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[DOC-JA] This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 10/07/2024 03:08 AM 1KB
[DOC-JA] This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 14/05/2024 07:02 AM 1KB
[DOC-JA] This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 26/04/2024 03:02 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 17/10/2023 11:01 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 16/08/2023 11:06 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 27/07/2023 03:07 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 26/07/2023 11:07 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 28/06/2023 11:13 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 28/06/2023 07:13 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 28/06/2023 03:10 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 27/06/2023 11:09 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 11/05/2023 07:13 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 11/05/2023 03:12 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 11/05/2023 11:12 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 11/05/2023 07:11 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 11/05/2023 03:12 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 10/05/2023 11:10 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 10/01/2023 04:14 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 10/01/2023 12:14 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 31/12/2022 08:14 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 31/12/2022 04:14 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 28/12/2022 04:18 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 14/03/2022 12:11 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 14/03/2022 08:10 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 01/03/2022 08:11 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 15/01/2022 12:11 PM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 15/01/2022 08:11 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 15/01/2022 04:10 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 15/01/2022 12:08 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 28/11/2021 08:09 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 28/11/2021 04:08 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 14/06/2021 07:08 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 26/05/2021 03:09 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix Typo / updated EN-Revision only: language/basic-syntax.xmlreference/openssl/functions/openssl-encrypt.xm... mumumu 26/03/2021 05:05 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: fix parameter: reference/imap/functions/imap-fetchheader.xml mumumu 25/03/2021 01:30 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Add FPM access.format placeholders:install/fpm/configuration.xml mumumu 25/03/2021 02:01 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Improve mysqli_query docs: reference/mysqli/mysqli/query.xml reference/mysqli/mysqli/real-query.xml mumumu 25/03/2021 03:13 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Clean up all mysqli aliases removed in PHP 5.4:reference/mysqli/mysqli/character-set-name.xml mumumu 25/03/2021 02:34 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Improve mysqli_real_escape_string docs: reference/mysqli/functions/mysqli-escape-string.xml reference/mysqli... mumumu 25/03/2021 02:44 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Some cleanup in FAQ section: chapters/tutorial.xmlfaq/build.xml faq/databases.xml faq/installation.xml faq/p... mumumu 25/03/2021 03:35 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Clarify that Exception::getPrevious may return a Throwable:language/predefined/exception/getprevious.xml mumumu 25/03/2021 02:32 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: deleted needless png file.:security/figures/xkcd-bobby-tables.png mumumu 23/03/2021 02:39 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Simplify mysqli select db examples:reference/mysqli/mysqli/select-db.xml mumumu 23/03/2021 02:35 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix errors in the comments of example number 6:language/types/array.xml mumumu 23/03/2021 02:30 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: updated EN-Revision only part II: chmonly/integration.xmlchmonly/search.xml mumumu 20/03/2021 04:24 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: deleted needless versions.xml: reference/mysql_xdevapi/versions.xml mumumu 20/03/2021 03:31 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: deleted needless versions.xml file:reference/scoutapm/versions.xml mumumu 20/03/2021 03:31 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Named Arguments are also supported.: language/functions.xml mumumu 20/03/2021 03:28 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Update EN-Revision only / chm related: appendices/license.xmlchmonly/aboutchm.xml chmonly/integration.xml ch... mumumu 20/03/2021 03:22 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Correct Closure::bindTo failure return value:language/predefined/closure/bindto.xml mumumu 20/03/2021 02:19 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Match fgetcsv parameter names to values in reflection:reference/filesystem/functions/fgetcsv.xml mumumu 20/03/2021 03:02 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Show info about PHP error reporting:language/types/type-juggling.xml mumumu 20/03/2021 03:08 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Revert "Show info about PHP error reporting":language/types/type-juggling.xml mumumu 20/03/2021 03:13 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: PHP 7.0 was silent about pseudo-numeric string juggling:language/types/numeric-strings.xml mumumu 20/03/2021 03:11 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #72189: Missing CURL_VERSION_HTTP2 from constants list: reference/curl/constants.xml mumumu 19/03/2021 12:41 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #76203: roundCorners method no longer exists:language-snippets.ent reference/imagick/imagick/roundcorner... mumumu 19/03/2021 12:47 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #77477: Document hard_timeout: appendices/ini.core.xml mumumu 19/03/2021 01:02 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #80652: Leading whitespace in a regex is ignored:reference/pcre/pattern.syntax.xml mumumu 19/03/2021 01:04 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Clarify that encoding conversion may be done by the driver:reference/pdo_odbc/constants.xml mumumu 19/03/2021 01:20 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Annotate return types for Throwable/Exception/Error as possiblyreturning null: language/predefined/error/get... mumumu 19/03/2021 01:25 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Clarify types and meaning of interlact param toimageinterlace(): reference/image/functions/imageinterlace.xm... mumumu 19/03/2021 01:07 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix signatures of some GD functions wrt. PHP 8.0:reference/image/functions/imagegrabwindow.xmlreference/imag... mumumu 19/03/2021 01:15 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Actually document bool return for imageinterlace():reference/image/functions/imageinterlace.xml mumumu 19/03/2021 01:17 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: fixed typo: language/operators.xml mumumu 12/03/2021 08:00 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix Ticks usage example:language/control-structures/declare.xml mumumu 12/03/2021 07:40 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Update EN-Revision only / Hot fix for comment of last line:language/types/array.xml mumumu 12/03/2021 07:48 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Add example of a float string as an array key:language/types/array.xml mumumu 12/03/2021 07:47 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Clarify the syntax and role of arguments for echo and print:language/control-structures.xml reference/string... mumumu 11/03/2021 08:57 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Add union type to streamWrapper::stream_stat: reference/stream/streamwrapper/stream-stat.xml mumumu 11/03/2021 07:17 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Note that all visibilities of trait abstract methods aresupported now: language/oop5/traits.xml mumumu 11/03/2021 07:22 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Updating mysqli prepared statements docs:reference/mysqli/mysqli/prepare.xml reference/mysqli/mysqli_stmt/co... mumumu 09/03/2021 08:55 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix ternary precedence: language/operators.xml mumumu 09/03/2021 07:05 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix wording in example: language/operators.xml mumumu 09/03/2021 07:08 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Update index_key handling in array_column for php8: reference/array/functions/array-column.xml mumumu 09/03/2021 07:29 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Remove try-catch from PDO examples:reference/pdo/pdo/construct.xml reference/pdo/pdostatement/bindcolumn.xml... mumumu 09/03/2021 07:18 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: SimpleXMLElement::attributes() may return NULL:reference/simplexml/simplexmlelement/attributes.xml mumumu 08/03/2021 09:52 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: revert previous commit.: language/oop5/references.xml mumumu 06/03/2021 04:11 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: fixed link title.: language/oop5.xml mumumu 06/03/2021 03:56 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: s/可視性/アクセス権/: appendices/migration80/new-features.xml language/oop5.xml language/oop5/decon.xml language/oop... mumumu 06/03/2021 03:25 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: fixed typo: language/oop5/interfaces.xml mumumu 05/03/2021 11:54 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Refactor OO section part 2: language/oop5/abstract.xmllanguage/oop5/autoload.xml language/oop5/basic.xmllang... mumumu 05/03/2021 11:24 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: fixed typo: language/functions.xml mumumu 04/03/2021 11:51 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #74479: usleep with large numbers:reference/misc/functions/usleep.xml mumumu 04/03/2021 06:27 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Rewrite debug_zval_dump manual based on current (>=7.0) behaviour: reference/var/functions/debug-zval-dump.x... mumumu 04/03/2021 07:16 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Document opcache.cache_id for IIS app pools: reference/opcache/ini.xml mumumu 02/03/2021 09:11 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: add ob_implicit_flush.flag-param change log for php 8.0: reference/outcontrol/functions/ob-implicit-flush.xm... mumumu 26/02/2021 05:44 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: fixed "only" translation: appendices/ini.list.xml mumumu 25/02/2021 02:50 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Remove dbx documentation: appendices/ini.list.xmlinstall/windows/legacy/extensions.xml reference/dbx/book.xm... mumumu 25/02/2021 01:28 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: xi:include INI settings documented elsewhere in ini.list:appendices/ini.list.xml features/commandline.xml re... mumumu 25/02/2021 02:35 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Remove obsolete info from ini.list: appendices/ini.list.xml mumumu 25/02/2021 02:06 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Remove obsolete INI options from ini.list:appendices/ini.list.xml mumumu 25/02/2021 01:38 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Remove blenc documentation: appendices/ini.list.xmlreference/blenc/constants.xml mumumu 25/02/2021 01:23 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Remove mime_magic documentation: appendices/ini.list.xml install/windows/legacy/extensions.xml reference/mim... mumumu 25/02/2021 02:41 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #80795: Incorrect arguments signature for LimitIterator:reference/spl/limititerator/construct.xml mumumu 25/02/2021 02:09 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: xsl.security_prefs is removed as of PHP 7.0.0: appendices/ini.list.xml mumumu 25/02/2021 02:38 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Added constants for buffer`s mode:reference/stream/constants.xml mumumu 25/02/2021 02:12 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 25/02/2021 12:08 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Improve mysqli_fetch_* functions docs: reference/mysqli/mysqli_result/fetch-array.xml reference/mysqli/mysql... mumumu 23/02/2021 09:40 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Added protected property example for Object To Arrayconversion: language/types/array.xml mumumu 23/02/2021 08:37 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #80789: Return type includes false:reference/pdo/pdostatement/fetchall.xml mumumu 23/02/2021 08:53 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Slightly improve previous commit: language/types/array.xml mumumu 23/02/2021 08:39 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Add final example includes all variations of type casting andoverwriting: language/types/array.xml mumumu 23/02/2021 08:51 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Document the MYSQLI_TYPE_JSON constant: reference/mysqli/constants.xml mumumu 23/02/2021 08:32 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: fix parameter names: reference/openssl/cert-verification.xmlreference/openssl/functions/openssl-pkcs7-sign.x... mumumu 22/02/2021 10:53 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: fixed array_reduce function description, pointed out by tadsan.: reference/array/functions/array-reduce.xml mumumu 21/02/2021 11:21 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: merged two changelog sections:reference/openssl/functions/openssl-pkcs7-verify.xml mumumu 21/02/2021 11:05 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: fixed confusing punctuation position.:language/oop5/variance.xml mumumu 21/02/2021 01:41 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix/clarify dirname/basename docs wrt. locales:reference/filesystem/functions/basename.xmlreference/filesyst... mumumu 20/02/2021 04:12 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #73642: ftp_mkdir make an error if folder exist: reference/ftp/functions/ftp-mkdir.xml mumumu 20/02/2021 04:14 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #47091: ftp_mdtm adjusts for local timezone: reference/ftp/functions/ftp-mdtm.xml mumumu 20/02/2021 04:13 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: improved @ operator behavior description translation.:language/operators.xml mumumu 19/02/2021 09:22 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: fixed typo: language/oop5/variance.xml mumumu 19/02/2021 09:17 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Update argument names of http_build_query(): reference/url/functions/http-build-query.xml mumumu 19/02/2021 08:25 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Cleanup and update docs related to @ operator:appendices/migration80/incompatible.xml language/operators.xml... mumumu 19/02/2021 08:55 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Explain what consistitutes a more specific type:language/oop5/variance.xml mumumu 19/02/2021 09:15 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Update json-encode.xml:reference/json/functions/json-encode.xml mumumu 19/02/2021 09:06 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #80767: not just options(), but alsossl_set() can be called before real_connect(): reference/mysqli/mysq... mumumu 19/02/2021 08:28 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Add constants SCM_RIGHTS, SCM_CREDENTIALS: reference/sockets/constants.xml mumumu 19/02/2021 09:02 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #77889: URL in Location header not used:language/context/http.xml mumumu 18/02/2021 04:59 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Update methodsynopsis: getenv() may return false:reference/info/functions/getenv.xml mumumu 18/02/2021 04:52 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Update example: reference/var/functions/get-resource-type.xml mumumu 18/02/2021 04:51 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: error_log($msg, 0) always returns true: reference/errorfunc/functions/error-log.xml mumumu 18/02/2021 04:55 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: fixed typo: reference/mysqli/mysqli/reap-async-query.xml mumumu 16/02/2021 07:52 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Revert "fixed broken [build|link].":reference/mbstring/functions/mb-strimwidth.xmlreference/mbstring/functio... mumumu 16/02/2021 07:27 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: deleted empty note.: reference/var/functions/var-export.xml mumumu 16/02/2021 06:41 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Other queries can also produce a result set:reference/mysqli/mysqli/query.xmlreference/mysqli/mysqli/reap-as... mumumu 16/02/2021 05:49 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Update note on print_r() and var_export() using output buffering: language-snippets.ent reference/var/functi... mumumu 16/02/2021 05:35 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Delete the PHP 5 SPL_Types extension.: reference/spl_types/book.xml reference/spl_types/configure.xml refere... mumumu 16/02/2021 06:00 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Update openssl-get-cipher-methods.xml:reference/openssl/functions/openssl-get-cipher-methods.xml mumumu 16/02/2021 05:52 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Improvements to stat() - document other file types:reference/filesystem/functions/stat.xml mumumu 16/02/2021 06:31 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Clarify what the 'width' in mb_strimwidth means: reference/mbstring/functions/mb-strimwidth.xml reference/mb... mumumu 16/02/2021 06:38 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Add note regarding upper case and lower case ciphers:reference/openssl/functions/openssl-get-cipher-methods.... mumumu 16/02/2021 05:56 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: fixed typo: reference/openssl/functions/openssl-csr-new.xml mumumu 14/02/2021 07:40 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: In OpenSSL extension, configargs parameter name was renamed tooptions.: reference/openssl/configure.xml mumumu 14/02/2021 02:19 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Generate intl methodsynopses - IntlDateFormatter:reference/intl/dateformatter.xml reference/intl/dateformatt... mumumu 14/02/2021 02:11 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Generate intl methodsynopses based on stubs - Grapheme, IDN:reference/intl/grapheme/grapheme-extract.xmlrefe... mumumu 14/02/2021 01:57 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Generate intl function methodsynopses:reference/intl/functions/intl-error-name.xmlreference/intl/functions/i... mumumu 14/02/2021 01:48 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Generate intl methodsynopses - Collator:reference/intl/collator.xml reference/intl/collator/asort.xmlreferen... mumumu 14/02/2021 01:47 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Update EN-Revision only / s/configarg/option/ because configargwas renamed to options.: reference/openssl/fu... mumumu 14/02/2021 12:54 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: datefmt_set_timezone_id() is removed as of PHP 7.0.0: reference/intl/dateformatter/set-timezone-id.xml mumumu 14/02/2021 12:48 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Allow Throwable for $previous param: language/exceptions.xml mumumu 14/02/2021 12:46 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fixed simplexml_import_dom return type: reference/simplexml/functions/simplexml-import-dom.xml mumumu 14/02/2021 12:40 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Update EN-Revision only / Update attributes.xml: Adjustments togrammar: language/attributes.xml mumumu 14/02/2021 12:43 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Update openssl_csr_sign docs wrt. PHP 8.0: reference/openssl/functions/openssl-csr-sign.xml mumumu 14/02/2021 12:38 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Generate openssl methodsynopses based on stubs:reference/openssl/certparams.xmlreference/openssl/functions/o... mumumu 14/02/2021 12:30 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #69884: mysqli->connect_error seems to be shared across objects: reference/mysqli/mysqli/connect-errno.x... mumumu 13/02/2021 05:11 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #76314: Specify failure return type for soundex:reference/strings/functions/soundex.xml mumumu 13/02/2021 05:34 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #75787: Array iterator functions misleading:reference/array/functions/array-key-exists.xmlreference/arra... mumumu 13/02/2021 05:15 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Add separate section for magic constants:language/constants.xml mumumu 13/02/2021 05:19 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #62823: datetime.formats.compound regex issue:reference/datetime/formats.xml mumumu 13/02/2021 05:27 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #61044: invalid PHP_BINDIR: appendices/reserved.constants.core.xml mumumu 13/02/2021 05:25 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Remove incorrect note about autoloading in interactive CLI:features/commandline.xml language/oop5/autoload.x... mumumu 12/02/2021 12:10 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix ssh2_shell() signature and return type section: reference/ssh2/functions/ssh2-shell.xml mumumu 11/02/2021 11:46 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #77771: empty description of APCu in its introduction:reference/apcu/book.xml mumumu 11/02/2021 11:55 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: opcache.cache_id defaults to "": reference/opcache/ini.xml mumumu 11/02/2021 11:44 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #79136: ssh2_sftp_mkdir affected by umask: reference/ssh2/functions/ssh2-sftp-mkdir.xml mumumu 11/02/2021 11:48 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: changed deprecation function warning as of PHP 8.0.0.:reference/reflection/reflectionfunction/isdisabled.xml... mumumu 10/02/2021 07:18 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: changed warning about deleted functions as of PHP 8.0.0.:reference/filesystem/functions/fgetss.xmlreference/... mumumu 10/02/2021 07:16 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Spl is always available: reference/spl/book.xmlreference/spl/setup.xml mumumu 09/02/2021 07:58 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Gettext maintains some info per process, not per thread:reference/gettext/functions/bind-textdomain-codeset.... mumumu 08/02/2021 09:42 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Add the standard PECL installation instructions to APCu:reference/apcu/setup.xml mumumu 08/02/2021 09:43 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Add a note that json is always available in php 8.0:reference/json/setup.xml mumumu 08/02/2021 09:46 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Remove obsolete PHP 5 related info: reference/json/setup.xml mumumu 08/02/2021 09:48 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Describe $long_options of getopt(): reference/info/functions/getopt.xml mumumu 06/02/2021 07:24 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #80712: getcwd(): return type includes false:reference/dir/functions/getcwd.xml mumumu 06/02/2021 07:17 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Document that pthreads is dead: reference/pthreads/book.xml mumumu 04/02/2021 07:07 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Add exponentiation assignment operator to corresponding table:language/operators.xml mumumu 03/02/2021 07:45 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Update EN-Revision tags for new rev-check:appendices/migration70/incompatible/foreach.xmlappendices/migratio... girgias 03/02/2021 02:27 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: fix example; remove PHP 5 changelog:reference/pgsql/functions/pg-delete.xml mumumu 02/02/2021 08:37 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: really remove PHP 5 changelog:reference/pgsql/functions/pg-delete.xml mumumu 02/02/2021 08:39 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: fix fix; need some coffee:reference/pgsql/functions/pg-delete.xml mumumu 02/02/2021 08:40 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #77799: Database security information is outdated:security/database.xml mumumu 02/02/2021 12:22 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Remove obsolete info from page:security/database.xml mumumu 02/02/2021 12:26 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #55173: Locale::setDefault never failed:reference/intl/locale/set-default.xml mumumu 02/02/2021 12:19 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: updated EN-Revision only / we already deleted"func_overload", "func_overload_list" in Japanese version.: ref... mumumu 29/01/2021 12:22 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Update mb_get_info() member list: reference/mbstring/functions/mb-get-info.xml mumumu 29/01/2021 12:08 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: mbstring.func_overload and related stuff is removed as of PHP 8.0.0: language-snippets.ent reference/mbstrin... mumumu 29/01/2021 12:17 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Add SodiumException to the manual: reference/sodium/book.xmlreference/sodium/sodiumexception.xml mumumu 29/01/2021 02:25 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: SodiumException has no members:reference/sodium/sodiumexception.xml mumumu 29/01/2021 02:26 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #66104: strtotime reports "2011-02-31" and "2011-11-31" asvalid dates: reference/datetime/formats.xml mumumu 29/01/2021 01:57 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #80677: session.cookie_samesite missing from INI list: appendices/ini.list.xml reference/session/ini.xml mumumu 28/01/2021 11:04 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: goto labels are case-sensitive:language/control-structures/goto.xml mumumu 28/01/2021 10:46 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Add nullable to return type for Serializable::serialize:language/predefined/serializable/serialize.xml mumumu 28/01/2021 10:48 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Tell people about the possibility to submit doc-en PRs:appendices/about.xml mumumu 28/01/2021 11:24 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: fgets() can return false:reference/filesystem/functions/fgets.xml mumumu 28/01/2021 11:32 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Tell people about the possibility to doc-en source code fromgit, not SVN.: appendices/about.xml mumumu 28/01/2021 11:48 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #80326: Phar may not properly extract PAX archives:reference/phar/fileformat.xml mumumu 28/01/2021 11:43 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #80673: Be explicit about the order in which to callflush() and ob_flush(): reference/outcontrol/functio... mumumu 28/01/2021 11:11 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Added table ids as needed by the docs at reference/mysql/constants.x... mumumu 28/01/2021 06:00 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Add missing visibility modifiers for SPL:reference/spl/splqueue/construct.xml reference/spl/splqueue/dequeue... mumumu 27/01/2021 08:51 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: alias read-exif-data was deleted as of PHP 8.0.0.:language-snippets.ent reference/exif/functions/read-exif-d... mumumu 27/01/2021 09:02 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: replaced deprecation warnings in image deleted functions as ofPHP 8.0.0.: language-snippets.ent reference/im... mumumu 27/01/2021 08:59 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Updated EN-Revision only / refpurpose is already written inJapanese version.: reference/soap/soapclient/setc... mumumu 27/01/2021 08:52 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: define_syslog_variables() and related INI is removed as of PHP 5.4.0: appendices/ini.list.xml reference/netw... mumumu 26/01/2021 08:59 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Remove obsolete apache_reset_timeout() docs: reference/apache/functions/apache-reset-timeout.xml mumumu 26/01/2021 08:52 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: added params intro for setRedirect: reference/yaf/tutorials.xmlreference/yaf/yaf_plugin_abstract/routershutd... mumumu 25/01/2021 11:24 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fixed build: reference/yaf/yaf_response_abstract/setredirect.xml mumumu 25/01/2021 11:27 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: ezmlm_hash was deleted as of PHP 8.0.0.: reference/mail/functions/ezmlm-hash.xml mumumu 25/01/2021 11:36 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: The format char `p` is only available as of PHP 8.0.0.:reference/datetime/datetimeinterface/format.xml mumumu 25/01/2021 11:35 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: bindtextdomain()'s second arg is nullable now:reference/gettext/functions/bind-textdomain-codeset.xmlreferen... mumumu 25/01/2021 11:45 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #77323: Since 7.1 $var[] = 'entry'; throws Fatal. This is unclear in the docs.: reference/array/function... mumumu 25/01/2021 11:32 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: gmp_random was deleted as of PHP 8.0.0.: reference/gmp/functions/gmp-random.xml mumumu 25/01/2021 11:38 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #79565: Documentation missing for password_algos(): reference/password/functions/password-algos.xml mumumu 24/01/2021 11:22 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: $this is not a **reference** to the called object.:language/oop5/basic.xml language/oop5/properties.xmllangu... mumumu 24/01/2021 11:09 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: __autoload was deleted as of PHP 8.0.0.: reference/classobj/functions/autoload.xml mumumu 24/01/2021 10:54 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: add missing parameter description:reference/sockets/functions/socket-connect.xml mumumu 24/01/2021 08:18 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: fixed XPointer evaluation failed build warning, related to soapconstructor fix.: reference/soap/soapheader.x... mumumu 23/01/2021 08:31 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Added informaltable ids as needed by the docs at reference/mysql/fun... mumumu 23/01/2021 08:12 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Update EN-Revision only. nothing affected in Japanese version.:language/attributes.xml mumumu 22/01/2021 09:12 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix `CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS`/`FOLLOWLOCATION` descriptions: reference/curl/functions/curl-setopt.xml mumumu 22/01/2021 09:09 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: fix parameter: reference/uodbc/functions/odbc-execute.xml mumumu 22/01/2021 08:58 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: explode: update reference to implode param order:reference/strings/functions/explode.xml mumumu 22/01/2021 09:02 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: liip is deprecated: install/macos/packages.xml mumumu 21/01/2021 04:07 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: require_once and include are expressions, not statements: language/control-structures/include.xml language/c... mumumu 21/01/2021 04:10 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Update some methodsynopses:reference/datetime/datetimeinterface/diff.xmlreference/zlib/functions/gzgets.xml mumumu 20/01/2021 05:23 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Document that 3 options/info functions are removed as of PHP8.0.0: language-snippets.entreference/info/funct... mumumu 20/01/2021 05:19 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Generate methodsynopses based on recently updated stubs:reference/com/compersisthelper/construct.xmlreferenc... mumumu 20/01/2021 05:27 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Improve libxml_set_external_entity_loader() docs: reference/libxml/functions/libxml-set-external-entity-load... mumumu 20/01/2021 05:40 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: update EN-Revision only: language-snippets.entreference/info/functions/get-magic-quotes-gpc.xmlreference/inf... mumumu 20/01/2021 05:30 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: update EN-Revision only:reference/datetime/datetimeinterface/diff.xmlreference/zlib/functions/gzgets.xml mumumu 20/01/2021 05:28 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Improve libxml_disable_entity_loader() docs: reference/libxml/functions/libxml-disable-entity-loader.xml mumumu 20/01/2021 05:44 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: moved changelog position.:appendices/migration80/incompatible.xml mumumu 18/01/2021 10:26 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Added version PHP 8 into array functions' version.:reference/array/functions/array-walk.xml reference/array/... mumumu 17/01/2021 07:22 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Remove magic quote mentions: faq/using.xmlreference/info/functions/get-magic-quotes-gpc.xml security/magicqu... mumumu 16/01/2021 07:04 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Remove some mentions of register globals:language/variables.xml reference/array/functions/extract.xmlreferen... mumumu 16/01/2021 07:55 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Remove information about session.bug_compat_* INI setting: appendices/ini.list.xml reference/session/ini.xml mumumu 16/01/2021 07:48 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Document ssh2 resources: appendices/resources.xmlreference/ssh2/setup.xml mumumu 15/01/2021 08:35 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Basic documentation for missing ssh2 functions and constants:reference/ssh2/constants.xmlreference/ssh2/func... mumumu 15/01/2021 08:54 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: PECL/ssh2 DLLs are available for a long time:reference/ssh2/installation.xml mumumu 15/01/2021 08:31 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: 説明のインデントを調整。: mumumu 14/01/2021 12:29 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: 日本語でコミットログ(PR)を書いても全く問題ない旨を追記: mumumu 14/01/2021 12:19 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix the description about reference in user-land:features/gc.xml mumumu 14/01/2021 11:17 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Refactor OO section: language/constants.xmllanguage/oop5/abstract.xml language/oop5/anonymous.xmllanguage/oo... mumumu 14/01/2021 03:10 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix re2c requirement info: install/unix/index.xml mumumu 14/01/2021 12:59 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: clarify the source example.: language/oop5/decon.xml mumumu 14/01/2021 01:20 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix ##64470: XMLReader::next($localname) moves cursor even ifthere is no more $localname: reference/xmlreade... mumumu 14/01/2021 12:33 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: DatePeriod::__construct() no longer accepts 0 $recurrences: reference/datetime/dateperiod/construct.xml mumumu 14/01/2021 12:47 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #65176: openssl_pkey_new / openssl_pkey_get_public: reference/openssl/functions/openssl-pkey-new.xml mumumu 14/01/2021 12:32 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #78370: imagefilltoborder does not fill:reference/image/functions/imagefilltoborder.xml mumumu 14/01/2021 12:41 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Remove obsolete iisfunc documentation:reference/iisfunc/book.xml reference/iisfunc/constants.xmlreference/ii... mumumu 14/01/2021 12:26 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fixed constant name LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_KEYILE: reference/ldap/functions/ldap-get-option.xml mumumu 14/01/2021 12:25 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Remove docs about NSAPI: appendices/configure/servers.xmlappendices/ini.list.xml install/unix/index.xml inst... mumumu 14/01/2021 12:20 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 14/01/2021 12:09 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Document OPENSSL_RAW_DATA constant.: reference/openssl/constants.xml mumumu 13/01/2021 02:59 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Remove references to `mysql` extension and to versions below7.0: reference/mysqlinfo/concepts.xml reference/... mumumu 13/01/2021 01:28 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Remove SDO docs: reference/sdo/book.xmlreference/sdo/constants.xml reference/sdo/examples.xmlreference/sdo/l... mumumu 12/01/2021 07:25 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: fixed current Zend Engine Version.: faq/general.xml mumumu 11/01/2021 11:29 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Remove PHP 5 info from mysqli, PDO_MySQL and mysqlnd: reference/mysqli/constants.xml reference/mysqli/ini.xm... mumumu 11/01/2021 09:20 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Updating mysqli: fixing mysqli_report: reference/mysqli/mysqli_driver/report-mode.xml mumumu 11/01/2021 09:34 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Remove interals2 book: internals2/apiref/index.xmlinternals2/buildsys/configunix.xml internals2/buildsys/con... mumumu 11/01/2021 08:36 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Link to SplFileInfo from is_file()/file_exists() docs: reference/filesystem/functions/file-exists.xml refere... mumumu 11/01/2021 08:43 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix erroneous whitespace change: reference/opcache/ini.xml mumumu 11/01/2021 08:38 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #54863 by clarifying return values:reference/pgsql/functions/pg-fetch-array.xml mumumu 11/01/2021 08:23 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 11/01/2021 08:10 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 11/01/2021 04:10 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 11/01/2021 12:10 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: deleted old description.: reference/memcached/ini.xml mumumu 10/01/2021 03:56 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #74284: Update runtime configuration page for memcached:reference/memcached/ini.xml mumumu 10/01/2021 12:30 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Make class type declaration context independent:language/types/declarations.xml mumumu 10/01/2021 10:47 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: updated EN-Revision only: language/types/declarations.xml mumumu 10/01/2021 10:50 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Integrate GitHub Actions in docs-ja, too.:.github/workflows/integrate.yaml mumumu 09/01/2021 10:13 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Add 'parent' type declaration: language/types/declarations.xml mumumu 09/01/2021 10:34 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Order the JIT configuration options in definition order.:reference/opcache/ini.xml mumumu 09/01/2021 10:24 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #68540: Documenation about checking SimpleXML needsclarification: language/types/boolean.xml mumumu 09/01/2021 10:17 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Typo in code output: language/context/http.xml mumumu 09/01/2021 10:27 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix docs after stubs fix in php-src:reference/zip/functions/zip-entry-close.xml mumumu 09/01/2021 10:26 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: fix return type of array_change_key_case error: reference/array/functions/array-change-key-case.xml mumumu 08/01/2021 06:20 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: fixed XPointer evaluation failed build warning.:reference/dom/domcharacterdata.xml reference/dom/domcomment.... mumumu 08/01/2021 09:02 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Remove migration guides for PHP 5: appendices/debugger.xmlappendices/ini.core.xml appendices/ini.list.xml ap... mumumu 08/01/2021 08:59 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Add QuickStart with homebrew: install/macos/packages.xml mumumu 08/01/2021 09:08 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Extend ReflectionProperty::hasDefaultValue() example:reference/reflection/reflectionproperty/hasdefaultvalue... mumumu 08/01/2021 09:10 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix spacing in mongodb.option.encryption.kmsProviders / syncwith en.: language-snippets.ent mumumu 07/01/2021 05:24 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: chmod -x: language/attributes.xmllanguage/control-structures/match.xmllanguage/predefined/unhandledmatcherro... mumumu 07/01/2021 05:22 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: fix typo in arithmetic assignment operators:language/operators.xml mumumu 06/01/2021 09:34 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Update "How to read a function definition" section:appendices/about.xml mumumu 05/01/2021 01:49 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Actually document openssl_cms_*() functions: reference/openssl/functions/openssl-cms-decrypt.xml reference/o... mumumu 05/01/2021 02:26 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: Document OpenSSL CMS support: reference/openssl/constants.xml mumumu 04/01/2021 11:49 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix section order: reference/xmlwriter/xmlwriter/enddtd.xml mumumu 04/01/2021 11:50 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Restore overloaded signature of reflectionmethod::__construct(): reference/reflection/reflectionmethod/const... mumumu 03/01/2021 09:59 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Whitespace fix for datetime.getoffset:reference/datetime/datetimeinterface/getoffset.xml mumumu 03/01/2021 06:52 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Generate zip methodsynopses based on stubs:reference/zip/functions/zip-entry-close.xmlreference/zip/function... mumumu 03/01/2021 04:37 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: The procedural Zip API is deprecated as of PHP 8.0.0:reference/zip/functions/zip-close.xmlreference/zip/func... mumumu 03/01/2021 04:41 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Document XMLWriter class: appendices/migration52.xmlappendices/migration80/incompatible.xml reference/xmlwri... mumumu 03/01/2021 04:19 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Remove duplicate constructorsynopsis:reference/reflection/reflectionmethod/construct.xml mumumu 03/01/2021 06:10 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 03/01/2021 04:08 AM 1KB
This PHP Manual build is broken noreply 03/01/2021 12:08 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Generate FTP methodsynopses based on stubs:reference/ftp/functions/ftp-alloc.xmlreference/ftp/functions/ftp-... mumumu 02/01/2021 10:50 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Generate sqlite3 methodsynopses based on stubs:reference/sqlite3/sqlite3.xml reference/sqlite3/sqlite3/backu... mumumu 02/01/2021 11:11 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Remove obsolete PHP 5 info in crypt() docs:reference/strings/functions/crypt.xml mumumu 02/01/2021 11:27 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Generate string methodsynopses based on stubs:reference/strings/functions/crypt.xml mumumu 02/01/2021 11:31 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Improved parameter markup in strtok function description.:reference/strings/functions/strtok.xml mumumu 02/01/2021 06:09 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Update implode() docs for PHP 8.0.0:reference/strings/functions/implode.xml mumumu 02/01/2021 04:15 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Fix #80570: Incorrect named argument name for the nestedfunction: language/functions.xml mumumu 02/01/2021 04:05 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Generate string methodsynopses based on stubs:reference/strings/functions/levenshtein.xmlreference/strings/f... mumumu 02/01/2021 05:23 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Update / some minor tweaks, link to phpdoc mumumu 01/01/2021 03:24 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: updated EN-Revision only / deleted original UTF-7 description.:reference/imap/functions/imap-utf7-decode.xml... mumumu 01/01/2021 06:21 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Document enchant related changes as of PHP 8.0.0:language-snippets.ent reference/enchant/constants.xmlrefere... mumumu 01/01/2021 03:44 AM 1KB
com doc/ja: Update EN-Revision only / Fix wording for substr changelog:reference/strings/functions/substr.xml mumumu 31/12/2020 08:17 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: added php manual (ja) link: mumumu 31/12/2020 05:52 PM 1KB
com doc/ja: added for github mirror.: mumumu 31/12/2020 05:44 PM 1KB