list the RMs and the gpg keys for the 5.6 releases:downloads.php dragoonis 21/01/2014 09:09 PM 1KB
com web/php: Show "headsup" (tips) on how many UGs are in my country:include/ dragoonis 23/01/2014 08:39 AM 1KB
com web/php: No need to show the tip after we've seen the list:include/ ug.php dragoonis 23/01/2014 08:56 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix a unset notice for old cookies: include/ dragoonis 23/01/2014 09:00 AM 1KB
com web/php: Patching typeahead.js to fix bug #66371:js/ext/typeahead.min.js dragoonis 14/01/2014 06:54 PM 1KB
com web/php: We are not in beta: include/ dragoonis 23/01/2014 07:25 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix Origin headers when browsing locally (e.g. usinglocalhost): include/ dragoonis 23/01/2014 08:34 AM 1KB
com web/php: ipc 2014: archive/archive.xml archive/entries/2014-01-22-2.xmlimages/news/ipc2014.png dragoonis 23/01/2014 03:36 AM 1KB
com web/php: PHP Cape Town 2014: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2014-01-22-1.xml images/news/phpsa2014.png dragoonis 23/01/2014 03:30 AM 1KB
com web/php: Show usergroups for selected country: ug.php dragoonis 23/01/2014 08:38 AM 1KB
com web/php: Add enable/disable myphpnet setting for the UG beta listing:include/ my.php dragoonis 23/01/2014 08:37 AM 1KB
com web/php: List upcoming event, if available. Also list all countrieswith known UGs: include/ ug.php dragoonis 23/01/2014 01:55 PM 1KB
com web/php: Show the ug tips to lucky few, depending on time:include/ dragoonis 23/01/2014 09:01 AM 1KB
com web/php: Add Serbia as SRB as per updates to ISO 3166:include/ dragoonis 23/01/2014 01:52 PM 1KB
com web/php: Reduce the chances even further to make these even morespecial: images/logo.php dragoonis 23/01/2014 09:03 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix warning on broken icalendar links: ug.php dragoonis 23/01/2014 01:57 PM 1KB
com web/php: Add hardcoded icalendars fetched from usergroups.json:backend/events/02eef6e9d736733810b1e7bcdbcc09e7backen... dragoonis 23/01/2014 01:54 PM 1KB
com web/php: Missed the logo for dpc2014: images/news/dpc_2014.png dragoonis 06/02/2014 05:05 AM 1KB
com web/php: %c does not mean single char: include/ dragoonis 23/01/2014 02:11 PM 1KB
com web/php: This is alpha, nota beta: archive/entries/2014-01-23-1.xml dragoonis 24/01/2014 12:37 PM 1KB
com web/php: 5.6.0alpha1: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2014-01-23-1.xml dragoonis 24/01/2014 10:48 AM 1KB
com web/php: Put these news on the frontpage:archive/entries/2014-01-23-1.xml dragoonis 24/01/2014 12:29 PM 1KB
com web/php: 5.5.9 RC1: include/ dragoonis 23/01/2014 07:21 PM 1KB
com web/php: 5.4.25rc1: include/ dragoonis 24/01/2014 02:28 PM 1KB
com web/php: dpc2014: archive/archive.xml archive/entries/2014-02-05-2.xml dragoonis 06/02/2014 05:00 AM 1KB
com web/php: add CVE for 66060: ChangeLog-5.php dragoonis 26/01/2014 02:16 PM 1KB
com web/php: php|tek 2014: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2014-02-05-1.xml dragoonis 06/02/2014 04:55 AM 1KB
com web/php: 5.5.9 release: ChangeLog-5.php archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2014-02-05-4.xml include/ inc... dragoonis 06/02/2014 06:03 PM 1KB
com web/php: Updated distributions for 5.5.9: distributions dragoonis 06/02/2014 05:16 PM 1KB
com web/php: midwest 2014: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2014-02-05-3.xml images/news/midwest2014.jpg dragoonis 06/02/2014 05:10 AM 1KB
com web/php: 5.4.25: distributions dragoonis 07/02/2014 01:06 PM 1KB
com web/php: 5.4.25: ChangeLog-5.php archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2014-02-06-1.xml include/ include/ve... dragoonis 07/02/2014 01:15 PM 1KB
com web/php: 5.6.0alpha2 release announcement: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2014-02-13-1.xml dragoonis 14/02/2014 08:30 AM 1KB
com web/php: fix the date of alpha3: archive/entries/2014-02-13-1.xml dragoonis 14/02/2014 08:55 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix English. We were always going to miss something!:archive/entries/2014-02-13-1.xml dragoonis 14/02/2014 09:13 AM 1KB
com web/php: adding the CVE id for 66356 in the Changelog: ChangeLog-5.php dragoonis 16/02/2014 01:28 AM 1KB
com web/php: 5.5.10RC1: include/ dragoonis 20/02/2014 05:18 PM 1KB
com web/php: 5.4.26rc1: include/ dragoonis 20/02/2014 08:58 AM 1KB
com web/php: Standardized a few more colors; also made the help dialog(press ?) easier to read.: styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 27/02/2014 04:23 AM 1KB
com web/php: fix CVE number for subjectAltName: ChangeLog-5.php dragoonis 20/02/2014 04:42 AM 1KB
com web/php: Standardized colors; also brought some whitespace into line.:styles/home.css styles/theme-base.css styles/t... dragoonis 26/02/2014 01:31 PM 1KB
com web/php: Added the PHP logo in SVG format.: images/logos/php-logo.svg dragoonis 21/02/2014 07:45 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed bug 66517 by avoiding the margin altogether:styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 04/03/2014 12:02 PM 1KB
com web/php: Added a texture to #intro: images/bg-texture-00.svgstyles/home.css dragoonis 05/03/2014 03:23 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed bug#52147 (PHP Website fails for ""):error.php dragoonis 06/03/2014 10:39 AM 1KB
com web/php: Minor adjustment to primary navigation font color.:styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 06/03/2014 05:30 AM 1KB
com web/php: added class to logo list and style to remove list style type:download-logos.php styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 05/03/2014 06:33 AM 1KB
com web/php: Merge pull request #34 from drallen1/master:styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 06/03/2014 11:03 AM 1KB
com web/php: Removed some unused styles; also moved some styles fromtheme-base to theme-medium: styles/theme-base.css st... dragoonis 06/03/2014 05:39 AM 1KB
com web/php: 5.5.10 release: ChangeLog-5.php archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2014-03-06-1.xml include/ in... dragoonis 06/03/2014 05:16 PM 1KB
com web/php: Adjusted from PHP purple to PHP blue: styles/home.cssstyles/theme-base.css styles/theme-medium.css dragoonis 07/03/2014 03:19 AM 1KB
com web/php: Update distributions for 5.5.10: distributions dragoonis 06/03/2014 04:47 PM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed color descriptions; we use blue now instead of purple:styles/theme-medium.css dragoonis 07/03/2014 04:20 AM 1KB
com web/php: 5.4.26: distributions dragoonis 07/03/2014 01:05 PM 1KB
com web/php: announcement for 5.6.0alpha3: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2014-03-06-2.xml dragoonis 07/03/2014 08:11 AM 1KB
com web/php: missed CVE-2014-2270: ChangeLog-5.php dragoonis 07/03/2014 02:54 PM 1KB
com web/php: The tt element is obsolete; replacing with code elementinstead.: support.php dragoonis 08/03/2014 02:37 AM 1KB
com web/php: Converted font sizes to rem units for most elements.:index.php styles/home.css styles/theme-base.css styles... dragoonis 08/03/2014 02:19 AM 1KB
com web/php: Minor cleanup from last commit.: styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 08/03/2014 02:30 AM 1KB
com web/php: 5.4.26: ChangeLog-5.php archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2014-03-07-1.xml include/ include/ve... dragoonis 07/03/2014 01:18 PM 1KB
com web/php: Some more em -> rem changes: styles/theme-medium.css dragoonis 08/03/2014 03:15 AM 1KB
com web/php: semantics, shmemantics.: support.php urlhowto.php dragoonis 08/03/2014 04:52 AM 1KB
com web/php: The tt element is obsolete; replacing with code elementinstead.: urlhowto.php dragoonis 08/03/2014 02:43 AM 1KB
com web/php: Cleanup from changing fonts to rem.: styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 08/03/2014 02:50 AM 1KB
com web/php: Actually cache the page for a month: cached.php dragoonis 11/03/2014 01:35 AM 1KB
com web/php: Prevent response header splitting: cached.phpmanual/change.php dragoonis 12/03/2014 11:11 PM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed a bug on pages where the prev or next portion of thebreadcrumbs would wrap, leaving a gap in the brea... dragoonis 08/03/2014 07:22 AM 1KB
com web/php: DPC2014: archive/archive.xml archive/entries/2014-03-13-1.xmlimages/news/dpc_2014-2.png dragoonis 13/03/2014 09:19 PM 1KB
com web/php: Converted news layout to HTML5. Began standardizing dates.:include/ dragoonis 14/03/2014 10:54 PM 1KB
com web/php: More date format standardization: downloads.php index.php dragoonis 14/03/2014 11:01 PM 1KB
com web/php: Add XAMPP downloads listing: downloads.php dragoonis 15/03/2014 01:05 AM 1KB
com web/php: Standardized date format in Changelog: ChangeLog-5.phpstyles/changelog.css dragoonis 14/03/2014 11:38 PM 1KB
com web/php: Add styles for the new segmentedlist rendering in PhD master.:styles/theme-base.css styles/theme-medium.css dragoonis 19/03/2014 05:38 AM 1KB
com web/php: Ski PHP really, really aren't still calling for papers.:archive/entries/2013-07-19-2.xml dragoonis 18/03/2014 01:44 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed bug#66911 (add ampps for windows and linux):downloads.php dragoonis 16/03/2014 01:30 AM 1KB
com web/php: 5.4.27 RC1: include/ dragoonis 21/03/2014 03:10 PM 1KB
com web/php: Optimizes Usergroup-display: include/countries-alpha2.incinclude/ include/ ug.php dragoonis 23/03/2014 12:42 PM 1KB
com web/php: 5.5.11RC1: include/ dragoonis 20/03/2014 06:23 PM 1KB
com web/php: Removes unnecessary code: include/ ug.php dragoonis 24/03/2014 02:15 PM 1KB
com web/php: Disable the search autocomplete for IE≤ 8.: include/ js/common.js js/search.js dragoonis 26/03/2014 01:13 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixes missing UG-list with unknown country: ug.php dragoonis 28/03/2014 04:20 AM 1KB
com web/php: Adds possibility to map alpha3 to alpha2 code:include/ ug.php dragoonis 28/03/2014 04:17 AM 1KB
com web/php: Merge pull request #35 fromheiglandreas/feature/addUgFromLiveData: include/ dragoonis 26/03/2014 10:20 PM 1KB
com web/php: php|argentina: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2014-03-26-1.xml images/news/argentina-2014.png dragoonis 27/03/2014 08:05 AM 1KB
com web/php: Always use 3letter country codes - except when parsingusergroups.js: include/ include/ ug... dragoonis 28/03/2014 03:24 PM 1KB
com web/php: Removes unneccessary 'echo': ug.php dragoonis 28/03/2014 02:27 PM 1KB
com web/php: Merge pull request #36 fromheiglandreas/feature/addCountryCodeMapping: ug.php dragoonis 28/03/2014 07:15 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix undefined index warning and remove a commendedout code:ug.php dragoonis 01/04/2014 02:21 AM 1KB
com web/php: Define the language array, both directions:include/ dragoonis 28/03/2014 03:23 PM 1KB
com web/php: Missing now check: images/logo.php dragoonis 01/04/2014 02:00 PM 1KB
com web/php: Fix the element edges when zooming in: js/common.js dragoonis 01/04/2014 02:44 PM 1KB
com web/php: Stop the madness.: js/common.js dragoonis 01/04/2014 06:52 PM 1KB
com web/php: 5.5.11 release: ChangeLog-5.php archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2014-04-02-1.xml include/ in... dragoonis 03/04/2014 07:44 PM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed incorrect vim comments in CSS: styles/theme-base.cssstyles/theme-medium.css dragoonis 02/04/2014 07:19 PM 1KB
com web/php: Updated distributions: distributions dragoonis 03/04/2014 07:41 PM 1KB
com web/php: Improved HTML markup: thanks.php dragoonis 02/04/2014 07:25 PM 1KB
com web/php: Redesigned awful-looking search hints.: styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 02/04/2014 03:02 AM 1KB
com web/php: To lazy to automate this: images/logo.php dragoonis 02/04/2014 05:11 PM 1KB
com web/php: More IE7 workarounds for request #67003:styles/workarounds.ie7.css dragoonis 02/04/2014 06:43 PM 1KB
com web/php: Better commands' styling on build-setup.php: build-setup.phpstyles/home.css dragoonis 02/04/2014 07:11 PM 1KB
com web/php: 5.4.27: distributions dragoonis 04/04/2014 01:24 PM 1KB
com web/php: 5.4.27: ChangeLog-5.php archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2014-04-03-1.xml include/ include/ve... dragoonis 04/04/2014 01:24 PM 1KB
com web/php: Moved into correct stylesheet: styles/home.cssstyles/theme-base.css dragoonis 05/04/2014 02:09 PM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed title: build-setup.php dragoonis 05/04/2014 02:10 PM 1KB
com web/php: We have archives for every inactive language currently, don'twe?: manual/help-translate.php dragoonis 06/04/2014 06:55 PM 1KB
com web/php: add CVE-2013-7345: ChangeLog-5.php dragoonis 04/04/2014 02:38 PM 1KB
com web/php: Significant whitepsace and header style changes:styles/theme-base.css styles/theme-medium.css dragoonis 09/04/2014 11:50 PM 1KB
com web/php: Archived langs update: manual/help-translate.php dragoonis 06/04/2014 07:44 PM 1KB
com web/php: Cleaned up warning, caution, note and a few other 'boxes':styles/theme-base.css styles/theme-medium.css dragoonis 09/04/2014 12:19 PM 1KB
com web/php: Warning and caution font size needed to be toned down a bit:styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 09/04/2014 12:27 PM 1KB
com web/php: Revert "We have archives for every inactive languagecurrently, don't we?": manual/help-translate.php dragoonis 06/04/2014 07:22 PM 1KB
com web/php: Some more spacing and sizing cleanup: styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 10/04/2014 12:40 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed Note boxes to match others: styles/theme-base.cssstyles/theme-medium.css dragoonis 10/04/2014 12:50 AM 1KB
com web/php: This will cause someone to cry, but it looks nicer. Feel freeto improve.: index.php dragoonis 10/04/2014 06:59 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixing up the downloads section of homepage: index.phpstyles/home.css dragoonis 10/04/2014 11:18 AM 1KB
com web/php: *sigh*: cached.php dragoonis 10/04/2014 05:40 PM 1KB
com web/php: Linked 'Download PHP' to downloads.php, as requested byChristopher Jones: index.php dragoonis 10/04/2014 06:45 AM 1KB
com web/php: Adding some styles to better distinguish sections:styles/theme-base.css styles/theme-medium.css dragoonis 11/04/2014 04:17 AM 1KB
com web/php: Improved .title inside of caution boxes (and other boxes) suchas on manual/en/function.oci-set-action.php: ... dragoonis 11/04/2014 01:32 AM 1KB
com web/php: the name of this function was changed but not updated on therfc page. :/: archive/entries/2014-04-11-1.xml dragoonis 13/04/2014 09:37 PM 1KB
com web/php: announcement for PHP 5.6.0beta1: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2014-04-11-1.xml dragoonis 11/04/2014 09:21 PM 1KB
com web/php: Since .phpcode code doesn't have a border anymore we do notneed to undo the margins to keep vertical rhythm... dragoonis 11/04/2014 10:35 PM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed bug#67062 (Requesting nonexistent files should produce HTTP 404 Not Found): error.php dragoonis 14/04/2014 12:49 AM 1KB
com web/php: 5.5.12RC1: include/ dragoonis 17/04/2014 05:03 PM 1KB
com web/php: Conversion to a darker background in progress. Home pageincomplete; docs mostly ready.: styles/home.css sty... dragoonis 28/04/2014 12:10 PM 1KB
com web/php: restore deleted entry for SoHosted: thanks.php dragoonis 22/04/2014 02:51 PM 1KB
com web/php: Related functions now on right; some homepage fixes.:include/ include/ include/shared-m... dragoonis 28/04/2014 01:14 PM 1KB
com web/php: Removed footer background color so HTML background-image willshow: styles/theme-medium.css dragoonis 28/04/2014 01:16 PM 1KB
com web/php: Updated some homepage stuff: index.php styles/home.css dragoonis 29/04/2014 12:05 AM 1KB
com web/php: Updated distributions: distributions dragoonis 01/05/2014 03:14 PM 1KB
com web/php: Minor homepage updates.: styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 29/04/2014 12:36 AM 1KB
com web/php: 5.5.12 release: ChangeLog-5.php archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2014-04-30-1.xml include/ in... dragoonis 01/05/2014 04:24 PM 1KB
com web/php: 5.4.28: distributions dragoonis 02/05/2014 08:58 AM 1KB
com web/php: 5.4.28: ChangeLog-5.php archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2014-05-01-1.xml include/ include/ve... dragoonis 02/05/2014 01:33 PM 1KB
com web/php: announcement for php 5.6.0beta2: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2014-05-02-1.xml dragoonis 02/05/2014 03:29 PM 1KB
com web/php: Improved footer visuals: styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 07/05/2014 02:22 AM 1KB
com web/php: Re-ordered prev and next: include/ dragoonis 07/05/2014 02:24 AM 1KB
com web/php: Breadcrumbs: adjusted height to not be so big when wrapping.:styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 07/05/2014 02:30 AM 1KB
com web/php: Merge branch 'notes' into contrast: styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 08/05/2014 10:58 AM 1KB
com web/php: Various polishes: styles/theme-base.cssstyles/theme-medium.css dragoonis 07/05/2014 02:50 AM 1KB
com web/php: 'add a note' now shows up (was accidentally hidden); alsofixed add-note.php layout: manual/add-note.php sty... dragoonis 08/05/2014 10:57 AM 1KB
com web/php: Minor add-note.php adjustments: manual/add-note.phpstyles/add-note.css dragoonis 08/05/2014 11:02 AM 1KB
com web/php: Color adjustments to links in aside menu.:styles/theme-base.css styles/theme-medium.css dragoonis 08/05/2014 11:21 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed tiny bug when the current menu item was the first item.:styles/theme-medium.css dragoonis 09/05/2014 10:50 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix Clickjacking Attacks. Reported by Joel Melegrito:include/ dragoonis 09/05/2014 01:21 AM 1KB
com web/php: Decreased elephpant frequency; also optimized the image.:images/logo.php images/logos/elephpant-running-78x... dragoonis 08/05/2014 11:38 AM 1KB
com web/php: Updated class synopsis to match method synopsis.:styles/theme-base.css styles/theme-medium.css dragoonis 09/05/2014 09:26 PM 1KB
com web/php: When the layout-content is the only child it now expand tofull-width; border is only applied when other ele... dragoonis 10/05/2014 01:09 AM 1KB
com web/php: Allow code snippets to wrap: styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 10/05/2014 03:06 AM 1KB
com web/php: This sidebar code is unused: sites.php dragoonis 12/05/2014 11:36 AM 1KB
com web/php: Updated sites descriptions: sites.php dragoonis 12/05/2014 11:35 AM 1KB
com web/php: Blog fixes: archive/entries/2012-11-15-1.xmlarchive/entries/2012-11-22-1.xml archive/entries/2012-12-19-1.x... dragoonis 10/05/2014 06:56 PM 1KB
com web/php: 5.5.13RC1: include/ dragoonis 15/05/2014 04:54 PM 1KB
com web/php: Northeast PHP 2014 CFP: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2014-05-14-1.xml images/news/NEPHP_2014.png dragoonis 14/05/2014 08:05 PM 1KB
com web/php: announcement for php 5.6.0beta3: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2014-05-15-1.xml dragoonis 15/05/2014 11:17 PM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed AMQP URL, as reported by Adam Harvey: error.php dragoonis 16/05/2014 02:27 AM 1KB
com web/php: Redirect AMQP pages to its github page: error.php dragoonis 16/05/2014 02:07 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed typos: build-setup.php error.php git-php.phpinclude/ license/index.php manual/add-note.php... dragoonis 22/05/2014 05:57 AM 1KB
com web/php: Removed amqp redirect hack, as enough people don't like theidea.: error.php dragoonis 20/05/2014 06:20 AM 1KB
com web/php: This should be a paragraph: thanks.php dragoonis 19/05/2014 06:12 PM 1KB
com web/php: 5.4.29 rc1: include/ dragoonis 16/05/2014 01:05 PM 1KB
com web/php: Reinstate the sidebar.: download-docs.php dragoonis 22/05/2014 06:31 AM 1KB
com web/php: Comment out some font weights we definitely aren't using tonot kill mobile: fonts/Fira/fira.css dragoonis 28/05/2014 02:09 AM 1KB
com web/php: Converted from Source Sans Pro/Source Code Pro to FiraSans/Fira Mono.: fonts/Fira/LICENSE fonts/Fira/eot/Fi... dragoonis 28/05/2014 02:01 AM 1KB
com web/php: add short entry regarding the existence of phpng:archive/entries/2014-05-27-1.xml dragoonis 28/05/2014 03:06 AM 1KB
com web/php: correct nikic's name: archive/entries/2014-05-27-1.xml dragoonis 28/05/2014 03:12 AM 1KB
com web/php: Font URLs are now relative to root; cached.php was breakingthe relative URLs.: fonts/Fira/fira.css dragoonis 28/05/2014 03:19 AM 1KB
com web/php: changes to wording: archive/entries/2014-05-27-1.xml dragoonis 28/05/2014 03:46 AM 1KB
com web/php: Added missing woff files.: fonts/Fira/woff/FiraSans-Bold.wofffonts/Fira/woff/FiraSans-BoldItalic.woff fonts... dragoonis 28/05/2014 03:23 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed h3 color in; was basically invisible.:styles/theme-medium.css dragoonis 28/05/2014 04:27 AM 1KB
com web/php: Removed a lot of opinion and marketing-style wording.:archive/entries/2014-05-27-1.xml dragoonis 28/05/2014 04:15 AM 1KB
com web/php: change wording in some places:archive/entries/2014-05-27-1.xml dragoonis 28/05/2014 04:35 AM 1KB
com web/php: add to archive: archive/archive.xml dragoonis 28/05/2014 04:35 AM 1KB
com web/php: Unlink phpng announcement from the front page:archive/entries/2014-05-27-1.xml dragoonis 29/05/2014 05:19 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix to actually show the news entry in the archive but not inthe front page: archive/2014.php archive/entri... dragoonis 29/05/2014 05:26 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed local version name for Fira.: fonts/Fira/fira.css dragoonis 28/05/2014 04:39 AM 1KB
com web/php: Removed the CHM viewer section, as it's a moving target:download-docs.php dragoonis 28/05/2014 08:31 AM 1KB
com web/php: China 2014 Conference Logo:images/news/china2014conference.png dragoonis 29/05/2014 07:56 AM 1KB
com web/php: China PHP Conference 2014: archive/archive.xml dragoonis 29/05/2014 08:17 AM 1KB
com web/php: ZendCon 2014: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2014-05-29-2.xml dragoonis 29/05/2014 10:08 AM 1KB
com web/php: China PHP Conference 2014: archive/entries/2014-05-29-1.xml dragoonis 29/05/2014 08:10 AM 1KB
com web/php: ZendCon2014.png: images/news/ZendCon2014.png dragoonis 29/05/2014 09:19 AM 1KB
com web/php: 5.5.13: distributions dragoonis 29/05/2014 04:36 PM 1KB
com web/php: Updated the China PHP Conference information, as requested byXinchen Hui: archive/entries/2014-05-29-1.xml dragoonis 29/05/2014 11:24 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed markup, and added missing content.:archive/entries/2014-05-29-2.xml dragoonis 29/05/2014 10:34 AM 1KB
com web/php: add DevConf 2014 announce: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2014-05-29-3.xml dragoonis 29/05/2014 09:12 PM 1KB
com web/php: Grammar tinkering on the 5.5.13 announcement.:archive/entries/2014-05-29-4.xml dragoonis 30/05/2014 05:51 AM 1KB
com web/php: PHP 5.5.13 release: ChangeLog-5.php archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2014-05-29-4.xml include/ dragoonis 30/05/2014 05:44 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix indentation on the 5.5.13 changelog.: ChangeLog-5.php dragoonis 30/05/2014 05:50 AM 1KB
com web/php: Update 2014-05-29-4.xml: archive/entries/2014-05-29-4.xml dragoonis 30/05/2014 06:12 AM 1KB
com web/php: 5.4.29: ChangeLog-5.php archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2014-05-29-5.xml include/ include/ve... dragoonis 30/05/2014 12:04 PM 1KB
com web/php: 5.4.29: distributions dragoonis 30/05/2014 11:49 AM 1KB
com web/php: remove double viewport meta from head: include/ dragoonis 31/05/2014 07:19 AM 1KB
com web/php: Improving the hover states of the search dropdown.:styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 01/06/2014 05:33 PM 1KB
com web/php: Improving the readability of search results dropdowntext/headings. Fixing a minor issue with text being cut... dragoonis 01/06/2014 08:34 PM 1KB
com web/php: Fixing whitespace on and around panel titles:styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 02/06/2014 01:35 AM 1KB
com web/php: Adding missing title tags to anchors. Fixing casing on titles:index.php dragoonis 02/06/2014 01:34 AM 1KB
com web/php: Removing scrollbars from search results when there is nocontent to scroll: styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 02/06/2014 05:21 AM 1KB
com web/php: Adding entries to the gitignore: .gitignore dragoonis 02/06/2014 03:28 AM 1KB
com web/php: Adding collapsible functionality to the search results as themenu goes way below the screen. Adding some CS... dragoonis 02/06/2014 03:22 AM 1KB
com web/php: Working on the responsiveness of the homepage, mainly theright panel and download section. Very minute UI c... dragoonis 02/06/2014 05:11 AM 1KB
com web/php: Kill off XHTML: ChangeLog-4.php ChangeLog-5.phparchive/1998.php archive/1999.php archive/2000.php archive/2... dragoonis 05/06/2014 01:39 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed styling of error message: git-php.php dragoonis 04/06/2014 03:20 PM 1KB
com web/php: Add support for <link hreflang> as suggested by Joost de Valk<>: include/ include/... dragoonis 04/06/2014 06:39 AM 1KB
com web/php: Also remove XHTML from .inc files: include/header.incinclude/ include/ include/relea... dragoonis 05/06/2014 01:50 AM 1KB
com web/php: Finally remove XHTML from .js files: js/common.js js/search.jsjs/usernotes.js dragoonis 05/06/2014 02:08 AM 1KB
com web/php: Drop support for < 5.3 from highlight_php(): include/ dragoonis 06/06/2014 01:57 AM 1KB
com web/php: Replace <tt> with <code>: git-php.php manual/add-note.phpmanual/phpfi2.php releases/4_1_2_win32.php unsub.p... dragoonis 06/06/2014 02:04 AM 1KB
com web/php: Replace <small> with <span style: archive/2008.phpdownload-docs.php git-php.php include/get-download.incinc... dragoonis 06/06/2014 02:35 AM 1KB
com web/php: Replace <big> with <span style....: manual/php3.phpmanual/phpfi2.php dragoonis 06/06/2014 02:21 AM 2KB
com web/php: fix typo, spotted by salathe: archive/entries/2014-05-15-1.xml dragoonis 06/06/2014 05:03 AM 1KB
com web/php: Revert "Replace <small> with <span style": archive/2008.phpdownload-docs.php git-php.php include/get-downlo... dragoonis 07/06/2014 05:48 AM 1KB
com web/php: One more message with fixed styling: git-php.php dragoonis 07/06/2014 07:37 PM 1KB
com web/php: 5.6.0beta4 announcement: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2014-06-05-1.xml dragoonis 06/06/2014 05:11 AM 1KB
com web/php: Use css class instead inline style: include/layout.incmanual/php3.php manual/phpfi2.php styles/theme-base.c... dragoonis 07/06/2014 05:55 AM 1KB
com web/php: Typo: styles/theme-base.css dragoonis 07/06/2014 09:10 PM 1KB
com web/php: 5.5.14RC1: include/ dragoonis 12/06/2014 07:31 PM 1KB
com web/php: 5.4.30rc1: include/ dragoonis 13/06/2014 11:49 AM 1KB
com web/php: Use release_date() also in PHP4 changelog: ChangeLog-4.php ChangeLog-5.php include/ styles/ch... dragoonis 07/06/2014 10:37 PM 1KB
com web/php: announcement for 5.6.0RC1: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2014-06-19-1.xml dragoonis 20/06/2014 07:08 AM 1KB