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Subject From Date Size
com web/php: Fix title: archive/entries/2012-05-06-1.xml dragoonis 07/05/2012 10:20 AM 1KB
com web/php: Release announcements for 5.4.3 and 5.3.13:releases/5_3_13.php releases/5_4_3.php dragoonis 09/05/2012 01:35 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix grammar: releases/5_3_13.php releases/5_4_3.php dragoonis 09/05/2012 01:56 AM 1KB
com web/php: Add missing <p> around the download/changelog paragraph:releases/5_3_13.php releases/5_4_3.php dragoonis 09/05/2012 01:54 AM 1KB
com web/php: News entry for PHP 5.4.3 and PHP 5.3.13 release:archive/archive.xml archive/entries/2012-05-08-1.xml dragoonis 09/05/2012 01:54 AM 1KB
com web/php: Some minor improvements to how the search results look.:include/ styles/theme.css dragoonis 25/05/2012 06:55 AM 1KB
com web/php: PHP 5.3.14 and 5.4.4: include/ dragoonis 17/05/2012 09:49 PM 1KB
com web/php: Decreased slide time on main menu from 200ms to 100ms as perusability expert Jakob Nielsen's advice for lar... dragoonis 25/05/2012 05:29 AM 1KB
com web/php: Those have the version, not booleans: include/ dragoonis 22/05/2012 01:30 PM 1KB
com web/php: soft deprecation notices: include/shared-manual.incstyles/doc.css styles/site.css dragoonis 03/06/2012 12:32 AM 1KB
com web/php: Restored the ability to click on a parameter in the functiondefinition and it would scroll to the parameter... dragoonis 25/05/2012 05:05 AM 1KB
com web/php: 5.4.4rc2: include/ dragoonis 31/05/2012 02:09 PM 1KB
com web/php: another iranian forum: links.php dragoonis 05/06/2012 07:54 PM 1KB
com web/php: These no longer exists apparently: links.php dragoonis 15/05/2012 07:27 PM 1KB
com web/php: Generic code cleanup. Side effect is that the code runsslightly faster.: js/common.js dragoonis 25/05/2012 05:22 AM 1KB
com web/php: Improved visual styles for the dropdown search items.:js/common.js styles/theme.css dragoonis 25/05/2012 06:27 AM 1KB
com web/php: use current colours instead of purple:images/sprites.png styles/doc.css styles/theme.css dragoonis 06/06/2012 03:59 AM 1KB
com web/php: Replaced dochowto links with fresh links to the wiki versionof the howto.: docs.php error.php git-php.php l... dragoonis 10/06/2012 07:06 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed a logical error I made a while back. You had to clicktwice instead of ocne to scroll to a parameter'... dragoonis 12/06/2012 03:05 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed a purple border that got missed in the purpleeradication.: styles/home.css dragoonis 12/06/2012 03:39 AM 1KB
com web/php: Reduced the PHP description font size.: styles/home.css dragoonis 12/06/2012 04:41 AM 1KB
com web/php: Another purple -> blue transition.: styles/home.css dragoonis 12/06/2012 03:57 AM 1KB
com web/php: Bumped base font size from 13px to 14px. The current siteuses 14px and is more readable.: styles/theme.css dragoonis 12/06/2012 04:18 AM 1KB
com web/php: less "vibrant" link blue, with underline: styles/doc.cssstyles/home.css styles/theme.css dragoonis 12/06/2012 05:00 AM 1KB
com web/php: Removed underline on sidebar links.: styles/home.css dragoonis 12/06/2012 04:59 AM 1KB
com web/php: wrap "{Edit|Report bug on} this page" footer links:js/common.js styles/theme.css dragoonis 12/06/2012 05:00 AM 1KB
com web/php: keep hover for homepage sidbar links: styles/home.css dragoonis 12/06/2012 05:26 AM 1KB
com web/php: Halfed the scroll time for TOC comments. It caused a stutterin the scroll on many pages. The faster scroll... dragoonis 12/06/2012 05:43 AM 1KB
com web/php: Ordered news archive so that the most recent years are first.:include/ dragoonis 12/06/2012 06:36 AM 1KB
com web/php: PHP 5.4.4 and PHP 5.3.14 news entries: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2012-06-14-1.xml dragoonis 14/06/2012 08:49 PM 1KB
com web/php: Moved announcements to sidebar and changed its color toblue/purple.: index-beta.php styles/home.css views/h... dragoonis 19/06/2012 12:07 AM 1KB
com web/php: PHP 5.4.4 and PHP 5.3.14: ChangeLog-5.php include/releases.incinclude/ releases/5_3_14.php relea... dragoonis 14/06/2012 08:48 PM 1KB
com web/php: - Added missing CVE id: ChangeLog-5.php dragoonis 15/06/2012 07:40 AM 1KB
com web/php: Shortened text blurbs in the 'features' section (2x2 grid).:index-beta.php dragoonis 19/06/2012 12:14 AM 1KB
com web/php: Removed borders on 2x2 grid, left-aligned the text, and addedquotes around some HTML attributes so they are... dragoonis 19/06/2012 12:43 AM 1KB
com web/php: Moved announcements above Recent News and made Announcementscategory that only shows up when there are anno... dragoonis 19/06/2012 01:03 AM 1KB
com web/php: Removed Announcements header. It was unneeded because of thebox around the content.: views/homepage/sidebar... dragoonis 19/06/2012 01:37 AM 1KB
com web/php: Improved class synopsis layout.: styles/doc.cssstyles/theme.css dragoonis 19/06/2012 01:44 AM 1KB
com web/php: Moved elephants to the footer.: include/footer.incinclude/ index-beta.php styles/theme.css dragoonis 19/06/2012 09:49 AM 1KB
com web/php: Minor adjustments to the 2x2 grid text.: index-beta.php dragoonis 19/06/2012 07:03 AM 1KB
com web/php: Improved code coloring in class and method synopsis.:styles/doc.css styles/theme.css dragoonis 19/06/2012 03:31 AM 1KB
com web/php: Many typography improvements. I tried to be pretty thorough tomake sure it didn't break anything. The only ... dragoonis 20/06/2012 12:18 AM 1KB
com web/php: Increased font-size for method synopsis to bring it back up tonormal.: styles/doc.css dragoonis 20/06/2012 03:25 AM 1KB
com web/php: Added recent news to the homepage and removed it from thesidebar.: include/ index-beta.php styles... dragoonis 19/06/2012 10:29 AM 1KB
com web/php: Changed highlight color for Introductory Tutorial to theblue/purple of the rest of the website.: styles/hom... dragoonis 20/06/2012 02:39 AM 1KB
com web/php: Brought code tag font size up to par.: styles/theme.css dragoonis 20/06/2012 03:28 AM 1KB
com web/php: Created some new classes to produce the articles view on thehomepage. I'm trying to improve the backend co... dragoonis 20/06/2012 06:41 AM 1KB
com web/php: More changes to the tutorial button. Added separator betweenthe grid and the news, removed announcement bo... dragoonis 20/06/2012 11:09 AM 1KB
com web/php: Centered 2x2 grid text.: styles/home.css dragoonis 20/06/2012 11:25 AM 1KB
com web/php: Brought the top of the 2x2 grid to align with the sidebar.Miscellaneous padding changes. Tutorial button i... dragoonis 20/06/2012 10:40 PM 1KB
com web/php: Minor padding adjustments.: styles/home.css dragoonis 20/06/2012 11:15 AM 1KB
com web/php: Adjusted font size back down to where it should be for themethod synopsis. Also darkened its color.: styles... dragoonis 20/06/2012 07:09 AM 1KB
com web/php: Another minor font-size adjustment.: styles/doc.css dragoonis 20/06/2012 07:13 AM 1KB
com web/php: The tutorial button is now square instead of angled, and thetext has been changed.: include/ styl... dragoonis 20/06/2012 06:52 AM 1KB
com web/php: Removed extra words in PECL & PEAR section.: index-beta.php dragoonis 03/07/2012 05:35 AM 1KB
com web/php: Added release notes link for download section on homepage.:include/ dragoonis 03/07/2012 05:35 AM 1KB
com web/php: Removed link to news archive and made Recent News headerclickable.: View/HomepageNewsView.php dragoonis 03/07/2012 05:36 AM 1KB
com web/php: Aligned most elements to a typographic grid. Increased basefont-size to 1em (16px, from 14px). Thinned th... dragoonis 03/07/2012 06:00 AM 1KB
com web/php: fix 5.3.10 tar name in releases file: include/ dragoonis 25/06/2012 01:03 AM 1KB
com web/php: Why should empty p tags be red? They shouldn't.: styles/doc.css dragoonis 03/07/2012 02:35 AM 1KB
com web/php: Northeast PHP Conference: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2012-06-27-1.xml images/news/NENA_logo.png dragoonis 27/06/2012 11:25 PM 1KB
com web/php: Added title attributes for some hyperlinks. Also gave abbrtags a dotted underline to set them apart from t... dragoonis 03/07/2012 06:38 AM 1KB
com web/php: Minor fix to downloads box being out of position.:styles/home.css dragoonis 04/07/2012 07:25 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed some typography problems.: styles/doc.cssstyles/theme.css dragoonis 03/07/2012 07:08 AM 1KB
com web/php: Major homepage rework. The old layout prioritized all thewrong things. This rework is not complete, but af... dragoonis 04/07/2012 07:24 AM 1KB
com web/php: The 'tips' sidebar now conforms to typography grid, as do hrtags.: styles/theme.css dragoonis 03/07/2012 07:27 AM 1KB
com web/php: Aligned the search box to the grid.: styles/theme.css dragoonis 04/07/2012 05:13 AM 1KB
com web/php: Gave menu items a bit more room to breathe. On Firefox themenu was sometimes falling out of its container.... dragoonis 04/07/2012 12:52 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed issue with dates in the news portion of the homepage.:styles/theme.css dragoonis 03/07/2012 07:30 AM 1KB
com web/php: Simplified Download PHP portion of homepage and correspondingportion of downloads.php: downloads.php includ... dragoonis 04/07/2012 02:55 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed documentation bug where the PHP version was displayed inthe wrong place.: styles/doc.css dragoonis 04/07/2012 05:03 AM 1KB
com web/php: Slight adjustment to bring things into typography grid.:styles/doc.css styles/theme.css dragoonis 03/07/2012 07:36 AM 1KB
com web/php: Homepage changes. Moved >> to other side of tutorial buttonAligned header to grid. Lightened color on d... dragoonis 03/07/2012 07:58 AM 1KB
com web/php: PHP 5.3.15RC1 and PHP 5.4.5RC1: include/ dragoonis 06/07/2012 12:54 AM 1KB
com web/php: Incorporated new introduction text from`` file. Also improved the NewsItem class.: Entity/Ne... dragoonis 06/07/2012 04:43 AM 1KB
com web/php: The PHP northeast guys don't want any traces of this cfpanymore: archive/archive.xml dragoonis 06/07/2012 02:15 AM 1KB
com web/php: Aligned tips sidebar to the grid.: styles/theme.css dragoonis 06/07/2012 04:47 AM 1KB
com web/php: Removed extra padding.: styles/home.css dragoonis 06/07/2012 06:24 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed some documentation layout bugs, but undoubtably caused afew. That always seems to be how things go.: ... dragoonis 06/07/2012 07:10 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed some firefox display issues.: styles/doc.cssstyles/home.css styles/theme.css dragoonis 06/07/2012 06:13 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed BC issue with PHP 5.2 and __DIR__.: index-beta.php dragoonis 12/07/2012 01:48 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed BC issue with PHP 5.2 and __DIR__.: Gateway/NewsFileSystemGateway.php dragoonis 12/07/2012 01:52 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed typography inconsistencies on the links to the fullarticles.: styles/home.css dragoonis 06/07/2012 03:41 PM 1KB
com web/php: Undoing some accidental changes from last commit.:include/ dragoonis 06/07/2012 07:13 AM 1KB
com web/php: More minor some typography and whitespace improvements.:styles/doc.css styles/theme.css dragoonis 12/07/2012 07:02 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed some typography alignment and whitespace issues.:styles/doc.css dragoonis 12/07/2012 06:53 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed BC issue with PHP 5.2 and __DIR__.: Gateway/NewsFileSystemGateway.php dragoonis 12/07/2012 01:57 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed BC issue with PHP 5.2 and __DIR__.: Gateway/NewsFileSystemGateway.php index-beta.php dragoonis 12/07/2012 02:07 AM 1KB
com web/php: Update master: styles/doc.css dragoonis 17/07/2012 03:24 PM 1KB
com web/php: Bump Version to PHP 5.4.5 and PHP 5.3.15: distributionsinclude/ dragoonis 20/07/2012 01:02 AM 1KB
com web/php: PHP 5.3.15 and PHP 5.4.5 distributions: distributions dragoonis 20/07/2012 05:21 AM 1KB
com web/php: PHP 5.4.5 and PHP 5.3.15: include/ dragoonis 20/07/2012 01:20 AM 1KB
com web/php: PHP 5.3.15 and PHP 5.4.5 Changelog: ChangeLog-5.php dragoonis 20/07/2012 05:22 AM 1KB
com web/php: PHP 5.3.15 and PHP 5.4.5 release announcements:releases/5_3_15.php releases/5_4_5.php dragoonis 20/07/2012 05:32 AM 1KB
com web/php: fix the file references now that they are comming from gitinstead of svn for the reST stuff: get-involved.p... dragoonis 21/07/2012 08:30 AM 1KB
com web/php: PHP 5.4.5 and PHP 5.3.15 news entry: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2012-07-19-1.xml dragoonis 20/07/2012 05:51 AM 1KB
com web/php: The Web Developer Conference 2012: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2012-07-27-1.xml dragoonis 28/07/2012 12:16 AM 1KB
com web/php: heh. this is a conference, not a frontpage entry:archive/entries/2012-07-27-1.xml dragoonis 28/07/2012 01:12 AM 1KB
com web/php: - Fixed typo: ChangeLog-5.php dragoonis 21/07/2012 10:34 AM 1KB
com web/php: use streams instead of raw sockets. solves the problem thatthe old implementation doesn't support ssl: incl... dragoonis 28/07/2012 09:30 AM 1KB
com web/php: fix the redirect to support, the suffix is added during theredirect: error.php dragoonis 22/07/2012 12:04 AM 1KB
com web/php: Quiet a notice on the releases page with the current versionsarray.: releases/index.php dragoonis 02/08/2012 02:18 PM 1KB
com web/php: Reduced logo size: images/news/wdc-2012.jpg dragoonis 01/08/2012 04:52 AM 1KB
com web/php: Some minor markup/link fixes and added a picture:archive/entries/2012-07-27-1.xml images/news/wdc-2012.jpg dragoonis 31/07/2012 04:30 PM 1KB
com web/php: Add a rough EOL page, per the Internals discussion. Copyediting welcome!: eol.php include/ dragoonis 02/08/2012 02:31 PM 1KB
com web/php: Add links to the relevant migration guides.: eol.php dragoonis 02/08/2012 04:57 PM 1KB
com web/php: standard table cells vertical-align to top: mailing-lists.phpstyles/site.css dragoonis 02/08/2012 05:56 PM 1KB
com web/php: Panic, and hacked in a custom google search until thisbing-is-no-longer-free issue is resolved.: include/go... dragoonis 03/08/2012 01:20 AM 1KB
com web/php: Used our standard includes format (which usesDOCUMENT_ROOT): quickref.php results.php dragoonis 03/08/2012 01:28 AM 1KB
com web/php: Add EOL information to the historical releases sidebar.:releases/index.php dragoonis 03/08/2012 10:12 AM 1KB
com web/php: Remove the security placeholder (please re-add thisinformation, anyone who has a comprehensive list of secu... dragoonis 03/08/2012 10:12 AM 1KB
com web/php: 5.4.6rc1: include/ dragoonis 03/08/2012 11:34 AM 1KB
com web/php: now that posttohost() supports ssl, we should use https here:git-php.php mailing-lists.php manual/add-note.... dragoonis 06/08/2012 03:52 AM 1KB
com web/php: Revert "now that posttohost() supports ssl, we should usehttps here" as there could be mirrors without ssl ... dragoonis 06/08/2012 06:12 AM 1KB
com web/php: SF Live London: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2012-08-15-1.xml images/news/sfl_london.png dragoonis 15/08/2012 10:06 PM 1KB
com web/php: expired, use as suggested bythe original author at http://lists.untroubled.o... dragoonis 13/08/2012 04:11 AM 1KB
com web/php: Added default google CSE search.: include/google-cse.incinclude/ quickref.php results.php dragoonis 16/08/2012 03:04 PM 1KB
com web/php: Bump version: include/ dragoonis 17/08/2012 02:09 AM 1KB
com web/php: Version information for PHP 5.3.16 and PHP 5.4.6:include/ dragoonis 17/08/2012 02:14 AM 1KB
com web/php: Changelog for PHP 5.4.6 and PHP 5.3.16: ChangeLog-5.php dragoonis 17/08/2012 02:14 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix changelog.: ChangeLog-5.php dragoonis 17/08/2012 02:18 PM 1KB
com web/php: Fix XML: archive/entries/2012-08-16-1.xml dragoonis 17/08/2012 08:16 AM 1KB
com web/php: PHPNW12: archive/archive.xml archive/entries/2012-08-21-1.xmlimages/news/phpnw12_details_200x1441.png dragoonis 22/08/2012 02:25 AM 1KB
com web/php: Make formatting consistent.: ChangeLog-5.php dragoonis 17/08/2012 02:20 PM 1KB
com web/php: anchor quickref.php regex: quickref.php dragoonis 19/08/2012 07:38 PM 1KB
com web/php: ZendCon 2012: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2012-08-16-2.xml images/news/zendCon12.jpeg dragoonis 17/08/2012 06:33 AM 1KB
com web/php: PHP 5.3.16 and PHP 5.4.6: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2012-08-16-1.xml releases/5_3_16.php releases/... dragoonis 17/08/2012 03:36 AM 1KB
com web/php: Enable the italian translation: include/ dragoonis 23/08/2012 03:30 AM 1KB
com web/php: Well, not Yahoo! anymore, and let's just make it generic incase it changes again.: mirroring-troubles.php dragoonis 27/08/2012 12:57 AM 1KB
com web/php: Let's try this Thanks To styling on for size.: index-beta.phpstyles/home.css dragoonis 31/08/2012 04:22 PM 1KB
com web/php: Added news for ConFoo 2013 call for papers:archive/archive.xml archive/entries/2012-08-29-1.xmlimages/news/... dragoonis 29/08/2012 10:52 PM 1KB
com web/php: Fix the font rule for the tutorial link.: styles/home.css dragoonis 31/08/2012 04:26 PM 1KB
com web/php: Make the width of site content more responsive.:styles/theme.css dragoonis 31/08/2012 04:54 PM 1KB
com web/php: Prevent overlapping the toc box over content via a series ofmedia queries.: styles/doc.css dragoonis 31/08/2012 04:54 PM 1KB
com web/php: Add calendar styling: this isn't perfect, but it's a tonnebetter than what we had, which was nothing.: cal.... dragoonis 31/08/2012 05:56 PM 1KB
com web/php: Add better separation of news items.: styles/home.cssstyles/theme.css dragoonis 31/08/2012 06:01 PM 1KB
com web/php: PHP 5.4.7RC1: include/ dragoonis 31/08/2012 06:56 PM 1KB
com web/php: PHPBenelux Conference 2013: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2012-09-03-1.xml images/news/phpbenelux_conf... dragoonis 03/09/2012 06:55 PM 1KB
com web/php: Reinstate the linkage on eZ Systems and HiT, per Hannes.:index-beta.php styles/home.css dragoonis 01/09/2012 12:05 AM 1KB
com web/php: Improve spacing around news images.: styles/theme.css dragoonis 07/09/2012 03:56 PM 1KB
com web/php: Stop abusing the current element of the page configuration,and instead add a proper option to set body clas... dragoonis 07/09/2012 04:34 PM 1KB
com web/php: IPC 2012: archive/archive.xml archive/entries/2012-09-05-1.xmlimages/news/icp2012.jpg dragoonis 06/09/2012 01:48 AM 1KB
com web/php: Add some style overrides to improve the credit styling on thebeta site.: credits.php styles/credits.css dragoonis 07/09/2012 11:53 AM 1KB
com web/php: Narrow down the credits page — looks better on wider displays.: styles/credits.css dragoonis 07/09/2012 11:57 AM 1KB
com web/php: Add changelog styling.: ChangeLog-4.php ChangeLog-5.phpstyles/theme.css dragoonis 07/09/2012 04:06 PM 1KB
com web/php: Add a class that allows us to simulate the old .sub and .subrbehaviour on pages where it's appropriate to d... dragoonis 07/09/2012 04:21 PM 1KB
com web/php: Switch to the better, lighter blue we use elsewhere.:styles/calendar.css styles/credits.css dragoonis 07/09/2012 03:53 PM 1KB
com web/php: Add ordered list styling.: styles/theme.css dragoonis 07/09/2012 04:09 PM 1KB
com web/php: Style the No Results page.: styles/theme.css dragoonis 07/09/2012 05:54 PM 1KB
com web/php: Work through the remaining FIXME pages; put them in theircorrect categories, and update aged markup as appr... dragoonis 07/09/2012 05:52 PM 1KB
com web/php: Move the changelog styling to a separate stylesheet andinclude it, since it was conflicting with manual pag... dragoonis 07/09/2012 04:46 PM 1KB
com web/php: Switch .info to the same styling as <code> blocks elsewhere.:styles/theme.css dragoonis 07/09/2012 04:38 PM 1KB
com web/php: Make the standard table styling just support .sub and .subrglobally, since it won't interfere with docs any... dragoonis 07/09/2012 04:34 PM 1KB
com web/php: Remove the "p code" override that set <code> elements to anon-monospaced font.: styles/theme.css dragoonis 07/09/2012 04:45 PM 1KB
com web/php: Style Google Custom Search Engine results.: results.phpstyles/theme.css dragoonis 07/09/2012 05:46 PM 1KB
com web/php: CSE will tell you in no uncertain terms if there are noresults, so we don't need to print the error message... dragoonis 07/09/2012 05:39 PM 1KB
com web/php: Changed padding to margin and bumped the spacing to matchother ratios.: styles/theme.css dragoonis 07/09/2012 11:04 PM 1KB
com web/php: fixing the href to match with the anchor and id:archive/2011.php dragoonis 10/09/2012 08:25 PM 1KB
com web/php: Adding CodeConnexx conference entry.:archive/entries/2012-09-11-1.xml images/news/ dragoonis 12/09/2012 12:40 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix bug #63051 (Unexpected beta site styling in parameterdocumentation) per Levi's suggestion.: styles/them... dragoonis 12/09/2012 10:49 AM 1KB
com web/php: Changed padding to margin. Thought I did that in previouspatch.: styles/theme.css dragoonis 07/09/2012 11:10 PM 1KB
com web/php: add the list of the enabled php exts to the response:mirror-info.php dragoonis 11/09/2012 09:12 PM 1KB
com web/php: Add cogzidel to the mosquito list (and fix the indentation onsaid list), per Daniel's request.: include/ema... dragoonis 12/09/2012 01:18 PM 1KB
com web/php: 5.3.17 and 5.4.7 md5 sums: include/ dragoonis 13/09/2012 10:08 PM 1KB
com web/php: Bump Release: include/ dragoonis 13/09/2012 10:02 PM 1KB
com web/php: Changelog for PHP 5.3.17 and PHP 5.4.7: ChangeLog-5.php dragoonis 13/09/2012 11:16 PM 1KB
com web/php: Update the MD5 sums for 5.4.7, since they were missed inaf6575671255931dc3fbc960dbcf6a.: include/ dragoonis 14/09/2012 11:05 AM 1KB
com web/php: removing the redundant ChangeLog line:archive/entries/2012-09-13-1.xml dragoonis 03/10/2012 04:08 PM 1KB
com web/php: Somehow this event (scheduled for November) got caught in my'git-outbox.' So now it can git out.: archive/... dragoonis 04/10/2012 12:05 AM 1KB
com web/php: Another repo for fedora/rhel/centos: downloads.php dragoonis 17/09/2012 04:26 AM 1KB
com web/php: with UseCanonicalName On, apache will populate['SERVER_NAME'] from the value of ServerName. without that th... dragoonis 30/09/2012 04:51 AM 1KB
com web/php: Updated version info. And made download/changelog links mirrorfriendly. And WS.: archive/entries/2012-09-13... dragoonis 14/09/2012 06:36 AM 1KB
com web/php: Update distributions: distributions dragoonis 15/09/2012 12:49 AM 1KB
com web/php: PHP 5.3.17 and 5.4.7: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2012-09-13-1.xml releases/5_3_17.php releases/5_4_... dragoonis 13/09/2012 11:37 PM 1KB
com web/php: Ten more 'mosquitoes.' There were about 35 new SPAM events of97 total entries this time. Neat.: include/e... dragoonis 04/10/2012 12:08 AM 1KB
com web/php: PHP 5.3.18RC1 and 5.4.8RC1: include/ dragoonis 05/10/2012 06:46 AM 1KB
com web/php: Midwest PHP: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2012-10-05-1.xml images/news/rsz_midwestphpconference_custo... dragoonis 06/10/2012 06:45 AM 1KB
com web/php: First part of a series of commits designed to repair themissing sponsorship info on round-robin enabling.: ... dragoonis 11/10/2012 02:23 AM 1KB
com web/php: Let's get the IP address, too, because a lot of mirrors aren'tgoing to have FQDNs or even unique hostnames.... dragoonis 11/10/2012 02:43 AM 1KB
com web/php: WDC 2013..: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2012-10-13-1.xml images/news/Logo_WDC_2013.jpg dragoonis 14/10/2012 07:33 AM 1KB
com web/php: The has been removed for this array.:include/ dragoonis 11/10/2012 02:39 PM 1KB
com web/php: Fixes bug where IP addresses are being displayed as duplicatelinks in /mirrors.php and /downloads.: include... dragoonis 11/10/2012 06:16 AM 1KB
com web/php: Nearing the completion of the 'missing sponsor data' bug forthe round-robin CC.PHP.NET base.: include/site.... dragoonis 11/10/2012 03:43 AM 1KB
com web/php: True North 2012: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2012-10-13-2.xml images/news/truenorth2012.jpg dragoonis 14/10/2012 08:03 AM 1KB
com web/php: Update distributions: distributions dragoonis 18/10/2012 10:14 PM 1KB
com web/php: Release notes for PHP 5.4.8 and PHP 5.3.18:releases/5_3_18.php releases/5_4_8.php dragoonis 19/10/2012 01:30 AM 1KB
com web/php: PHP 5.3.18 and PHP 5.4.8: include/releases.incinclude/ dragoonis 18/10/2012 10:28 PM 1KB
com web/php: Changelog for PHP 5.3.18 and PHP 5.4.8: ChangeLog-5.php dragoonis 19/10/2012 01:12 AM 1KB
com web/php: PHP 5.3.19RC1 & PHP 5.4.9RC1: include/ dragoonis 09/11/2012 10:45 AM 1KB
com web/php: PHP 5.4.8 and PHP 5.3.18 news:archive/entries/2012-10-18-1.xml dragoonis 19/10/2012 01:36 AM 1KB
com web/php: Missed archive.xml (thanks hannes): archive/archive.xml dragoonis 19/10/2012 01:42 AM 1KB
com web/php: cfp over.. adjust the announcement:archive/entries/2012-09-03-1.xml dragoonis 03/11/2012 12:26 AM 1KB
com web/php: mirrors want images too (thanks Stefan Silasi):styles/mirror.css dragoonis 23/10/2012 12:31 AM 1KB
com web/php: PHPUK2013 cfp: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2012-11-02-1.xml images/news/phpuk2013.jpeg dragoonis 03/11/2012 12:42 AM 1KB
com web/php: SunshinePHP 2013: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2012-11-03-1.xml images/news/sunshine2013.png dragoonis 04/11/2012 04:08 AM 1KB
com web/php: Buzzzzz-bzz-bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... SWAT\!:include/ dragoonis 08/11/2012 03:21 AM 1KB
com web/php: Tinker with the error message shown when a search keyword istoo short.: results.php dragoonis 12/11/2012 11:19 AM 1KB
com web/php: fix RC variables (allowed values are string|false):include/ dragoonis 13/11/2012 11:05 PM 1KB
com web/php: better RC variable comment (hat tip to Christopher Jones):include/ dragoonis 14/11/2012 07:12 AM 1KB
com web/php: Correct the changelog for the addition of the optional secondparameter of parse_url(): it was actually adde... dragoonis 14/11/2012 09:42 AM 1KB
com web/php: Provide styling for lower level headings in the manual, andmake the h3.title style be lower in the visual h... dragoonis 14/11/2012 06:28 PM 1KB
com web/php: PHP5.5.0alpha1 announcement: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2012-11-15-1.xml dragoonis 16/11/2012 01:13 AM 1KB
com web/php: Update the distrubtion submodules with the 5.4.9 & 5.3.19releases: distributions dragoonis 23/11/2012 03:15 PM 1KB
com web/php: PHP 5.3.19 and 5.4.9: ChangeLog-5.php archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2012-11-22-1.xml include/releases.... dragoonis 23/11/2012 12:58 AM 1KB
com web/php: 5.3.19: include/ dragoonis 23/11/2012 01:27 AM 1KB
com web/php: Consistent versioning: archive/entries/2012-11-15-1.xml dragoonis 16/11/2012 04:10 AM 1KB
com web/php: Smaller wording fixes: archive/entries/2012-11-15-1.xml dragoonis 16/11/2012 03:55 AM 1KB
com web/php: Add the correct MD5 sums for the 5.3.19 tarballs.:include/ dragoonis 23/11/2012 05:12 PM 1KB
com web/php: typofix - missing closing parenthesis:archive/entries/2012-10-18-1.xml dragoonis 25/11/2012 10:29 PM 1KB
com web/php: Let the client decide which protocol to use rather thandefining it statically in the code (except where app... dragoonis 04/12/2012 12:18 AM 1KB
com web/php: Change multiple checks and references from '' toplainly '' to reduce 301's, fix a few bro... dragoonis 06/12/2012 12:09 AM 1KB
com web/php: Missed the check for /in addition to/, bjori.: include/ dragoonis 06/12/2012 04:00 AM 1KB
com web/php: PHP 5.3.20 and 5.4.10: include/ dragoonis 07/12/2012 03:43 AM 1KB
com web/php: Second part of the fix for bug #63490.:include/ dragoonis 06/12/2012 07:26 AM 1KB
com web/php: Added openwall security link to the blowfish security page.:security/crypt_blowfish.php dragoonis 05/12/2012 02:27 PM 1KB
com web/php: Add changelog links to the download page, per Chris'ssuggestion on IRC.: downloads.php dragoonis 10/12/2012 09:10 AM 1KB
com web/php: Add list overrides to left align within warnings, cautions, etcetera.: styles/site.css dragoonis 11/12/2012 09:47 AM 1KB
com web/php: Modified the response handling from the API on master toreturn a useful error message in case of failure fo... dragoonis 13/12/2012 01:49 AM 1KB
com web/php: Added new user notes voting features. This provides users tovote on user contributed notes in the manual th... dragoonis 12/12/2012 11:14 PM 1KB
com web/php: replaced the broken link with a working one, see dragoonis 10/12/2012 07:55 PM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed bug on vote-note.php.: manual/vote-note.php dragoonis 13/12/2012 02:36 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed relTime function, wrong format specifiers inDateInterval::format were used.: include/ dragoonis 14/12/2012 12:16 AM 1KB
com web/php: ugly hack to force updated css to be fetched until somebody on figures o... dragoonis 14/12/2012 01:18 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix the path to the voting images on and mirrors:styles/mirror.css styles/phpnet.css styles/site.cs... dragoonis 14/12/2012 03:08 AM 1KB
com web/php: Bleh sillybilly. Fix the path :): styles/phpnet.css dragoonis 14/12/2012 03:09 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixing minor typo and output_buffering issue with site headers.: manual/vote-note.php dragoonis 14/12/2012 04:38 AM 1KB
com web/php: Revert "ugly hack to force updated css to be fetched until somebody on f... dragoonis 14/12/2012 06:20 PM 1KB
com web/php: Updated the notes sorting function. Enhanced sorting resultsbased on multiple criteria.: include/shared-man... dragoonis 14/12/2012 11:20 AM 1KB
com web/php: 5.4.10: distributions dragoonis 20/12/2012 03:30 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed typo in link: get-involved.php dragoonis 16/12/2012 07:37 AM 1KB
com web/php: Adjusted sorting votes function. The old behavior isinaccurate in reflecting rating.: include/shared-manual... dragoonis 16/12/2012 05:46 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix folding marks: ChangeLog-5.php dragoonis 20/12/2012 07:51 PM 1KB
com web/php: PHP 5.3.20 and 5.4.10: ChangeLog-5.php archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2012-12-20-1.xml include/releases... dragoonis 20/12/2012 08:27 PM 1KB
com web/php: Fix typo: archive/entries/2012-12-20-1.xmlreleases/5_3_20.php dragoonis 20/12/2012 10:04 PM 1KB
com web/php: PHPBenelux Conference 2013: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2012-12-20-2.xml dragoonis 21/12/2012 04:22 AM 1KB
com web/php: php|tek 2013 cfp: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2012-12-19-1.xml images/news/tek13_badge.png dragoonis 20/12/2012 06:59 AM 1KB
com web/php: Remove the bottom border off the footer, which looks a littleweird to me.: styles/theme.css dragoonis 27/12/2012 05:12 PM 1KB
com web/php: Announcing PHP5.5.0 alpha 2: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2012-12-21-1.xml dragoonis 22/12/2012 12:29 AM 1KB
com web/php: Update user notes styling on the beta site.:include/ styles/site.css styles/theme.css dragoonis 27/12/2012 06:25 PM 1KB
com web/php: Also drop the bottom border on elephpant borders forconsistency with 31c00bd.: styles/theme.css dragoonis 27/12/2012 11:11 PM 1KB
com web/php: A few mega dropdown updates to try to consolidate it and makeit more kilo than mega.: include/ in... dragoonis 27/12/2012 07:30 PM 1KB
com web/php: Temporarily removed TOC and made documentation pages wider.Also gave more gutter room for the left-navigati... dragoonis 01/01/2013 05:57 AM 1KB
com web/php: Balanced the whitespace on the edges of the page.:styles/doc.css dragoonis 01/01/2013 06:56 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed edge-case for extra whitespace.: styles/doc.css dragoonis 01/01/2013 07:56 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed some whitepspace craziness.: styles/doc.css dragoonis 01/01/2013 07:25 AM 1KB
com web/php: Decreased vertical spacing between left-navigation items.:styles/doc.css dragoonis 01/01/2013 09:39 AM 1KB
com web/php: 5.3.21RC1, 5.4.11RC1: include/ dragoonis 04/01/2013 09:23 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed whitespace issue with user notes in prototype.:styles/theme.css dragoonis 03/01/2013 04:32 AM 1KB
com web/php: Patched user notes feature from regular site into prototypewith some slight adjustments.: include/shared-ma... dragoonis 06/01/2013 09:46 PM 1KB
com web/php: More mosquitoes....: include/ dragoonis 09/01/2013 12:44 AM 1KB
com web/php: Removal of left menu class prefixes for method names sincethey're already indented within that class name: ... dragoonis 09/01/2013 01:07 AM 1KB
com web/php: Updating the beta green bar at the top to be nicer and fit inwith the theme: styles/home.css dragoonis 09/01/2013 01:18 AM 1KB
com web/php: Revert "Removal of left menu class prefixes for method namessince they're already indented within that clas... dragoonis 12/01/2013 04:12 AM 1KB
com web/php: added 2013 archive page (bug #63973): archive/2013.php dragoonis 12/01/2013 04:57 AM 1KB
com web/php: Announcing PHP5.5.0alpha3: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2013-01-10-1.xml dragoonis 10/01/2013 10:52 PM 1KB
com web/php: hardcode 2012 news archive: archive/2012.php dragoonis 12/01/2013 04:59 AM 1KB
com web/php: tidy up archive: archive/archive.xml dragoonis 12/01/2013 09:50 PM 1KB
com web/php: Revert "Revert "Removal of left menu class prefixes for methodnames since they're already indented within t... dragoonis 12/01/2013 05:12 AM 1KB
com web/php: nuke 2012 archive xml files: archive/entries/2011-11-17-1.xmlarchive/entries/2011-12-23-1.xml archive/entri... dragoonis 12/01/2013 04:59 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix weirdo space character to fix the xml: archive/archive.xml dragoonis 13/01/2013 08:06 PM 1KB
com web/php: Added News: ConFoo last chance to save.: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2013-01-11-1.xml dragoonis 13/01/2013 06:43 AM 1KB
com web/php: add some news entries back so the homepage is less empty:archive/archive.xml archive/entries/2012-10-05-1.x... dragoonis 12/01/2013 11:10 PM 1KB
com web/php: update finalTeaserDate to show on homepage:archive/entries/2012-11-03-1.xml dragoonis 19/01/2013 10:21 PM 1KB
com web/php: Oops, changed to conference not call for papers.:archive/entries/2012-11-03-1.xml dragoonis 19/01/2013 09:24 PM 1KB
com web/php: update updated date: archive/entries/2012-11-03-1.xml dragoonis 19/01/2013 10:13 PM 1KB
com web/php: Yet another 'BIT' mosquito....: include/ dragoonis 19/01/2013 03:34 AM 1KB
com web/php: PHP 5.3.21 and 5.4.11: 5_3_21.php 5_4_11.php ChangeLog-5.php archive/archive.xml archive/entries/2013-01-17... dragoonis 17/01/2013 10:56 PM 1KB
com web/php: PHP 5.3.21 and 5.4.11: distributions dragoonis 17/01/2013 07:47 PM 1KB
com web/php: Readding SunshinePHP 2013. Seems to have been removed from thearchive.: archive/archive.xml archive/entries... dragoonis 19/01/2013 09:18 PM 1KB
com web/php: cfp over, move to announcement:archive/entries/2012-11-02-1.xml archive/entries/2012-12-19-1.xml dragoonis 19/01/2013 10:41 PM 1KB
com web/php: Fix 5.3.20 hash typo (bug #64091): include/ dragoonis 29/01/2013 11:02 PM 1KB
com web/php: Announced PHP5.5.0 alpha4: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2013-01-24-1.xml dragoonis 24/01/2013 06:41 PM 1KB
com web/php: Fixed news title: archive/entries/2013-01-24-1.xml dragoonis 24/01/2013 06:49 PM 1KB
com web/php: Fix image location. Patch by richardq@: styles/theme.css dragoonis 29/01/2013 03:46 PM 1KB
com web/php: force the account requests to git-php.php dragoonis 28/01/2013 09:33 AM 1KB
com web/php: phptek 2013: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2013-02-07-1.xml dragoonis 08/02/2013 09:47 AM 1KB
com web/php: PHP 5.3.22RC1 and PHP 5.4.12RC1: include/ dragoonis 31/01/2013 10:27 PM 1KB
com web/php: Lonly star 2013: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2013-02-12-1.xml images/news/logo-lonestarphp.png dragoonis 13/02/2013 09:23 AM 1KB
com web/php: add the general bugs list to the mailing lists:mailing-lists.php dragoonis 18/02/2013 10:58 PM 1KB
com web/php: PHP 5.3.22RC2 and PHP 5.4.12RC2: include/ dragoonis 15/02/2013 01:27 AM 1KB
com web/php: PHP 5.3.22 and 5.4.12 to distributions: distributions dragoonis 20/02/2013 07:14 PM 1KB
com web/php: clarifying the mirroring info with the round robin changes:mirroring.php dragoonis 14/02/2013 08:09 AM 1KB
com web/php: Announcing alpha5: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2013-02-21-1.xml dragoonis 21/02/2013 09:41 PM 1KB
com web/php: Move files to the correct location: 5_3_21.php 5_4_11.php releases/5_3_21.php releases/5_4_11.php dragoonis 22/02/2013 04:33 AM 1KB
com web/php: PHP 5.3.22 and PHP 5.4.12: ChangeLog-5.php archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2013-02-21-1.xml include/rele... dragoonis 22/02/2013 04:39 AM 1KB
com web/php: Merge master from git:// archive/entries/2013-02-21-2.xml dragoonis 22/02/2013 05:37 PM 1KB
com web/php: Fix changelog markup (bug #64304): ChangeLog-5.php dragoonis 27/02/2013 08:47 PM 1KB
com web/php: Fix links: archive/entries/2013-02-21-2.xml dragoonis 22/02/2013 05:56 PM 1KB
com web/php: IPC2013: archive/archive.xml archive/entries/2013-02-24-1.xmlimages/news/ipc2013.jpg dragoonis 25/02/2013 07:18 AM 1KB
com web/php: Mark 'pl' and 'fa' (Polish and Persian) as inactive languages:include/ dragoonis 01/03/2013 03:41 AM 1KB
com web/php: 5.4.13RC1 and 5.3.23RC1: include/ dragoonis 01/03/2013 02:22 PM 1KB
com web/php: Announcing PHP5.5 alpha 6: archive/archive.xmlarchive/entries/2013-03-07-1.xml dragoonis 07/03/2013 09:47 PM 1KB
com web/php: Another mosquito....: include/ dragoonis 02/03/2013 05:40 AM 1KB
com web/php: Fix category: archive/entries/2013-03-07-1.xml dragoonis 08/03/2013 05:40 PM 1KB
com web/php: Despite in-id not being available to bing, we can still useen-id instead of en-ca (which is Canada btw): in... dragoonis 11/03/2013 05:11 PM 1KB
com web/php: make alpha version names more consistent, and fix minor typos:archive/entries/2013-01-24-1.xml archive/entr... dragoonis 08/03/2013 06:38 PM 1KB
com web/php: fix the syntax error: include/ dragoonis 15/03/2013 11:55 AM 1KB
com web/php: update the git submodule reference: distributions dragoonis 15/03/2013 03:53 PM 1KB
com web/php: 5.3.23, 5.4.13: include/ dragoonis 15/03/2013 11:20 AM 1KB
Bug #49956 [ReO->Csd]: Issues with some procedural style mysqli functions dragoonis 09/08/2015 01:40 AM 1KB