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Subject From Date Size
[PHP-BUG] Bug #70746 [NEW]: Please document spaceship as returning -1 or 0 or 1 php-bugs 20/10/2015 06:19 AM 1KB
   Bug #70746 [Opn]: Please document spaceship as returning -1 or 0 or 1 php-bugs 20/10/2015 07:16 AM 1KB
   Bug #70746 [Opn->Ver]: Please document spaceship as returning -1 or 0 or 1 jhdxr 21/10/2015 11:26 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #70745 [NEW]: Document new PHP7 operators under Operator Precedence php-bugs 20/10/2015 06:09 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70737 [NEW]: procedural style "link" parameter missing php-bugs 19/10/2015 05:40 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70731 [NEW]: There is no PHP v6 php-bugs 17/10/2015 08:41 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70711 [NEW]: Incomplete documentation of file() php-bugs 14/10/2015 07:02 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70707 [NEW]: german translation/explication of "hash" php-bugs 13/10/2015 07:18 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70702 [NEW]: Documentation missing to explain unexpected optimisation behaviour php-bugs 13/10/2015 06:48 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70695 [NEW]: sqlsrv.configuration is missing important details php-bugs 12/10/2015 07:39 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70686 [NEW]: Valid only for 5.3-5.5 php-bugs 11/10/2015 02:53 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #70672 [NEW]: PDOStatement::fetchAll incomplete, incorrect php-bugs 08/10/2015 11:42 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70673 [NEW]: Wrong Parameter Info for SplFileInfo::__construct() php-bugs 09/10/2015 02:21 AM 1KB
   Doc #70673 [Opn->Nab]: Wrong Parameter Info for SplFileInfo::__construct() salathe 10/10/2015 02:46 AM 1KB
   Doc #70673 [Nab]: Wrong Parameter Info for SplFileInfo::__construct() php-bugs 12/10/2015 05:41 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #70659 [NEW]: wrong signature function php-bugs 07/10/2015 09:33 PM 1KB
   Bug #70659 [Asn->Csd]: wrong signature function sobak 09/10/2015 02:50 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70655 [NEW]: misleading function summary php-bugs 07/10/2015 10:46 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70654 [NEW]: array_map key preservation behaviour not explicit php-bugs 07/10/2015 10:29 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70640 [NEW]: <em> to | php-bugs 05/10/2015 06:17 PM 1KB
   Doc #70640 [Opn]: Wrapping operators in <em> leads to confusion salathe 05/10/2015 08:12 PM 1KB
   Doc #70640 [Com]: Wrapping operators in <em> leads to confusion php-bugs 05/10/2015 08:20 PM 1KB
   Doc #70640 [Opn]: Wrapping operators in <em> leads to confusion salathe 05/10/2015 10:30 PM 1KB
   Doc #70640 [Opn]: Wrapping operators in <em> leads to confusion php-bugs 05/10/2015 10:40 PM 1KB
   Doc #70640 [Opn]: Wrapping operators in <em> leads to confusion salathe 05/10/2015 10:42 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70615 [NEW]: 72-character password limit php-bugs 02/10/2015 01:52 AM 1KB
   Doc #70615 [Opn]: 72-character password limit sobak 06/10/2015 04:13 PM 1KB
   Doc #70615 [Opn]: 72-character password limit php-bugs 06/10/2015 09:14 PM 1KB
   Doc #70615 [Opn->Csd]: 72-character password limit sobak 07/10/2015 02:50 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70612 [NEW]: heading is in cyrillic script php-bugs 01/10/2015 07:20 PM 1KB
   Doc #70612 [Opn->Dup]: heading is in cyrillic script sobak 06/10/2015 04:20 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #70610 [NEW]: Misleading example of "illegal" importing rule php-bugs 01/10/2015 01:22 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #70606 [NEW]: The documented signature for SplObjectStorage methods is wrong php-bugs 30/09/2015 06:16 PM 1KB
   Bug #70606 [Opn]: The documented signature for SplObjectStorage methods is wrong salathe 30/09/2015 07:51 PM 1KB
   Bug #70606 [Opn]: The documented signature for SplObjectStorage methods is wrong php-bugs 30/09/2015 10:21 PM 1KB
   Bug #70606 [Opn->Wfx]: The documented signature for SplObjectStorage methods is wrong salathe 30/09/2015 11:52 PM 1KB
   Bug #70606 [Wfx]: The documented signature for SplObjectStorage methods is wrong php-bugs 30/09/2015 11:57 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70602 [NEW]: Tables not properly aligned/placed on website php-bugs 29/09/2015 07:52 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70600 [NEW]: Possible shmop_open() return values php-bugs 29/09/2015 02:47 AM 1KB
   Doc #70600 [Opn->Nab]: Possible shmop_open() return values requinix 29/09/2015 04:45 AM 1KB
   Doc #70600 [Nab]: Possible shmop_open() return values php-bugs 29/09/2015 11:12 PM 1KB
   Doc #70600 [Nab]: Possible shmop_open() return values requinix 30/09/2015 04:38 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70597 [NEW]: Missing info about json_decode bc changes php-bugs 28/09/2015 05:59 PM 1KB
   Doc #70597 [Com]: Missing info about json_decode bc changes php-bugs 22/10/2015 12:47 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70596 [NEW]: No description of warning for min(array()) php-bugs 28/09/2015 04:56 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70594 [NEW]: behviour of unset inside foreach is undocumented php-bugs 28/09/2015 09:14 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70590 [NEW]: Hack php-bugs 27/09/2015 03:18 AM 1KB
   Doc #70590 [Opn->Spm]: Hack requinix 27/09/2015 06:35 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70589 [NEW]: Hack php-bugs 27/09/2015 03:18 AM 1KB
   Doc #70589 [Opn->Spm]: Hack requinix 27/09/2015 06:35 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #70575 [NEW]: gmp_random() doc wrong php-bugs 25/09/2015 04:40 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70539 [NEW]: PDO 銝滢��𣂷� �唳旿摨��質情撅� 憭𡁏�鈭�葵'銝�,霈拙撩餈怎���犖�讠�敺���� php-bugs 21/09/2015 10:52 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70534 [NEW]: See Also suggestion: sprintf, date php-bugs 20/09/2015 07:03 PM 1KB
   Doc #70534 [Opn]: See Also suggestion: sprintf, date requinix 20/09/2015 07:11 PM 1KB
   Doc #70534 [Opn]: See Also suggestion: sprintf, date php-bugs 20/09/2015 07:39 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70524 [NEW]: Wrong translation php-bugs 18/09/2015 11:23 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70512 [NEW]: findOne timeout document is not very clear php-bugs 16/09/2015 06:36 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70501 [NEW]: MAX_FILE_SIZE docs incorrect php-bugs 15/09/2015 07:06 PM 1KB
   Doc #70501 [Opn->Fbk]: MAX_FILE_SIZE docs incorrect requinix 15/09/2015 07:54 PM 1KB
   Doc #70501 [Fbk->Opn]: MAX_FILE_SIZE docs incorrect php-bugs 15/09/2015 07:57 PM 1KB
   Doc #70501 [Opn]: MAX_FILE_SIZE docs incorrect requinix 16/09/2015 05:38 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #70500 [NEW]: array_keys() returns NULL php-bugs 15/09/2015 06:03 PM 1KB
   Bug #70500 [Opn]: array_keys() returns NULL php-bugs 15/09/2015 06:07 PM 1KB
   Bug #70500 [Opn->Wfx]: array_keys() returns NULL requinix 15/09/2015 07:51 PM 1KB
   Bug #70500 [Wfx->Csd]: array_keys() returns NULL php-bugs 15/09/2015 07:57 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70463 [NEW]: Document precise date/time parsing API usage in strtotime() manual. php-bugs 09/09/2015 05:21 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #70460 [NEW]: PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_COMPRESS support by mysqlnd after php-5.3.11 php-bugs 08/09/2015 06:57 PM 1KB
   Bug #70460 [Opn->Ver]: PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_COMPRESS support by mysqlnd after php-5.3.11 cmb 08/09/2015 09:31 PM 1KB
   Bug->Doc #70460 [Ver->Csd]: PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_COMPRESS support by mysqlnd after php-5.3.11 cmb 08/09/2015 09:33 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70448 [NEW]: Typo php-bugs 07/09/2015 07:33 PM 1KB
   Doc #70448 [Opn->Ver]: [DE] Typo cmb 07/09/2015 08:13 PM 1KB
   Doc #70448 [Ver->Csd]: [DE] Typo cmb 07/09/2015 08:24 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70422 [NEW]: Documentation doesn't reference the method php-bugs 03/09/2015 11:44 PM 1KB
   Doc #70422 [Opn->Csd]: Documentation doesn't reference the method pasindu 07/09/2015 01:04 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70416 [NEW]: BG documentation error for namespaces php-bugs 03/09/2015 04:24 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70412 [NEW]: capitalization typo in class name php-bugs 03/09/2015 03:20 AM 1KB
   Doc #70412 [Opn]: capitalization typo in class name cmb 03/09/2015 05:12 AM 1KB
   Doc #70412 [Asn->Csd]: capitalization typo in class name cmb 03/09/2015 05:19 AM 1KB
   Doc #70412 [Csd->Asn]: capitalization typo in class name php-bugs 03/09/2015 05:20 AM 1KB
   Doc #70412 [Asn->Csd]: capitalization typo in class name cmb 03/09/2015 07:20 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70409 [NEW]: FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE returns false for null input for FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN php-bugs 02/09/2015 08:11 PM 1KB
   Doc #70409 [Opn->Ver]: FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE returns false for null input for FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN cmb 02/09/2015 09:43 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70403 [NEW]: Wrong documentation for MySQL client compresssion with PDO+mysqlnd php-bugs 02/09/2015 11:40 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70402 [NEW]: <br/> doesn't need to be added to allowed tags for it to be stripped php-bugs 02/09/2015 08:09 AM 1KB
   Doc #70402 [Asn]: <br/> doesn't need to be added to allowed tags for it to be stripped cmb 02/09/2015 08:34 AM 1KB
   Doc #70402 [Com]: <br/> doesn't need to be added to allowed tags for it to be stripped php-bugs 02/09/2015 10:54 PM 1KB
   Doc #70402 [Asn->Csd]: <br/> doesn't need to be added to allowed tags for it to be stripped peehaa 02/09/2015 10:55 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70400 [NEW]: mysqli_options missing MYSQLI_OPT_NET_CMD_BUFFER_SIZE option php-bugs 01/09/2015 05:22 PM 1KB
   Doc #70400 [Opn]: mysqli_options missing MYSQLI_OPT_NET_CMD_BUFFER_SIZE option php-bugs 01/09/2015 05:22 PM 1KB
   Doc #70400 [Opn->Csd]: mysqli_options missing MYSQLI_OPT_NET_CMD_BUFFER_SIZE option cmb 01/09/2015 09:58 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70391 [NEW]: Etiquetas de PHP php-bugs 30/08/2015 07:22 AM 1KB
   Doc #70391 [Opn->Csd]: [ES] Etiquetas de PHP seros 31/08/2015 07:38 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70373 [NEW]: Wrong function in mysql_num_fields() documentation alternative list php-bugs 28/08/2015 03:53 AM 1KB
   Doc #70373 [Opn->Ver]: Wrong function in mysql_num_fields() documentation alternative list cmb 28/08/2015 08:41 AM 1KB
   Doc #70373 [Ver->Csd]: Wrong function in mysql_num_fields() documentation alternative list cmb 28/08/2015 09:35 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70355 [NEW]: Incorrect type information in constructor documentation php-bugs 25/08/2015 07:35 PM 1KB
   Doc #70355 [Opn->Ver]: Incorrect type information in constructor documentation cmb 25/08/2015 07:51 PM 1KB
   Doc #70355 [Ver->Csd]: Incorrect type information in constructor documentation cmb 25/08/2015 07:54 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70353 [NEW]: predefined constant missing php-bugs 25/08/2015 04:55 PM 1KB
   Doc #70353 [Opn->Nab]: predefined constant missing salathe 25/08/2015 05:09 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70352 [NEW]: mysqli_get_cache_stats() Missing php-bugs 25/08/2015 03:23 PM 1KB
   Doc #70352 [Opn->Ver]: mysqli_get_cache_stats() Missing cmb 25/08/2015 07:58 PM 1KB
   Doc #70352 [Ver->Csd]: mysqli_get_cache_stats() Missing cmb 25/08/2015 08:49 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70346 [NEW]: iterator_count affets state of iterator php-bugs 25/08/2015 01:36 AM 1KB
   Doc #70346 [Opn->Csd]: iterator_count affets state of iterator cmb 25/08/2015 02:15 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70343 [NEW]: Documentation translation problem - Interfaces (Russian) php-bugs 24/08/2015 10:20 PM 1KB
   Doc #70343 [Opn->Csd]: [RU] Documentation translation problem - Interfaces tmn 27/08/2015 02:59 AM 1KB
   Doc #70343 [Csd]: [RU] Documentation translation problem - Interfaces php-bugs 27/08/2015 03:04 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70328 [NEW]: wrong value of the maximum number of captured substrings in Subpatterns php-bugs 23/08/2015 01:43 AM 1KB
   Doc #70328 [Opn->Ver]: wrong value of the maximum number of captured substrings in Subpatterns cmb 23/08/2015 09:44 PM 1KB
   Doc #70328 [Ver->Csd]: wrong value of the maximum number of captured substrings in Subpatterns cmb 23/08/2015 09:54 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70326 [NEW]: Incorrect and incomplete list of log callbacks php-bugs 22/08/2015 10:05 PM 1KB
   Doc #70326 [Opn]: Incorrect and incomplete list of log callbacks php-bugs 23/08/2015 01:24 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70305 [NEW]: PharData::decompress() Example 1: $p2 is undefined php-bugs 19/08/2015 11:19 PM 1KB
   Doc #70305 [Opn->Ver]: PharData::decompress() Example 1: $p2 is undefined cmb 20/08/2015 12:51 AM 1KB
   Doc #70305 [Ver->Csd]: PharData::decompress() Example 1: $p2 is undefined cmb 20/08/2015 12:53 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70297 [NEW]: Unable to find PHP Extensions php-bugs 19/08/2015 10:06 AM 1KB
   Doc #70297 [Opn->Nab]: Unable to find PHP Extensions requinix 19/08/2015 10:13 AM 1KB
   Doc #70297 [Com]: Unable to find PHP Extensions php-bugs 19/08/2015 11:19 AM 1KB
   Doc #70297 [Nab]: Unable to find PHP Extensions requinix 19/08/2015 01:29 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70287 [NEW]: appendices/ini.core.xml php-bugs 18/08/2015 05:32 AM 1KB
   Doc #70287 [Opn]: appendices/ini.core.xml cmb 18/08/2015 08:09 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70285 [NEW]: Broken link to IBM documentation php-bugs 18/08/2015 01:26 AM 1KB
   Doc #70285 [Opn->Csd]: Broken link to IBM documentation cmb 18/08/2015 02:55 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70256 [NEW]: Chinese and English pages are different. php-bugs 13/08/2015 09:57 AM 1KB
   Doc #70256 [Opn->Ver]: [ZH] Chinese and English pages are different. cmb 13/08/2015 10:01 AM 1KB
   Doc #70256 [Ver->Csd]: [ZH] Chinese and English pages are different. jhdxr 23/08/2015 01:01 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70234 [NEW]: Chinese Document Error! php-bugs 11/08/2015 03:03 PM 1KB
   Doc #70234 [Opn]: Chinese Document Error! laruence 11/08/2015 05:56 PM 1KB
   Doc #70234 [Opn->Fbk]: Chinese Document Error! laruence 11/08/2015 05:56 PM 1KB
   Doc #70234 [Fbk->Opn]: Chinese Document Error! php-bugs 12/08/2015 07:16 PM 1KB
   Doc #70234 [Opn->Csd]: [ZH] Chinese Document Error! laruence 15/08/2015 10:43 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70230 [NEW]: fdf is no longer in PECL. The documentation is pointing to a non-exist resource php-bugs 11/08/2015 12:28 AM 1KB
   Doc #70230 [Opn->Csd]: fdf is no longer in PECL. The documentation is pointing to a non-exist resource cmb 15/08/2015 01:15 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70227 [NEW]: Define consts with heredocs/nowdocs php-bugs 10/08/2015 08:21 PM 1KB
   Doc #70227 [Opn->Csd]: Define consts with heredocs/nowdocs cmb 10/08/2015 08:51 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70218 [NEW]: class & var links php-bugs 09/08/2015 12:44 PM 1KB
   Doc #70218 [Opn->Csd]: class & var links cmb 09/08/2015 07:54 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70209 [NEW]: date_parse does not parse all formats strtotime does php-bugs 08/08/2015 03:49 AM 1KB
   Doc #70209 [Opn->Csd]: date_parse does not parse all formats strtotime does cmb 08/08/2015 05:03 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70205 [NEW]: Documentation for version 1 of pecl_http php-bugs 07/08/2015 03:06 AM 1KB
   Doc #70205 [Opn->Dup]: Documentation for version 1 of pecl_http cmb 07/08/2015 04:33 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #70203 [NEW]: docs server not updated anymore php-bugs 06/08/2015 08:47 PM 1KB
   Bug #70203 [Opn->Csd]: docs server not updated anymore cmb 20/08/2015 08:21 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70196 [NEW]: curl_setopt for CURLOPT_CAINFO does NOT require an absolute path php-bugs 06/08/2015 03:40 AM 1KB
   Doc #70196 [Opn]: curl_setopt for CURLOPT_CAINFO does NOT require an absolute path cmb 28/08/2015 01:53 AM 1KB
   Doc #70196 [Asn->Csd]: curl_setopt for CURLOPT_CAINFO does NOT require an absolute path cmb 28/08/2015 01:56 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70194 [NEW]: Configuration 'log_errors_max_len' doesn't affect to function error_log() php-bugs 05/08/2015 08:13 PM 1KB
   Doc #70194 [Opn->Ver]: Configuration 'log_errors_max_len' doesn't affect to function error_log() cmb 05/08/2015 10:06 PM 1KB
   Doc #70194 [Ver->Csd]: Configuration 'log_errors_max_len' doesn't affect to function error_log() cmb 05/08/2015 10:10 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70191 [NEW]: Offline documentation misses stylesheet php-bugs 04/08/2015 05:58 PM 1KB
   Doc #70191 [Opn->Ver]: Offline documentation misses stylesheet cmb 08/08/2015 07:39 AM 1KB
   Bug->Req #70191 [Ver]: Offline documentation misses stylesheet cmb 08/08/2015 07:42 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70181 [NEW]: Missing information which confuses readers php-bugs 02/08/2015 12:32 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70180 [NEW]: Breaking CURL change in PHP 5.6 not mentioned php-bugs 01/08/2015 05:44 AM 1KB
   Doc #70180 [Opn->Ver]: Breaking CURL change in PHP 5.6 not mentioned cmb 01/08/2015 07:59 PM 1KB
   Doc #70180 [Ver->Csd]: Breaking CURL change in PHP 5.6 not mentioned cmb 01/08/2015 08:24 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70177 [NEW]: Undecumented changes in mb_substr behavior php-bugs 01/08/2015 12:08 AM 1KB
   Doc #70177 [Opn->Csd]: Undecumented changes in mb_substr behavior cmb 01/08/2015 01:11 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70160 [NEW]: string with double colon is callable, but cannot be called php-bugs 28/07/2015 11:34 PM 1KB
   Doc #70160 [Opn->Ver]: string with double colon is callable, but cannot be called cmb 29/07/2015 02:52 AM 1KB
   Doc #70160 [Ver->Csd]: string with double colon is callable, but cannot be called cmb 29/07/2015 03:26 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70152 [NEW]: Wrong code example php-bugs 27/07/2015 04:44 PM 1KB
   Doc #70152 [Opn->Fbk]: Wrong code example requinix 27/07/2015 05:02 PM 1KB
   Doc #70152 [Fbk->Opn]: Wrong code example php-bugs 27/07/2015 05:17 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #70143 [NEW]: PDOStatement::fetchAll manual page - there is no column-index parameter php-bugs 27/07/2015 08:05 AM 1KB
   Bug #70143 [Opn->Csd]: PDOStatement::fetchAll manual page - there is no column-index parameter cmb 27/07/2015 08:42 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70120 [NEW]: PDO::prepare - First argument does not have to be a valid SQL statement php-bugs 24/07/2015 05:01 AM 1KB
   Doc #70120 [Opn]: PDO::prepare - First argument does not have to be a valid SQL statement php-bugs 24/07/2015 07:25 AM 1KB
   Doc #70120 [Opn->Csd]: PDO::prepare - First argument does not have to be a valid SQL statement cmb 29/07/2015 08:18 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70119 [NEW]: PDOStatement::execute - ignores bindValue() php-bugs 24/07/2015 01:58 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70118 [NEW]: PDOStatement::execute manual says "values are treated as PDO::PARAM_STR" php-bugs 23/07/2015 10:53 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70115 [NEW]: DATE_ISO8601 const not compatible with ISO standard php-bugs 22/07/2015 10:11 PM 1KB
   Doc #70115 [Opn]: DATE_ISO8601 const not compatible with ISO standard php-bugs 22/07/2015 10:13 PM 1KB
   Doc #70115 [Opn]: DATE_ISO8601 const not compatible with ISO standard cmb 22/07/2015 10:52 PM 1KB
   Doc #70115 [Opn]: DATE_ISO8601 const not compatible with ISO standard derick 23/07/2015 04:19 PM 1KB
   Doc #70115 [Opn->Csd]: DATE_ISO8601 const not compatible with ISO standard cmb 27/08/2015 10:14 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70107 [NEW]: wrong translate php-bugs 22/07/2015 03:01 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70105 [NEW]: Graphical glitch in documentation (table overflows) php-bugs 21/07/2015 04:13 AM 1KB
   Doc #70105 [Opn->Dup]: Graphical glitch in documentation (table overflows) cmb 21/07/2015 06:30 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Doc #70100 [NEW]: Online Editor Patch Approval Problem php-bugs 19/07/2015 04:39 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #70095 [Nab->Asn]: Operator precedence changed in PHP 7 pasindu 19/07/2015 12:37 AM 1KB
Doc #68894 [Asn->Csd]: opcache.max_accelerated_files limit wrong peehaa 22/07/2015 06:48 PM 1KB
Doc #66897 [Opn->Ana]: stream_set_read_buffer / stream_set_write_buffer return EOF cmb 23/07/2015 05:24 AM 1KB
   Doc #66897 [Ana->Csd]: stream_set_read_buffer / stream_set_write_buffer return EOF cmb 23/07/2015 07:40 PM 1KB
Doc #66696 [Com]: Slight error in description php-bugs 24/07/2015 04:47 AM 1KB
   Doc #66696 [Com]: Slight error in description php-bugs 24/07/2015 07:04 AM 1KB
Doc #69584 [Com]: strip_tags: meaning of $allowable_tags reverted php-bugs 26/07/2015 09:37 PM 1KB
   Doc #69584 [Com]: strip_tags: meaning of $allowable_tags reverted php-bugs 02/09/2015 10:32 PM 1KB
   Doc #69584 [Opn->Csd]: strip_tags: meaning of $allowable_tags reverted peehaa 02/09/2015 10:32 PM 1KB
   Doc #69584 [Com]: strip_tags: meaning of $allowable_tags reverted php-bugs 02/09/2015 10:53 PM 1KB
Doc #64877 [Opn->Csd]: is_numeric() doesn't treat strings in binary notation as documented cmb 27/07/2015 01:35 AM 1KB
Doc #63796 [Opn->Sus]: Constant ID3_V2 does not exist for id3-0.2 package cmb 27/07/2015 02:14 AM 1KB
Doc #64638 [Opn->Asn]: Fetching resultsets from stored procedure with cursor fails andrey 28/07/2015 09:03 PM 1KB
   Doc #64638 [Asn]: Fetching resultsets from stored procedure with cursor fails andrey 28/07/2015 09:04 PM 1KB
   Doc #64638 [Asn]: Fetching resultsets from stored procedure with cursor fails andrey 28/07/2015 09:05 PM 1KB
Doc #18411 [Com]: print_r(FALSE) not consistant with print_r(TRUE) php-bugs 02/08/2015 12:07 AM 1KB
Doc #69867 [Opn->Csd]: [FR] Translate error pierrick 03/08/2015 01:51 AM 1KB
Bug #68878 [Asn->Csd]: NEWS with wrong date jpauli 03/08/2015 05:22 AM 1KB
Doc #68516 [Opn->Csd]: [pt_BR] Wrong Page encoding ae 04/08/2015 09:14 PM 1KB
Bug #51917 [Opn->Fbk]: CHM language files seem to have another structure than english file cmb 05/08/2015 04:15 AM 1KB
   Bug #51917 [Fbk->NoF]: CHM language files seem to have another structure than english file php-bugs 16/08/2015 12:22 PM 1KB
Doc #65389 [Ana]: Correlation between memory_limit and post_max_size cmb 05/08/2015 10:49 PM 1KB
   Doc #65389 [Ana->Csd]: Correlation between memory_limit and post_max_size cmb 05/08/2015 10:56 PM 1KB
Doc #68354 [Sus]: Compatibility broken, documentation outdated cmb 07/08/2015 04:35 AM 1KB
   Doc #68354 [Sus]: Compatibility broken, documentation outdated mike 07/08/2015 02:06 PM 1KB
Doc #27555 [Com]: Unable to modify $_SESSION from __destruct() php-bugs 08/08/2015 06:19 PM 1KB
   Doc #27555 [Com]: Unable to modify $_SESSION from __destruct() php-bugs 08/08/2015 07:51 PM 1KB
Doc #69043 [Opn->Csd]: [DE] add missing options in german description for CURL_setopt cmb 13/08/2015 05:18 AM 1KB
Doc #68752 [Opn]: [DE] Missing warning in translation of sem_get cmb 13/08/2015 05:25 AM 1KB
   Doc #68752 [Opn->Csd]: [DE] Missing warning in translation of sem_get cmb 13/08/2015 05:25 AM 1KB
Req->Doc #70265 [Opn->Ver]: Wrong name of DateTimeImmutable::__construct's 2nd param cmb 14/08/2015 08:47 PM 1KB
   Doc #70265 [Ver->Csd]: Wrong name of DateTimeImmutable::__construct's 2nd param cmb 14/08/2015 08:49 PM 1KB
   Doc #70265 [Csd->ReO]: Wrong name of DateTimeImmutable::__construct's 2nd param cmb 15/08/2015 05:28 AM 1KB
Doc #69548 [Opn->Csd]: use_soap_error_handler: description contradicts signature cmb 15/08/2015 08:50 AM 1KB
Doc #68929 [Opn->Csd]: [ES] Mysql API choosing page spanish errata seros 18/08/2015 02:15 AM 1KB
Doc #66926 [Ver->Csd]: old-style constructor and __construct() cmb 18/08/2015 09:41 PM 1KB
   Doc #66926 [Com]: old-style constructor and __construct() php-bugs 04/09/2015 05:21 AM 1KB
   Doc #66926 [Csd->Nab]: old-style constructor and __construct() cmb 04/09/2015 06:17 AM 1KB
   Doc #66926 [Com]: old-style constructor and __construct() php-bugs 04/09/2015 07:59 PM 1KB
Bug #67604 [Opn->Ver]: The built windows documention refers to nonexistent dll cmb 19/08/2015 03:07 AM 1KB
   Bug #67604 [Ver->Csd]: The built windows documention refers to nonexistent dll cmb 19/08/2015 03:27 AM 1KB
Doc #60493 [Opn->Csd]: [pt_BR] No description for "[, string filename]". ae 22/08/2015 04:18 AM 1KB
Doc #68210 [Opn->Csd]: [ZH] 銝剜���﹝蝧餉��桅� jhdxr 22/08/2015 11:56 PM 1KB
Doc #68016 [Ver->Csd]: [ZH] it isn't a chinese page and cant be edit ! jhdxr 23/08/2015 12:05 AM 1KB
Doc #69401 [Opn->Ver]: [ZH] Sort order description incorrect for sort() jhdxr 23/08/2015 12:20 AM 1KB
   Doc #69401 [Ver->Csd]: [ZH] Sort order description incorrect for sort() jhdxr 21/09/2015 09:01 PM 1KB
Doc #70085 [Opn->Csd]: [ZH] A omit of the 'empty' function manual jhdxr 23/08/2015 12:46 AM 1KB
Doc #67576 [Opn->Ver]: [ZH] regular expression example error jhdxr 23/08/2015 01:55 AM 1KB
   Doc #67576 [Com]: [ZH] regular expression example error php-bugs 23/08/2015 11:01 PM 1KB
   Doc #67576 [Ver->Csd]: [ZH] regular expression example error jhdxr 23/08/2015 11:12 PM 1KB
Doc #66564 [ReO->Csd]: crypt() seems to silently discard input after a certain length googleguy 23/08/2015 12:52 PM 1KB
Bug #69554 [Ver->Csd]: Typo in php.ini file. jhdxr 23/08/2015 11:33 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #56226 [Opn->Ver]: Failure to load after install cmb 25/08/2015 09:24 PM 1KB
   Doc #56226 [Ver->Csd]: Failure to load after install cmb 25/08/2015 09:33 PM 1KB
Doc #69204 [Opn->Csd]: [ZH] a typos of documenation jhdxr 25/08/2015 10:02 PM 1KB
Doc #70093 [Opn->Ver]: Link to ezmlm manual broken cmb 25/08/2015 10:28 PM 1KB
Doc #60384 [Opn->Csd]: [pt_BR] Deprecation warnings missing ae 25/08/2015 11:19 PM 1KB
Doc #68924 [Opn->Csd]: [PT_BR] Wrong translation for the description of the function rawurlencode ae 26/08/2015 10:15 PM 1KB
Doc #70050 [Com]: set_exception_handler receives non-exception objects php-bugs 27/08/2015 01:48 AM 1KB
Doc #69435 [Opn->Csd]: [RU] mkdir translation bug tmn 27/08/2015 02:57 AM 1KB
Doc #69506 [Opn->Csd]: [RU] typo in the documentation: "赲迮�迮邾郇郇��" tmn 27/08/2015 02:58 AM 1KB
Doc #69696 [Opn->Csd]: [PT_BR] Erro de portugu礙s na documenta癟瓊o ae 27/08/2015 10:17 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #62351 [Opn]: UTF-8 chars fail to be printed out properly with zend.multibyte cmb 28/08/2015 06:03 AM 1KB
   Doc #62351 [Asn->Csd]: UTF-8 chars fail to be printed out properly with zend.multibyte cmb 28/08/2015 06:08 AM 1KB
Doc #70379 [Opn->Ana]: call_user_func_array only accepts explicit references laruence 30/08/2015 09:54 PM 1KB
   Bug->Doc #70379 [Asn]: call_user_func_array only accepts explicit references laruence 30/08/2015 04:04 PM 1KB
Doc #69410 [Opn->Csd]: imap_sort signature wrong cmb 29/08/2015 07:15 PM 1KB
Doc #61572 [ReO]: Changed SQLite behavior (sqlite_close) cmb 01/09/2015 12:39 AM 1KB
Req->Doc #49515 [Opn]: Class members with the same name ought to raise an E_STRICT error or notice. cmb 01/09/2015 01:06 AM 1KB
   Doc #49515 [Asn->Csd]: Class members with the same name ought to raise an E_STRICT error or notice. cmb 06/09/2015 11:06 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #61314 [Opn->Ver]: Cannot mix European and 2 digit year cmb 01/09/2015 02:21 AM 1KB
   Doc #61314 [Ver->Csd]: Cannot mix European and 2 digit year cmb 02/09/2015 07:55 AM 1KB
Doc #64905 [Opn->Csd]: There is no description for ngettext parameters cmb 01/09/2015 03:49 AM 1KB
Doc #69226 [Opn->Ver]: FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT treats integers as floats cmb 01/09/2015 07:05 AM 1KB
   Doc #69226 [Ver->Csd]: FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT treats integers as floats cmb 01/09/2015 07:10 AM 1KB
Bug->Doc #70401 [Opn->Ver]: [DE] INPUT_REQUEST cmb 01/09/2015 08:34 PM 1KB
   Doc #70401 [Ver->Csd]: [DE] INPUT_REQUEST cmb 01/09/2015 08:58 PM 1KB
Doc #68134 [Opn->Csd]: strip_tags note isn't valid for php version 5.3.4 & higher peehaa 02/09/2015 10:52 PM 1KB
Doc #62667 [Asn->Csd]: MYSQLND_MS_MASTER_SWITCH should be MYSQLND_MS_LAST_USED_SWITCH philip 04/09/2015 12:18 AM 1KB
Doc #69813 [Ver->Csd]: mysqli::begin_transaction missing $flags documentation philip 04/09/2015 06:01 AM 1KB
Doc #68573 [Opn->Csd]: No mention that fetch_fields()'s output depends on client charset philip 04/09/2015 07:31 AM 1KB
   Doc #68573 [Com]: No mention that fetch_fields()'s output depends on client charset php-bugs 04/09/2015 11:16 PM 1KB
Doc #69499 [Ver]: DateTime::createFromFormat() documentation doesn't mention that '+' (and '|') mo cmb 04/09/2015 07:54 AM 1KB
   Doc #69499 [Ver->Csd]: DateTime::createFromFormat() documentation doesn't mention that '+' (and '|') mo cmb 04/09/2015 08:01 AM 1KB
Bug->Doc #70434 [Opn]: cli-server doesn't handle missing directories properly cmb 06/09/2015 01:47 AM 1KB
   Doc #70434 [Asn->Csd]: cli-server doesn't handle missing directories properly cmb 06/09/2015 11:53 PM 1KB
Doc #70421 [Asn->Csd]: Inconsistant constant errors cmb 07/09/2015 01:03 AM 1KB
Bug #54276 [Opn->Csd]: ini_get can't read pdo.dsn.* cmb 08/09/2015 01:41 AM 1KB
Doc #65170 [Opn->Csd]: SPLHeap next() removes current node cmb 08/09/2015 07:35 AM 1KB
Doc #69811 [Ana->Csd]: Cannot bind closure to scope of internal class stdClass cmb 09/09/2015 12:47 AM 1KB
Doc #68106 [Asn]: Typo in ArrayIterator::setFlags cmb 09/09/2015 04:31 AM 1KB
   Doc #68106 [Asn]: Typo in ArrayIterator::setFlags salathe 09/09/2015 08:25 PM 1KB
Doc #69954 [Opn->Ver]: 404 on URL referenced in mysqlnd.collect_statistics cmb 09/09/2015 06:41 AM 1KB
Bug->Doc #68248 [Opn->Ver]: Syntax error in example code cmb 09/09/2015 08:16 PM 1KB
   Doc #68248 [Ver->Csd]: Syntax error in example code cmb 09/09/2015 08:35 PM 1KB
Bug->Doc #67918 [Opn->Ver]: var_export does not export a parsable string representation of stdClass objects cmb 09/09/2015 09:44 PM 1KB
   Doc #67918 [Ver->Csd]: var_export does not export a parsable string representation of stdClass objects cmb 09/09/2015 10:13 PM 1KB
   Doc #67918 [Csd]: var_export does not export a parsable string representation of stdClass objects derick 14/09/2015 04:43 AM 1KB
Doc #69855 [Opn->Csd]: openssl_pkcs12_read() doesn't read a file philip 10/09/2015 07:14 AM 1KB
Bug->Doc #70487 [Opn]: pack('x') produces an error laruence 14/09/2015 05:37 PM 1KB
   Doc #70487 [Asn->Csd]: pack('x') produces an error nikic 14/09/2015 09:05 PM 1KB
Bug #70505 [Opn]: mysqli_poll documentation leads to apparent violation of timeout bishop 16/09/2015 12:27 AM 1KB
Req #69416 [Opn->Csd]: Use the password API on the db security page sobak 16/09/2015 02:25 PM 1KB
Doc #68640 [Ver->Csd]: Very minor point sobak 17/09/2015 07:17 AM 1KB
Bug->Doc #70520 [Ver->Ana]: session_regenerate_id() "Failed to create session ID" with custom SessionHandler yohgaki 18/09/2015 05:18 PM 1KB
   Doc #70520 [Ana]: session_regenerate_id() "Failed to create session ID" with custom SessionHandler yohgaki 18/09/2015 05:19 PM 1KB
   Doc #70520 [Ana]: session_regenerate_id() "Failed to create session ID" with custom SessionHandler yohgaki 18/09/2015 05:21 PM 1KB
   Doc #70520 [Ana]: session_regenerate_id() "Failed to create session ID" with custom SessionHandler php-bugs 18/09/2015 05:47 PM 1KB
   Doc #70520 [Ana]: session_regenerate_id() "Failed to create session ID" with custom SessionHandler yohgaki 19/09/2015 06:41 AM 1KB
   Doc #70520 [Ana]: session_regenerate_id() "Failed to create session ID" with custom SessionHandler yohgaki 19/09/2015 06:45 AM 1KB
   Doc #70520 [Ana->Csd]: session_regenerate_id() "Failed to create session ID" with custom SessionHandler yohgaki 19/09/2015 09:42 AM 1KB
   Doc #70520 [Com]: session_regenerate_id() "Failed to create session ID" with custom SessionHandler php-bugs 19/09/2015 02:44 PM 1KB
   Doc #70520 [Csd]: session_regenerate_id() "Failed to create session ID" with custom SessionHandler yohgaki 19/09/2015 04:13 PM 1KB
   Doc #70520 [Com]: session_regenerate_id() "Failed to create session ID" with custom SessionHandler php-bugs 19/10/2015 01:11 PM 1KB
   Doc #70520 [Csd]: session_regenerate_id() "Failed to create session ID" with custom SessionHandler yohgaki 21/10/2015 06:34 AM 1KB
Doc #69644 [Com]: additional note for CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS php-bugs 24/09/2015 02:48 AM 1KB
Bug #70672 [Opn]: PDOStatement::fetchAll documentation incomplete, incorrect php-bugs 09/10/2015 12:23 AM 1KB
Doc #51809 [Com]: Missing information in PDOStatement->fetchAll docs php-bugs 08/10/2015 11:44 PM 1KB