Page: (300) [Reload] [Post] [OE] [Favorites] [Ranking] [Next]
Subject From Date Size
[pear/PHP_Archive] 6df402: prep for v0.13.0 noreply 20/11/2019 05:18 AM 1KB
[pear/pear-core] noreply 20/11/2019 03:09 AM 1KB
[pear/pear-core] fda046: prep for v1.10.10 noreply 20/11/2019 02:59 AM 1KB
[pear/Cache_Lite] 9b8244: fix get_magic_quotes_runtime is deprecated noreply 20/11/2019 02:21 AM 1KB
[pear/pear-core] 6fec49: Updated logic in useLocalCache to reusegetCacheId noreply 20/11/2019 02:18 AM 1KB
[pear/pear-core] 0fa157: Fix documentation: the `--force` is required noreply 20/11/2019 02:14 AM 1KB
[pear/Crypt_GPG] 7c374c: Support default gpg binary location on NixOS(#33) noreply 19/11/2019 08:44 PM 1KB
[pear/Crypt_GPG] 1c7f72: Update Travis config noreply 19/11/2019 08:41 PM 1KB
[pear/Crypt_GPG] 628676: Documentation cleanup noreply 19/11/2019 08:40 PM 1KB
[pear/Crypt_GPG] d0c406: Compatibility with phpunit >= 6.0 (#32) noreply 19/11/2019 07:04 PM 1KB
[pear/Net_SMTP] bfcbcc: Implement XOAUTH2 authentication method noreply 15/11/2019 12:32 AM 1KB
[pear/File_MARC] noreply 14/11/2019 01:36 AM 1KB
[pear/File_MARC] a4997f: Reintroduce include_path . to composer.json noreply 14/11/2019 01:36 AM 1KB
[pear/File_MARC] 2d8c95: Fix composer include-path noreply 14/11/2019 01:31 AM 1KB
[pear/File_MARC] noreply 13/11/2019 02:38 AM 1KB
[pear/File_MARC] noreply 13/11/2019 02:38 AM 1KB
[pear/File_MARC] 830917: Lowercase package names to support Composer2.0 noreply 13/11/2019 02:32 AM 1KB
[pear/Net_SMTP] 3c5d50: Update the set of PHP versions noreply 09/11/2019 12:00 PM 1KB
[pear/Net_SMTP] noreply 09/11/2019 12:00 PM 1KB
[pear/Net_SMTP] 43c153: Only build the 'master' branch noreply 09/11/2019 11:57 AM 1KB
[pear/Net_SMTP] 3c5d50: Update the set of PHP versions noreply 09/11/2019 11:55 AM 1KB
[pear/HTTP_Request2] 77c8d1: Support downloading files larger than 4GiB. noreply 31/10/2019 06:42 AM 1KB
[pear/Archive_Tar] e6c4a8: Add builds against 7.4 / master noreply 20/10/2019 11:13 PM 1KB
[pear/Archive_Tar] f4e737: Use absolute path noreply 21/10/2019 03:46 PM 1KB
[pear/Archive_Tar] 3d9071: Add test for invalid checksum noreply 21/10/2019 03:44 PM 1KB
[pear/Archive_Tar] noreply 21/10/2019 09:32 PM 1KB
[pear/Archive_Tar] 442bdf: Update package.xml for next release noreply 21/10/2019 09:31 PM 1KB
[pear/Numbers_Words] 6a078d: * Agrego metodo toAccountable pararepresentar el ... noreply 21/10/2019 09:07 AM 1KB
[pear/Archive_Tar] cbd681: Fix PHP 7.4 deprecation octdec() noreply 21/10/2019 08:27 PM 1KB
[pear2/Net_RouterOS] a03e1c: ResponseCollection::toArray() now alsochecks whet... noreply 20/10/2019 04:11 AM 1KB
[pear/Mail_Mime] 3971ab: Create .gitattributes noreply 18/10/2019 01:34 PM 1KB
[pear/DB] 95097f: Fixes an issue with oci8 driver, which causesgetO... noreply 18/10/2019 01:26 PM 1KB
[pear/HTML_AJAX] 088985: re-Fix for Bug #10973: package.xml noreply 18/10/2019 01:25 PM 1KB
[pear/Image_GraphViz] 54ce02: Remove System dependency noreply 18/10/2019 01:23 PM 1KB
[pear/pear-core] d87bed: Fix PHP 7.4 deprecation: array/string curlybraces... noreply 18/10/2019 01:09 PM 1KB
[pear/pear-core] 4547ec: Honor PHP temp directory config noreply 18/10/2019 01:05 PM 1KB
[pear/pear-core] d55d7d: Fix use of null/false as array noreply 18/10/2019 12:47 PM 1KB
[pear/Text_Wiki] a045e6: Drop older PHP versions in CI noreply 18/10/2019 12:43 PM 1KB
[pear/Text_Wiki] cd96a5: Fix error introduced by isset()-check addedin b70... noreply 18/10/2019 12:42 PM 1KB
[pear/PEAR_Frontend_Web] 9fcd3f: Update Web.php noreply 18/10/2019 12:39 PM 1KB
[pear/Net_IDNA2] 0f3e3d: Fix PHP 7.4 deprecation: array/string curlybraces... noreply 18/10/2019 12:25 PM 1KB
[pear/File_Ogg] 761be3: Update .travis.yml noreply 18/10/2019 12:19 PM 1KB
[pear/Net_DNS] 05cee7: Fix Checksum. noreply 18/10/2019 12:16 PM 1KB
[pear/Numbers_Roman] 191869: Small syntax improvements noreply 18/10/2019 12:13 PM 1KB
[pear/pear-core] 256269: Fix Travis builds on PHP 5.4 and 5.5 noreply 18/10/2019 12:11 PM 1KB
[pear/File_MARC] 376d87: The current version of PHPUnit doesn'tsupport PHP... noreply 18/10/2019 12:06 PM 1KB
[pear/File_MARC] fbb10c: PHP 5.5 unsupported by travis noreply 18/10/2019 11:59 AM 1KB
[pear/File_MARC] a6fccd: PHP 5.5 is EOL/unsupported by travis noreply 18/10/2019 11:59 AM 1KB
[pear/File_MARC] d8fc57: Fix autoloading issue noreply 18/10/2019 11:57 AM 1KB
[pear/File_MARC] 1a8339: Support initialization from SimpleXMLELementobject noreply 18/10/2019 11:53 AM 1KB
[pear/File_MARC] a1f132: Warn about out-of-range skip indicators. noreply 18/10/2019 11:53 AM 1KB
[pear/File_MARC] 280030: Update CodeData to version 1.37. noreply 18/10/2019 11:52 AM 1KB
[pear/Numbers_Words] ff72eb: Remove version of PR 29 noreply 17/10/2019 11:08 PM 1KB
[pear/Numbers_Words] 9b8772: Add toCurrencyWords to Locale_fr noreply 17/10/2019 08:22 PM 1KB
[pear/Mail_Mime] noreply 13/10/2019 05:12 PM 1KB
[pear/Mail_Mime] d27c01: Add test for encodeToFile() method noreply 13/10/2019 05:02 PM 1KB
[pear/Mail_Mime] b632bb: Fix Bug #16: E_STRICT warnings introduced inthe l... noreply 13/10/2019 02:08 PM 1KB
[pear/Validate_FR] 391020: travis run validation on php 7 noreply 08/10/2019 01:24 AM 1KB
[pear/Numbers_Words] d184c8: fix typo in cs tranlation noreply 08/10/2019 01:22 AM 1KB
[pear/pear-core] 0b379b: Non-interactive <configureoption /> answers noreply 03/10/2019 05:21 AM 1KB
[pear/Mail_Mime] 2e9427: Force default charset in a test noreply 25/09/2019 04:33 PM 1KB
[pear/Net_Sieve] 8d1f42: Travis: Fix testing PHP 5.3 noreply 25/09/2019 03:14 PM 1KB
[pear/Mail_Mime] cec195: Make tests compatible with PHP 5.3 noreply 25/09/2019 03:12 PM 1KB
[pear/Mail_Mime] 018253: Travis: Check if we can get tests on PHP 5.3 noreply 25/09/2019 03:08 PM 1KB
[pear/Net_Sieve] cce812: Fix trevis config noreply 25/09/2019 03:04 PM 1KB
[pear/Mail_Mime] 13bddb: Update travis config noreply 25/09/2019 02:12 PM 1KB
[pear/Mail_Mime] noreply 25/09/2019 02:03 PM 1KB
[pear/Mail_Mime] ff6ccf: Prepare 1.10.3 release noreply 25/09/2019 02:01 PM 1KB
[pear/PHP_Archive] 9a3875: Fix compatibility with PHP 7.4 noreply 19/09/2019 02:08 AM 1KB
[pear2/Net_RouterOS] 2afb3b: Can't login to pre 6.45 RouterOS noreply 01/09/2019 05:35 PM 1KB
[pear/Net_Sieve] ff2aac: Fix CS errors noreply 29/08/2019 05:39 PM 1KB
[pear/Console_Getopt] f37ba4: Fix PHP 7.4 deprecation: array/stringcurly braces... noreply 27/08/2019 09:06 PM 1KB
[pear/Net_Ping] 7bef58: Fix file docblock in Net/Ping.php; alignlicense w... noreply 26/08/2019 12:19 AM 1KB
[pear/Mail_Mime] 597a64: Fix deprecation warning forget_magic_quotes_runti... noreply 18/08/2019 02:17 AM 1KB
[pear/pear-core] c989dc: Fix PHP Notice: Trying to access arrayoffset on ... noreply 07/08/2019 04:51 AM 1KB
[pear/pear-core] 5ec93a: handle "lib64" case for glibc detection noreply 07/08/2019 04:49 AM 1KB
[pear/pear-core] b47c0f: Implement the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCHspecification noreply 07/08/2019 04:43 AM 1KB
[pear/pear-core] 3dfba6: Fix manpage warning noreply 02/08/2019 03:35 PM 1KB
[pear/pear-core] 114d59: Fix scripts/* include paths noreply 13/07/2019 05:41 AM 1KB
[pear/pear-core] c531eb: Added missing preg quote noreply 12/07/2019 06:02 AM 1KB
[pear2/Net_RouterOS] 85e6f7: Fixed unit tests to match latestchanges; noreply 08/07/2019 05:09 AM 1KB
[pear2/Net_RouterOS] b7dc06: Fixed example files namespace referenceand few mi... noreply 06/07/2019 08:14 PM 1KB
[pear2/Net_RouterOS] 00a003: Fixed example files namespacedeclarations. noreply 06/07/2019 08:01 PM 1KB
[pear2/Net_RouterOS] 5be444: Some CS fixes and static code analysisfixes from ... noreply 06/07/2019 07:54 PM 1KB
[pear2/Net_RouterOS] 10cc48: Some CS fixes and static code analysisfixes from ... noreply 06/07/2019 07:31 PM 1KB
[pear2/Net_RouterOS] ba0854: Updated wiki reference. noreply 06/07/2019 05:51 PM 1KB
[pear2/Net_RouterOS] a342af: Create noreply 03/07/2019 01:31 AM 1KB
[pear2/Net_RouterOS] 2b3da3: Made PHPUnit cross compatible betweenPHPUnit vers... noreply 03/07/2019 12:55 AM 1KB
[pear2/Net_RouterOS] f3f5ba: Made PHPUnit cross compatible betweenPHPUnit vers... noreply 03/07/2019 12:54 AM 1KB
[pear2/Net_RouterOS] 658bc4: Made PHPUnit cross compatible betweenPHPUnit vers... noreply 03/07/2019 12:49 AM 1KB
[pear/Validate_FR] 391020: travis run validation on php 7 noreply 19/05/2019 02:51 PM 1KB
[pear/Validate_BE] noreply 19/05/2019 05:02 AM 1KB
[pear/Validate_BE] 105e6f: travis build 7.1 7.2 7.3 noreply 19/05/2019 05:01 AM 1KB
[pear/Validate_BE] 16dacf: deprecated noreply 19/05/2019 04:55 AM 1KB
[pear/Validate_BE] 9e65a6: pas de 6 ni hhvm noreply 19/05/2019 04:49 AM 1KB
[pear/Validate_BE] 62e105: 6... and 7.3 noreply 19/05/2019 04:35 AM 1KB
[pear/Validate_BE] 105e6f: travis build 7.1 7.2 7.3 noreply 19/05/2019 04:25 AM 1KB
[pear/HTML_QuickForm2] noreply 13/04/2019 05:39 PM 1KB
[pear/HTTP_Request2] ef19d7: Only require_once package classes ifinstalled wit... noreply 12/04/2019 05:01 PM 1KB
[pear/HTTP_Request2] 23ead1: Different config for Apache 2.4 noreply 12/04/2019 03:29 AM 1KB
[pear/HTTP_Request2] c8a3e1: Skip test if OpenSSL isn'tavailable noreply 11/04/2019 05:12 AM 1KB
[pear/HTTP_Request2] 608765: Get rid of deprecated getMock() noreply 11/04/2019 04:45 AM 1KB
[pear/HTTP_Request2] 2e8b15: Minor cleanup, add phpunit torequire-dev noreply 11/04/2019 04:36 AM 1KB
[pear/XML_Parser] noreply 11/04/2019 02:23 AM 1KB
[pear/XML_Parser] 61ae89: Don't use is_resource() for xml_parserresources noreply 11/04/2019 02:00 AM 1KB
[pear/HTML_QuickForm2] f4a285: Prepare release 2.1.0 and add Githubchangelog noreply 10/04/2019 08:49 PM 1KB
[pear/HTML_QuickForm2] c339bb: Fix license links here as well noreply 10/04/2019 07:47 PM 1KB
[pear/HTML_QuickForm2] cdcc42: Do not repeat BSD license in each .phpfile, move ... noreply 10/04/2019 05:01 PM 1KB
[pear2/Net_RouterOS] 79b140: Update RELEASE-1.0.0b7 noreply 10/04/2019 12:13 AM 1KB
[pear/Archive_Tar] 7e48ad: Bump package spec noreply 08/04/2019 09:16 PM 1KB
[pear/HTML_QuickForm2] bb8c63: Change the current directory insteadof include_path noreply 08/04/2019 01:22 AM 1KB
[pear/HTML_QuickForm2] f9c24d: One more attempt to set include_path noreply 08/04/2019 12:52 AM 1KB
[pear/HTML_QuickForm2] 2f4397: include_path looks a bit messed up ontravis... noreply 08/04/2019 12:39 AM 1KB
[pear/HTML_QuickForm2] f241e0: Add some debug noreply 08/04/2019 12:03 AM 1KB
[pear/HTML_QuickForm2] 03bd42: Platform-specific EOLs noreply 07/04/2019 11:38 PM 1KB
[pear/HTML_QuickForm2] aabe25: Another "Oops" noreply 07/04/2019 11:14 PM 1KB
[pear/HTML_QuickForm2] caa817: Test package installed with PEARinstaller as well noreply 07/04/2019 11:11 PM 1KB
[pear/HTML_QuickForm2] 509f31: Run tests only when dependencies areguaranteed av... noreply 07/04/2019 09:55 PM 1KB
[pear/HTML_QuickForm2] 9d441c: Back to the drawing board: installPHPUnit globall... noreply 07/04/2019 09:05 PM 1KB
[pear/HTML_Common2] noreply 07/04/2019 07:02 PM 1KB
[pear/HTML_Common2] a7867b: Add back version="2.0", up PHP dependencyto minim... noreply 07/04/2019 07:00 PM 1KB
[pear/HTML_Common2] 662be9: Oops noreply 07/04/2019 06:50 PM 1KB
[pear/HTML_Common2] b2b918: Copyright year noreply 07/04/2019 06:45 PM 1KB
[pear/HTML_Common2] 94e3cf: Saner dependencies, more humanreadability, drop i... noreply 07/04/2019 06:32 PM 1KB
[pear/HTML_QuickForm2] c47ed1: Make composer.json morehuman-readable, drop inclu... noreply 07/04/2019 05:35 PM 1KB
[pear/HTML_QuickForm2] 06e11d: Disable explicit require_oncestatements for packa... noreply 07/04/2019 05:02 PM 1KB
[pear/HTML_QuickForm2] 9bcadc: each() is deprecated noreply 07/04/2019 04:03 AM 1KB
[pear/HTML_QuickForm2] 276c77: Getting rid of deprecatedPHPUnit_Framework_TestCa... noreply 07/04/2019 02:38 AM 1KB
[pear/HTML_QuickForm2] e17b4e: Oops noreply 07/04/2019 12:08 AM 1KB
[pear/HTML_QuickForm2] 373921: Add forgotten 7.3, pear doesn't workon 5.2, opens... noreply 07/04/2019 12:05 AM 1KB
[pear/HTML_QuickForm2] 1aa54a: Wrong phpunit being run noreply 06/04/2019 11:30 PM 1KB
[pear/HTML_QuickForm2] 28e02f: Saner dependencies noreply 06/04/2019 11:23 PM 1KB
[pear/Archive_Tar] noreply 04/04/2019 05:12 PM 1KB
[pear/Archive_Tar] b794f5: Read files with bigger buffer to speed uparchive ... noreply 04/04/2019 05:05 PM 1KB
[pear/Date_Holidays] 6735eb: Driver for Peru provided by XavierNoguer and Cris... noreply 03/04/2019 05:59 AM 1KB
[pear/Net_Ping] noreply 25/03/2019 08:22 PM 1KB
[pear/Net_Ping] d44b51: Set pear-core-minimal as dependency noreply 25/03/2019 08:22 PM 1KB
[pear/Net_Ping] noreply 25/03/2019 08:04 PM 1KB
[pear/Net_Ping] 235f18: Remove dependency on pear_exception noreply 25/03/2019 08:03 PM 1KB
[pear/Mail_Queue] 0e2b41: update deps noreply 21/03/2019 06:43 PM 1KB
[pear/Mail_Queue] 8b46b3: php7 fixes noreply 21/03/2019 05:26 AM 1KB
[pear/MDB2] e1c5a7: WIP: new SQLite3 driver (result->seek() still not... noreply 21/03/2019 05:23 AM 1KB
[pear/MDB2] ee0563: PHP7 fixes noreply 19/03/2019 08:24 PM 1KB
[pear/Mail_Queue] ac1ad6: Bug #23742: Deprecated message with PHP 7.1(also ... noreply 19/03/2019 06:18 AM 1KB
[pear/pear-core] noreply 14/03/2019 02:04 AM 1KB
[pear/pear-core] 82be5c: prep for v1.10.9 noreply 14/03/2019 02:00 AM 1KB
[pear/Text_Wiki] f3919d: Fix undefined offset error, also codingstandards. noreply 13/03/2019 08:37 AM 1KB
[pear/Text_Wiki] 149f34: Fix recursive call to constructor, when achild cl... noreply 13/03/2019 07:30 AM 1KB
[pear/Calendar] 5223e1: Add tests against PHP 5.6 or later (#5) noreply 11/03/2019 04:56 PM 1KB
[pear/pear-core] 68ca63: Use strict comparison for "*" errorexpectations noreply 05/03/2019 04:33 PM 1KB
[pear/Net_Growl] noreply 04/03/2019 06:45 PM 1KB
[pear/Net_Growl] noreply 04/03/2019 06:39 PM 1KB
[pear/Net_Growl] noreply 04/03/2019 06:39 PM 1KB
[pear/Net_Growl] noreply 04/03/2019 06:39 PM 1KB
[pear/Net_Growl] noreply 04/03/2019 06:39 PM 1KB
[pear/Net_Growl] noreply 04/03/2019 06:39 PM 1KB
[pear/Net_Growl] noreply 04/03/2019 06:39 PM 1KB
[pear/Net_Growl] 1e7f1a: Added php > 7.0 and removed hhvm from travis noreply 03/03/2019 06:54 PM 1KB
[pear/Net_SmartIRC] 2f5457: fixed license identifier for composer noreply 15/02/2019 01:40 AM 1KB
[pear/Net_SmartIRC] noreply 15/02/2019 01:28 AM 1KB
[pear/Net_SmartIRC] 7b0b65: bump - v1.1.14 noreply 15/02/2019 01:28 AM 1KB
[pear/Net_SmartIRC] a0808b: Add global statement for$SMARTIRC_nreplycodes noreply 15/02/2019 12:34 AM 1KB
[pear/pear-core] 51e4e0: Adjust silencing check for PHP 8 noreply 12/02/2019 12:01 AM 1KB
[pear/XML_Feed_Parser] noreply 11/02/2019 10:09 PM 1KB
[pear/XML_Feed_Parser] d8ad45: original prep for v1.0.5 noreply 11/02/2019 10:09 PM 1KB
[pear/pear-core] noreply 08/02/2019 03:02 AM 1KB
[pear/pear-core] f287dd: prep for v1.10.8 noreply 08/02/2019 03:00 AM 1KB
[pear/pear-core] 35be71: Remove $vars argument from error handler noreply 08/02/2019 02:56 AM 1KB
[pear/pear-core] fe2a8c: Drop track_errors from options, noreply 07/02/2019 11:10 PM 1KB
[pear/Console_Getopt] noreply 07/02/2019 12:53 AM 1KB
[pear/Console_Getopt] 6c77ae: prep for v1.4.2 noreply 07/02/2019 12:52 AM 1KB
[pear/Archive_Tar] 10d69e: Disable pear upgrade noreply 01/02/2019 07:16 PM 1KB
[pear/Archive_Tar] noreply 01/02/2019 07:11 PM 1KB
[pear/Archive_Tar] b8e33f: Update package def noreply 01/02/2019 07:10 PM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/HTML_Template_Flexy/trunk/HTML/Template/Flexy/ Tokenizer.lex alan_k 07/03/2018 10:32 AM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/HTML_Template_Flexy/trunk/HTML/Template/Flexy/ Tokenizer.php alan_k 07/03/2018 10:25 AM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/HTML_Template_Flexy/trunk/HTML/Template/Flexy/Compiler/Standard/ Tag.php alan_k 07/03/2018 10:22 AM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/Mail_mimeDecode/trunk/ Mail/mimeDecode.php tests/bug21136.phpt alan_k 23/02/2018 04:35 PM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages-all/ cweiske 25/08/2017 03:06 AM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/ cweiske 25/08/2017 03:06 AM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/Mail_mimeDecode/trunk/ package.xml alan_k 25/07/2017 10:52 AM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/Mail_mimeDecode/trunk/ composer.json alan_k 12/05/2017 11:23 AM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/Mail_mimeDecode/trunk/ composer.json alan_k 12/05/2017 11:12 AM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/Mail_mimeDecode/trunk/ composer.json alan_k 12/05/2017 11:23 AM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/Mail_mimeDecode/trunk/ composer.json alan_k 12/05/2017 11:12 AM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/ cweiske 13/03/2017 04:04 AM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/Services_JSON/trunk/ JSON.php alan_k 02/02/2017 11:36 AM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/Net_IPv6/trunk/ Net/IPv6.php tests/AllTests.php alexmerz 29/10/2016 10:56 PM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/Net_IPv6/trunk/Net/ IPv6.php alexmerz 05/09/2016 05:13 AM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/Net_IPv6/trunk/tests/ AllTests.php alexmerz 05/09/2016 05:12 AM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/Mail_mimeDecode/tags/ Mail_mimeDecode-1.5.6/Mail/mimeDecode.php Mail_mimeDecode-1.5.6/package.xml Ma... alan_k 29/08/2016 11:03 AM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/Mail_mimeDecode/trunk/ package.xml alan_k 29/08/2016 11:03 AM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/Net_IPv6/trunk/Net/ IPv6.php alexmerz 07/08/2016 09:47 PM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/Net_IPv6/trunk/Net/ IPv6.php alexmerz 12/07/2016 03:03 AM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/DB_DataObject/trunk/DB/ DataObject.php alan_k 10/06/2016 01:53 PM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/DB_DataObject/trunk/DB/ DataObject.php alan_k 07/06/2016 02:30 PM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/HTML_Template_Flexy/trunk/HTML/Template/ Flexy/Element.php Flexy.php alan_k 26/05/2016 12:01 PM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/DB_DataObject/trunk/DB/ DataObject/Error.php DataObject/createTables.php DataObject.php alan_k 26/05/2016 11:59 AM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/Net_IPv6/tags/ Net_IPv6-1.3.0b2/trunk/Net/IPv6.php Net_IPv6-1.3.0b2/trunk/package.xml Net_IPv6-1.3.0... alexmerz 25/05/2016 11:17 PM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/Net_IPv6/trunk/ package.xml alexmerz 25/05/2016 11:13 PM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/SQL_Parser/tags/ SQL_Parser-0.7.0/SQL/Parser/Compiler.php SQL_Parser-0.7.0/SQL/Parser/Dialect/ANSI.p... alan_k 07/04/2016 09:49 AM 2KB
svn: /pear/packages/SQL_Parser/trunk/ package.xml alan_k 07/04/2016 09:48 AM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/Net_IPv6/trunk/ Net/IPv6.php tests/AllTests.php alexmerz 25/03/2016 08:15 PM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/DB_DataObject/trunk/DB/DataObject/ Generator.php alan_k 02/02/2016 12:12 PM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/SQL_Parser/trunk/SQL/Parser/ Compiler.php Lexer.php alan_k 26/01/2016 12:02 PM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/MDB2/trunk/ package.php package_fbsql.php package_ibase.php package_mssql.php package_mysql.php pack... danielc 17/12/2015 10:44 AM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/MDB2/trunk/ package.xml danielc 16/12/2015 10:14 PM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/MDB2/trunk/ package_ibase.php package_mssql.php package_mysql.php package_mysqli.php danielc 30/11/2015 09:35 AM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/MDB2/trunk/ LICENSE MDB2/Date.php MDB2/Driver/Datatype/Common.php MDB2/Driver/Datatype/fbsql.php MDB... danielc 30/11/2015 09:16 AM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/MDB2/trunk/ package_ibase.php package_mssql.php package_mysql.php package_mysqli.php danielc 30/11/2015 04:02 AM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/MDB2/trunk/ package.php package_fbsql.php package_ibase.php package_mssql.php package_mysql.php pack... danielc 30/11/2015 03:54 AM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/MDB2/trunk/ package.php danielc 30/11/2015 03:45 AM 1KB
svn: /pear/packages/MDB2/trunk/ package.php danielc 30/11/2015 03:26 AM 1KB
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svn: /pear/packages-all/ avb 11/01/2014 06:53 PM 1KB
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