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Subject From Date Size
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Fix collapse function name: php_solr_collapse_function.c solr_functions_helpers.c omars 23/09/2015 05:26 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Fix collapse function index unexpected removal: php_solr_collapse_function.c omars 23/09/2015 05:28 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/krb5/trunk/ kadm.c kadm5_principal.c mbechler 22/09/2015 03:49 PM 1KB
com pecl/mail/mailparse: add config.w32 to the packaging: package.xml ab 21/09/2015 07:54 PM 1KB
svn: /pecl/krb5/trunk/ examples/kadm/ex7.php examples/kadm/ex8.php kadm.c krb5.c php_krb5_kadm.h mbechler 20/09/2015 11:56 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Fix collapse function name len: php_solr_collapse_function.c omars 19/09/2015 10:52 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Remove illegal operations from SolrCollapseFunction test: tests/ omars 19/09/2015 10:52 AM 1KB
tag pecl/file_system/xattr: update tag xattr-1.3.0RC1 remi 18/09/2015 11:36 PM 1KB
com pecl/file_system/xattr: fix ZTS: xattr.c remi 18/09/2015 11:35 PM 1KB
tag pecl/file_system/xattr: update tag xattr-1.3.0RC1 remi 18/09/2015 11:28 PM 1KB
com pecl/file_system/xattr: this is a beta: package.xml remi 18/09/2015 11:27 PM 1KB
com pecl/file_system/xattr: Release 1.3.0RC1: package.xml php_xattr.h remi 18/09/2015 11:25 PM 1KB
tag pecl/file_system/xattr: create tag xattr-1.3.0RC1 remi 18/09/2015 11:25 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Update package.xml: package.xml omars 17/09/2015 07:55 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Fix conflict in package.xml: package.xml omars 17/09/2015 10:59 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Update NEWS: NEWS omars 15/09/2015 08:14 PM 1KB
com pecl/event/libevent: fix #70393 lib event can process persistentstreams: libevent.c tony2001 17/09/2015 03:59 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: cleanup + missing files: package.xml remi 17/09/2015 12:43 PM 1KB
svn: /pecl/svn/trunk/ php_svn.h svn.c alan_k 16/09/2015 02:41 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Add missing output of escaped query: examples/solrutils_002_escapequerychars.php omars 10/09/2015 03:44 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Add more missing and fix existing doc comments: docs/documentation.php omars 10/09/2015 04:20 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: remove unnecessary info from php info table: php_solr.c omars 15/09/2015 09:22 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Add missing path in constructor options: examples/facet_001.php examples/facet_002.php exam... omars 10/09/2015 03:44 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: update NEWS: NEWS omars 15/09/2015 09:21 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Fixes Bug #70496 Failed to parse 500 error response when Solr it lacks msg PHPS RW: solr_fu... omars 15/09/2015 09:12 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Fixes Bug #70496 Failed to parse 500 error response when Solr it lacks msg PHPS RW: solr_fu... omars 15/09/2015 09:02 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Fix Bug #70482 SegFault on Solr Server 500 Response with no msg (xml RW): NEWS solr_functi... omars 14/09/2015 12:44 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Fix SolrClient::getById test: tests/013.solrclient_getByIds.phpt omars 13/09/2015 05:39 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/newt/trunk/ newt.c package.xml php_newt.h michael 12/09/2015 02:00 PM 1KB
svn: /pecl/expect/trunk/ LICENSE package.xml php_expect.h michael 12/09/2015 01:46 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/expect/trunk/ expect.c remi 12/09/2015 12:02 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/expect/trunk/ LICENSE package.xml remi 11/09/2015 11:32 PM 1KB
svn: /pecl/expect/trunk/ package.xml remi 11/09/2015 11:19 PM 1KB
svn: /pecl/expect/trunk/ config.m4 remi 11/09/2015 11:15 PM 1KB
svn: /pecl/expect/trunk/ php_expect.h michael 11/09/2015 08:31 PM 1KB
svn: /pecl/expect/trunk/ expect.c package.xml michael 11/09/2015 08:29 PM 1KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/branches/WinCache_PHP7/ package.xml wincache_lock.c ericsten 10/09/2015 11:55 PM 1KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/branches/WinCache_PHP5/ package.xml ericsten 10/09/2015 11:51 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Solr Version 2.2.0 version ID: php_solr_version.h omars 09/09/2015 11:47 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: SolrClient system() example rename: examples/solrclient_008_system.php examples/solrclient_... omars 09/09/2015 11:47 PM 1KB
svn: /pecl/gnupg/trunk/ gnupg.c package.xml jimjag 09/09/2015 07:28 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Real Time Get Examples: examples/solrclient_010_getbyid.php examples/solrclient_011_getbyid... omars 09/09/2015 10:12 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Version Bump: NEWS docs/documentation.php php_solr_version.h omars 09/09/2015 10:06 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: SolrDisMaxQuery Example: examples/solrdismaxquery_001.php omars 09/09/2015 08:25 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Year Bump: docs/documentation.php php_solr.c php_solr.h php_solr_api.h php_solr_bc_macros.h... omars 09/09/2015 06:52 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: SolrQuery fix prototypes: php_solr_query.c omars 09/09/2015 06:45 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Added grouping, collapsing, expanding examples: examples/solrquery_009_grouping.php example... omars 09/09/2015 08:19 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Doc Stubs, formatting enhancements: docs/documentation.php omars 08/09/2015 04:14 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: PHP Doc Stubs for grouping, collapsing, expanding: docs/documentation.php omars 08/09/2015 04:08 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Doc Stub for SolrMissingMandatoryParameterException: docs/documentation.php omars 08/09/2015 04:12 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: remove unused variables: php_solr_client.c php_solr_collapse_function.c omars 02/09/2015 07:12 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: update test.config server configured false: tests/ omars 02/09/2015 09:06 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Fix windows build: config.w32 php_solr.h omars 02/09/2015 09:07 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/svn/trunk/ svn.c alan_k 01/09/2015 04:13 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Request #68647: SolrClient::getByIds throws SolrIllegalArgumentException: php_solr_client.c... omars 31/08/2015 08:31 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Implements Request #68647: Support Solr Real Time Get handler: php_solr.c php_solr.h php_so... omars 31/08/2015 06:45 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Request #68647 Support Solr Real Time Get handler: php_solr.c php_solr.h php_solr_client.c... omars 31/08/2015 02:26 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Fix SolrCollapseFunction proto: php_solr_collapse_function.c omars 27/08/2015 07:51 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Update news entry: NEWS omars 31/08/2015 02:31 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/tags/ ericsten 28/08/2015 02:34 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/branches/WinCache_PHP5/ package.xml ericsten 28/08/2015 02:32 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/branches/WinCache_PHP5/ config.w32 package.xml template.rc ericsten 28/08/2015 02:29 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/branches/WinCache_PHP7/ package.xml ericsten 27/08/2015 07:17 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/branches/WinCache_PHP7/ package.xml ericsten 27/08/2015 07:13 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/branches/WinCache_PHP7/ package.xml ericsten 27/08/2015 07:11 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/branches/WinCache_PHP7/ config.w32 package.xml php_wincache.c php_wincache.h wincache_alloc.c wincac... ericsten 27/08/2015 03:56 AM 1KB
com web/pecl: Fix broken link to ezmlm man page: public_html/support.php tyrael 25/08/2015 10:30 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Fix duplicate DocBlock opener: docs/documentation.php omars 24/08/2015 03:09 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Add many missing annotations and correct a few: docs/documentation.php omars 11/08/2015 05:04 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Fix SolrCollapsefunction constants & wrap quotes around function parameter value: solr_func... omars 24/08/2015 08:03 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: update NEWS: NEWS omars 24/08/2015 07:23 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Bug #70333: Fix compatibility tests with Solr Server 5: tests/000.solr_server_compat.phpt t... omars 23/08/2015 08:30 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Feature #70175: SolrCollapseFunction Illegal Operations Exception test: tests/151.solrcolla... omars 23/08/2015 02:09 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Implemented Request #70176 Support Expand Component: php_solr.c php_solr.h php_solr_query.c... omars 23/08/2015 02:05 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/branches/WinCache_PHP7/ config.w32 template.rc ericsten 22/08/2015 04:32 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Request #70175 SolrCollapseFunction Disallow clone/serialization: php_solr.c php_solr.h php... omars 21/08/2015 09:04 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Request #70175 Support Field Collapsing: php_solr_query.c tests/070.solrquery_collapse.php... omars 19/08/2015 07:14 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Implement Request #70301 SolrMissingMandatoryParameterException: php_solr.c php_solr.h solr... omars 19/08/2015 07:03 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Request #70301 Fix MandatorParameter Exception class name constant name: php_solr.c solr_c... omars 19/08/2015 07:10 PM 1KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/branches/WinCache_PHP7/ php_wincache.c wincache_fcnotify.c wincache_filemap.c wincache_lock.c wincac... ericsten 19/08/2015 04:34 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Request #70175: Collapse a SolrQuery: php_solr.c php_solr.h php_solr_query.c tests/070.solr... omars 18/08/2015 06:52 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Request #70175: SolrCollapseFunction Class: php_solr_collapse_function.c omars 18/08/2015 06:46 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Request #70175: Fix SolrCollapseFunction test id: tests/150.solrcollapsefunction.phpt tests... omars 18/08/2015 06:40 PM 1KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/branches/WinCache_PHP7/ precomp.h ericsten 18/08/2015 12:38 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Request #70175 Support Field Collapsing: config.m4 php_solr.c php_solr.h solr_constants.h ... omars 17/08/2015 09:35 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Request #70175: functions global and helpers: php_solr.c php_solr.h solr_constants.h solr_f... omars 31/07/2015 07:53 PM 1KB
svn: /pecl/timezonedb/tags/ RELEASE_2015_6_1/package.xml RELEASE_2015_6_1/package2.xml RELEASE_2015_6_1/php_timezonedb.h... derick 17/08/2015 05:58 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/timezonedb/trunk/ package.xml php_timezonedb.h timezonedb.c timezonedb.h derick 17/08/2015 05:57 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/timezonedb/trunk/ package2.xml derick 17/08/2015 05:56 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/branches/WinCache_PHP7/ LICENSE php_wincache.c php_wincache.h precomp.h template.rc tests/wincache_u... ericsten 15/08/2015 05:35 AM 1KB
com web/pecl: update icon for dlls: public_html/gifs/windows-icon.png ab 13/08/2015 08:21 PM 1KB
com web/pecl: add 7.0 vc14 packages to the dll listings:include/pear-win-package.php ab 13/08/2015 05:04 PM 1KB
svn: /pecl/timezonedb/tags/ derick 13/08/2015 05:01 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/timezonedb/trunk/ package.xml timezonedb.h derick 13/08/2015 05:01 AM 2KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/branches/WinCache_PHP7/ reroute.ini wincache_detours.c wincache_detours.h wincache_ocache.c wincache... ericsten 13/08/2015 03:33 AM 3KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/branches/WinCache_PHP7/ Makefile.frag config.w32 package.xml php_wincache.c php_wincache.h precomp.h... ericsten 13/08/2015 03:30 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/branches/ ericsten 13/08/2015 03:11 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/branches/ ericsten 13/08/2015 03:08 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/branches/ ericsten 13/08/2015 03:05 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/branches/ ericsten 13/08/2015 03:01 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/branches/ ericsten 13/08/2015 02:59 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/trunk/ wincache_error.h wincache_zvcache.c ericsten 13/08/2015 02:19 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/geoip/trunk/ geoip.def ohill 12/08/2015 08:02 PM 1KB
com pecl/networking/mqseries: Remove useless comment: mqseries.c pierrick 30/07/2015 04:07 AM 1KB
com pecl/networking/mqseries: Back to 0.14.3-dev: package.xmlphp_mqseries.h pierrick 29/07/2015 03:25 AM 1KB
com pecl/networking/mqseries: Release 0.14.2: package.xmlphp_mqseries.h pierrick 29/07/2015 03:23 AM 1KB
com pecl/networking/mqseries: Fix segfault in mqseries_inq: mqseries.c pierrick 29/07/2015 03:23 AM 1KB
tag pecl/networking/mqseries: create tag mqseries-0.14.2 pierrick 29/07/2015 03:32 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Request #68793: Support Group Cache Percent: php_solr.c php_solr.h php_solr_query.c tests/0... omars 23/07/2015 09:55 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Request #68793: Fixed functions proto: php_solr_query.c omars 22/07/2015 08:11 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Request #68793: Grouping Tests: tests/069.solrquery_GroupParameters.phpt tests/069.solrquer... omars 22/07/2015 08:43 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Fixed bug 69156 test case title: tests/bug_69156.phpt omars 22/07/2015 09:14 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Request #68793: fix SolrQuery::getGroupLimit: php_solr_query.c omars 21/07/2015 09:34 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Request #68793: Changed addGroupSortField and getGroupSortFields: php_solr.c php_solr.h php... omars 21/07/2015 09:29 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Request #68793: Fix Group Function API: php_solr.c php_solr.h php_solr_query.c tests/ omars 21/07/2015 08:11 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: add new sources in official tarball: package.xml omars 20/07/2015 05:56 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Request #68793: Result Grouping Basic Progress: php_solr.c php_solr.h php_solr_query.c test... omars 20/07/2015 05:57 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Version 2.1.0 packaging: package.xml php_solr_version.h omars 20/07/2015 05:56 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: Request #68793: Fix SolrQuery::getGroupFormat: php_solr_query.c omars 21/07/2015 07:58 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: cleanup unused variable: php_solr_client.c omars 20/07/2015 05:56 AM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/solr: avoid warnign variable 'max_buffer_len' set but not used: php_solr_exception.c omars 20/07/2015 05:56 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/trunk/ precomp.h template.rc wincache_session.c wincache_zvcache.c ericsten 17/07/2015 01:41 AM 1KB
com pecl/networking/ssh2: We need to set session to blocking mode beforecalling libssh2_channel_open_session().: ssh2_fo... langemeijer 28/08/2014 06:43 PM 1KB
com pecl/networking/ssh2: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pr/5':ssh2_fopen_wrappers.c langemeijer 15/07/2015 09:39 PM 1KB
com pecl/networking/ssh2: Fix segfault when trying to authenticate inservers that do not support authentication (none): ... langemeijer 16/09/2014 08:12 AM 1KB
com pecl/networking/ssh2: Merge pull request #6: ssh2.c langemeijer 15/07/2015 03:33 PM 1KB
com pecl/networking/ssh2: Merge pull request #3: ssh2.c langemeijer 15/07/2015 03:28 PM 1KB
com pecl/networking/ssh2: Add reflection API support.: ssh2.c langemeijer 10/12/2013 04:47 PM 1KB
com pecl/networking/ssh2: Align PHP license version to LICENSE file:php_ssh2.h ssh2.c ssh2_fopen_wrappers.c ssh2_sftp.c langemeijer 28/04/2014 01:57 AM 1KB
com pecl/networking/ssh2: Align PHP license version to LICENSE file:php_ssh2.h ssh2.c ssh2_fopen_wrappers.c ssh2_sftp.c langemeijer 15/07/2015 05:11 AM 1KB
com pecl/networking/ares: Repo moved to EXPERIMENTAL LICENSE README config.m4 p... mike 14/07/2015 06:48 PM 1KB
com pecl/http/json_post: Repo moved to CREDITS LICENSE README config.m4... mike 14/07/2015 06:48 PM 1KB
com pecl/http/apfd: Repo moved to CREDITSLICENSE README config.m4 config.w32... mike 14/07/2015 06:47 PM 1KB
com pecl/php/raphf: Repo moved to READMEannotated.html annotated.js bc_s.png bdwn.png... mike 14/07/2015 06:47 PM 1KB
com pecl/php/raphf: Repo moved to Doxyfile LICENSE README TODO config.m4 confi... mike 14/07/2015 06:47 PM 1KB
com pecl/php/raphf: Repo moved to Doxyfile LICENSE README TODO config.m4 confi... mike 14/07/2015 06:47 PM 1KB
com pecl/php/propro: Repo moved to Doxyfile LICENSE README config.m4 config.w... mike 14/07/2015 06:46 PM 1KB
com pecl/php/propro: Repo moved to annotated.html annotated.js bc_s.png bdwn.p... mike 14/07/2015 06:46 PM 1KB
com pecl/php/propro: Repo moved to Doxyfile LICENSE README config.m4 config.w... mike 14/07/2015 06:46 PM 1KB
com pecl/http/pecl_http: Repo moved to CREDITS Exceptions.txt KnownIssues.txt LICENSE ... mike 14/07/2015 05:29 PM 1KB
com pecl/http/pecl_http: Repo moved to CREDITS Exceptions.txt KnownIssues.txt LICENSE ... mike 14/07/2015 05:29 PM 1KB
com pecl/http/pecl_http: Repo moved to CREDITS Exceptions.txt KnownIssues.txt LICENSE ... mike 14/07/2015 05:29 PM 1KB
com pecl/http/pecl_http: Repo moved to CREDITS Exceptions.txt KnownIssues.txt LICENSE ... mike 14/07/2015 05:29 PM 1KB
com pecl/http/pecl_http: Repo moved to CREDITS Exceptions.txt KnownIssues.txt LICENSE ... mike 14/07/2015 05:29 PM 1KB
com pecl/http/pecl_http: Repo moved to CREDITS Exceptions.txt KnownIssues.txt LICENSE ... mike 14/07/2015 05:29 PM 1KB
com pecl/http/pecl_http: Repo moved to CREDITS Exceptions.txt KnownIssues.txt LICENSE ... mike 14/07/2015 05:29 PM 1KB
com pecl/http/pecl_http: Repo moved to CREDITS Exceptions.txt KnownIssues.txt LICENSE ... mike 14/07/2015 05:29 PM 1KB
com pecl/http/pecl_http: Repo moved to CREDITS Exceptions.txt KnownIssues.txt LICENSE ... mike 14/07/2015 05:29 PM 1KB
com pecl/http/pecl_http: Repo moved to CREDITS KnownIssues.txt LICENSE Makefile.frag R... mike 14/07/2015 05:29 PM 1KB
com pecl/http/pecl_http: Repo moved to CREDITS KnownIssues.txt LICENSE Makefile.frag R... mike 14/07/2015 05:29 PM 1KB
com pecl/http/pecl_http: Repo moved to CREDITS KnownIssues.txt LICENSE README ThanksTo... mike 14/07/2015 05:29 PM 1KB
com pecl/http/pecl_http: Repo moved to CREDITS KnownIssues.txt LICENSE Makefile.frag R... mike 14/07/2015 05:29 PM 1KB
com pecl/http/pecl_http: Repo moved to CREDITS KnownIssues.txt LICENSE Makefile.frag R... mike 14/07/2015 05:29 PM 1KB
com pecl/database/pq: Repo moved to CREDITSEXPERIMENTAL LICENSE README TODO co... mike 14/07/2015 05:27 PM 1KB
svn: /pecl/xmldiff/trunk/ config.w32 ab 03/07/2015 11:05 PM 1KB
com pecl/database/mysql: Use new ZSTR_* macros: php_mysql.c laruence 03/07/2015 07:32 PM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/yaml: emit.c cleanup, mostly improperly called functions and double frees: emit.c parse.c yaml.c bd808 01/07/2015 10:11 AM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/yaml: Fix all compile time errors in parse.c, since we can not do heap allocations anymore update ... bd808 01/07/2015 10:11 AM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/yaml: smart_str -> smart_string and fix compile errors in msgpack.c: emit.c parse.c php_yaml.h yam... bd808 01/07/2015 10:11 AM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/yaml: Finish porting emit.c, fixing all compile time errors: emit.c bd808 01/07/2015 10:11 AM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/yaml: parse.c cleanup, was improperly returning some pointers to stack allocated variables when no... bd808 01/07/2015 10:11 AM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/yaml: Update handle_alias to properly handle invalid alias pointers: parse.c bd808 01/07/2015 10:12 AM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/yaml: aliases member in parser_state_t zval* -> zval: parse.c php_yaml_int.h yaml.c bd808 01/07/2015 10:11 AM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/yaml: Accidental variable shadowing of retval in eval_scalar_with_callbacks was causing it to not ... bd808 01/07/2015 10:12 AM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/yaml: Update yaml_emit_file to use zend_string instead char+len in zend_parse_parameters: emit.c y... bd808 01/07/2015 10:11 AM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/yaml: Fix yaml_emit_007, last test! We can now emit refs, test suite completely passes non-zts: em... bd808 01/07/2015 10:12 AM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/yaml: Fix all compiler warnings: emit.c parse.c yaml.c bd808 01/07/2015 10:12 AM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/yaml: All tests pass but yaml_emit_007, currently emitting references is still broken: parse.c tes... bd808 01/07/2015 10:12 AM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/yaml: off-by-one in y_write_object_callback, during zend_string_init was calling sizeof without '-... bd808 01/07/2015 10:12 AM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/yaml: Update .travis.yaml to test against nightly: .travis.yml bd808 01/07/2015 10:12 AM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/yaml: Minor developer tool cleanups: .gitignore dev-tools/ bd808 29/06/2015 10:29 PM 1KB
svn: /pecl/rrd/trunk/ package.xml koubel 28/06/2015 12:54 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/rrd/trunk/ CREDITS LICENSE koubel 28/06/2015 12:49 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/rrd/trunk/ package.xml koubel 28/06/2015 12:42 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/rrd/trunk/ package.xml php_rrd.h koubel 28/06/2015 12:40 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/rrd/trunk/ rrd_update.c koubel 28/06/2015 12:06 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/rrd/trunk/ rrd_create.c koubel 28/06/2015 12:05 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/timezonedb/trunk/ package.xml timezonedb.h derick 25/06/2015 02:42 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/rrd/trunk/ rrd.c rrd_create.c rrd_graph.c rrd_info.c rrd_update.c remi 17/06/2015 08:28 PM 1KB
svn: /pecl/rrd/trunk/ rrd.c rrd_create.c rrd_graph.c rrd_update.c remi 17/06/2015 06:01 PM 1KB
svn: /pecl/rrd/trunk/ rrd_create.c rrd_graph.c rrd_info.c rrd_update.c remi 17/06/2015 12:20 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/rrd/trunk/tests/ rrd_008.phpt rrd_010.phpt rrd_013.phpt remi 17/06/2015 12:14 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/rrd/trunk/ package.xml php_rrd.h koubel 16/06/2015 11:50 PM 1KB
svn: /pecl/timezonedb/trunk/ php_timezonedb.h derick 15/06/2015 05:44 PM 1KB
svn: /pecl/timezonedb/tags/RELEASE_2015_5/ derick 15/06/2015 05:42 PM 1KB
svn: /pecl/timezonedb/trunk/ package.xml timezonedb.h derick 15/06/2015 05:41 PM 1KB
svn: /pecl/timezonedb/tags/ derick 15/06/2015 05:29 PM 1KB
svn: /pecl/timezonedb/trunk/ package.xml timezonedb.h derick 15/06/2015 05:28 PM 1KB
svn: /pecl/timezonedb/tags/ derick 15/06/2015 05:17 PM 1KB
svn: /pecl/timezonedb/trunk/ package.xml php_timezonedb.h timezonedb.h derick 15/06/2015 05:17 PM 1KB
svn: /pecl/rrd/trunk/ package.xml php_rrd.h rrd.c rrd_create.c rrd_create.h rrd_graph.c rrd_graph.h rrd_info.c rrd_info.... koubel 14/06/2015 05:06 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/rrd/branches/ koubel 07/06/2015 01:25 AM 1KB
com pecl/tools/stomp: Fixing stomp_writable() check so we can catch when connect failed.: stomp.c gena01 06/06/2015 02:41 AM 1KB
com pecl/database/ibm_db2: PASE binaries are AIX binaries at compile: tests/ rahulpriyadarshi 06/06/2015 01:34 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/trunk/ wincache_aplist.c wincache_fcache.c wincache_ocache.c ericsten 02/06/2015 06:03 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/trunk/ precomp.h wincache_dummy_etw.h ericsten 30/05/2015 04:14 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/trunk/ MSG00001.bin php_wincache.c wincache_etw.h wincache_etwTEMP.BIN ericsten 30/05/2015 12:59 AM 1KB
com pecl/database/pq: fix test if builtin json converter is not available:tests/conv001.phpt mike 29/05/2015 05:17 PM 1KB
com pecl/database/pq: Make declare string template match generated string:src/php_pqcur.c mike 15/12/2014 11:12 PM 1KB
com pecl/database/pq: Add Cursor::closeAsync(): src/php_pqcur.c mike 15/12/2014 11:12 PM 1KB
com pecl/database/pq: Add Cursor::openAsync(): src/php_pqcur.c mike 15/12/2014 11:12 PM 1KB
com pecl/database/pq: Add Cursor::$flags property: src/php_pqconn.c src/php_pqcur.c src/php_pqcur.h mike 15/12/2014 11:12 PM 1KB
com pecl/database/pq: prepare 0.6.0RC1: package.xml mike 29/05/2015 03:56 PM 1KB
com pecl/database/pq: bump cursor prophandler count: TODOsrc/php_pqcur.c mike 29/05/2015 03:50 PM 1KB
com pecl/database/pq: Merge branch 'feature/cursor-async' of src/php_pqco... mike 29/05/2015 03:44 PM 1KB
com pecl/database/pq: Add Cursor::$query property: src/php_pqconn.c src/php_pqcur.c src/php_pqcur.h mike 15/12/2014 11:12 PM 1KB
com pecl/database/pq: fix build: src/php_pqcur.c mike 29/05/2015 03:47 PM 1KB
com pecl/php/raphf: STATUS -> ZEND_RESULT_CODE: php_raphf.c mike 28/05/2015 03:46 PM 1KB
com pecl/php/propro: STATUS -> ZEND_RESULT_CODE: php_propro.c mike 28/05/2015 03:46 PM 1KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/trunk/tests/ wincache_reroute.phpt ericsten 28/05/2015 04:24 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/trunk/ MSG00001.bin config.w32 php_wincache.c wincache_etw.c wincache_etw.h wincach... ericsten 28/05/2015 03:59 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/trunk/ MSG00001.bin Makefile.frag README.TXT wincache_etw.c wincache_etw.h wincache... ericsten 27/05/2015 06:57 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/trunk/ config.w32 php_wincache.c precomp.h template.rc wincache_alloc.c wincache_aplist.c wincache_e... ericsten 27/05/2015 06:55 AM 1KB
tag pecl/security/selinux: create tag selinux-0.4.1 remi 25/05/2015 11:44 PM 1KB
tag pecl/database/ibm_db2: create tag RELEASE_1_9_7 rahulpriyadarshi 25/05/2015 02:50 AM 1KB
com pecl/database/ibm_db2: Adding LICENSE: package.xml rahulpriyadarshi 25/05/2015 02:43 AM 1KB
com pecl/database/ibm_db2: ibm_db2-1.9.7 release: LICENSE ibm_db2.c package.xml php_ibm_db2.h tests/ tests... rahulpriyadarshi 25/05/2015 01:17 AM 1KB
com pecl/security/selinux: Release 0.4.1: .gitignore package.xmlphp_selinux.h remi 24/05/2015 01:35 PM 1KB
svn: /pecl/ tyrael 24/05/2015 05:19 AM 1KB
com pecl/database/pq: Fixed array parser compatibility with arrays ofboxes: TODO package.xml php_pq_type.awk php_pq_type... mike 22/05/2015 06:31 PM 1KB
com pecl/http/pecl_http: fix warning, and place bet on the safe side: php_http_message_parser.c mike 22/05/2015 03:29 PM 1KB
com pecl/http/pecl_http: fix warning: php_http_url.c mike 22/05/2015 03:27 PM 1KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/trunk/ precomp.h template.rc ericsten 22/05/2015 01:27 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/trunk/ wincache_alloc.c wincache_lock.c ericsten 22/05/2015 01:25 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/wincache/trunk/ php_wincache.c wincache_aplist.c wincache_aplist.h ericsten 22/05/2015 01:10 AM 1KB
tag pecl/search_engine/sphinx: create tag RELEASE_1_3_3 tony2001 21/05/2015 11:33 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/sphinx: adjust extension version: php_sphinx.h tony2001 21/05/2015 11:32 PM 1KB
tag pecl/search_engine/sphinx: delete tag RELEASE_1_3_3 tony2001 21/05/2015 11:33 PM 1KB
com pecl/database/pq: that never landed in an official release: package.xmlphp_pq.h src/php_pq_misc.c mike 21/05/2015 09:18 PM 1KB
com pecl/database/pq: STATUS => ZEND_RESULT_CODE: src/php_pq_misc.c src/php_pq_misc.h src/php_pqcancel.c src/php_pqconn.... mike 21/05/2015 09:18 PM 1KB
tag pecl/http/pecl_http: create tag RELEASE_2_5_0_RC1 mike 21/05/2015 08:46 PM 1KB
com pecl/http/pecl_http: prepare 2.5.0RC1: .gitignore php_http.h mike 21/05/2015 08:36 PM 1KB
tag pecl/search_engine/sphinx: create tag RELEASE_1_3_3 tony2001 21/05/2015 08:08 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/sphinx: prepare to release 1.3.3: package.xml tony2001 21/05/2015 08:07 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/sphinx: nuke unused variable: sphinx.c tony2001 21/05/2015 07:41 PM 1KB
com pecl/search_engine/sphinx: fix bug #69675 (crash when accessing properties of subclass): sphinx.c tony2001 21/05/2015 07:32 PM 1KB
com pecl/http/pecl_http: administrativa: check_package-xml.php package.xml mike 21/05/2015 06:30 PM 1KB
com pecl/http/pecl_http: fix http\Params::__toString() with RFC5988 payload; fix tests: php_http_params.c tests/bug69313... mike 21/05/2015 06:30 PM 1KB
com pecl/http/pecl_http: rm tests not existing anymore: package.xml mike 20/05/2015 03:00 PM 1KB
com pecl/tools/stomp: 1.0.8 => 1.0.9-dev: package.xml php_stomp.h gena01 19/05/2015 06:19 AM 1KB
tag pecl/tools/stomp: create tag release_1_0_8 gena01 19/05/2015 06:17 AM 1KB
com pecl/tools/stomp: Releasing v1.0.8: package.xmlphp_stomp.h gena01 19/05/2015 06:17 AM 1KB
com pecl/tools/stomp: Fixing PHP_STOMP_VERSION constant, per Remi's request.: php_stomp.h gena01 19/05/2015 06:08 AM 1KB
tag pecl/file_formats/yaml: create tag 1.2.0 bd808 18/05/2015 11:09 PM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/yaml: Merge branch 'pull-request/13' and make 1.2.0 release: package.xml php_yaml.h bd808 18/05/2015 11:01 PM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/yaml: Bump version for post-1.2.0 development: package.xml php_yaml.h bd808 18/05/2015 11:09 PM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/yaml: Avoid double free when unserializing fails: parse.c tests/bug_69616.phpt bd808 18/05/2015 12:07 PM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/yaml: Allow unserialize for !php/object to be disabled: README parse.c php_yaml.h yaml.c bd808 18/05/2015 02:08 PM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/yaml: Merge branch 'pull-request/12': package.xml bd808 18/05/2015 12:02 PM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/yaml: Include debugging information in test builds: dev-tools/ bd808 18/05/2015 10:19 AM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/yaml: Whitespace and format cleanup: detect.c parse.c bd808 18/05/2015 10:15 AM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/yaml: Resolve quoted and non-specific scalars as strings: parse.c php_yaml_int.h tests/bug_69465.p... bd808 18/05/2015 10:03 AM 1KB
com pecl/tools/stomp: fix perm on source files: php_stomp.c stomp.h remi 16/05/2015 01:18 PM 1KB
com pecl/tools/stomp: 1.0.7 => 1.0.8-dev: package.xml php_stomp.h gena01 16/05/2015 05:21 AM 1KB
tag pecl/tools/stomp: create tag release_1_0_7 gena01 16/05/2015 05:13 AM 1KB
com pecl/tools/stomp: Releasing v1.0.7: package.xml gena01 16/05/2015 05:12 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/xmldiff/trunk/ config.w32 ab 11/05/2015 02:59 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/xmldiff/trunk/ config.w32 ab 11/05/2015 02:52 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/xmldiff/trunk/ config.w32 ab 11/05/2015 02:47 AM 1KB
com pecl/networking/uuid: Release 1.0.4: package.xmlphp_uuid.h remi 08/05/2015 10:53 PM 1KB
tag pecl/networking/uuid: create tag uuid-1.0.4 remi 08/05/2015 10:54 PM 1KB
com pecl/http/pecl_http: only consider 2xx cacheable: php_http_env_response.c mike 08/05/2015 04:18 AM 1KB
com pecl/http/pecl_http: rfc5988 fixes: php_http_params.c mike 08/05/2015 04:10 AM 1KB
tag pecl/tools/stomp: create tag release_1_0_6 gena01 07/05/2015 12:16 AM 1KB
com pecl/tools/stomp: Fix error checking after stomp_send().: php_stomp.c gena01 05/05/2015 10:17 PM 1KB
com pecl/tools/stomp: Adding #ifdef HAVE_NETINET_IN_H around the new TCP_NODELAY code to fix compilation on Windows and ... gena01 26/02/2015 12:58 AM 1KB
com pecl/database/pq: fix reflection arginfo: src/php_pqconn.c mike 06/05/2015 06:28 PM 1KB
com web/pecl: Create upload tmp dir if it isn't there And remove some PHP4'isms: public_html/release-upload.php rasmus 06/05/2015 12:24 AM 1KB
com pecl/http/pecl_http: Fix missing IS_BOOL: php_http_client_curl.c mike 27/04/2015 02:26 AM 1KB
com pecl/http/pecl_http: basic support for RFC5988 (Web Linking): php_http_params.c php_http_params.h mike 28/04/2015 03:20 AM 1KB
com pecl/http/pecl_http: add PHP_HTTP_URL_SANITIZE_PATH to default flags of Url::mod(): php_http_url.c mike 28/04/2015 03:20 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/timezonedb/trunk/ package.xml derick 27/04/2015 02:16 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/timezonedb/tags/ derick 27/04/2015 02:15 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/timezonedb/trunk/ package.xml timezonedb.h derick 27/04/2015 02:15 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/timezonedb/trunk/ package2.xml derick 25/04/2015 05:56 AM 1KB
tag pecl/http/apfd: create tag v1.0.1 mike 25/04/2015 04:24 AM 1KB
tag pecl/http/apfd: create tag v1.0.0 mike 25/04/2015 04:24 AM 1KB
com pecl/http/apfd: fixed bug with mixed case boundaries: package.xmlphp_apfd.c php_apfd.h tests/003.phpt mike 25/04/2015 03:54 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/timezonedb/trunk/ package2.xml derick 25/04/2015 12:22 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/timezonedb/trunk/ package.xml package2.xml php_timezonedb.h timezonedb.h derick 25/04/2015 12:06 AM 1KB
svn: /pecl/gmagick/trunk/ gmagick.c gmagick_methods.c package.xml php_gmagick.h tests/gmagick-103-setgetimagecompression... vito 24/04/2015 06:45 PM 1KB
com pecl/http/apfd: update test to include a form field: tests/002.phpt mike 24/04/2015 02:48 PM 1KB
com pecl/http/pecl_http: fix skip: tests/bug69313.phpt remi 24/04/2015 02:42 PM 1KB
com pecl/php/uploadprogress: PHP7 compatibility: uploadprogress.c ramsey 20/04/2015 12:49 AM 1KB
com pecl/php/uploadprogress: int id_lg should be size_t id_lg: uploadprogress.c ramsey 21/04/2015 04:20 AM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/lzf: fix debug build with php7: filter.c ab 21/04/2015 02:51 AM 1KB
tag pecl/file_formats/lzf: create tag LZF-1.6.3 remi 20/04/2015 08:04 PM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/lzf: add arginfo for reflection: REFLECTION lzf.c package.xml remi 20/04/2015 07:51 PM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/lzf: add note, thanks Anatol: package.xml remi 20/04/2015 05:33 PM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/lzf: bump license version + add LICENSE file: LICENSE filter.c lzf.c package.xml php_lzf.h remi 20/04/2015 05:31 PM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/lzf: add --with-liblzf option to use system liblzf: config.m4 package.xml remi 20/04/2015 05:31 PM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/lzf: report about bundled/system liblzf in phpinfo(): lzf.c remi 20/04/2015 05:31 PM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/lzf: fix include path for the bundled liblzf in config.w32: config.w32 ab 20/04/2015 05:13 PM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/lzf: fix link with the lib objects: config.w32 ab 20/04/2015 05:16 PM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/lzf: dump version to 1.6.3: php_lzf.h remi 20/04/2015 04:57 PM 1KB
com pecl/file_formats/lzf: move libzlf sources to /lib direcoty + add its LICENSE: .gitignore config.m4 config.w32 lib/L... remi 20/04/2015 04:37 PM 1KB
com pecl/file_system/xattr: add test for set function with create/replace options: package.xml tests/ remi 20/04/2015 02:07 PM 1KB
com pecl/file_system/xattr: add a test for XATTR_DONTFOLLOW: package.xml tests/003-set-get-link.phpt remi 20/04/2015 01:58 PM 1KB
com pecl/file_system/xattr: renum options: xattr.c remi 20/04/2015 01:57 PM 1KB
com pecl/file_system/xattr: check option consistency (single namespace expected): php_xattr.h xattr.c remi 20/04/2015 02:32 AM 1KB