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Subject From Date Size
[web-pecl] master: Display PHP 8.1 DLLs noreply 08/01/2022 12:40 AM 1KB
[pecl-file_formats-lzf] master: back to dev noreply 04/01/2022 10:46 PM 1KB
[pecl-file_formats-lzf] created tag LZF-1.7.0 noreply 04/01/2022 10:45 PM 1KB
[pecl-file_formats-lzf] master: Release 1.7.0 noreply 04/01/2022 10:44 PM 1KB
[pecl-file_formats-lzf] master: drop support of PHP < 7.2 noreply 04/01/2022 10:11 PM 1KB
[pecl-file_formats-lzf] master: generate arginfo from stub noreply 04/01/2022 09:58 PM 1KB
[pecl-file_formats-lzf] master: back to dev noreply 04/01/2022 09:56 PM 1KB
[pecl-security-selinux] master: use zend_parse_parameters_none + SC noreply 03/01/2022 11:20 PM 1KB
[pecl-security-selinux] master: back to dev noreply 23/12/2021 06:40 PM 1KB
[pecl-security-selinux] created tag selinux-0.6.0 noreply 23/12/2021 06:36 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/test-setup-php-sdk: fox noreply 23/12/2021 12:49 AM 1KB
[pecl-security-selinux] master: add type hinting with PHP 8 noreply 23/12/2021 12:37 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/test-setup-php-sdk: debug noreply 23/12/2021 12:11 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/test-setup-php-sdk: fix noreply 23/12/2021 12:02 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/test-setup-php-sdk: Test builddir noreply 22/12/2021 11:59 PM 1KB
[pecl-security-selinux] master: security_context_t is deprecated noreply 22/12/2021 11:32 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/test-setup-php-sdk: Check committed fix noreply 22/12/2021 08:00 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/test-setup-php-sdk: D'oh noreply 22/12/2021 07:30 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/test-setup-php-sdk: Use branch with potential fix noreply 22/12/2021 07:28 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/test-setup-php-sdk: Update to cmb69/setup-php-sdk v0.3 noreply 22/12/2021 06:55 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] force pushed branch cmb/test-setup-php-sdk noreply 22/12/2021 06:52 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] deleted branch cmb/nts-ci noreply 22/12/2021 06:49 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] deleted branch cmb/windows-ci noreply 22/12/2021 06:47 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-ibm_db2] master: Merge pull request #12 from php/cleanup-v6 noreply 22/12/2021 03:42 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-pdo_ibm] master: Merge pull request #3 from php/php81 noreply 09/12/2021 02:08 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-ibm_db2] check-pw-for-persistent: Use sizeof string constant for constant parts noreply 08/12/2021 02:58 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-ibm_db2] check-pw-for-persistent: correct comment mistake noreply 08/12/2021 02:51 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-ibm_db2] check-pw-for-persistent: Use murmur for hashing noreply 08/12/2021 02:42 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-ibm_db2] check-pw-for-persistent: explain the magic number for the hash key noreply 07/12/2021 05:28 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-ibm_db2] check-pw-for-persistent: Include password in persistent hash key noreply 07/12/2021 02:55 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-ibm_db2] created branch check-pw-for-persistent noreply 07/12/2021 02:55 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-ibm_db2] master: [IBMi] Use buffer's real length for pconnect check noreply 07/12/2021 12:18 AM 1KB
[pecl-networking-xmlrpc] master: Release xmlrpc 1.0.0RC3 noreply 04/12/2021 08:35 PM 1KB
[pecl-networking-xmlrpc] created tag xmlrpc-1.0.0RC3 noreply 04/12/2021 08:35 PM 1KB
[pecl-networking-xmlrpc] master: Replace AppVeyor CI with GH action noreply 04/12/2021 07:34 PM 1KB
[pecl-networking-xmlrpc] cmb/gh-ci: update to setup-php-sdk@v0.3 noreply 04/12/2021 07:15 PM 1KB
[pecl-networking-xmlrpc] cmb/gh-ci: update setup-php-sdk noreply 04/12/2021 07:01 PM 1KB
[pecl-networking-xmlrpc] cmb/gh-ci: neo noreply 04/12/2021 06:51 PM 1KB
[pecl-networking-xmlrpc] cmb/gh-ci: no ubuntu noreply 04/12/2021 06:42 PM 1KB
[pecl-networking-xmlrpc] cmb/gh-ci: fix? noreply 04/12/2021 07:58 AM 1KB
[pecl-networking-xmlrpc] cmb/gh-ci: fix noreply 04/12/2021 07:38 AM 1KB
[pecl-networking-xmlrpc] cmb/gh-ci: Ubuntu noreply 04/12/2021 07:36 AM 1KB
[pecl-networking-xmlrpc] cmb/gh-ci: show skipped tests noreply 04/12/2021 07:20 AM 1KB
[pecl-networking-xmlrpc] cmb/gh-ci: oh noreply 04/12/2021 07:14 AM 1KB
[pecl-networking-xmlrpc] cmb/gh-ci: moar peek noreply 04/12/2021 07:14 AM 1KB
[pecl-networking-xmlrpc] cmb/gh-ci: peek noreply 04/12/2021 07:04 AM 1KB
[pecl-networking-xmlrpc] cmb/gh-ci: fix? noreply 04/12/2021 06:56 AM 1KB
[pecl-networking-xmlrpc] cmb/gh-ci: Install dependencies noreply 04/12/2021 06:55 AM 1KB
[pecl-networking-xmlrpc] cmb/gh-ci: More meaningful test logs noreply 04/12/2021 06:39 AM 1KB
[pecl-networking-xmlrpc] cmb/gh-ci: Use proper config option noreply 04/12/2021 06:39 AM 1KB
[pecl-networking-xmlrpc] cmb/gh-ci: run in fixed Windows environment noreply 04/12/2021 06:39 AM 1KB
[pecl-networking-xmlrpc] cmb/gh-ci: Basic GH action CI noreply 04/12/2021 06:30 AM 1KB
[pecl-networking-xmlrpc] created branch cmb/gh-ci noreply 04/12/2021 06:30 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-pdo_ibm] php81: Macro for PHP ver checks noreply 30/11/2021 01:15 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-pdo_ibm] master: Zero out buffer used for describe name noreply 19/11/2021 01:59 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-pdo_ibm] master: Correct types according to func defs noreply 19/11/2021 01:59 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-pdo_ibm] master: Fix incorrect returns and improper initialization noreply 19/11/2021 01:59 AM 1KB
[pecl-datetime-timezonedb] master: Updated to version 2021.5 (2021e) noreply 03/11/2021 11:44 PM 1KB
[pecl-datetime-timezonedb] created tag RELEASE_2021_5 noreply 03/11/2021 11:44 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] master: Back to dev noreply 30/10/2021 12:00 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] created tag dbase-7.1.1 noreply 29/10/2021 11:48 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] master: Release dbase 7.1.1 noreply 29/10/2021 11:44 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] master: Fix #81563: SIGSEGV reading dbase file with few data noreply 29/10/2021 11:36 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] master: Fix GH-1: dbase_add_record() converts passed floats and leaks memory noreply 29/10/2021 11:04 PM 1KB
[pecl-file_formats-yaml] 2.2.2: Make 2.2.2 release noreply 25/10/2021 06:55 AM 1KB
[pecl-file_formats-yaml] created tag 2.2.2 noreply 25/10/2021 06:55 AM 1KB
[pecl-file_formats-yaml] php7: ci: Remove travis noreply 25/10/2021 05:38 AM 1KB
[pecl-file_formats-yaml] php7: fix ZEND_ATOL usage noreply 25/10/2021 05:34 AM 1KB
[pecl-file_formats-yaml] php7: relax test, hide deprecation message noreply 25/10/2021 05:34 AM 1KB
[pecl-file_formats-yaml] php7: ci: Add missing libyaml-dev noreply 25/10/2021 05:29 AM 1KB
[pecl-file_formats-yaml] php7: Use GitHub Actions for running tests noreply 25/10/2021 05:11 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-ibm_db2] master: Update prose like PDO_IBM for Windows builds noreply 22/10/2021 10:34 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-mysql_xdevapi] created tag 8.0.27 noreply 20/10/2021 06:40 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-mysql_xdevapi] release/8.0.27: Setting the proper version noreply 20/10/2021 06:38 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-mysql_xdevapi] release/8.0.27: Updating package.xml for the 8.0.27 release noreply 20/10/2021 06:38 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-mysql_xdevapi] created branch release/8.0.27 noreply 20/10/2021 06:38 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-ibm_db2] master: fetch system naming mode at runtime (PASE) noreply 15/10/2021 01:10 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-pdo_ibm] master: Clean up the prose about these prebuilt binaries noreply 09/10/2021 01:39 AM 1KB
[pecl-datetime-timezonedb] created tag RELEASE_2021_3 noreply 08/10/2021 08:01 PM 1KB
[pecl-datetime-timezonedb] master: Updated to version 2021.3 (2021c) noreply 08/10/2021 08:01 PM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] created tag uploadprogress-2.0.2 noreply 01/10/2021 08:04 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] master: Prepare release 2.0.2 noreply 01/10/2021 08:04 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-ibm_db2] created tag RELEASE_2_1_5 noreply 01/10/2021 01:34 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-ibm_db2] master: Merge branch 'master' of noreply 01/10/2021 01:34 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-ibm_db2] master: 2.1.5 noreply 01/10/2021 01:34 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-pdo_ibm] created tag RELEASE_1_4_2 noreply 01/10/2021 12:44 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-pdo_ibm] master: 1.4.2 noreply 01/10/2021 12:44 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-pdo_ibm] master: ulong reference, replace with zend_ulong noreply 30/09/2021 04:12 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] master: Indicate support for PHP-FPM and update examples noreply 29/09/2021 11:30 PM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] created tag uploadprogress-2.0.1 noreply 29/09/2021 09:58 PM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] force pushed branch master noreply 29/09/2021 09:56 PM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] deleted tag uploadprogress-2.0.1 noreply 29/09/2021 09:55 PM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] created tag uploadprogress-2.0.1 noreply 29/09/2021 09:53 PM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] master: Prepare release v2.0.1 noreply 29/09/2021 09:53 PM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] deleted branch issue-stub noreply 29/09/2021 09:01 PM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] master: use stub to generate arginfo noreply 29/09/2021 09:00 PM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] issue-stub: fix default noreply 29/09/2021 07:56 PM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] issue-stub: use stub to generate arginfo noreply 29/09/2021 03:24 PM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] created branch issue-stub noreply 29/09/2021 03:24 PM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] master: Clean up contribution documentation noreply 29/09/2021 10:51 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] created tag uploadprogress-2.0.0 noreply 29/09/2021 10:21 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] master: Update version numbers in documentation and examples noreply 29/09/2021 10:20 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] deleted branch 2.x noreply 29/09/2021 10:11 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] master: Merge branch '2.x' noreply 29/09/2021 10:11 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] master: Prepare package for 2.0.0 release noreply 29/09/2021 10:11 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] master: Remove 7.0 and 7.1 from the build matrix noreply 29/09/2021 10:11 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] 2.x: Merge pull request #5 from skilld-labs/master noreply 29/09/2021 09:57 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] 2.x: remove 5.x CI noreply 29/09/2021 09:57 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] 2.x: Set PHP>7.2.0 and bump version to 2.0.0 noreply 29/09/2021 09:57 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] 2.x: Remove usage of PHP_API_VERSION < 20190128 noreply 29/09/2021 09:57 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] 2.x: Clean-up php5 support noreply 29/09/2021 09:57 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] created branch 2.x noreply 29/09/2021 08:05 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] master: Provide better feedback if errors occur in the examples noreply 29/09/2021 07:49 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] master: Prepare version 1.1.4 noreply 29/09/2021 07:21 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] created tag uploadprogress-1.1.4 noreply 29/09/2021 07:21 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] master: Specify TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE for older run-tests versions noreply 29/09/2021 07:13 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] master: Remove -P switch from run-tests.php command noreply 29/09/2021 07:10 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] master: Add PHP 5.3 to the testing matrix noreply 29/09/2021 07:08 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] master: Don't show passing tests in test output noreply 29/09/2021 06:56 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] master: Use the correct API numbers and exclude arginfo from pre-8.0 noreply 29/09/2021 06:56 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] master: Be sure to report the exit status noreply 29/09/2021 06:56 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] master: Fix tests for Windows builds noreply 29/09/2021 06:56 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] master: Merge branch 'master' into cmb/79584 noreply 29/09/2021 02:47 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] master: Merge branch 'master' into cmb/79584 noreply 29/09/2021 02:47 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] master: Fix #79584: Segmentation fault in uploadprogress 1.1.0 and up noreply 29/09/2021 02:47 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] master: Merge branch 'master' into arginfo noreply 29/09/2021 02:38 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] master: Added testing for 8.0 and nightly, disable xdebug noreply 29/09/2021 02:38 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] master: relax tests for PHP 8 noreply 29/09/2021 02:38 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] master: Add arginfo to functions noreply 29/09/2021 02:37 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] deleted branch 2.x noreply 29/09/2021 02:17 AM 1KB
[pecl-php-uploadprogress] master: Use GitHub Actions for running tests/builds noreply 29/09/2021 02:15 AM 1KB
[pecl-tools-stomp] master: only add the ack if not already in the headers noreply 27/09/2021 10:01 PM 1KB
[pecl-tools-stomp] master: don't use NULL for integer noreply 27/09/2021 09:40 PM 1KB
[pecl-tools-stomp] master: allow NULL for transaction_id noreply 27/09/2021 09:40 PM 1KB
[pecl-mail-mailparse] master: Fix #73110: Mails with unknown MIME version are treated as plain/text noreply 20/09/2021 04:09 PM 1KB
[pecl-mail-mailparse] master: Fix #75825: mailparse_uudecode_all doesn't parse multiple files noreply 20/09/2021 04:06 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/test-setup-php-sdk: Revert "check missing dependency" noreply 19/09/2021 01:44 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/test-setup-php-sdk: check missing dependency noreply 19/09/2021 01:34 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/test-setup-php-sdk: Install deps noreply 19/09/2021 12:49 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/test-setup-php-sdk: Use latest setup-php-sdk action update noreply 18/09/2021 11:15 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] created branch cmb/test-setup-php-sdk noreply 18/09/2021 11:15 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] deleted branch cmb/ci noreply 18/09/2021 11:14 PM 1KB
[pecl-tools-svn] master: A minimal CI for building and testing the extension on Linux noreply 17/09/2021 08:27 PM 1KB
[pecl-tools-svn] master: Fix #68441: wrong ZPP for svn_diff() noreply 17/09/2021 06:34 PM 1KB
[pecl-tools-svn] master: Fix #60293: svn_import need log message noreply 17/09/2021 06:33 PM 1KB
[pecl-mail-mailparse] master: Fix #74233: Parsing multi Content-Disposition causes memory leak noreply 13/09/2021 09:45 PM 1KB
[pecl-mail-mailparse] master: Update to setup-php-sdk v0.2 noreply 13/09/2021 09:24 PM 1KB
[pecl-mail-mailparse] master: Simplify Ubuntu CI noreply 13/09/2021 09:17 PM 1KB
[pecl-mail-mailparse] master: Fix #81422: Potential double-free in mailparse_uudecode_all() noreply 07/09/2021 06:19 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] master: Update to cmb69/setup-php-sdk v0.2 noreply 04/09/2021 07:07 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/nts-ci: Use fixed setup-php-sdk version noreply 04/09/2021 07:00 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/nts-ci: fix noreply 04/09/2021 06:50 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/nts-ci: Attempt nts build noreply 04/09/2021 06:49 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] created branch cmb/nts-ci noreply 04/09/2021 06:49 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] deleted branch cmb/archived-php noreply 04/09/2021 06:47 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/archived-php: Check PHP 7.2 noreply 03/09/2021 10:42 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] created branch cmb/archived-php noreply 03/09/2021 10:42 PM 1KB
[pecl-mail-mailparse] master: Basic CI: build and test noreply 02/09/2021 08:32 PM 1KB
[pecl-mail-mailparse] master: back to dev noreply 01/09/2021 05:07 PM 1KB
[pecl-mail-mailparse] created tag v3.1.2 noreply 01/09/2021 05:06 PM 1KB
[pecl-mail-mailparse] master: Release 3.1.2 noreply 01/09/2021 05:04 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-ibm_db2] master: Merge pull request #13 from cmb69/cmb/ulong noreply 05/08/2021 10:10 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-ibm_db2] master: Use proper types noreply 05/08/2021 10:10 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-ibm_db2] master: Fix #81331: compile errors ibm_db2.c v2.1.3 on Windows noreply 05/08/2021 10:10 PM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: ci: add ext solr to runtests noreply 04/08/2021 12:00 AM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: ci: build on the recently built php noreply 03/08/2021 11:50 PM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: another way of showing diff in run tests noreply 03/08/2021 11:40 PM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: print test diff noreply 02/08/2021 11:05 AM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: dev makefile noreply 02/08/2021 11:04 AM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: wait for 10sec instead of 5 noreply 30/07/2021 12:22 PM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: wait for solr step noreply 30/07/2021 12:17 PM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: exec perms for ci scripts noreply 30/07/2021 11:49 AM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: fix missing script noreply 30/07/2021 11:48 AM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: fix missing script noreply 30/07/2021 11:46 AM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: fix scripts path noreply 30/07/2021 11:44 AM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: alternative build steps for CI noreply 30/07/2021 11:42 AM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: add libxml ext noreply 30/07/2021 02:29 AM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: add ext json noreply 30/07/2021 02:25 AM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: spin up the solr docker container noreply 30/07/2021 02:20 AM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: add test job noreply 30/07/2021 02:14 AM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: update news with the bugfix for ubuntu noreply 30/07/2021 01:14 AM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: cleanup build steps noreply 30/07/2021 12:55 AM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: try to accomodate curl path var with another structure as ubuntu noreply 30/07/2021 12:42 AM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: locate curl noreply 30/07/2021 12:27 AM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: guess curl location noreply 30/07/2021 12:24 AM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: cleanup curl location noreply 30/07/2021 12:22 AM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: add curl path noreply 30/07/2021 12:18 AM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: install mlocate noreply 30/07/2021 12:13 AM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: locate curl noreply 30/07/2021 12:13 AM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: try to fix curl missing err noreply 30/07/2021 12:01 AM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: fix curl package name noreply 29/07/2021 11:47 PM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: curl-dev sudo noreply 29/07/2021 11:45 PM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: curl-dev try 2 noreply 29/07/2021 11:44 PM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: curl-dev try 1 noreply 29/07/2021 11:42 PM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: compile perms noreply 29/07/2021 11:38 PM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: compile script noreply 29/07/2021 11:34 PM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] github-actions: created a github action noreply 29/07/2021 08:28 PM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] created branch github-actions noreply 29/07/2021 08:28 PM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] dev-docker: dev docker noreply 29/07/2021 04:30 PM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] dev-docker: development Solr Cluster noreply 29/07/2021 04:29 PM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] created branch dev-docker noreply 29/07/2021 04:29 PM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] master: fix solr version in entrypoint:docker noreply 28/07/2021 03:52 PM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] master: Merge pull request #24 from glensc/patch-1 noreply 27/07/2021 10:49 PM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] master: Enchance description, use https links noreply 27/07/2021 10:49 PM 1KB
[pecl-search_engine-solr] master: Add compact description to readme noreply 27/07/2021 10:49 PM 1KB
[pecl-networking-xmlrpc] master: Fix #1 compatibility with 8.1.0beta1 noreply 22/07/2021 06:59 PM 1KB
[pecl-networking-xmlrpc] master: Merge branch 'master' of noreply 22/07/2021 06:59 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-ibm_db2] master: Convert to the modern (7.3) persistent resource API noreply 20/07/2021 11:22 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-mysql_xdevapi] trunk: Fixing issue with invalid usage of boost noreply 20/07/2021 07:57 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-mysql_xdevapi] trunk: Fixing failing test noreply 20/07/2021 07:57 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-mysql_xdevapi] trunk: Updating package.xml for the 8.0.26 release noreply 20/07/2021 07:57 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-mysql_xdevapi] trunk: Updating package.xml for the 8.0.26 release noreply 20/07/2021 07:57 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-mysql_xdevapi] trunk: WL#14666: Fixing the code after the review noreply 20/07/2021 07:57 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-mysql_xdevapi] created tag 8.0.26 noreply 20/07/2021 07:57 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-mysql_xdevapi] trunk: WL#14666: Adding deprecation message for TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 noreply 20/07/2021 07:57 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-mysql_xdevapi] trunk: Merge branch 'release/8.0.25' into trunk noreply 20/07/2021 07:57 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-mysql_xdevapi] trunk: Merge branch 'release/8.0.24' into trunk noreply 20/07/2021 07:57 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-mysql_xdevapi] trunk: Merge branch 'release/8.0.24' into trunk noreply 20/07/2021 07:57 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-mysql_xdevapi] trunk: Follow PHP practice and remove yearly range from copyright notice noreply 20/07/2021 07:57 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-mysql_xdevapi] trunk: Follow PHP practice and remove yearly range from copyright notice noreply 20/07/2021 07:57 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-mysql_xdevapi] release/8.0.26: orabug #32239070: fix build against PHP-8.0 noreply 20/07/2021 07:57 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-mysql_xdevapi] release/8.0.26: orabug #32239070: fix build against PHP-8.0 noreply 20/07/2021 07:57 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-mysql_xdevapi] release/8.0.26: orabug #32239070: fix build against PHP-8.0 noreply 20/07/2021 07:57 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-mysql_xdevapi] release/8.0.26: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/orabug-32239070-fix-build-php-8' into... noreply 20/07/2021 07:57 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-mysql_xdevapi] release/8.0.26: orabug #32239070: fix build against PHP-8.0 noreply 20/07/2021 07:57 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-mysql_xdevapi] release/8.0.26: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/orabug-32239070-fix-build-php-8' into... noreply 20/07/2021 07:57 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-mysql_xdevapi] release/8.0.26: orabug #32239070: fix build against PHP-8.0 noreply 20/07/2021 07:57 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-mysql_xdevapi] release/8.0.26: orabug #32239070: fix build against PHP-8.0 noreply 20/07/2021 07:57 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-mysql_xdevapi] release/8.0.26: orabug #32239070: fix build against PHP-8.0 noreply 20/07/2021 07:57 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-mysql_xdevapi] created branch release/8.0.26 noreply 20/07/2021 07:57 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-ibm_db2] master: Oops, we use erealloc later, so use this too noreply 16/07/2021 12:46 AM 1KB
[pecl-networking-mqseries] master: Merge pull request #4 from JustBlackBird/php8 noreply 02/07/2021 12:35 AM 1KB
[pecl-networking-mqseries] master: Merge branch 'master' into php8 noreply 02/07/2021 12:35 AM 1KB
[pecl-networking-mqseries] master: Remove "TSRMLS_" macroses noreply 02/07/2021 12:35 AM 1KB
[pecl-networking-mqseries] master: Remove code for Zend Engine 2 noreply 02/07/2021 12:35 AM 1KB
[pecl-networking-mqseries] master: Merge pull request #3 from avaslev/master noreply 02/07/2021 12:33 AM 1KB
[pecl-networking-mqseries] master: Update mqseries_helper.c noreply 02/07/2021 12:33 AM 1KB
[pecl-networking-mqseries] master: fix handling MsgId header with 0x00 noreply 02/07/2021 12:33 AM 1KB
[pecl-system-dio] master: fix word typo in dio.c noreply 21/06/2021 12:45 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] master: CI: build and test on Windows noreply 21/06/2021 01:25 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: drop appveyor ci noreply 21/06/2021 12:49 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] force pushed branch cmb/windows-ci noreply 21/06/2021 12:48 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: v0.1 noreply 21/06/2021 12:36 AM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: specify branch noreply 20/06/2021 11:43 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: use external action! noreply 20/06/2021 11:42 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: use external action noreply 20/06/2021 11:34 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: powershell noreply 20/06/2021 11:15 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: hmm noreply 20/06/2021 11:13 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: simplify noreply 20/06/2021 11:11 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: separate steps noreply 20/06/2021 10:37 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: fox noreply 20/06/2021 10:32 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: default shell noreply 20/06/2021 10:32 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: fix noreply 20/06/2021 10:27 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: output prefix noreply 20/06/2021 10:24 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: peek noreply 20/06/2021 10:03 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: 8.0 noreply 20/06/2021 09:59 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: peek noreply 20/06/2021 09:59 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: no alias noreply 20/06/2021 09:34 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: temp files noreply 20/06/2021 09:28 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: fox noreply 20/06/2021 09:12 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: fix noreply 20/06/2021 08:59 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: debug noreply 20/06/2021 08:52 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: fix noreply 20/06/2021 08:48 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: 7.2 noreply 20/06/2021 08:39 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: detect installed toolset noreply 20/06/2021 08:34 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: gosh noreply 20/06/2021 08:26 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: split noreply 20/06/2021 08:22 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: moar noreply 20/06/2021 08:16 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: fix noreply 20/06/2021 08:11 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: check noreply 20/06/2021 08:06 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: slow noreply 20/06/2021 08:01 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: Revert "welp" noreply 20/06/2021 07:56 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: welp noreply 20/06/2021 07:55 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: debug noreply 20/06/2021 07:34 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: detect installed toolsets noreply 20/06/2021 07:23 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: PHP 8.1 noreply 20/06/2021 06:36 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: types noreply 20/06/2021 06:25 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: moar noreply 20/06/2021 06:21 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: debug noreply 20/06/2021 06:19 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: fix noreply 20/06/2021 06:16 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: proper VS and toolset noreply 20/06/2021 06:14 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: support old versions noreply 20/06/2021 06:14 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: fix noreply 20/06/2021 05:42 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: debug noreply 20/06/2021 05:38 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: fix noreply 20/06/2021 05:28 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: specify minor PHP version noreply 20/06/2021 05:26 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: more matrix noreply 20/06/2021 05:26 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: nice noreply 19/06/2021 11:03 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: neo noreply 19/06/2021 11:03 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: output param noreply 19/06/2021 10:55 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: no peek noreply 19/06/2021 10:55 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: Revert "no msvc-dev-cmd" noreply 19/06/2021 10:55 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: no msvc-dev-cmd noreply 19/06/2021 10:33 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: Revert "choco" noreply 19/06/2021 10:33 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: choco noreply 19/06/2021 10:18 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: grr noreply 19/06/2021 10:08 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: fox noreply 19/06/2021 10:07 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: fix noreply 19/06/2021 09:56 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: peek more noreply 19/06/2021 09:55 PM 1KB
[pecl-database-dbase] cmb/windows-ci: fix noreply 19/06/2021 09:53 PM 1KB