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Subject From Date Size
[php-src] Issue #12167: No way to get the contents of a processing instruction in SimpleXML noreply 26/09/2023 02:06 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12298: Timer leaks on pcntl_fork in ZTS build noreply 26/09/2023 12:20 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12297: PHP Startup: Invalid library (maybe not a PHP library) '' in Unknown on line noreply 25/09/2023 11:34 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12296: odbc_connect does not pass authentication information to the driver under certain conditions noreply 25/09/2023 11:14 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12294: PDOException::getCode() returns string instead of int noreply 25/09/2023 06:04 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12190: Socket options: bindto => 0:0 throwing Invalid IP address 0 noreply 24/09/2023 10:35 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12273: __builtin_cpu_init configure check relies on void return value noreply 24/09/2023 03:24 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12290: bug in json_encode noreply 24/09/2023 03:19 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12282: IntlDateFormatter returns incorrect week number for an invalid locale (and doesn't throw an exce... noreply 24/09/2023 03:27 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12282: IntlDateFormatter returns incorrect week number for an invalid locale (and doesn't throw an exce... noreply 23/09/2023 06:14 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12273: __builtin_cpu_init configure check relies on void return value noreply 22/09/2023 11:49 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12271: IntBackedEnum and StringBackedEnum cannot be determined with is_a() noreply 22/09/2023 10:36 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12271: IntBackedEnum and StringBackedEnum cannot be determined with is_a() noreply 22/09/2023 09:16 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12265: Cloning breaks serialization recursion noreply 22/09/2023 08:06 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12261: is_no_input noreply 22/09/2023 12:17 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12263: Offer to host RISC-V CI runner noreply 21/09/2023 11:17 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12262: Tracing JIT assertion crash when using phpstan noreply 21/09/2023 11:01 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12261: is_no_input noreply 21/09/2023 08:56 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12235: Make test "CURLOPT_SSL* basic client auth tests [ext/curl/tests/curl_setopt_ssl.phpt]" failed noreply 21/09/2023 08:20 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12259: Convert built-in function names to camel case noreply 21/09/2023 02:21 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12259: Convert built-in function names to camel case noreply 21/09/2023 02:07 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12243: IntlDateFormatter crashes (SIGSEGV) when dateType is outside expected range noreply 21/09/2023 12:50 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12148: PHP-CGI suspected of not returning data causing 504 gateway timeout noreply 21/09/2023 08:19 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12255: Tracing JIT triggers wrong Array to string conversion in Psalm noreply 21/09/2023 04:41 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12215: Typed property DOMDocument::$documentElement must not be accessed before initialization noreply 21/09/2023 03:19 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12251: odbc_pconnect fails with special characters noreply 20/09/2023 10:22 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12249: Hang when using amphp/parallel and tracing JIT noreply 20/09/2023 10:03 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12243: IntlDateFormatter crashes (SIGSEGV) when dateType is outside recognized range noreply 19/09/2023 04:49 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11956: PCRE regular expressions with JIT enabled gives different result noreply 19/09/2023 02:30 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12207: Memory leak when class and trait declare same static property with doc block in 8.3 noreply 19/09/2023 01:01 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12180: PHP-src build documentation noreply 18/09/2023 07:17 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12124: SIGSEGV in zend_mm_alloc_small while executing spl_perform_autoload with Saxon extension noreply 11/09/2023 06:24 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12161: pcntl_wait suspend forever to wait child process finishing noreply 11/09/2023 02:30 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11435: Promoted trait interface noreply 11/09/2023 02:14 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11435: Promoted trait interface noreply 11/09/2023 02:14 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11331: can we get a PDO::quoteIdentifier ? noreply 11/09/2023 08:27 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12172: Cookie not accessible with HTTP, only with HTTPS noreply 11/09/2023 07:39 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12172: Cookie not accessible with HTTP, only with HTTPS noreply 11/09/2023 07:10 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12171: SimpleXML element comparison is broken noreply 11/09/2023 06:14 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12123: Compile error on MacOS with C++ extension when using ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_WITH_RETURN_TYPE_INFO_EX noreply 11/09/2023 04:57 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12170: Can't use xpath with comments in SimpleXML noreply 11/09/2023 03:30 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12169: Unable to get comment contents in SimpleXML noreply 11/09/2023 03:14 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12168: Mixing processing instructions and element nodes gives inconsistent results in SimpleXML noreply 11/09/2023 01:09 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12167: No way to get the contents of a processing instruction in SimpleXML noreply 10/09/2023 03:50 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11878: SQLite3 callback functions cause a memory leak with a callable array noreply 09/09/2023 09:49 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12093: Multidimensional array memory leak noreply 09/09/2023 03:37 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12161: pcntl_wait suspend forever to wait child process finishing noreply 09/09/2023 09:01 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12157: php-fpm master processes runs 100% CPU and keeps spawning new ones noreply 09/09/2023 04:00 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12155: PHP 8.2 FPM Leaks processes on pcntl_fork noreply 08/09/2023 10:28 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #10092: Internal stream casting should not emit lost bytes warning twice noreply 08/09/2023 09:47 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12153: Processing of round() function is incorrect noreply 08/09/2023 09:20 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12153: Processing of round() function is incorrect noreply 08/09/2023 08:47 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12151: str_getcsv ending with escape zero segfualt noreply 08/09/2023 06:13 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12151: str_getcsv ending with escape zero segfualt noreply 07/09/2023 11:13 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12102: Fatal error: Cannot use result of built-in function in write context noreply 07/09/2023 08:40 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12150: Allow enums to have readonly properties a la Java enums noreply 07/09/2023 07:31 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12135: PHP Fatal Error: Cannot open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory when calling session_start(... noreply 07/09/2023 02:59 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12135: PHP Fatal Error: Cannot open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory when calling session_start(... noreply 07/09/2023 10:51 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12148: PHP-CGI suspected of not returning data causing 504 gateway timeout noreply 07/09/2023 05:31 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12148: PHP-CGI suspected of not returning data causing 504 gateway timeout noreply 07/09/2023 05:31 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12148: PHP-CGI suspected of not returning data causing 504 gateway timeout noreply 07/09/2023 05:31 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12145: No windows install found noreply 07/09/2023 01:26 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12145: No windows install found noreply 07/09/2023 12:47 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12137: Missing <pre> when using highlight_string noreply 06/09/2023 11:59 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12144: Assert is not works if install php from ppa:ondrej/php ubuntu repository noreply 06/09/2023 10:23 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12144: Assert is not works if install php from ppa:ondrej/php ubuntu repository noreply 06/09/2023 09:54 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12143: Incorrect `round(0.49999999999999994, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)` result noreply 06/09/2023 08:58 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12139: Static anonymous functions as default property value noreply 06/09/2023 07:13 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12138: PHP build in web server cant call itself via curl noreply 06/09/2023 06:41 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12138: PHP build in web server cant call itself via curl noreply 06/09/2023 05:54 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12137: highlight_string err noreply 06/09/2023 05:34 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12135: PHP Fatal Error: Cannot open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory when calling session_start(... noreply 06/09/2023 01:46 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12134: PHP does not hide command line arguments noreply 06/09/2023 01:39 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12131: Bug caused by 1255 JIT noreply 05/09/2023 09:51 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12128: Unable to read the cert store when Using openssl_pkcs12_read with OpenSSL 3.x noreply 05/09/2023 06:20 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12060: internal iterator rewind handler is called twice noreply 05/09/2023 05:50 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12126: sscanf(): Bad scan conversion character "." noreply 05/09/2023 03:40 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12125: About FPU control word settings in 32-bit environment noreply 05/09/2023 08:50 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12124: SIGSEGV in zend_mm_alloc_small while executing spl_perform_autoload with Saxon extension noreply 05/09/2023 08:10 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12121: DateTime::createFromFormat not works with incorrect date like 31 february noreply 05/09/2023 07:43 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12122: Readonly constructor parameter without visibility is promoted to public class property. noreply 05/09/2023 07:21 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11486: No releases available for package ""; certificate still expi... noreply 05/09/2023 06:32 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12110: Corrupted PHP install during building the image noreply 05/09/2023 05:34 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12123: Compile error on MacOS with C++ extension when using ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_WITH_RETURN_TYPE_INFO_EX noreply 05/09/2023 02:36 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12122: Readonly constructor parameter without visibility is promoted to public class property. noreply 04/09/2023 11:07 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12121: DateTime::createFromFormat not works with incorrect date like 31 february noreply 04/09/2023 10:43 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12073: Segmentation fault during request shutdown when memory limit is exceeded during closure initiali... noreply 04/09/2023 09:54 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12118: Add "realpath" support for custom stream wrapper noreply 04/09/2023 02:59 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12020: intl_get_error_message() broken after MessageFormatter::formatMessage() fails noreply 03/09/2023 08:21 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12112: Cannot enable intl module with gettext-0.22: configure fails noreply 03/09/2023 04:50 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12110: Corrupted PHP install during building the image noreply 03/09/2023 03:42 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12107: When running a stored procedure (that returns a result set) twice, PHP crashes noreply 03/09/2023 01:30 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12106: if query parameter value processing is different when value is empty or null noreply 02/09/2023 06:06 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12104: FAILED TEST In Macbook noreply 02/09/2023 05:55 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11930: No 8.0.30 Windows build noreply 02/09/2023 12:26 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12094: 8.1.23 tag missing from GitHub noreply 02/09/2023 12:22 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12100: running phpize get Console_Getopt: unrecognized option -- w noreply 01/09/2023 10:55 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12102: Fatal error: Cannot use result of built-in function in write context noreply 01/09/2023 09:57 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12075: Floats rounds down noreply 01/09/2023 05:16 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12100: running phpize get Console_Getopt: unrecognized option -- w noreply 01/09/2023 12:08 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12097: Stringable object should accepted as type-hinted string when in strict-typing mode noreply 01/09/2023 08:59 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12099: phpdbg abort/segfault (php 8.1.21) noreply 01/09/2023 06:26 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12097: Stringable object should accepted as type-hinted string when in strict-typing mode noreply 01/09/2023 05:41 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12097: Stringable object should accepted as type-hinted string when in strict-typing mode noreply 01/09/2023 05:07 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12094: 8.1.23 tag missing from GitHub noreply 01/09/2023 02:22 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12093: Multidimensional array memory leak noreply 01/09/2023 12:06 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12091: Hard to figure out from an error message where incompatible method declarations meet noreply 31/08/2023 10:37 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12088: DateTime::createFromFormat() parse incorrectly 'my' formatted month/year string noreply 31/08/2023 09:12 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12088: DateTime::createFromFormat() parse incorrectly 'my' formatted month/year string noreply 31/08/2023 05:05 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11975: Anonymous class names change based on the opcache status of the PHP file noreply 31/08/2023 08:19 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11972: RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator regression in 8.1.18 noreply 31/08/2023 04:54 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11876: ini_parse_quantity() accepts invalid arguments as valid noreply 31/08/2023 04:52 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12077: PHP 8.3.0RC1 borked socket-close-on-exec.phpt noreply 30/08/2023 09:44 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11847: DTrace enabled build is broken noreply 30/08/2023 08:55 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12045: Does php has full support for LIBUV noreply 30/08/2023 06:35 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12082: Invalid library on macOS when compiling libphp statically noreply 30/08/2023 06:15 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11486: No releases available for package ""; certificate still expi... noreply 30/08/2023 05:18 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12081: LDAPS client certificate authentication does not work noreply 30/08/2023 05:16 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #9936: PHP unserialize bypass wakeup 8.1.1-fpm version noreply 30/08/2023 02:35 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12080: Add expose_php option with reduced precision noreply 30/08/2023 09:45 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12077: PHP 8.3.0RC1 borked socket-close-on-exec.phpt noreply 30/08/2023 02:56 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12076: sqlite3_bind_bug68849 fail on x86 with sqlite 3.43 noreply 30/08/2023 02:44 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12075: Floats rounds down noreply 30/08/2023 01:51 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12070: Make Test : FAILED TEST noreply 29/08/2023 11:18 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11934: [FFI] Allow to pass CData into struct and/or union fields. noreply 29/08/2023 11:16 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12073: Segmentation fault during request shutdown when memory limit is exceeded during closure initiali... noreply 29/08/2023 09:30 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12071: Support PHP_CLI_SERVER_WORKERS on Windows noreply 29/08/2023 04:39 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12070: Make Test : FAILED TEST noreply 29/08/2023 04:05 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12053: [PDO] Integration of pdo_raise_impl_error and pdo_handle_error, or clear separation noreply 29/08/2023 10:17 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12069: PHP 8.3 | Incorrect error when using `static` on parameter in extended class noreply 29/08/2023 05:32 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11930: No 8.0.30 Windows build noreply 29/08/2023 03:33 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11930: No 8.0.30 Windows build noreply 29/08/2023 03:21 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12052: Time Zone Un-Abbreviated Names noreply 28/08/2023 10:07 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12063: gen_stub.php noreply 28/08/2023 09:02 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #9441: fseek does not work with php://input when data is not pre-read noreply 28/08/2023 08:46 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11982: str_getcsv returns null byte for unterminated quoted string noreply 28/08/2023 06:42 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12063: gen_stub.php noreply 28/08/2023 04:21 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11223: Proposal: abstract constants noreply 28/08/2023 08:27 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11799: broken SSL mariadDB connections after 8.1.1 to 8.2.8 php upgrade noreply 28/08/2023 08:19 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11244: Modifying a copied by-ref iterated array resets the array position noreply 28/08/2023 07:38 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12060: internal iterator rewind handler is called twice noreply 28/08/2023 12:49 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12057: DOMDocument::loadHtml closing tag depth error when there are many top-level depth tags noreply 27/08/2023 11:09 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12057: Tag level error closing div in DOMDocument::loadHtml noreply 27/08/2023 07:14 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12055: array_filter ignores strict_types noreply 27/08/2023 04:56 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11954: remote php code execution in GD imagecreatefromjpeg noreply 27/08/2023 08:19 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11908: PHP > 8.1 fails to detect Māori macrons noreply 26/08/2023 11:39 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12055: array_filter ignores strict_types noreply 26/08/2023 09:56 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12053: [PDO] Integration of pdo_raise_impl_error and pdo_handle_error, or clear separation noreply 26/08/2023 07:01 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11707: PHP-FPM on 8.2 seems to spawn many children without any corresponding requests noreply 26/08/2023 06:36 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12052: Time Zone Un-Abbreviated Names noreply 26/08/2023 08:41 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12048: Function (usually taking filenames) inconsistently display important arguments in errors noreply 26/08/2023 02:01 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12045: Does php has full support for LIBUV noreply 25/08/2023 07:32 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11952: Confusing warning when blocking entity loading via libxml_set_external_entity_loader noreply 25/08/2023 03:45 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11979: Property attributes of internal classes are never freed. noreply 24/08/2023 10:20 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12038: An error occurs in set_attribute when using PDO SQLSRV noreply 24/08/2023 08:59 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11903: where is the embed sapi doc? noreply 24/08/2023 08:57 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #10850: PECL website does not offer Windows DLLs anymore noreply 24/08/2023 08:56 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12041: $_FILES have a last file field only when file filed names are duplicated. noreply 24/08/2023 11:02 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12027: Test failed after building. Test Bug #73594 noreply 24/08/2023 10:31 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12041: $_FILES have a last file field only when file filed names are duplicated. noreply 24/08/2023 09:43 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12038: An error occurs in set_attribute when using PDO SQLSRV noreply 23/08/2023 11:10 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12032: PDO::getAttribute() behaves differently than document noreply 23/08/2023 01:26 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12031: Add dynmaic type noreply 23/08/2023 12:40 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12030: I was confused. noreply 23/08/2023 12:39 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12031: Add dynmaic type noreply 23/08/2023 12:07 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12030: I was confused. noreply 23/08/2023 10:35 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11268: Allow CTE on mb_xxx functions noreply 23/08/2023 06:49 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12027: Test failed after building. Test Bug #73594 noreply 23/08/2023 05:03 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12024: DOMDocument::saveXML(): XML_SAVE_NO_DECL [ext/dom/tests/DOMDocument_saveXML_XML_SAVE_NO_DECL.php... noreply 23/08/2023 02:53 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12021: fatal: morestack on g0 noreply 23/08/2023 02:43 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12020: intl_get_error_message() broken after MessageFormatter::formatMessage() fails noreply 23/08/2023 12:07 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12019: Image format detection false positives with external GD noreply 22/08/2023 09:07 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11899: ASAN stack-buffer-underflow during compilation noreply 22/08/2023 08:19 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12012: imagescale returns false with mode IMG_BICUBIC_FIXED or IMG_BICUBIC noreply 22/08/2023 02:34 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12012: imagescale returns false with mode IMG_BICUBIC_FIXED or IMG_BICUBIC noreply 21/08/2023 11:33 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12010: opcache crashes on high volume IIS servers (Windows) noreply 21/08/2023 08:25 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12009: Add a setting item to allow dynamic properties in bulk noreply 21/08/2023 02:26 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12009: Add a setting item to allow dynamic properties in bulk noreply 21/08/2023 02:02 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #12008: static call in constant assigning has a php fatal error noreply 21/08/2023 03:51 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11997: ctype_alnum 5 times slower in PHP 8.1 or greater noreply 19/08/2023 08:29 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #10120: Add DNF types support for internal functions noreply 19/08/2023 07:24 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11994: Optional arguments don't work with named parameters noreply 18/08/2023 10:45 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11994: Optional arguments don't work with named parameters noreply 18/08/2023 05:31 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11992: utf_encodings.phpt fails on Windows 32-bit noreply 18/08/2023 01:27 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11937: Segfault in ReflectionAttribute->__toString() noreply 18/08/2023 12:58 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11039: Nested imports - Deeper levels noreply 17/08/2023 08:26 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11834: floatval return negative zero noreply 17/08/2023 08:19 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11989: Inconsistent DateTime validation when creating from format noreply 17/08/2023 04:08 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11989: Inconsistent DateTime validation when creating from format noreply 16/08/2023 11:24 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11987: atd is crashing in php 8.2.7 noreply 16/08/2023 04:57 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11987: atd is crashing in php 8.2.7 noreply 16/08/2023 04:44 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11985: Can't get a perfect score for the tests, what's going on here? noreply 16/08/2023 09:04 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11984: The chroot() doesn't get properly enabled/disabled when building SAPIs noreply 16/08/2023 06:18 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11883: memory leak in `zend_type_release` noreply 16/08/2023 12:28 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11958: DNF types in trait properties do not get bound properly noreply 16/08/2023 12:28 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11982: str_getcsv returns null byte for unterminated quoted string noreply 15/08/2023 11:43 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11981: Case mismatch in `SCRIPT_NAME` on IIS with Rewrite module noreply 15/08/2023 11:22 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11979: Property attributes of internal classes are never freed. noreply 15/08/2023 09:54 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11977: bug or feature? noreply 15/08/2023 03:06 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11977: bug or feature? noreply 15/08/2023 12:42 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11975: Anonymous class names change based on the opcache status of the PHP file noreply 15/08/2023 07:23 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11972: RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator regression in 8.1.18 noreply 15/08/2023 02:23 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11967: Shutdown callback is affected by max execution time, but documentation says otherwise. noreply 15/08/2023 02:05 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11971: set_timeout() fails to terminate execution when IO Latency is high noreply 14/08/2023 11:24 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11848: Nextcloud Fatal Error Insufficient shared memory noreply 14/08/2023 10:42 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11966: Microtime rate-limited? noreply 14/08/2023 09:16 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11967: Shutdown callback is affected by max execution time, but documentation says otherwise. noreply 14/08/2023 08:59 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11966: Microtime rate-limited? noreply 14/08/2023 08:18 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11964: In ext/date/php_date.stub.php , DateRangeError extends itself noreply 14/08/2023 08:10 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11964: In ext/date/php_date.stub.php , DateRangeError extends itself noreply 14/08/2023 06:35 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11963: OPCache crashing in PHP 8.2.8, fine in 8.2.6 noreply 14/08/2023 06:30 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11734: Crash in zend_objects_store_free_object_storage due to uninitialised handlers noreply 14/08/2023 05:23 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11960: Disabling a class with typed properties causes a use after free noreply 14/08/2023 08:10 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11958: DNF types in trait properties do not get bound properly noreply 14/08/2023 04:20 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11956: PCRE regular expressions with JIT enabled gives different result noreply 13/08/2023 10:25 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11953: Bug here. IN EVERY VERSION! noreply 13/08/2023 07:23 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11954: remote php code execution in GD imagecreatefromjpeg noreply 13/08/2023 04:53 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11953: Bug here. IN EVERY VERSION! noreply 13/08/2023 04:01 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11953: Bug here. IN EVERY VERSION! noreply 13/08/2023 03:35 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11952: Confusing warning when blocking entity loading via libxml_set_external_entity_loader noreply 13/08/2023 01:23 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11950: mysqlnd: error message is inappropriate in some cases noreply 13/08/2023 12:25 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11949: php `DateTime` not yet support nanosecond noreply 13/08/2023 12:11 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11946: `stat` only provide timestamp down to second instead of nanosecond noreply 12/08/2023 10:28 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11944: Have cURL extension look for certificates in directory set by "openssl.capath" noreply 12/08/2023 03:49 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11942: Constructors of intl extension formatter classes don't canonicalise locale strings noreply 12/08/2023 12:16 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11941: soap with session persistence will silently fails when "seession" built as a shared object noreply 11/08/2023 09:16 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11937: Segfault in ReflectionAttribute->__toString() noreply 11/08/2023 04:55 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11936: `preg_grep` should return false when `preg_match` does noreply 11/08/2023 04:50 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11934: [FFI] Allow to pass CData into struct and/or union fields. noreply 11/08/2023 02:18 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11849: curl_basic_009.phpt test fails on curl 8.2.1 noreply 10/08/2023 10:08 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11923: RHEL8 - cannot compile local PHP opcache - noreply 10/08/2023 08:32 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11930: No 8.0.30 Windows build noreply 10/08/2023 03:27 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #9208: Enum case as Array key? noreply 10/08/2023 07:06 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11897: mysqli->ping() throws an exception if the connection is broken noreply 10/08/2023 01:38 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11920: Unable to recursivelly call __set() noreply 09/08/2023 11:25 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11920: Unable to recursivelly call __set() noreply 09/08/2023 11:24 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11416: DatePeriod can crash if passed non initialized DateInterfaces noreply 09/08/2023 10:53 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11920: Unable to recursivelly call __set() noreply 09/08/2023 10:52 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11923: RHEL8 - cannot compile local PHP opcache - noreply 09/08/2023 09:57 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11920: Unable to recursivelly call __set() noreply 09/08/2023 07:15 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11918: OpenSSL X509 Version noreply 09/08/2023 04:23 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11916: PHP 8.1.22 pcntl_waitpid does not work noreply 09/08/2023 02:16 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11915: No PHP 8.2.9 release noreply 09/08/2023 12:08 PM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11918: OpenSSL X509 Version noreply 09/08/2023 10:32 AM 1KB
[php-src] Issue #11917: primitives seem to be passed via reference instead of by value under some conditions when opcach... noreply 09/08/2023 07:13 AM 1KB
Bug #81537 [Com]: Error in regular expression using negation. php-bugs 09/08/2023 10:34 PM 1KB
Bug #18544 [Com]: Rogue > added to variable on mail() php-bugs 10/08/2023 08:26 PM 1KB
Bug #73053 [Com]: XML reader with setSchema now fails under 5.6.25 php-bugs 10/08/2023 09:22 PM 1KB
Bug #81029 [Com]: SOAP HTTP socket not closing on object destruction php-bugs 10/08/2023 11:37 PM 1KB
Bug #80931 [Com]: file_get_contents() hangs with HTTP/1.1 if server doesn't close connection php-bugs 11/08/2023 12:52 AM 1KB
   Bug #80931 [Com]: file_get_contents() hangs with HTTP/1.1 if server doesn't close connection php-bugs 20/09/2023 07:49 PM 1KB
   Bug #80931 [Com]: file_get_contents() hangs with HTTP/1.1 if server doesn't close connection php-bugs 20/09/2023 07:53 PM 1KB
Bug #80927 [Ver->Csd]: Removing documentElement after creating attribute node: possible use-after-free git 13/08/2023 12:49 AM 1KB
Bug #75741 [Com]: enable_post_data_reading not working on PHP-FPM php-bugs 14/08/2023 02:52 PM 1KB
Bug #81992 [Opn->Csd]: SplFixedArray::setSize() causes use-after-free git 15/08/2023 03:39 AM 1KB
Req #65717 [PATCH]: stat() should supply nano second granularity php-bugs 20/08/2023 01:43 AM 1KB
Req #12866 [PATCH]: Speaking of Payment Processing... will PHP ever have a POST() function? php-bugs 20/08/2023 06:19 AM 1KB
Bug #81276 [Com]: Using curl/libcurl with NSS backend fails to load curl extension php-bugs 20/08/2023 08:17 PM 1KB
Req #33728 [Com]: Allow to include files in php.ini php-bugs 22/08/2023 05:04 PM 1KB
Bug #79213 [PATCH]: mb_check_encoding doesn't return true with valid base64 strings php-bugs 22/08/2023 06:09 PM 1KB
Req #76798 [Com]: Can't configure PHP-FPM via environment variables php-bugs 23/08/2023 01:47 PM 1KB
Req #81704 [Com]: opcache.restrict_api not working with PHP-FPM php-bugs 23/08/2023 07:15 PM 1KB
Bug #80192 [Com]: session.use_trans_sid brokes JSON encoded HTML string php-bugs 23/08/2023 07:22 PM 1KB
Bug #81151 [Com]: bypass __wakeup php-bugs 24/08/2023 05:28 PM 1KB
Bug #16872 [Com]: PHP crashes at session_start() php-bugs 25/08/2023 07:28 PM 1KB
Bug #66611 [Dup]: php allows sockets to be inherited bukka 26/08/2023 10:31 PM 1KB
Bug #80992 [Opn->Csd]: fork() don't close fpm_globals.listening_socket bukka 26/08/2023 10:32 PM 1KB
Bug #76067 [Asn->Csd]: system() function call leaks php-fpm listening sockets bukka 26/08/2023 10:32 PM 1KB
Bug #81524 [Opn->Csd]: json_encode() on JsonSerializable populates the properties HashTable bukka 26/08/2023 10:36 PM 1KB
Bug #71127 [Com]: Define in auto_prepend_file is overwrite php-bugs 27/08/2023 12:26 AM 1KB
Bug #71385 [Opn->Csd]: require* and include* do not detect input/output error bukka 28/08/2023 02:01 AM 1KB
Bug #52335 [Opn->Csd]: fseek() on memory stream behavior different then file git 28/08/2023 08:32 PM 1KB
Bug #12063 [NoF->Csd]: "make install" fails on cp lib/ git 28/08/2023 08:48 PM 1KB
Bug #76857 [Opn->Csd]: Can read �𦨭on-existant��files git 28/08/2023 11:54 PM 1KB
Bug #60110 [PATCH]: fclose(), file_put_contents(), copy() do not return false properly php-bugs 29/08/2023 11:40 PM 1KB
   Bug #60110 [Opn]: fclose(), file_put_contents(), copy() do not return false properly bukka 29/08/2023 11:41 PM 1KB
Bug #80259 [Com]: Bad handling of RFC 2047 in case of folding white space php-bugs 30/08/2023 01:09 PM 1KB
Req #37989 [Com]: Enviroment variables not availabe on exec,mail,... php-bugs 05/09/2023 06:13 PM 1KB
Bug #33886 [Com]: PDO Prepared Statement fails if binding id (:blah) is used more then once. php-bugs 06/09/2023 09:50 AM 1KB
Bug #80006 [Com]: phpdbg next command doesn't step over as documented php-bugs 06/09/2023 04:33 PM 1KB
Bug #81335 [Com]: PHP Warning, Packets out of order after connection timeout php-bugs 06/09/2023 05:33 PM 1KB
Doc->Bug #66712 [Ver->Csd]: Using LIBXML_HTML_NOIMPLIED on DomDocument::loadHTML() gives unexpected results nielsdos 08/09/2023 02:46 AM 1KB
Bug #70584 [Com]: Spontanous loss of all $_SESSION variables php-bugs 09/09/2023 03:32 PM 1KB
Req #46684 [Opn->Csd]: Could SimpleXmlElement's constructor be made non-final? nielsdos 10/09/2023 05:42 AM 1KB
Req #81439 [Opn->Csd]: Please support the /n pattern modifier (PCRE2_NO_AUTO_CAPTURE) nielsdos 10/09/2023 05:59 AM 1KB
Bug #30145 [Com]: mssql_fetch_field; proberty "column_source" doesn`t work correctly php-bugs 10/09/2023 10:14 PM 1KB
Bug #55538 [Ver]: Error when unsetting a child of an SimpleXmlElement nielsdos 11/09/2023 04:57 AM 1KB
Req #52751 [Opn->Csd]: XPath processing-instruction() function is not supported. git 11/09/2023 06:16 AM 1KB
Bug #81614 [Com]: PHP 8.0.12 build failed with PGO php-bugs 12/09/2023 02:52 PM 1KB
Bug #1 [Csd]: Apache 1.3b3 + mod_php3 is slow derick 17/09/2023 09:11 PM 1KB
Bug #67141 [Asn]: PHP FPM vhost pollution bukka 17/09/2023 11:50 PM 1KB
Bug #64151 [Asn]: Invalid include extension_dir bukka 18/09/2023 12:53 AM 1KB
   Bug #64151 [Asn->Nab]: Invalid include extension_dir bukka 18/09/2023 12:54 AM 1KB
Req #66282 [Com]: add preserve_keys feature to array_shift php-bugs 20/09/2023 02:32 PM 1KB
Req #47875 [Com]: No option to set HTML input encoding php-bugs 21/09/2023 01:54 AM 1KB
Bug #55098 [Ver->Csd]: SimpleXML iteration produces infinite loop git 21/09/2023 03:05 AM 1KB
Bug #78316 [Com]: opcache_invalidate() doesn't work as expected php-bugs 22/09/2023 10:22 AM 1KB
Bug #79642 [Opn->Dup]: xml_parse() fails with XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY with a mere 17M file nielsdos 24/09/2023 02:06 AM 1KB
Req #53655 [Opn->Csd]: Improve speed of DOMNode::C14N() on large XML documents nielsdos 24/09/2023 03:01 AM 1KB
Bug #75708 [Ver]: getimagesize with "&$imageinfo" fails on StreamWrappers bukka 24/09/2023 04:41 AM 1KB