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[DOC-ZH] This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 10/07/2024 07:14 AM 1KB
[DOC-ZH] This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 10/07/2024 03:15 AM 1KB
[DOC-ZH] This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 09/07/2024 11:14 PM 1KB
[DOC-ZH] This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 14/05/2024 07:04 AM 1KB
[DOC-ZH] This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 26/04/2024 03:04 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 17/10/2023 11:01 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 16/08/2023 11:09 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 27/07/2023 03:08 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 26/07/2023 11:08 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 10/01/2023 12:19 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 03/01/2023 08:24 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 31/12/2022 08:19 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 31/12/2022 04:20 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 14/11/2022 08:20 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 14/11/2022 04:21 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 14/11/2022 12:18 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 28/10/2022 11:16 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 26/09/2022 11:16 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 26/09/2022 07:16 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 19/09/2022 11:23 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 13/08/2022 03:17 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 07/06/2022 03:17 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 07/06/2022 11:21 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 07/06/2022 07:15 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 07/06/2022 03:17 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 06/06/2022 11:18 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 13/05/2022 07:12 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 14/03/2022 08:12 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 01/03/2022 04:16 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 01/03/2022 12:14 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 01/03/2022 08:14 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 15/01/2022 04:12 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 15/01/2022 12:10 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 07/01/2022 08:17 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 07/01/2022 04:16 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 07/01/2022 12:16 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 07/01/2022 08:16 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 07/01/2022 04:16 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 07/01/2022 12:13 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 29/12/2021 12:16 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 29/12/2021 08:17 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 29/12/2021 04:16 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 29/12/2021 12:15 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 28/12/2021 08:16 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 28/12/2021 04:13 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 06/12/2021 04:17 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 06/12/2021 12:15 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 06/12/2021 08:15 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 06/12/2021 04:15 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 06/12/2021 12:13 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 04/12/2021 12:13 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 28/11/2021 08:11 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 28/11/2021 04:09 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 18/11/2021 08:15 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 18/11/2021 04:13 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 18/11/2021 12:13 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 21/10/2021 07:14 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 20/08/2021 07:13 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 20/08/2021 03:12 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 19/08/2021 11:12 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 16/06/2021 11:15 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 16/06/2021 07:21 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 16/06/2021 03:13 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 15/06/2021 11:13 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 15/06/2021 07:13 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 15/06/2021 03:13 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 15/06/2021 11:17 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 15/06/2021 07:13 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 15/06/2021 03:13 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 14/06/2021 11:13 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 14/06/2021 07:12 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 14/06/2021 03:12 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 14/06/2021 11:12 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 14/06/2021 07:08 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 26/05/2021 03:11 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 01/05/2021 03:16 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 30/04/2021 11:10 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: Update configure.xml Close php/doc-zh#23:reference/iconv/configure.xml daijie 14/03/2021 02:13 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: Update configure.xml: reference/iconv/configure.xml daijie 14/03/2021 02:13 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: update tmpfile() Close php/doc-zh#27:reference/filesystem/functions/tmpfile.xml daijie 12/03/2021 09:35 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: fix rename Close php/doc-zh#25:reference/filesystem/functions/rename.xml daijie 10/03/2021 03:09 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: Update README: daijie 10/03/2021 03:04 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: Update README Close php/doc-zh#26: daijie 10/03/2021 03:04 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: 更新 realpath() Close php/doc-zh#24: reference/filesystem/functions/realpath.xml daijie 09/03/2021 02:53 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: 更新 array_rand(): reference/array/functions/array-rand.xml daijie 09/03/2021 02:52 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: 更新 range() 的参数: reference/array/functions/range.xml daijie 09/03/2021 02:52 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: 调整 array_rand() 翻译 Close php/doc-zh#21: reference/array/functions/array-rand.xml daijie 09/03/2021 02:52 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: Fix manual: appendices/ini.core.xml appendices/ini.list.xmlappendices/migration56/deprecated.xmlappendices/m... daijie 26/02/2021 12:39 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 26/02/2021 12:12 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 25/02/2021 08:13 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 25/02/2021 04:11 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 25/02/2021 12:12 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 25/02/2021 08:11 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 25/02/2021 04:11 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 25/02/2021 12:09 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: 修正 intval() 的 value 参数名称 (close GH-20): reference/var/functions/intval.xml jhdxr 21/02/2021 04:28 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: wip: language/basic-syntax.xml avenger 20/02/2021 06:15 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: reformat: language/basic-syntax.xml reference/ftp/constants.xmlreference/var/functions/boolval.xml reference... avenger 20/02/2021 05:01 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: 规范类型名称、调整翻译: reference/ftp/constants.xml avenger 20/02/2021 04:45 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: 更新 boolval(): reference/var/functions/boolval.xml avenger 20/02/2021 04:45 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: 更新 gettype(): reference/var/functions/gettype.xml avenger 20/02/2021 04:45 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: 更新 intval(): reference/var/functions/intval.xml avenger 20/02/2021 04:45 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: 更新 is_scalar(): reference/var/functions/is-scalar.xml avenger 20/02/2021 04:45 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: 更新 is_int(): reference/var/functions/is-int.xml avenger 20/02/2021 04:45 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: 翻译了未翻译段: language/basic-syntax.xml avenger 20/02/2021 04:46 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: 更新 is_bool(): reference/var/functions/is-bool.xml avenger 20/02/2021 04:45 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: Update basic-syntax.xml: language/basic-syntax.xml avenger 20/02/2021 04:46 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: sync to en: Named Arguments are also supported.:language/functions.xml avenger 16/02/2021 11:49 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: sync to en: s/configarg/option/ because configarg was renamedto options.: reference/openssl/functions/openss... avenger 16/02/2021 11:28 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: sync to en: In OpenSSL extension, configargs parameter name wasrenamed to options.: reference/openssl/config... avenger 16/02/2021 11:20 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: sync to en: Added informaltable ids as needed by the docs reference/mysql/changelog.xmlreferenc... avenger 08/02/2021 05:42 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: sync to en: add missing parameter description:reference/sockets/functions/socket-connect.xml avenger 08/02/2021 04:56 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: sync to en: __autoload was deleted as of PHP 8.0.0.: reference/classobj/functions/autoload.xml avenger 08/02/2021 04:45 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: sync to en: added params intro for setRedirect:reference/yaf/tutorials.xml reference/yaf/yaf_plugin_abstract... avenger 08/02/2021 04:44 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: sync to en: ezmlm_hash was deleted as of PHP 8.0.0.: reference/mail/functions/ezmlm-hash.xml avenger 08/02/2021 04:35 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: sync to en: Fix #77323:reference/array/functions/array-push.xml avenger 08/02/2021 04:33 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: sync to en: Document that pthreads is dead:reference/pthreads/book.xml avenger 08/02/2021 04:26 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: sync to en: Fix #80712: getcwd(): return type includes false:reference/dir/functions/getcwd.xml avenger 08/02/2021 04:21 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: sync to en: Describe of getopt():reference/info/functions/getopt.xml avenger 08/02/2021 04:15 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: update array-fill(): reference/array/functions/array-fill.xml daijie 07/02/2021 05:34 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: update file(): reference/filesystem/functions/file.xml daijie 07/02/2021 05:34 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: add timezone_version_get(): reference/datetime/functions/timezone-version-get.xml daijie 07/02/2021 05:34 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: add date_parse(): reference/datetime/functions/date-parse.xml daijie 07/02/2021 05:34 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: Close php/doc-zh#16:reference/datetime/functions/date-parse.xmlreference/filesystem/functions/file.xml daijie 07/02/2021 05:34 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: Close php/doc-zh#14: reference/openssl/configure.xml daijie 05/02/2021 07:01 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: fix idn_to_utf8() Close php/doc-zh#15: reference/intl/idn/idn-to-utf8.xml daijie 05/02/2021 01:44 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: update strtok(): reference/strings/functions/strtok.xml daijie 05/02/2021 01:44 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: sync to en: Add exponentiation assignment operator tocorresponding table: language/operators.xml avenger 03/02/2021 11:03 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: 更新 preg_replace_callback() 的参数 Close php/doc-zh#13: reference/pcre/functions/preg-replace-callback.xml daijie 02/02/2021 04:43 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: sync to en: Tell people about the possibility to doc-en sourcecode from git: appendices/about.xml avenger 02/02/2021 11:17 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: sync to en: Update mb_get_info() member list: reference/mbstring/functions/mb-get-info.xml avenger 02/02/2021 10:52 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: sync to en: Fix #77799: Database security information isoutdated: security/database.xml avenger 02/02/2021 10:40 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: wip: README 更新: avenger 02/02/2021 10:06 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: 翻译 IDN 函数: reference/intl/idn.xml reference/intl/idn/idn-to-ascii.xml reference/intl/idn/idn-to-utf8.xml avenger 02/02/2021 09:54 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: sync with en. fix #80651: language/oop5/static.xml jhdxr 01/02/2021 04:29 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: 更新 imageinterlace() 和 gd_info() 翻译 Close php/doc-zh#11: reference/image/functions/gd-info.xml reference/imag... daijie 29/01/2021 02:51 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: sync to en.: reference/array/functions/current.xml avenger 27/01/2021 05:41 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: sync to en: oop 相关新特性: .editorconfig language/functions.xml language/oop5/basic.xml avenger 26/01/2021 10:55 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: sync to en & remove outdated files.: appendices/ini.list.xmldocnotes-bsd.txt make_chm_index.html avenger 26/01/2021 09:24 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: 更新中文翻译指南链接: preface.xml readme.first translation.xml avenger 26/01/2021 09:16 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 26/01/2021 08:13 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 26/01/2021 04:15 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: 添加 ftp-mlsd.xml 文件: reference/ftp/functions/ftp-mlsd.xml daijie 22/01/2021 08:18 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: 添加 ftp-append.xml 文件: reference/ftp/functions/ftp-append.xml daijie 22/01/2021 08:18 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: 改进格式和翻译: reference/ftp/functions/ftp-mlsd.xml reference/ftp/functions/ftp-rmdir.xml reference/ftp/functions/... daijie 22/01/2021 08:18 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: 同步并翻译 ftp-rmdir.xml: reference/ftp/functions/ftp-rmdir.xml daijie 22/01/2021 08:18 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: 修正错别字: reference/ftp/functions/ftp-mlsd.xml daijie 22/01/2021 08:18 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: 更新版本号: reference/ftp/functions/ftp-rmdir.xml daijie 22/01/2021 08:18 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: 同步并翻译 ftp-size.xml: reference/ftp/functions/ftp-size.xml daijie 22/01/2021 08:18 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: Update hash-file.xml Close php/doc-zh#9:reference/hash/functions/hash-file.xml daijie 19/01/2021 02:55 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: 统一用词: language/oop5/serialization.xml reference/session/ini.xml reference/var/functions/unserialize.xml jhdxr 19/01/2021 02:15 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: fix typo Close php/doc-zh#7: language/oop5/serialization.xml daijie 18/01/2021 06:10 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: Fix array-filter.xml translate Close php/doc-zh#6:reference/array/functions/array-filter.xml daijie 18/01/2021 04:59 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: Update array-filter.xml:reference/array/functions/array-filter.xml jhdxr 18/01/2021 03:25 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: Sync with EN.: language/predefined/variables.xml daijie 18/01/2021 02:08 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: Sync with EN.: language/operators.xml language/types.xml daijie 18/01/2021 01:55 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: Sync with EN: language/control-structures/declare.xml daijie 18/01/2021 01:11 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: Sync with EN.: language/control-structures/include-once.xml daijie 18/01/2021 12:53 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: Sync with EN: language/control-structures/foreach.xml daijie 17/01/2021 09:16 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: Sync with EN: language/control-structures/if.xml daijie 17/01/2021 09:01 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: Sync with en: language/control-structures/return.xml daijie 17/01/2021 09:00 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: Sync with EN: language/control-structures/switch.xml daijie 17/01/2021 08:43 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: Sync with EN: language/control-structures/while.xml daijie 17/01/2021 08:35 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: Sync with EN: language/attributes.xml language/context.xml daijie 17/01/2021 08:31 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: Sync with EN: language/references.xml daijie 17/01/2021 08:24 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: Update language/basic-syntax.xml: language/basic-syntax.xml daijie 17/01/2021 02:45 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: Remove some mentions of register globals see daijie 17/01/2021 01:55 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: Update language/variables.xml: language/variables.xml daijie 17/01/2021 01:31 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: Sync with en: appendices/ini.list.xmlreference/outcontrol/ini.xml reference/session/ini.xml daijie 17/01/2021 12:54 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: Translation is not necessary.: reference/strings/versions.xml daijie 17/01/2021 12:18 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: Remove magic quote mentions see daijie 17/01/2021 12:13 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 17/01/2021 12:12 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 16/01/2021 08:10 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: mark a correct EN-Revision for language/namespaces.xml:language/namespaces.xml daijie 16/01/2021 05:54 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: Add spaces between Chinese and English words:language/namespaces.xml daijie 16/01/2021 05:45 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: Sync with en: language/generators.xml daijie 16/01/2021 05:36 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: Update filter-var.xml Close php/doc-zh#4:reference/filter/functions/filter-var.xml daijie 16/01/2021 04:30 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: fix typo Close php/doc-zh#3: language/oop5/serialization.xml daijie 16/01/2021 03:46 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: Improve translation: language/types/iterable.xml daijie 16/01/2021 03:43 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: Improve translation: install/cloud/index.xml daijie 16/01/2021 01:39 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: Sync with en: install/unix/sun.xmlinstall/windows/legacy/sun.xml language-snippets.ent daijie 14/01/2021 05:49 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: Remove docs about NSAPI see daijie 14/01/2021 06:37 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 14/01/2021 04:14 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 14/01/2021 12:15 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 14/01/2021 08:18 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 14/01/2021 04:14 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 14/01/2021 12:11 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: Fix typo: language/errors/basics.xml daijie 11/01/2021 04:18 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: improve the sentence: language/exceptions.xml daijie 11/01/2021 12:45 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: 补完 Exceptions: language/exceptions.xml daijie 11/01/2021 12:41 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 11/01/2021 12:11 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: 翻译 errors 章节: language/errors.xml language/errors/basics.xml daijie 10/01/2021 06:09 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: Remove migration guides for PHP 5: appendices/debugger.xmlappendices/ini.core.xml appendices/ini.list.xml ap... daijie 08/01/2021 02:17 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 08/01/2021 12:12 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 08/01/2021 08:13 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: update github action: .github/workflows/build.yml jhdxr 06/01/2021 02:39 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: Revert "Update openssl-get-cipher-methods.xml":reference/openssl/functions/openssl-get-cipher-methods.xml avenger 05/01/2021 09:21 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: Update openssl-get-cipher-methods.xml:reference/openssl/functions/openssl-get-cipher-methods.xml avenger 05/01/2021 09:00 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: add README: .github/workflows/build.yml avenger 03/01/2021 02:24 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: [WIP] 翻译 php8.0 不兼容变更: appendices/migration80/incompatible.xml jhdxr 03/01/2021 03:26 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: fix build: appendices/migration80/incompatible.xml jhdxr 03/01/2021 03:07 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 03/01/2021 12:09 AM 1KB
com doc/zh: Finish attributes section: language/attributes.xml daijie 31/12/2020 04:43 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: Sync with en: language/exceptions.xml daijie 31/12/2020 04:35 PM 1KB
com doc/zh: Sync with en: language/attributes.xml daijie 30/12/2020 09:15 PM 1KB
svn: /phpdoc/zh/trunk/language/predefined/exception/ getcode.xml jhdxr 28/12/2020 01:47 PM 1KB
svn: /phpdoc/zh/trunk/appendices/ ini.list.xml daijie 14/12/2020 05:33 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 14/12/2020 04:14 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 14/12/2020 12:14 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 14/12/2020 08:11 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 14/12/2020 04:13 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 10/12/2020 08:08 PM 1KB
svn: /phpdoc/zh/trunk/ language-snippets.ent reference/datetime/datetime/modify.xml reference/datetime/datetime/setdate.... daijie 01/12/2020 01:39 PM 1KB
svn: /phpdoc/zh/trunk/language/oop5/ decon.xml daijie 01/12/2020 12:47 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 30/11/2020 08:08 PM 1KB
svn: /phpdoc/zh/trunk/ appendices/migration70/incompatible/removed-functions.xml language/functions.xml language/oop5/in... avenger 30/11/2020 06:32 PM 1KB
svn: /phpdoc/zh/trunk/appendices/migration70/ new-features.xml avenger 30/11/2020 06:24 PM 1KB
svn: /phpdoc/zh/trunk/ language/oop5/typehinting.xml reference/curl/curlfile/wakeup.xml reference/oci8/functions/oci-int... avenger 30/11/2020 05:24 PM 1KB
svn: /phpdoc/zh/trunk/language/oop5/ decon.xml daijie 28/11/2020 04:08 PM 1KB
svn: /phpdoc/zh/trunk/language/types/ declarations.xml daijie 28/11/2020 12:24 PM 1KB
svn: /phpdoc/zh/trunk/appendices/ migration56.xml migration70.xml migration71.xml migration72.xml migration80.xml daijie 27/11/2020 04:00 PM 1KB
svn: /phpdoc/zh/trunk/appendices/migration80/ new-features.xml daijie 27/11/2020 03:57 PM 1KB
svn: /phpdoc/zh/trunk/appendices/migration80/ other-changes.xml daijie 27/11/2020 03:15 PM 1KB
svn: /phpdoc/zh/trunk/appendices/ migration80.xml daijie 27/11/2020 02:04 PM 1KB
svn: /phpdoc/zh/trunk/appendices/migration80/ new-features.xml daijie 27/11/2020 01:55 PM 1KB
svn: /phpdoc/zh/trunk/language/ types.xml daijie 24/11/2020 09:15 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 24/11/2020 08:22 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 24/11/2020 04:11 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 24/11/2020 12:12 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 24/11/2020 08:19 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 24/11/2020 04:21 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 24/11/2020 12:21 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 23/11/2020 08:20 PM 1KB
svn: /phpdoc/zh/trunk/appendices/ migration72/incompatible.xml migration73/constants.xml migration73/incompatible.xml mi... avenger 23/11/2020 06:02 PM 1KB
svn: /phpdoc/zh/trunk/ appendices/migration80/deprecated.xml appendices/migration80/incompatible.xml appendices/migratio... avenger 23/11/2020 05:15 PM 1KB
svn: /phpdoc/zh/trunk/language/ control-structures.xml avenger 23/11/2020 05:10 PM 1KB
svn: /phpdoc/zh/trunk/appendices/ avenger 23/11/2020 04:30 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 23/11/2020 04:16 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 23/11/2020 12:15 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 23/11/2020 08:13 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 23/11/2020 04:12 AM 1KB
svn: /phpdoc/zh/trunk/appendices/ comparisons.xml migration70/new-features.xml migration70/new-functions.xml avenger 10/11/2020 09:53 PM 1KB
svn: /phpdoc/zh/trunk/install/windows/legacy/ apache1.xml apache2.xml commandline.xml iis.xml iis6.xml iis7.xml manual.x... avenger 10/11/2020 09:13 PM 1KB
svn: /phpdoc/zh/trunk/language/types/ iterable.xml avenger 10/11/2020 08:49 PM 1KB
svn: /phpdoc/zh/trunk/language/types/ avenger 10/11/2020 08:48 PM 1KB
svn: /phpdoc/zh/trunk/reference/spl/splfileinfo/ construct.xml avenger 10/11/2020 08:45 PM 1KB
svn: /phpdoc/zh/trunk/reference/errorfunc/ constants.xml avenger 10/11/2020 08:41 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 05/11/2020 08:15 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 05/11/2020 04:16 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 04/11/2020 08:21 AM 1KB
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This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 03/11/2020 04:20 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 03/11/2020 12:17 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 03/11/2020 08:17 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 03/11/2020 04:16 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 29/10/2020 08:14 PM 1KB
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This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 14/10/2020 07:18 PM 1KB
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This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 01/10/2020 03:16 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 01/10/2020 11:16 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 01/10/2020 07:15 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 28/09/2020 07:19 AM 1KB
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This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 27/09/2020 11:21 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 27/09/2020 07:18 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 27/09/2020 03:18 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 27/09/2020 11:17 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 27/09/2020 07:18 AM 1KB
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This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 01/09/2020 11:26 AM 1KB 已经恢复 ice.shiny 31/08/2020 10:31 PM 1KB
   Re: [DOC-ZH] edit.php.net已经恢复 bole.chen 01/09/2020 08:40 AM 1KB
RE: [DOC-ZH] edit.php.net已经恢复 bole.chen 03/11/2020 08:38 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 27/08/2020 07:24 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 27/08/2020 03:25 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 27/08/2020 11:26 AM 1KB
svn: /phpdoc/zh/trunk/language/predefined/ exceptions.xml daijie 06/08/2020 06:57 PM 1KB
svn: /phpdoc/zh/trunk/reference/opcache/ book.xml daijie 06/08/2020 04:58 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 06/08/2020 03:25 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 06/08/2020 11:26 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 06/08/2020 07:26 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 06/08/2020 03:25 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 05/08/2020 11:26 PM 1KB
[no subject] bole.chen 27/08/2020 09:07 PM 1KB
   Re: [DOC-ZH] 这里还有人活跃吗? ice.shiny 27/08/2020 09:22 PM 1KB
     Re: [DOC-ZH]这里还有人活跃吗? bole.chen 27/08/2020 09:25 PM 1KB
       Re: [DOC-ZH] 这里还有人活跃吗? ice.shiny 27/08/2020 09:40 PM 1KB
         Re: [DOC-ZH]这里还有人活跃吗? bole.chen 31/08/2020 09:33 AM 1KB
Fwd: RE: [PHP-DEV] Re: Documentation is on git bole.chen 31/12/2020 08:45 AM 1KB
   Re: [DOC-ZH] Fwd: RE: [PHP-DEV] Re: Documentation is on git ice.shiny 31/12/2020 02:34 PM 1KB
     RE: [DOC-ZH] Fwd: RE: [PHP-DEV] Re: Documentation is on git me 31/12/2020 11:37 PM 1KB
       RE: [DOC-ZH] Fwd: RE: [PHP-DEV] Re: Documentation is on git 101734 03/01/2021 01:24 PM 1KB
         Re: [DOC-ZH] Fwd: RE: [PHP-DEV] Re: Documentation is on git ice.shiny 03/01/2021 03:15 PM 1KB