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Subject From Date Size
com pftt2: setup: download and install vc and mysql for all supportedbuilds: src/com/mostc/pftt/util/ cmb 07/06/2019 12:41 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #78119 [NEW]: server not running error php-bugs 06/06/2019 05:04 AM 1KB
   Bug #78119 [Opn]: server not running error php-bugs 06/06/2019 05:10 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #78118 [NEW]: preg match error php-bugs 06/06/2019 04:18 AM 1KB
   Bug #78118 [Opn->Fbk]: preg match error cmb 06/06/2019 07:21 AM 1KB
   Bug #78118 [Fbk->Asn]: preg match error php-bugs 06/06/2019 08:13 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #78117 [NEW]: Extra files in output php-bugs 06/06/2019 03:59 AM 1KB
   Bug #78117 [Opn]: Extra files in output cmb 06/06/2019 05:08 PM 1KB
   Bug #78117 [Opn->Fbk]: Extra files in output cmb 06/06/2019 05:35 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #78116 [NEW]: phar failed warning php-bugs 06/06/2019 03:04 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #78115 [NEW]: Output mismatch php-bugs 06/06/2019 02:43 AM 1KB
   Bug #78115 [Opn->Fbk]: Output mismatch cmb 06/06/2019 04:28 PM 1KB
com pftt2: Remove relicts of an SVN checkout:src/javax/annotation/.svn/all-wcprops src/javax/annotation/.svn/entriessrc/... cmb 03/06/2019 03:11 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #78090 [NEW]: test 3408/14609 of make test takes forever to finish php-bugs 31/05/2019 07:11 PM 1KB
com web/qa: 7.2.19RC1 is done: include/release-qa.php pollita 30/05/2019 10:21 PM 1KB
com web/qa: 7.3.6 is coming: include/release-qa.php cmb 30/05/2019 05:13 PM 1KB
com pftt2: Fixes #33: bin/pftt2_release.cmd cmb 29/05/2019 02:34 AM 1KB
com pftt2: setup: download and install VC12 for MySQL:src/com/mostc/pftt/util/ cmb 25/05/2019 03:07 PM 1KB
com pftt2: Issue #4: Removed disabling firewall, implemented a way to letVCRedist and MySQL installer through firewall.:... ab 17/05/2019 06:56 PM 1KB
com web/qa: PHP 5.6 is no more and PHP_HEAD is now 8.0: write-test.php kalle 17/05/2019 06:02 AM 1KB
com web/qa: 7.2.19RC1: include/release-qa.php pollita 17/05/2019 01:49 AM 1KB
PHP 7.3.6RC1 is available for testing cmbecker69 16/05/2019 05:15 PM 1KB
com web/qa: Add PHP 7.3.6RC1: include/release-qa.php cmb 16/05/2019 04:30 PM 1KB
com pftt2: Add {TMP} support on PFTT (closes #27):src/com/mostc/pftt/model/core/PhpBuild.javasrc/com/mostc/pftt/model/co... cmb 16/05/2019 03:36 PM 1KB
com web/qa: Document --CONFLICTS-- section: phpt_details.php sample_tests/conflicts_1.php cmb 13/05/2019 07:05 PM 1KB
com pftt2: delete doc/apidoc/* and remove links in doc/index.html:doc/apidoc/allclasses-frame.html doc/apidoc/allclasses... ab 11/05/2019 06:41 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #77999 [NEW]: Bug In Date function php-bugs 10/05/2019 08:48 PM 1KB
com web/qa: Document {TMP} placeholder: phpt_details.php cmb 09/05/2019 01:30 AM 1KB
com web/qa: Document {PWD} placeholder of INI sections:phpt_details.php cmb 09/05/2019 12:22 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #77987 [NEW]: File missing/not created php-bugs 08/05/2019 05:17 AM 1KB
   Bug #77987 [Opn->Csd]: File missing/not created cmb 08/05/2019 06:33 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #77986 [NEW]: Extra error php-bugs 08/05/2019 04:42 AM 1KB
   Bug #77986 [Opn->Csd]: Extra error cmb 08/05/2019 06:01 AM 1KB
com pftt2: Issue #19: Have pftt delete the files created to run the test ifthe test passes.: .classpathsrc/com/mostc/pft... ab 08/05/2019 03:34 AM 1KB
com web/qa: 7.2.18 is coming: include/release-qa.php remi 02/05/2019 05:40 PM 1KB
com web/qa: 7.3.5 is coming: include/release-qa.php cmb 02/05/2019 04:29 PM 1KB
com pftt2: Issue #3, Implement pftt setup, step 1: .gitignoresrc/com/mostc/pftt/host/ src/com/mostc/pftt/main/P... ab 30/04/2019 06:18 PM 1KB
com pftt2: Issue #18: Enabled a part to clean out major files from the testpack and modified a comparison between files ... ab 30/04/2019 06:13 PM 1KB
com pftt2: Issue #21: Removed deprecated methods involving Thread.:src/com/mostc/pftt/runner/AbstractLocalTestPackRunner... ab 29/04/2019 06:59 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #77944 [NEW]: pdo type mismatch php-bugs 27/04/2019 02:31 AM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #77940 [NEW]: localconv mismatch php-bugs 25/04/2019 06:27 AM 1KB
   Bug #77940 [Opn->Ver]: test using outdated mon_thousands_sep for Swedish requinix 25/04/2019 07:16 AM 1KB
   Bug #77940 [Ver->Csd]: test using outdated mon_thousands_sep for Swedish cmb 25/04/2019 03:00 PM 1KB
   Bug #77940 [Csd->ReO]: test using outdated mon_thousands_sep for Swedish cmb 25/04/2019 05:39 PM 1KB
   Bug #77940 [ReO]: test using outdated mon_thousands_sep for Swedish requinix 25/04/2019 06:27 PM 1KB
   Bug #77940 [PATCH]: test using outdated mon_thousands_sep for Swedish php-bugs 25/04/2019 08:21 PM 1KB
   Bug #77940 [ReO]: test using outdated mon_thousands_sep for Swedish cmb 25/04/2019 08:21 PM 1KB
   Bug #77940 [ReO->Csd]: test using outdated mon_thousands_sep for Swedish cmb 26/04/2019 01:42 AM 1KB
PHP 7.3.5RC1 is available for testing cmbecker69 19/04/2019 05:20 AM 1KB
com pftt2: Correction to check if PHP version is 7.x:src/com/mostc/pftt/model/core/ ab 19/04/2019 01:47 AM 1KB
PHP version 7.2.18RC1 is available for testing remi 18/04/2019 07:11 PM 1KB
com web/qa: Update for PHP 7.3.5RC1: include/release-qa.php cmb 18/04/2019 05:09 PM 1KB
com web/qa: add 7.2.18RC1: include/release-qa.php remi 18/04/2019 04:33 PM 1KB
回复:Bug #77879 [Opn->Nab]: Usable memory 2771680986 12/04/2019 04:24 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #77879 [NEW]: Usable memory php-bugs 12/04/2019 09:48 AM 1KB
   Bug #77879 [Opn]: Usable memory requinix 12/04/2019 10:26 AM 1KB
   Bug #77879 [Opn]: Usable memory php-bugs 12/04/2019 10:58 AM 1KB
   Bug #77879 [Opn]: Usable memory requinix 12/04/2019 11:06 AM 1KB
   Bug #77879 [Opn->Nab]: Usable memory nikic 12/04/2019 03:48 PM 1KB
   Bug #77879 [Nab]: Usable memory php-bugs 14/04/2019 11:20 AM 1KB
   Bug #77879 [Nab]: Usable memory nikic 15/04/2019 04:14 PM 1KB
com pftt2: Rename to cmd: bin/pftt2_release.bat bin/pftt2_release.cmd ab 12/04/2019 04:25 AM 1KB
com pftt2: Issue #11: Created .bat file to package appropriate class filesfor QA host: bin/pftt2_release.bat ab 12/04/2019 04:18 AM 1KB
com web/qa: 7.3.4 is coming: include/release-qa.php cmb 04/04/2019 08:05 PM 1KB
com pftt2: Check if pftt2 is in lib and take it instead of dev build:bin/pftt.cmd ab 29/03/2019 09:23 PM 1KB
com pftt2: Fix for issue #2 and resolved "Could not load file" error.:src/com/mostc/pftt/host/ src/com/mostc/pf... ab 29/03/2019 05:23 PM 1KB
[PHP-GCOV] Build error - PHP_HEAD (2019-03-28) php-qa 29/03/2019 07:01 AM 1KB
   Re: [PHP-GCOV] Build error - PHP_HEAD (2019-03-28) cmbecker69 29/03/2019 10:42 PM 1KB
     Re: [PHP-GCOV] Build error - PHP_HEAD (2019-03-28) nlopess 30/03/2019 07:27 PM 1KB
       Re: [PHP-GCOV] Build error - PHP_HEAD (2019-03-28) cmbecker69 30/03/2019 07:33 PM 1KB
PHP 7.2.17RC1 is ready for testing pollita 21/03/2019 11:43 PM 1KB
com web/qa: 7.2.17RC1: include/release-qa.php pollita 21/03/2019 11:37 PM 1KB
PHP 7.3.4RC1 is available for testing cmbecker69 21/03/2019 06:09 PM 1KB
com web/qa: Update for PHP 7.3.4RC1: include/release-qa.php cmb 21/03/2019 05:04 PM 1KB
com pftt2: tracing, debugging, interactive mode and various safetyfeatures: PFTT/lib/app.rb PFTT/lib/app/drupal7.rbPFTT/... ab 02/12/2011 01:07 AM 1KB
com pftt2: finishing test bench and diff engine: PFTT/GemfilePFTT/Gemfile.lock PFTT/_pftt.rb PFTT/_pftt_server.rb PFTT/c... ab 25/10/2011 11:36 PM 1KB
com pftt2: various bug fixes: PFTT/_pftt.rb PFTT/lib/diff.rb PFTT/lib/host.rb PFTT/lib/middleware.rb PFTT/lib/middleware... ab 26/10/2011 09:47 AM 1KB
com pftt2: improvements to Diff Engine support searching, managing andfiltering Diff files from PHPT results: PFTT/lib/d... ab 03/12/2011 01:57 PM 1KB
com pftt2: Redesigned Telemetry system and other performance improvementsand bug fixes: PFTT/lib/clients.rb PFTT/lib/cli... ab 17/12/2011 04:29 PM 1KB
com pftt2: report generation, PSC stream recovery, misc features:PFTT/lib/client.rb PFTT/lib/diff.rb PFTT/lib/host.rb PF... ab 22/11/2011 05:43 PM 1KB
com pftt2: bunch of changes: README ab 22/11/2011 05:42 PM 1KB
com pftt2: updating with recent changes: PFTT/lib/AbstractHostList.groovyPFTT/lib/Build.groovy PFTT/lib/Command.groovy P... ab 06/03/2012 08:22 AM 1KB
com pftt2: changes to get PFTT PHPT support inline with run-tests.php:PFTT/lib/case_runner.rb PFTT/lib/host/remote/psc/h... ab 22/01/2012 10:16 AM 1KB
com pftt2: new version of PFTT: .classpath .directory .project LICENSEPFTT/.buildpath PFTT/.project PFTT/Gemfile PFTT/Ge... ab 20/10/2012 08:20 AM 1KB
com pftt2: new documentation: .gitignore.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.groovy.core.prefs README.mdowndoc/apidoc/allclasses-fr... ab 20/10/2012 02:55 PM 1KB
com pftt2: implemented release_get, release_list and upgrade commands: .classpath .settings/org.eclipse.jdt.groovy.core.... ab 23/10/2012 06:30 AM 1KB
com pftt2: interim http testing support: README.mdown bin/pftt.cmddoc/index.html hs_err_pid22876.log src/com/mostc/pftt/... ab 26/10/2012 02:32 PM 2KB
com pftt2: documenting -stress_each: README.mdown doc/index.html ab 31/10/2012 02:22 AM 1KB
com pftt2: interim http testing support:src/com/mostc/pftt/runner/ ab 26/10/2012 02:33 PM 1KB
com pftt2: interim partially working http testing support: .classpathlib/winp-1.14.jar lib/winp.x64.dll src/com/mostc/pf... ab 31/10/2012 02:12 AM 1KB
com pftt2: unstable support for Windows Deduplication and SSH:src/com/github/mattficken/io/ByteArrayIOStream.javasrc/com... ab 10/11/2012 07:56 AM 1KB
com pftt2: php builtin web server testing support: bin/pftt bin/pftt.cmdsrc/com/mostc/pftt/host/ src/com/mostc/... ab 03/11/2012 12:58 AM 1KB
com pftt2: new console option for better cooperation with Visual Studio:src/com/mostc/pftt/host/ src/com/mostc/... ab 03/11/2012 06:53 AM 1KB
com pftt2: Multi-Scenario configuration, permutation and testing support:README.mdown conf/all_databases.groovy conf/all... ab 13/11/2012 07:42 AM 1KB
com pftt2: smoke tests for php builds: doc/apidoc/allclasses-frame.htmldoc/apidoc/allclasses-noframe.htmldoc/apidoc/com/... ab 15/11/2012 06:35 AM 1KB
com pftt2: configuration, apache and other scenario improvements:.classpath .gitignore bin/pftt.cmd conf/README.txt conf... ab 29/11/2012 02:55 PM 1KB
com pftt2: license clarification: LICENSE.txt README.mdown ab 27/11/2012 07:07 AM 1KB
com pftt2: apache and windebug support: bin/pftt.cmdbin/pftt_workspace.WEW bin/set_env.cmd bin/setenv.cmd doc/apidoc/all... ab 11/12/2012 07:47 AM 1KB
com pftt2: apache http debug support: .classpath app/ app/Pligg_CMS app/SemanticMedi... ab 29/12/2012 07:10 AM 1KB
com pftt2: scenario changes: app/appleseedproj-appleseed-faf8b52.zipapp/ app/limesurvey200plus-build121220... ab 02/01/2013 01:07 PM 1KB
com pftt2: fixing AcceptEx issue with Apache: .classpathsrc/com/mostc/pftt/host/LocalHost.javasrc/com/mostc/pftt/main/Pf... ab 08/01/2013 01:59 AM 1KB
com pftt2: EditBin support for fixing Apache stack size for certain pcrephpts: doc/apidoc/allclasses-frame.html doc/apid... ab 08/01/2013 07:25 AM 1KB
com pftt2: includes XSL stylesheet with result-packs:src/com/mostc/pftt/host/ src/com/mostc/pftt/main/Config.ja... ab 09/01/2013 06:03 AM 1KB
com pftt2: improvements for testing phar extension:app/ app/magento-sample-data-1.6.1.... ab 12/01/2013 12:36 PM 1KB
com pftt2: regular expression debug suport:doc/apidoc/allclasses-frame.html doc/apidoc/allclasses-noframe.htmldoc/apidoc... ab 13/01/2013 09:12 AM 1KB
com pftt2: unified diff format support: .classpath .gitignorebin/_pftt_agent bin/_pftt_agent.cmd doc/apidoc/allclasses-f... ab 16/01/2013 07:39 AM 1KB
com pftt2: fix for regular expression engine bugs (causing *CSV* PHPTfailures): app/ app/punbb-1.4.2.zips... ab 18/01/2013 03:48 PM 1KB
com pftt2: various bug fixes: .classpath bin/SetACL.exe bin/pftt.cmdbin/ssh_server.cmd lib/SSHD_fat.jar lib/log4j-1.2.17... ab 24/01/2013 04:13 PM 1KB
com pftt2: several bug fixes: conf/default.groovysrc/com/github/mattficken/io/IOUtil.javasrc/com/mostc/pftt/host/LocalHo... ab 21/01/2013 03:06 PM 1KB
com pftt2: dfs, smb, deduplication scenarios (unstable): .gitignorebin/7z.exe doc/ssh_server.fatjar src/com/mostc/pftt/h... ab 26/01/2013 10:56 AM 2KB
com pftt2: -auto turns off storing PASS, SKIP and XSKIP result files:doc/apidoc/allclasses-frame.html doc/apidoc/allclas... ab 28/01/2013 06:24 AM 1KB
com pftt2: dfs, deduplication and smb scenarios: .classpath .gitignoreapp/ app/ ap... ab 06/02/2013 04:55 AM 1KB
com pftt2: Windows VC11 support: src/com/mostc/pftt/host/Host.javasrc/com/mostc/pftt/host/LocalHost.javasrc/com/mostc/pf... ab 07/02/2013 04:55 AM 1KB
com pftt2: result-pack improvements for phpunit: README.mdown bin/pftt.cmdbin/pftt_workspace.WEW conf/README.txt conf/ap... ab 13/02/2013 08:40 AM 1KB
com pftt2: Support for PhpUnit NTS test cases: README.mdown doc/index.htmlsrc/com/mostc/pftt/main/PfttMain.javasrc/com/m... ab 18/02/2013 07:21 AM 1KB
com pftt2: windebug tips: src/com/mostc/pftt/host/PSCAgentServer.javasrc/com/mostc/pftt/main/PfttMain.javasrc/com/mostc/... ab 08/02/2013 07:46 AM 1KB
com pftt2: unstable phpunit support: conf/app/joomla.groovyconf/symfony.groovy src/com/mostc/pftt/main/Config.javasrc/co... ab 16/02/2013 07:53 AM 1KB
com pftt2: adding ZendOptimizerPlus scenario: conf/app/joomla.groovysrc/com/mostc/pftt/host/RemotePhptTestPackRunner.jav... ab 14/02/2013 04:00 PM 1KB
com pftt2: improved WinDebug integration: bin/pftt_workspace.WEW doc/apidoc/allclasses-frame.html doc/apidoc/allclasses-... ab 20/02/2013 04:26 PM 1KB
com pftt2: running phpunit tests with remote fs scenarios:conf/app/joomla.groovy conf/op.groovy conf/symfony.groovy conf... ab 22/02/2013 08:24 AM 1KB
com pftt2: improved o+ scenario: src/com/mostc/pftt/host/AHost.javasrc/com/mostc/pftt/host/ExecOutput.javasrc/com/mostc/... ab 22/02/2013 05:10 PM 1KB
com pftt2: phpunit and o+ improvements: .gitignore README.mdown cache/1.xmlcache/cache.7z.REMOVED.git-idcache/dep/Git-1.... ab 02/03/2013 08:12 AM 1KB
com pftt2: including symfony-standard-2.1.8 in apps:app/ ab 27/02/2013 03:51 AM 1KB
com pftt2: Dynamic Thread Pool and Opcache SharedMemoryArea handle fix:.classpath app/wordpress-tests.7z.REMOVED.git-id ... ab 30/05/2013 02:54 PM 1KB
com pftt2: minor bug fixes and enchant scenario: README.mdownapp/ app/cakephp-cakephp-2.3.1-0-g4814... ab 28/03/2013 06:48 AM 1KB
com pftt2: fixing infinite loop bug and some scenario changes: .classpathREADME.mdown bin/pftt bin/pftt.cmd bin/pftt_wor... ab 14/03/2013 04:00 PM 1KB
com pftt2: fixing bug with ERROR_REPORTING directive: bin/pftt_shell.cmd bin/rctest.cmd src/com/github/mattficken/io/Arr... ab 02/04/2013 03:10 AM 1KB
com pftt2: sped up builtin_web scenario and install opcache for 5.3 and 5.4: app/ bin/SetACL.exe conf/a... ab 29/03/2013 02:00 PM 1KB
com pftt2: better support for hanging processes (primarily builtin webserver). adding install wizard.: .gitignore PBCRep... ab 04/05/2013 03:01 PM 1KB
com pftt2: fix WMIC/WERFault process-storm and other weirdness:bin/pftt_auto.cmd bin/pftt_shell.cmd bin/rctest.cmd bin/s... ab 12/04/2013 02:51 PM 1KB
com pftt2: x64 support. run PhpUnit tests without reflection forOpcache+Apache scenarios: bin/aaua.cmd bin/caaa.cmd bin/... ab 26/04/2013 01:58 AM 1KB
com pftt2: check PHP_SDK environment variable: PFTT-Client.install4j README.mdown bin/pftt_shell.cmd bin/set_env.cmd src... ab 16/05/2013 03:35 PM 1KB
com pftt2: upgrading Opcache and other deps: app/ app/Joomla_3.0.2-Stable-Full_Package.7z app/Jooml... ab 30/05/2013 03:23 PM 1KB
com pftt2: updating readme: README.mdown ab 04/05/2013 03:10 PM 1KB
com pftt2: better support for hanging processes (primarily builtin webserver).: PBCReportGen.groovy PHPTReportGen.groovy... ab 04/05/2013 03:04 PM 1KB
com pftt2: check PHP_SDK environment variable: bin/cat.cmd bin/pssuspend.exe conf/nginx.groovy src/com/mostc/pftt/scenar... ab 16/05/2013 03:33 PM 1KB
com pftt2: rearch Scenario API for cleaner setup disposal(initially/primarily for Opcache): app/PHPExcel-develop.zipapp/... ab 13/06/2013 05:23 AM 1KB
com pftt2: process management primarily for running PHP on DFS and PHP'sbuiltin web server: PFTT-Client.install4j README... ab 14/05/2013 01:31 PM 1KB
com pftt2: sped up builtin_web scenario and install opcache on 5.3 and 5.4 builds: cache/dep/opcache/php_opcache-7.0.1-5... ab 29/03/2013 01:58 PM 1KB
com pftt2: wordpress phpunit tests and performance tuning:PFTT-Client.install4j bin/pftt bin/pftt.cmd bin/pftt_auto.cmd ... ab 06/06/2013 03:40 PM 1KB
com pftt2: fix exception running `pftt` (no console options):src/com/mostc/pftt/main/ ab 07/06/2013 04:14 AM 1KB
com pftt2: fix PhpUnit skip/incomplete status detection bug:src/com/mostc/pftt/model/app/PhpUnitTemplate.groovy ab 19/06/2013 10:23 AM 1KB
com pftt2: adding Timeout Status feature:src/com/mostc/pftt/host/ src/com/mostc/pftt/host/LocalHost.javasrc/co... ab 15/06/2013 04:13 AM 1KB
com pftt2: use HTTP instead of TCP to check web server is ready:src/com/mostc/pftt/main/ src/com/mostc/pftt... ab 13/06/2013 01:33 PM 1KB
com pftt2: fix fatal_error_webphar and `cn` name with slash bugs: src/com/mostc/pftt/model/core/ ab 20/06/2013 05:35 AM 1KB
com pftt2: fix for tests/basic/022.phpt:src/com/mostc/pftt/model/core/ ab 21/06/2013 03:26 AM 1KB
com pftt2: another rearch of scenarios, primarily for MySQL: .classpath.gitignore app/ bin/cmp.exe b... ab 27/06/2013 03:02 PM 1KB
com pftt2: updating javadoc: PFTT-Client.install4j bin/examples.cmdbin/open.cmd bin/pftt.cmd bin/pftt_auto.cmd bin/pftt_... ab 04/07/2013 03:30 PM 2KB
com pftt2: test same scenario set and test-pack several times:conf/app/drupal.groovy conf/app/phpbb3.groovy conf/app/php... ab 12/07/2013 06:49 AM 2KB
com pftt2: mysql scenario create temp datadir:src/com/mostc/pftt/model/sapi/ApacheManager.javasrc/com/mostc/pftt/model/s... ab 03/08/2013 04:13 AM 1KB
com pftt2: don't queue windows error reports:src/com/mostc/pftt/model/core/PhpBuild.javasrc/com/mostc/pftt/results/PhptR... ab 06/08/2013 02:44 AM 1KB
com pftt2: adding Host#getPfttConfDir and Host#getPfttCacheDir:src/com/github/mattficken/io/ArrayUtil.javasrc/com/mostc/... ab 13/09/2013 06:17 AM 1KB
com pftt2: new NSIS based installer for Windows: LICENSE.txtbin/pftt_auto.cmd script/install/isetup-5.5.3.exe script/ins... ab 17/07/2013 07:20 AM 1KB
com pftt2: result-pack format changes:src/com/mostc/pftt/results/ITestResultReceiver.javasrc/com/mostc/pftt/results/Loca... ab 26/07/2013 03:04 PM 1KB
com pftt2: mysql scenario create temp datadir: conf/app/wordpress.groovysrc/com/mostc/pftt/main/ src/com/most... ab 03/08/2013 04:10 AM 1KB
com pftt2: various bug fixes: .classpath conf/task/rctest1.groovyconf/task/rctest2.groovy lib/mail-1.4.jarsrc/com/mostc/... ab 23/07/2013 04:17 PM 1KB
com pftt2: @dataProvider and @depends support for phpunit:conf/app/drupal.groovy conf/app/joomla.groovy conf/app/mediawi... ab 31/07/2013 05:57 AM 2KB
com pftt2: include NSIS install builder:script/install/windows/nsis-2.46-setup.exe ab 03/08/2013 04:10 AM 1KB
com pftt2: conf changes: cache/dep/wincache/wincache- cache/dep/wincache/wi... ab 13/09/2013 06:15 AM 1KB
com pftt2: hack for ob_018 accept-encoding issue: src/com/mostc/pftt/runner/ ab 18/07/2013 04:00 AM 1KB
com pftt2: fix opcache scenario for 5.4 ts builds:src/com/mostc/pftt/scenario/ ab 28/07/2013 03:21 AM 1KB
com pftt2: thread safety fix for MySQL scenario:src/com/mostc/pftt/model/core/ ab 06/07/2013 03:38 AM 1KB
com pftt2: fix configuration bug for mbstring PHPT tests:src/com/mostc/pftt/runner/AbstractLocalTestPackRunner.javasrc/c... ab 13/07/2013 04:50 AM 1KB
com pftt2: multiple phpt test-pack support:src/com/mostc/pftt/results/AbstractPhpUnitRW.javasrc/com/mostc/pftt/results/A... ab 13/09/2013 06:22 AM 1KB
com pftt2: fix required-extensions smoke test:src/com/mostc/pftt/main/PfttMain.javasrc/com/mostc/pftt/model/core/PhpBuil... ab 13/08/2013 05:21 AM 1KB
com pftt2: bug fix for reading new result-pack format:src/com/mostc/pftt/results/ ab 27/07/2013 02:09 AM 1KB
com pftt2: upgrading wincache: cache/dep/wincache/php_wincache-1.3-5.5-nts-vc11-x86/php_wincache.dll cache/dep/wincache/... ab 03/08/2013 04:09 AM 1KB
com pftt2: config files in phpt test-packs:src/com/mostc/pftt/host/PSCAgentServer.javasrc/com/mostc/pftt/host/RemotePhpt... ab 13/09/2013 06:19 AM 1KB
com pftt2: thread pool support windows hack:src/com/mostc/pftt/runner/AbstractLocalTestPackRunner.javasrc/com/mostc/pftt... ab 18/09/2013 03:47 AM 1KB
com pftt2: updating application test-packs: app/Joomla_3.0.2-Stable-Full_Package.7z app/SemanticMediaWiki1.8.7z app/azur... ab 25/09/2013 02:15 AM 1KB
com pftt2: Anatol: updating TEST_BIT8 for mbstring PHPT failure: conf/symfony.groovy conf/zend.groovy src/com/mostc/pftt... ab 25/09/2013 02:16 AM 1KB
com pftt2: updated database scenario api:src/com/mostc/pftt/results/AbstractPhptRW.javasrc/com/mostc/pftt/results/PhpRes... ab 18/09/2013 06:32 AM 1KB
com pftt2: updates to runtests command: bin/pftt_shell.cmd bin/ bin/rm.cmd bin/run-test.cmd bin/ ab 12/10/2013 03:01 AM 1KB
com pftt2: updating configuration: conf/composer.groovyconf/task/snap_test.groovy ab 25/09/2013 02:19 AM 1KB
com pftt2: adding `info` command: bin/info.cmd bin/pftt_shell.cmd bin/ bin/ src/com/mostc/pftt/ma... ab 19/09/2013 06:07 AM 1KB
com pftt2: configuration updates: conf/internal_example/CommonConfig.groovy conf/local_mysql.groovy conf/task/list_built... ab 12/10/2013 03:01 AM 1KB
com pftt2: update required-features smoke test:src/com/mostc/pftt/model/smoke/ ab 19/09/2013 04:48 AM 1KB
com pftt2: update required-features smoke test:src/com/mostc/pftt/model/app/PhpUnitDist.javasrc/com/mostc/pftt/model/app... ab 13/09/2013 06:21 AM 1KB
com pftt2: interactive test-pack runner:src/com/mostc/pftt/host/PSCAgentServer.javasrc/com/mostc/pftt/host/RemotePhptTes... ab 27/09/2013 05:48 AM 1KB
com pftt2: max char limit option when reading from process:src/com/mostc/pftt/host/ src/com/mostc/pftt/host/Lo... ab 18/09/2013 03:46 AM 1KB
com pftt2: splitting LocalHost into WindowsLocalHost and PosixLocalHost:src/com/mostc/pftt/host/CommonCommandManager.jav... ab 12/10/2013 03:00 AM 1KB
com pftt2: MSSQL Scenario (Windows only): .classpath bin/pftt.cmdbin/pftt_auto.cmd bin/pftt_shell.cmd conf/internal_exam... ab 27/09/2013 05:49 AM 1KB
com pftt2: fixing VCRT installer: src/com/mostc/pftt/util/ ab 12/10/2013 04:20 AM 1KB
com pftt2: Time Travel Tracing integration (Windows only):conf/task/snap_test.groovy src/com/mostc/pftt/host/ ... ab 21/11/2013 04:36 AM 1KB
com pftt2: fixing ScenarioSet isSupported bug:src/com/mostc/pftt/scenario/Scenario.javasrc/com/mostc/pftt/scenario/Scena... ab 19/10/2013 08:30 AM 1KB
com pftt2: temp dir writable smoke test:src/com/mostc/pftt/model/smoke/ ab 12/10/2013 03:03 AM 1KB
com pftt2: fixing windebug integration: bin/pftt_workspace.WEW conf/app/wordpress.groovy conf/not/not_builtin_web.groovy... ab 19/10/2013 08:31 AM 1KB
com pftt2: branch configuration update:src/com/mostc/pftt/model/core/ECompiler.javasrc/com/mostc/pftt/util/WindowsSnapsh... ab 19/11/2013 02:43 AM 1KB
com pftt2: pftt shell minor ui update: bin/pftt_shell.cmd ab 19/10/2013 08:28 AM 1KB
com pftt2: prepare all PHPT tests before running any of them:bin/pftt_workspace.WEW conf/task/stress.groovy conf/task/st... ab 19/11/2013 02:59 AM 2KB
com pftt2: fix regular expression escape and ui bug:src/com/github/mattficken/io/StringUtil.javasrc/com/mostc/pftt/ui/Ph... ab 25/10/2013 07:44 AM 1KB
com pftt2: scenario updates:src/com/mostc/pftt/scenario/BuiltinWebServerScenario.javasrc/com/mostc/pftt/scenario/CLIScen... ab 19/11/2013 02:44 AM 1KB
com pftt2: updating documentation: README.mdowndoc/apidoc/allclasses-frame.html doc/apidoc/allclasses-noframe.htmldoc/ap... ab 21/11/2013 04:41 AM 1KB
com pftt2: str_size_t branch: src/com/mostc/pftt/model/core/ src/com/mostc/pftt/util/WindowsSnapshotDow... ab 21/11/2013 04:37 AM 1KB
com pftt2: Sync mising files: .classpath .gitignore.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.groovy.core.prefssrc/com/github/mattficken/... ab 05/09/2018 03:27 PM 1KB
com pftt2: updates for Azure App Services, Nanoserver and other changes:bin/NanoServerApiScan.exesrc/com/mostc/pftt/mode... ab 21/06/2018 10:36 AM 1KB
com pftt2: Fix wrong piece: src/com/mostc/pftt/runner/ ab 07/09/2018 04:58 PM 1KB
com pftt2: more fixes for str_size_and_int64 branch: src/com/mostc/pftt/model/core/ src/com/mostc/pftt/... ab 26/11/2013 02:20 AM 1KB
com pftt2: more fixes for str_size_and_int64 branch: src/com/mostc/pftt/main/ src/com/mostc/pftt/main/CmpR... ab 26/11/2013 02:22 AM 1KB
com pftt2: updates for Azure App Services, Nanoserver and other changes:src/com/mostc/pftt/host/AHost.javasrc/com/mostc/... ab 21/06/2018 11:14 AM 1KB
com pftt2: updating documentation: README.mdown ab 21/11/2013 04:43 AM 1KB
com pftt2: Deactivate Azure related build for now, the implementation isbased on: .classpathsrc/com/mostc/pftt/model/App... ab 06/09/2018 04:30 AM 1KB
com pftt2: Sync missing deps: .classpath ab 07/09/2018 04:59 PM 1KB
com pftt2: Update places for version parsing, compiler recognition, etc.:src/com/mostc/pftt/main/PfttAuto.javasrc/com/mo... ab 11/09/2018 12:50 AM 1KB
com pftt2: Remove deprecated thread handling method:src/com/mostc/pftt/host/LocalHost.javasrc/com/mostc/pftt/host/Window... ab 08/09/2018 05:08 PM 1KB
com pftt2: Use the correct groovy jar: bin/pftt.cmd lib/groovy-1.8.6.jar ab 17/12/2018 08:42 AM 1KB
com pftt2: Further sync with version handling and removetrack_errrs for 7.2+: src/com/mostc/pftt/model/core/PhpBuild.jav... ab 11/09/2018 01:30 AM 1KB
com pftt2: Don't depend on a hardcoded location: bin/pftt.cmdbin/php_sdk.cmd bin/set_env.cmd src/com/mostc/pftt/host/AHo... ab 17/12/2018 08:10 AM 1KB
com pftt2: Always use charset detector:src/com/mostc/pftt/model/core/ ab 30/12/2018 09:05 PM 1KB
com pftt2: Check in required lib: lib/groovy-all-2.4.15.jar ab 11/09/2018 12:51 AM 1KB
com pftt2: mcrypt is not a required extension anymore:src/com/mostc/pftt/model/smoke/ ab 30/12/2018 09:33 AM 1KB
com pftt2: Conditionally add 7.2+ only core exts:src/com/mostc/pftt/model/core/PhpIni.javasrc/com/mostc/pftt/model/smoke... ab 11/09/2018 03:34 AM 1KB
com pftt2: Remove crazy big files and obsolete stuff:src/com/github/mattficken/io/ui/BabelStoneHan.ttfsrc/com/github/mat... ab 16/03/2019 06:43 PM 1KB
com pftt2: Comment out questionable copy all tests:src/com/mostc/pftt/runner/ ab 30/12/2018 09:04 PM 1KB
com pftt2: Remove crazy big files and obsolete stuff: app/CodeIgniter.7zapp/Mambo.7z app/PHPExcel.7z app/Pligg_CMS.7z ap... ab 16/03/2019 06:43 PM 1KB
branch pftt2: revamp_3 deleted ab 16/03/2019 05:41 PM 1KB
com web/qa: 7.2.16 / 7.3.3 are coming: include/release-qa.php remi 07/03/2019 05:03 PM 1KB
   Re: com web/qa: 7.2.16 / 7.3.3 are coming: include/release-qa.php rlerne 08/03/2019 08:53 AM 1KB
Update your account information account-update 26/02/2019 01:16 AM 1KB
Update your account information account-update 22/02/2019 11:26 PM 1KB
PHP version 7.2.16RC1 is available for testing remi 21/02/2019 06:25 PM 1KB
   Re: PHP version 7.2.16RC1 is available for testing rlerne 08/03/2019 08:56 AM 1KB
PHP 7.3.3RC1 is available for testing cmbecker69 21/02/2019 06:13 PM 1KB
com web/qa: Update for PHP 7.3.3RC1: include/release-qa.php cmb 21/02/2019 05:34 PM 1KB
com web/qa: 7.2.16RC1: include/release-qa.php remi 21/02/2019 04:40 PM 1KB
Update your account information account-update 20/02/2019 03:24 AM 1KB
com web/qa: 7.2.15 is coming: include/release-qa.php remi 07/02/2019 07:23 PM 1KB
com web/qa: 7.3.2 is coming: include/release-qa.php cmb 07/02/2019 07:04 PM 1KB
PHP 7.2.15RC1 is available for testing cmbecker69 01/02/2019 03:08 AM 1KB
com web/qa: Update for PHP 7.2.15RC1: include/release-qa.php cmb 01/02/2019 02:14 AM 1KB
PHP 7.3.2RC1 is available for testing cmb 24/01/2019 08:06 PM 1KB
com web/qa: Update for PHP 7.3.2RC1: include/release-qa.php cmb 24/01/2019 07:06 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #77493 [NEW]: curl_basic_009 fails with newer curl versions php-bugs 21/01/2019 05:24 AM 1KB
com web/qa: 7.0 is EOL: include/release-qa.php ab 14/01/2019 12:35 AM 1KB
com web/qa: 5.6 is eoled: include/release-qa.php tyrael 11/01/2019 07:06 AM 1KB
com web/qa: 7.3.1 is coming: include/release-qa.php cmb 10/01/2019 06:58 PM 1KB
com web/qa: 7.2.14 is coming: include/release-qa.php remi 10/01/2019 04:17 PM 1KB
com pftt2: mcrypt is not a required extension anymore:src/com/mostc/pftt/model/smoke/ ab 30/12/2018 09:33 AM 1KB
com pftt2: Comment out questionable copy all tests:src/com/mostc/pftt/runner/ ab 30/12/2018 09:04 PM 1KB
com pftt2: Always use charset detector:src/com/mostc/pftt/model/core/ ab 30/12/2018 09:05 PM 1KB
[PHP-GCOV] Build error - PHP_HEAD (2018-12-21) php-qa 21/12/2018 10:00 PM 1KB
   Re: [PHP-GCOV] Build error - PHP_HEAD (2018-12-21) cmbecker69 21/12/2018 11:34 PM 1KB
PHP 7.3.1RC1 is available for testing cmb 21/12/2018 12:12 AM 1KB
com web/qa: Update for PHP 7.3.1RC1: include/release-qa.php cmb 20/12/2018 06:30 PM 1KB
PHP version 7.2.14RC1 is available for testing remi 20/12/2018 10:17 PM 1KB
com web/qa: 7.1.25 is GA: include/release-qa.php remi 20/12/2018 05:57 PM 1KB
com web/qa: 7.2.14RC1: include/release-qa.php remi 20/12/2018 05:50 PM 1KB
[PHP-GCOV] Build error - PHP_5_6 (2018-12-18) php-qa 18/12/2018 09:06 PM 1KB
Bug in php imagick baudouin_phpqa 18/12/2018 04:40 AM 1KB
com pftt2: Use the correct groovy jar: bin/pftt.cmd lib/groovy-1.8.6.jar ab 17/12/2018 08:42 AM 1KB
com pftt2: Don't depend on a hardcoded location: bin/pftt.cmdbin/php_sdk.cmd bin/set_env.cmd src/com/mostc/pftt/host/AHo... ab 17/12/2018 08:10 AM 1KB
[PHP-GCOV] Build error - PHP_5_6 (2018-12-08) php-qa 09/12/2018 07:55 AM 1KB
com web/qa: 7.2.13 is GA: include/release-qa.php pollita 07/12/2018 12:13 AM 1KB
com web/qa: Update for PHP 7.3.0: include/release-qa.php cmb 06/12/2018 10:20 PM 1KB
com web/qa: 5.6.40 is next. not really, we should remove 5.6 completellynow that it is EOLed: include/release-qa.php tyrael 06/12/2018 10:12 PM 1KB
[PHP-BUG] Bug #77224 [NEW]: Stack Trace shows wrong parameter value php-bugs 30/11/2018 05:45 PM 1KB
   Bug #77224 [Opn]: Stack Trace shows wrong parameter value nikic 30/11/2018 05:52 PM 1KB
   Bug #77224 [Opn->Csd]: Stack Trace shows wrong parameter value php-bugs 06/12/2018 05:38 PM 1KB
[PHP-GCOV] Build error - PHP_5_6 (2018-11-28) php-qa 29/11/2018 06:42 AM 1KB
com web/qa: Remove link to for now: index.php cmb 29/11/2018 01:33 AM 1KB
com web/qa: 7.1.25RC1 & 7.2.13RC1: include/release-qa.php pollita 23/11/2018 10:51 PM 1KB
PHP 7.3.0RC6 is available for testing cmb 22/11/2018 08:05 PM 1KB
com web/qa: Update for PHP 7.3.0RC6: include/release-qa.php cmb 22/11/2018 06:43 PM 1KB
[PHP-GCOV] Build error - PHP_5_6 (2018-11-13) php-qa 14/11/2018 06:41 AM 1KB
PHP 7.3.0RC5 is available for testing cmb 08/11/2018 07:09 PM 1KB
com web/qa: 7.1.24/7.2.12 are coming, out from QA: include/release-qa.php remi 08/11/2018 06:08 PM 1KB
com web/qa: Update for PHP 7.3.0RC5: include/release-qa.php cmb 08/11/2018 06:05 PM 1KB
[PHP-GCOV] Build error - PHP_5_6 (2018-11-03) php-qa 04/11/2018 04:28 AM 1KB
com web/qa: Update outdated links: handling-bugs.php write-test.php petk 31/10/2018 06:57 AM 1KB
com web/qa: Remove HTML comments in script tags: reports/run_tests.php petk 27/10/2018 04:12 AM 1KB
com web/qa: Update http to https: api.php buildtest-process.phpbuildtest-submit.php handling-bugs.php howto_phpt.php how... petk 26/10/2018 07:03 AM 1KB
com web/qa: Fix typo: pulls/api.php petk 26/10/2018 06:23 AM 1KB
com web/qa: Refactor long array() syntax to short []: include/functions.phpinclude/release-qa.php pulls/api.php pulls/in... petk 26/10/2018 06:22 AM 1KB
PHP version 7.1.24RC1 is available for testing remi 25/10/2018 07:40 PM 1KB
PHP version 7.2.12RC1 is available for testing remi 25/10/2018 07:35 PM 1KB
PHP 7.3.0RC4 is available for testing cmb 25/10/2018 06:06 PM 1KB
com web/qa: add 7.1.24RC1 and 7.2.12RC1: include/release-qa.php remi 25/10/2018 05:51 PM 1KB
com web/qa: Update for PHP 7.3.0RC4: include/release-qa.php cmb 25/10/2018 05:04 PM 1KB
com web/qa: Fix permissions: .gitignore build.php howto_phpt.png howto_phpunit.png list_builds.php pftt.php pftt_report.... petk 25/10/2018 07:48 AM 1KB
com web/qa: Remove redundant script type="text/javascript" attributes: pulls/index.php reports/details.php reports/run_t... petk 25/10/2018 02:43 AM 1KB
[PHP-GCOV] Build error - PHP_5_6 (2018-10-24) php-qa 25/10/2018 02:20 AM 1KB
com web/qa: Change --FILE_EXTERNAL-- file extensions: phpt_details.php sample_tests/file012.php sample_tests/sample012.p... petk 21/10/2018 03:11 AM 1KB
com web/qa: Sync leading and final newlines: .htaccess api.php build.phpexpectf_details.php pftt_report.php pulls/ petk 19/10/2018 02:32 PM 1KB
com web/qa: Add note about config.php file in the installaion petk 19/10/2018 02:27 PM 1KB
com web/qa: Fix QA Pulls Tool merge instructions: .gitignorepulls/index.php petk 19/10/2018 02:15 PM 1KB
com web/qa: Replace dirname(__FILE__) with shorter __DIR__: phpt_details.php reports/details.php reports/parserfunc.php ... petk 19/10/2018 01:46 AM 1KB
com web/qa: Move README.TESTING info to docs: running-tests.php petk 17/10/2018 02:37 PM 1KB
com web/qa: Remove Autogeneration tests docs: autogenerate.phpwrite-test.php petk 17/10/2018 02:33 PM 1KB
com web/qa: Trim trailing whitespace: api.php autogenerate.phpbuildtest-action.php buildtest-process.php expectf_details... petk 17/10/2018 02:22 PM 1KB
com web/qa: Remove unused Git attributes ident: autogenerate.php build.phpbuildtest-action.php expectf_details.php handl... petk 17/10/2018 02:01 PM 1KB
com web/qa: Convert CRLF line endings to LF: .gitignorehowto_phpt.php howto_phpunit.php pftt.php pftt_report.php pulls/M... petk 17/10/2018 01:57 PM 1KB
com web/qa: Add --EXTENSIONS-- section: phpt_details.php sample_tests/extensions.php cmb 13/10/2018 03:51 AM 1KB
com web/qa: Add description of the --CAPTURE_STDIO-- section: phpt_details.php sample_tests/capture_stdio_1.php sample_t... cmb 12/10/2018 11:06 PM 1KB
Bug #74082 [Opn->Csd]: strncmp_variation6 test fails on AArch64 cmb 30/11/2018 06:51 AM 1KB
Bug #66242 [Com]: CLI server failure on 64-bit ARM (Aarch64) php-bugs 04/02/2019 10:11 PM 1KB
Bug #77570 [Opn]: failed summary cmb 06/02/2019 02:00 AM 1KB
   Bug #77570 [Opn]: failed summary php-bugs 06/02/2019 05:26 PM 1KB
Bug #77938 [Ver]: socket_get_option error cmb 25/04/2019 06:03 AM 1KB
   Bug #77938 [Ver->Csd]: socket_get_option error cmb 25/04/2019 06:09 AM 1KB
Bug #77992 [Opn->Csd]: Assertion failure in file cache when unserializing empty try_catch_array cmb 21/05/2019 05:57 PM 1KB